Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies


“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse.

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Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison, if convicted of both charges.

Robert J. Moore II (D) of Kenosha and DA Candidate Carli McNeill (D)

Moore is a democrat political operative in Kenosha and has made tens of thousands of dollars doing websites, social media, video work and other tasks for democrats running for political office. Moore runs 4D Business Group INC. Most recently Moore was hired by Judge Candidate Frank Gagliardi and Candidate for Kenosha District Attorney Carli McNeill. She paid him about $20,000. He also did a lot of work for Mayor David Bogdala. He is a board member with the Kenosha United Way, an ambassador with the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce, and a former board member at the Big Brothers and Sisters of Racine and Kenosha. No one from the United Way responded to us but the executive director of the Chamber was first made aware of this case by KCE so wasn’t prepared to speak on the issue, but did communicate with us.

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Moore and Kenosha-Area Democrats

An Illinois judge signed a restraining order on April 16, 2024 prohibiting Moore from contacting his wife and his two minor children. According to the petition, his wife alleged the following:

“This morning, February 2, 2024, our two-year-old daughter took her diaper off at night and wet the bed. At 6:30 a.m., he stripped her down, took her in the bathroom, and put her in the cold shower. He told me he would hurt anyone including my family if I left. He gets really aggressive with the twins when they do wrong. In the past, he has thrown me on the bed or corners me if I do not respond to him. I am continuously isolated from my family. I had my oldest son leave and move to my mother’s last April due to all the hostility and verbal abuse. I’m monitored wherever I go and I’m not allowed to talk to others that do not suit his liking. I fear for my children’s safety and mine. He has a history of abuse from his older kids and ex-wife.”

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The same day of the above allegations, Moore’s wife called the police. According to the criminal complaint:

Moore’s wife went to the Kenosha Police Department to speak with a Kenosha Police Officer. She stated that Moore’s verbal and physical abuse became worse after she gave birth to the two’s twins. She stated that Moore’s behavior was escalating to such an extent that she felt it necessary to move her son from a previous relationship out of the residence. She stated that Moore’s older children used to reside with them but since moved out and moved to their mother’s house.

She told police about Moore punishing their then-1-year-old daughter by placing her in an ice cold shower as punishment for peeing in the bed. She told police that Moore told her “God has given me power and I’m the most respected man that has ever been in your life.”  He also told her that if “she wanted him to be a beast, he can be a beast.” Moore’s wife played an audio recording of this incident for the police officer.

She reported that on August 6, 2023 Moore struck one of the one-year-old girl’s leg causing a red mark. She provided police with a photo of the injury which appeared to be red and blotchy in color. She reported that on October 28, 2023 that the Moore struck one of the one-year-old twins on her leg causing a red mark and spanked her very hard leaving bruises. She also provided multiple photos of the injuries including on the outer thigh area and a bruise on her leg.

Moore’s wife stated that she believed he was tracking her cell phone so she consistently kept it on airplane mode. Her mother, who is with her at the police department, stated that she also thought Moore was tracking her.  She told police that Moore told her that he ” knows too many people in Kenosha and that no one would believe you.”

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A detective interviewed Moore on May 29, 2024 about the investigation. He asked Moore why his child moved out and he said that she did not agree with his “boundaries and standards.” Moore told the detective that the disagreements about raising their children was the “nail in the coffin” regarding his relationship with his wife. Moore admitted that he would discipline his older child for not doing “household chores.” 

The detective asked why his 1-year-old daughter needed to be disciplined and he stated for “what regular kids would do” describing that she would get into things, jump around, and test her boundaries. He told the detective that he would give his 1-year-old girl a small pat on the hand or butt to redirect them. He admitted to putting his 1-year-old daughter in the cold water but then said that he made the water warmer. When confronted with the photos of the injuries on his child, he said they were from them “not watching where they’re going.”

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Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Moore was charged by the Kenosha County DA’s office. Graveley then, on July 16, 2024, asked the Walworth County DA, Zeke Wiedenfeld (D) to take the case, assumingly so that the charges would be dismissed or reduced to misdemeanors. Graveley also didn’t make Moore have to be arrested, fingerprinted, or photographed – no mugshots.

Walworth County Prosecutor Jim Sempf Today “In Court” Via Zoom (LEFT)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Moore plead “not guilty” today in court. He is due back in court on November 1, 2024.



