(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Next Tuesday there will be two names on the ballot for Kenosha County District Attorney – Xavier Solis (R) and Carli McNeill (D). Xavier is a conservative republican and Carli is a liberal democrat. Period.
Kenosha County has gone “red” since 2016 and Carli is nervous about this race. Insiders tell KCE that she is worried she is going to lose. She has been telling people that she is a conservative Republican but she is running as a Democrat for mere strategy. KCE obtained all of her campaign finance reports and easily conclude that 95% of her donors are liberal democrats and she has used only liberal vendors.
Here are the groups that donated to Carl monetarily or “in-kind”:
Democratic Party of Wisconsin – $7,284.03
Kenosha County Democratic Party – $1,275
United Auto Workers of Wisconsin State PAC (D) – $2,000
Friends of Tod Ohnstad (D) – $200
Wisconsin Progress PAC (D) – $69.57
DeSmidt For Wisconsin (D) – $50
Here are some of her donors, both monetary and in-kind that are openly liberal Democrats:
Attorney Roberta Jorgensen Puntillo (D) – $2,000
Failed Congressional and Mayoral Candidate Lydia Spottswood (D) – $1,150
Liberal Activist Millionaire Jodi Muerhoff (D) – $500
ADA Alexandria Smathers (D) – $500
Clerk of Courts Rebecca Matoska-Mentink (D) – $300
State Rep Candidate Ben DeSmidt (D) – $250
Greg Belsky (D) – $250
Former Congressman Peter Barca (D) – $225
County Board Supervisor Stephanie Knezz (D) – $200
State Rep. Tip McGuire (D) – $150
Alderman Curt Wilson (D) – $100
Wife of Former DA Beverly Jambois (D) – $100
Merike Phillips (D) – $100
Police and Fire Commissioner Pam Drummond (D) – $100
County Board Supervisor Frederick Brookhouse (D) $100
Wife of Former Congressman Kathleen Barca (D) – $100
ADA T. Clair Binger (D) – $100
Democrat Party of Kenosha County Jennifer Franco (D) – $100
Former DA Mike Graveley (D) – $100
Former County Executive John Collins (D) – $100
Former County Board Supervisor Michael Underhill (D) – $100
ADA Dan Tombasco (D) – $100
Veterinarian Mary Lux (D) – $75
Former ADA Emily Trigg (D) – $69.53
Former ACLU President Veronica King (D) – $50
Register of Deeds JoEllyn Storz (D) – $50
Former County Board Supervisor Sharon Pomaville (D) – $50
Mark Conforti (D) – $50
County Board Supervisor Sarah Kirby (D) – $50
Liberal Activist Joyce Erickson (D) – $50
Former County Clerk Mary Kubicki (D) – $50
Deputy Register of Deeds (D) Jennifer Mack (D) – $40
Realtor Mary Dixon (D) – $40
Firefighter Union President Ricardo Lebron (D) – $25
Wife of Alderman Evelyn Pizzala (D) – $25
Alderman Penni Keeling (D) – $25
Wife of Former State Rep, Kristi Kurklis-Ohnstad (D) – $25
Alderman Rollin Pizzala (D) – $20
School Board Member Todd Price (D) – $20
School Board Member Rebecca Stevens (D) – $10

Carli’s expenditures also signal her loyalty to the democrat party. For example she spent tens of thousands at union printers, at a premium, just to have the union bug on the literature. She also spent money on ActBlue, a democrat fundraising platform. She spent almost more than $20,000 on Democrat strategist Rob Moore.
Xavier has always told everyone that he is a conservative Republican. He hasn’t wavered. Carli seems to say whatever she needs to get elected.
25 Responses
Just another lying liberal.
Who would have thunk that?
There are definitely some cheapskates on that list.She’s for sure a libtard like me.
The public question is like answered by Solis AND McNeil-
Will Carli or Xavier charge the arsonists that gravely let walk? Statute of limitations hasn’t run out.
The people rioters who set fire to the probation office were found through rigorous investigating by feds, and Kenosha detectives. These detectives went to Minneapolis and picked up 2-3 of the people who on video set fire to probation and parole.. they were booked in KC Jail, gravely refused to charge them.
This is documented in kpd reports, their photos and fingerprints are in KC jail…
A nice list of names to print out for future reference.
Liars get their behavior from their Master, the Father of LIES.
Has Carli passed the Crocodile Dundee test?
No one currently working in the DA’s office should be promoted to run it unless you want more of the same.
Worst DA office in the state. Attorneys from other counties refuse to come down here because of the joke that is the Kenosha County Court House and DA office
What about those attorneys who never take a case to trial and build their successful careers on the generous offers exclusively extended to them by ADAs, like Ted Parise? I don’t see their names on the list. I wonder if they handed the envelope with contents that were never reported. Things will change soon, and these attorneys will need to start dusting off their libraries or consider retirement.
Plea them out Frank Parise’s favors with the DA’s office are coming to an end. And Teddy “pill popper” Kmeic needs to make sure he can keep his hoodlum son out of prison. So both of these clowns support Crooked Carli.
You should report it to the agency responsible for investigating these kinds of frauds. Those who dare to call us garbage are so accustomed to getting away with everything that, at this point, nothing seems able to stop them—not even losing the election this Tuesday, which is certain.
Thank you, Kenosha County Eye, for exposing the truth! 👍🏻👍🏻
Crooked Carli is a dishonest prosecutor and a dishonest politician. Another corrupt lying democract. All her supporters that donate to her want to defund the police and bring socialism. They all also supported the riots. The radical left will have her in their pockets. We need to vote and make sure Solis beats her.
When names are on a list like this, some businesses
could end up charging them more for goods and services.
Thanks, Kevin!
She is disgusting filth! i sure hope she is not elected
She has to go. Her donors are the elite demoRATS in Kenosha.
She flaunts the Sheriff Association endorsement and I promise the majority do not support her or Gravely. The Association won’t release the membership vote totals even to members and most deputies abstained.
That contributors list contains many people that could be referred to as “garbage”. 😝😝😝
Hopefully with, Kenosha County eye showing the truth on this issue also, Will wake the people of Kenosha up, We cannot have her in are DA office, we need all new
They all need to go; Let’s start fresh with honest non -corrupt officials. We have to stop this Please do not vote for this person. We have come a long way from the riots and destruction of Kenosha, lets stand together and take Kenosha back from the corrupt officials and the hood rats that are taking are town to the Ground.
So um guessing Carli made it out to the Trump rally yesterday?!?!
Color me surprised, A lying deceitful Democrat.
$500 from Smathers? Someone’s looking to get promoted
Smathers wants to make sure she doesn’t get fired for her stupidity of getting a SANE nurse fired
The whole DA’s office is corrupt, time for new leadership to repair the damage that Gravely caused. Hopefully Mr. Solis will clean house and ensure charges are filed properly. Alot of people have been convicted of crimes they did not commit and others who should be in prison are given a slap on the wrist.
After seeing the article and reading the history about the Grace Lutheran pastor I’m pretty confident that McNeill is not “far left.” Left of center, yeah, but the controversial pastor sure energized the needle to the edge of the scale.
I wouldn’t think Solis is “far right” either.
Thanks for posting this. Lux is no longer my pets veterinarian. I didn’t really like her before and now that I know she supports higher crime, I can only hope her establishment is taken advantage of