Two days after this year’s first day of school, KCE was made aware of allegations made against a new math teacher at Bradford High School, Steven Telkamp. He was hired by the Kenosha Unified School District and was supposed to be a full time math teacher.
A man named Ken, with the TikTok handle KENSCONSIN posted a video on August 31, 2024 and had the following to say, in part:
“My very own daughter, my daughter and her school district where we live, she was the target of a teacher there. Now that teacher was ultimately allowed to resign…just know a public school system has one less teacher on staff and it’s great news for our daughters. It’s great news for our daughters where I live, but not somewhere else. I also shared this a little bit further on the story that at my daughter’s high school, there was a teacher there who was grooming, not only my daughter, but other underage girls. And our story that we had to go through to make sure that he was held accountable, multiple investigations, we had to stay on top of the school system. And ultimately he was allowed to resign. He was not fired. And apparently his record does not reflect any of this. And now he’s been hired at a school just down the road in Kenosha. This school right here, he’s been hired.”
KCE contacted KUSD on September 5, 2024 and Kenosha Unified Chief Communications Officer Tanya Ruder told us that “[w]e are aware of this situation and the employee is currently on an administrative leave while we investigate. I cannot share any further details as this is a personnel matter.”

As of today, October 30, 2024, almost two months later, Telkamp is still on administrative leave and under investigation. KCE learned that Steven Telkamp used to be employed at the Mukwonago Area School District as a Math teacher.

Telkamp was hired by MASD on May 10, 2023. On March 22, 2024, Telkamp was reprimanded by the district. The letter of reprimand stated, in part:
“This is a letter of reprimand being issued to you based on a concern that was brought to my attention on March 14th 2024. Based on my investigation, I believe your conduct violated [several school board policies.]
… A concern was brought forward to your administrator’s attention that you were making student a uncomfortable and class by doing the following:
- Winking at Student A
- Staring at Student A for extended periods of time
- Touching student A’s hair and shoulder
- Going out of your way to give unwanted attention to student A
Additionally, it was brought to your administrator’s attention that you made inappropriate comments to Student B about her clothing being too tight, specifically her shirt.
These behaviors have not only impacted the students involved, but have also negatively impacted the student’s parents, other students in the building, in the school community as a whole.
As educators, it is our responsibility to foster an environment where all students feel safe, respected, and valued. You are expected to demonstrate professionalism in your work with students. Winking at students could easily be misconstrued as flirting, and such, it is an inappropriate nonverbal affirmation to use with students. Additionally, physical contact with students should be avoided, as there is also room for interpretation, and it could be misconstrued as flirtatious behavior.
Additional issues of this nature result in further disciplinary action, including, and up to, termination.”

Telkamp was accused by the district of not following the directives given to him and was placed on leave on April 11, 2024 – only 20 days later. The letter states in part:
“This letter is notify you that you are being placed on paid administrative leave effective immediately until further notice, pending investigation into allegations that you have not been following administrations directives related to contact with a student…
To protect the integrity of the investigation, you are also not to interfere with the investigation in any way, and including not destroying any evidence or discussing this matter with staff, students, or parents. You are also directed not to retaliate against anyone who brought forward concerns regarding your alleged behavior or anyone who participates in the District’s investigation into these matters. Failure to follow the directives containing this letter may result in discipline up to an including termination.
As part of our investigation your attendance is required at a meeting at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, April 15th, at the Mukwonago Area School District Office.“
During the time Telkamp was on leave, there were many rumors being passed around. On April 23, 2024, a student emailed his or her counselor asking “Hello I am in Pink Block which is my math seminar class[.] [D]o you know if Mr. Telkamp is coming back[,] because [I] want to know if [I] should use this time as like a study hall.”
The counselor forwarded this email to the associate principal. The associate principal responded by saying “You can reply with something like this: I do not know anything about Mr. Telkamp’s absence. Mrs. (Teacher’s Last Name) is working closely with the substitute covering the class to make sure you guys are continuing to work on your math skills. If you finish the work for the class then you may use remaining time to work on assignments for other classes.” On April 29, 2024, the same associate principal sent out a department wide email saying “I can not speak to specifics regarding Mr. Telkamp’s absence. I do not know how many more days we are needing coverage…”