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39 Responses

  1. No surprise the Kenosha DA’s office (Carli and Co.) sent this to another county! This guy was getting THOUSANDS from Criminal Crazed Carli. Why has she tried to ignore this and pretend like she has no affiliation to this loser? Kenosha voters need to clean house in the DA’s office this November.

  2. What is the point of having a District Attorney if so many cases constitute a “conflict interest” that Gravely transfers them to other jurisdictions? Kenosha County has 170K residents, of course you’re going to know lots of the parties slightly. How unprofessional is our DA’s office that these lawyers can’t separate their personal feelings from the job they signed up to do? I’ve never heard of any DA’s office transferring this many cases out.

  3. Is he the ring leader of the Soros funded campaign to steal another election? Moore received the “privileged treatment” from Marxist Graveley.

  4. He cries he is a Christian man of Gaod… this is who he really is… a manipulator, and abuser (mentally, emotionally, physically, and verbally) , and a toxic human in general. He isn’t. Dem he just takes their money…. he is a MONSTER. Finally his true colors are showing… let’s just hope “his friends” let him drown in his own mess. We can only hope the justice system does its job and charges this MONSTER on all counts!!!!!

    1. 100% Known about this POS for a long time! His secrets are finally coming to light. Do you “really know him” … maybe you will now.

    2. My comment of him being a Christian man of God, I know him personally and that is why I can comment about his character FIRST HAD… he is no mad of God and not a Democrat.. he is a republican on all platform’s.. hopefully the justice system DOES ITS JOB! NO BODY SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW JUST BECAUSE OF WHO THEY KNOW!!

  5. This man is disgusting, if you ever meet him in person it would be immediate ick. He better go to jail for hurting those babies and terrorizing his family all while claiming to be a man of God.

    Luke 12:2-3 (ESV)
    Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.

  6. Mr. Moore has been trying to grow his political consulting enterprise. I had questions about the quality of his skills and whether he was truly invested in his clients and the community, seemingly pushing his own agenda over the interests of clients and the community.

    1. Just another piece of democrat trash.

      One year old babies this man is beating on………..let that sink in. A grown man beating on one year old children.
      Read that many times over.

  7. The mom has crazy eyes. I believe him. Kenosha’s DA is power hungry for unfounded convictions. Who cares about his political leanings? We have weaponized our judgement based on someone’s policy leanings. It’s a terrible society. Innocent until proven guilty.

      1. It’s been 9 days and he still can’t come up with a reason? I’m pretty decent at reading people, the second I saw the picture of Moore in this article I knew there was something wrong with him. Big smile and no soul.

  8. It’s a bit tough to differentiate who is the bigest loser, Moore, Gravely or McNeill. All these smiling woke ass cibic leader’s have to be standing proud with their photo’s displayed with this child abuser. On another note, I’m missing my yard sign’s, any idea’s McNeill?

  9. Nice montage of the Kenosha Socialist elite !! I wished I could say I’m surprised. These are the kind of people you vote into office and appoint to community boards. And who is front and center in the pictures our Mayor !!!

  10. I met him at a mayoral event. He seemed like a nice guy. He has a striking presence. You cannot miss him in a crowd. He was at most of the political events I attended.

  11. Someone please explain why the district attorneys office took so long to file criminal charges. The district attorney’s office knew about these incidents and just sat on them. And why wasn’t he charged for throwing his wife and not allowing her to leave? Now this case was sent to another county. Again Democrat Carli McNeill is not fit to become our next district attorney.

  12. Another Andy Berg… thinks he’s above the law because of his social status.

    Kenosha really eats these people up and ignores their TRUE COLORS. WAKE UP!!! Stop giving these people slaps on the wrist.


  13. He was one of those dudes who always had a huge teeth showing smile all the time for no reason. He would smile through an entire conversation.
    Sure sign of a psycho.

  14. A lot of Anonymous people on here piling on a man who hasn’t been shown guilty in court. Most of the attacks are personal…if you are going to say harsh things be brave enough to put your name, otherwise shut it

    1. Look at you “Skeptical” … you are brave enough to put your real name. Lol!
      The majority of the comments are from people that know of him and know the truth (which you apparently do not). No need to attach their names (just like you).

      1. Yes I chose to not disclose my name because of people like you that want to seek and destroy.

        Seems to me like you have a chip on your shoulder about the man and now are glad to tear him down.

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