Just four days later, Telkamp resigned. It wasn’t your run-of-the-mill resignation. It was a three-page legal document, likely prepared by an attorney for the district, dated May 3, 2024.
In the agreement, the district agreed to “remove from [Telkamp’s] personnel file all documents referencing any disciplinary action issued to [Telkamp] by the District.”

The superintendent of Mukwonago Area School District, Joe Koch, made it very difficult for KCE to get public records from the district. We had to threaten to sue twice. They initially withheld the letter of reprimand, and later withheld the notice of administrative leave. We have yet to obtain the investigative files. The district’s attorney made it seem to KCE that they had been destroyed.
KCE and Ken from TikTok both got letters from a Madison-area attorney. He asked KCE to take our initial article down. We declined. As for the attorney’s letter to Ken? The lawyer “demanded” that Ken:
- Remove all your videos, postings, etc on all of your social media accounts concerning or relating to my client;
- To cease and desist for making further defamatory statements regarding my client to any third party;
- and contact KUSD through the same means in which you contacted them previously and apologize for getting involved in my clients contractual relationship and inform KUSD that you are retracting your allegations.
You read that correctly, Telkamp’s lawyer threatened to sue Ken if Ken didn’t retract his statements that Ken said are true. Ken, of course did not retract any statements to KUSD.
Bradford is hiring a math teacher “As soon as possible.” It would seem like it is for Telkamp’s position but KUSD isn’t confirming or denying this.

What will KUSD do with Mr. Telkamp?
35 Responses
of a school district letting go / getting rid of a problem teacher to just kick him, or her down the road to victimize another district and its students !!!!
We need to contact our legislators and demand new rules / laws regarding employment records and requirements when giving teachers / employees options in their “separation of employment”.
Not sure how it would read but, any time an employee / teacher is let go they need to not be given the option of resigning. If you are asked to leave it must be called a firing. Period !!!
These are Governmental Employees who
This isn’t the private sector where you get to reconstruct your own resume.
Amanda Nedweski ? Are you listening ??
Champion this legislation !!!
Prove to us that you are earning your seat in Madison.
She’s not earning her seat. If she was, if she was truly the woman she claimed to be on the campaign trail, Pro-Life WI would be endorsing her… which they’re not.
She’s too busy pushing for more solar panels and pot shops.
Don’t forget about giving money to companies who are buying aborted baby parts.
She voted for that, too.
If you think Nedweski cares about children, crime, or anything else— look at Representative Robin Vos’ Facebook post from the GOP cookout on 9/28. Nedweski is buddies with Pat Hanson, Racine’s soft-on-crime, pedo-friendly DA.
That should tell you all you need to know. I want a do-over, maybe Honold could run again?
I wrote in… Mickey Mouse on my ballot. A fictional character would do a better job then Pat.
I plan on writing in “literally anyone else” and filling in that circle, just like I did last spring for our village board elections.
If you are not voting “for” someone you should be voting “against” someone.
Ideally you would be voting For a candidate because you like what they are doing or will do.
But if you can’t figure that out then ask people who you trust.
But to waste your vote, you might as well stayed home.
It’s not like they release the write in names for you to laugh at.
Pat Hansen is running unopposed. There’s no one to vote for. If you’re going to run your mouth, have the facts. That’s an easy one to check.
Everyone running for village board is beholden to Vos, so there was no one to vote for.
Where I vote we run our village seats in the spring. And they are mostly contested. So my comment was about having and making a choice.
If your community doesn’t run candidates for offices then your problems are bigger than you are willing to do something about.
Get off your asses and recruit someone to run.
Teacher is accused of grooming, or flirting with students. KUSD- we are hiring. What a joke
Same thing in Salem !
Two years ago she was hired in Spring Prairie.
Then what ??? Quit ? Fired ?
She lives in Janesville. Long drive for her to Salem.
Even Spring Prairie was a ride. All those Schools in Janesville and she wasn’t working there ?
Did she ? According to the internet she came from Texas in 2002. 22 years in these parts and she’s driving an hour or more for work ??
Inquiring minds want to know
So when our schools hire someone, do they not contact the previous employer, or is it the old, “HR won’t/can’t tell you anything” about the former employee?
They do but schools don’t share that info in most cases.
According to the article, Mukwonago purged the disciplinary action from his record as part of the resignation agreement. They seemed to have hid it?
Typically HR will only verify dates of employment. It’s been that way for a while
That’s dangerous. It’s not that hard to Google someone…
And when he gets arrested for doing something to a kid, the current DA’s office will farm the prosecution out to Racine Or Walworth County, to later be dismissed. Rinse, repeat.
I’m shocked KUSD did something.
Wonder who screens public school HR departments–Maybe it’s a case of public school HR departments running WW2 type “ratlines” to provide employment for sketchy teachers?
They do the same thing with bad cops. Let them work at the town down the road.
Its happens all the time at KPD, no stories about it though because it doesn’t usually involve children like it does in schools. Also the Kenosha Fire Department is the last city employer that refuses to have random drug screens.
That’s dangerous! Every other Union allows their employer to do that
The USA is truly a country of sick people. There is no turning back. I’m out of here, when I leave you all come together like butt cheeks
I am sure you are the same clown ‘arguing with faggots’. PLEASE leave America sooner than later, you are part of the problem.
Good luck finding a place that isn’t.
KUSD (Superintendent Dr. Weiss) is more than happy to give its tax paying constituents the middle finger for questioning their inept leadership and transparency. Putting pedo teachers on administrative leave and letting them go on their own terms is not accountability! That same teacher is free to roam district to district to satisfy their sexual appetite. Shame on quack Dr. Weiss for not removing himself! He is an embarrassment to our community!
I’m all in for abolishing Public Education if it will protect our kids and give them the best opportunity to succeed! The current system is broken.
Excuse my ignorance, but do teachers have to be licensed? If so, why are they not revoking their license?
We need new laws that state when a teacher has been accused of grooming, that they are not allowed to resign!! And why weren’t the police notified of this at Mukwonago??
These teachers need to be held accountable for their actions and that means NO resignation letters being accepted and only firing them, so that there is a record of it so they cannot go to another school! Better yet, how about pulling their teacher license, if that is such a thing!!
These School Boards are just pushing one problem on to another school and endangering other students!! This is NOT acceptable!!!
Could Tanya be any Ruder ? 😎
You don’t have to be a groomer/predator to get hired by KUSD , but it sure helps .
Of all the states in the Union, he chose to come to Kenosha. He may very well be a pervert, but he is not stupid. Perverts seem to feel comfortable and protected preying within our school district. What can you expect with the disastrous performance of the local District Attorney? It’s time for a 180-degree change. Let’s VOTE SOLIS! He’ll cleanse that office of many parasites living off our taxes.
Hmm Just like the Priests
There are always two sides to a story. Have you any idea what it’s like teaching adolescent students? It’s ruthless! These teachers are only human and to say they are “grooming” is in question??? For God sake, to wink at a student, or look at them wrongly – oh please! Nobody can evade this!
Throughout history this type of stuff between male and female has always happened, and age matters not! …but to think that a teacher can lose his/her job because of it is detrimental! Pretty soon we will have no teachers at all!
The solution… let teachers be teachers and parents be the true educators. Parents watch your kids! There b is a lesson to be learned in everything!
Winking at a student is just an odd thing to do. Be smart and you’ll be fine.