(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Wisconsin Speaker Vos has created a new committee in the state legislator inspire by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). The new committee is called Government Operations, Accountability, and Transparency (GOAT). Vos has announce that Amanda Nedweski, a Kenosha County State Rep, will chair the committee.
“This session will have a renewed goal of identifying and addressing government inefficiencies. To help Assembly Republicans accomplish this, I have created a new committee titled ‘Government Operations, Accountability and Transparency’ (GOAT) chaired by Representative Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie). I am excited for this and our other new committees as they work on behalf of Wisconsin citizens in the upcoming session,” said Vos.
Representative Nedweski issued the following statement following her appointment:
“The people of Wisconsin spoke at the ballot box. Voters are demanding less spending and more efficiency from government. Legislative Republicans are ready and willing to deliver solutions using targeted efforts identified by the Assembly Committee on Government Operations, Accountability, and Transparency (GOAT). The hardworking people of Wisconsin deserve a return on their investments, and all too often, the State comes up short.
As we move into the next budget cycle, nothing will be off limits. The committee will collaborate with state employees in all agencies, at all levels, to identify and address fraud, waste, and opportunities to repeal spending. While Governor Evers prepares an unserious budget wish list of expanded entitlement programs and spending that disincentives work, GOAT will be investigating opportunities to save Wisconsinites money while providing better quality services.
From MPS to DSPS, from the courts to corrections, and from K-12 to the UW, there are opportunities to improve around every corner. The pandemic is behind us, yet a high percentage of state employees are still working unproductively from home. An agreement for UW-Madison’s engineering building was reached with them last year, yet they have failed to keep up their end of the bargain. We look forward to the Legislative Audit Bureau’s upcoming report on unemployment insurance fraud, and we welcome whistleblowers.
The lack of transparency and accountability in government has caused confidence in our elected leaders to plummet. As the branch of government closest to the people, the Legislature has an obligation to use GOAT to put checks on the Executive and to restore trust. I am honored to have been asked to Chair this exciting team. This is exactly what I came to the Legislature to do. We can’t get started soon enough.”
25 Responses
She is a great choice!!!
She is over her head
Jeez… She hasn’t even started give her a chance!
More politicians stuffing money in each other’s pockets.
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about
You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about
I know you are but what am I 🤣😂😂🤣😂
Another expensive interference by the Junior President in order to mess with everyone.
If you want govt fixed, then vote for people to fix it and hire qualified people to do the work. It’s not magic… it’s effort and accountability.
Your “grocery discount” won’t be happening. Do you want to spend even more on special govt groups to do nothing too?
Thanks for the free cup of liberal tears. Funny how your useless kind doesn’t have any jokes for the current” “no president”
Y’all realize that she’s part of the County Board right? One of the main corrupt groups ruining the county.
Another fox in charge of the chicken coop.
She’s not on the county board anymore. She has dedicated herself to the full-time job in Madison.
Ms. Nedweski “you are the company you keep”.
They’ll shut it down as soon as they see how deep all the wasteful spending is and who it benefits (themselves). I love the idea of it but Government will never turn itself in.
And Princess Elonia is inspirational?
What a terrible choice to look into our governments wasteful spending. Elected officials got us to this point so put another elected official in for oversight and expect change???
blah blah blah -zero mention of overspending , fraud , and no belt-tightening for the piggy police. The police unions have a chokehold on the taxpayers— WE CAN”T BREEEF We all have guns and security cameras , why so many donut-eaters?? WHY do you need 3 separate police orgs?? State, municipal, county?? Elon Musk & Bernie Sanders have touched on this
Because you won’t stop doing shit wrong.
The police unions have a chokehold? Hmmm. Scott Walker broke up all public sector unions years ago. What security cameras are you talking about? Obviously you dont know law!
The PIVOT RINO Robin Vos demonstrates he’s a Good RINO today!
Here’s an idea , get rid of all of the Democrats.
Fricking wild that people believe that Vos, Nedweski, August, Tusler, or any of these other RINO asshats are truly conservative.
Tyler August moved like a mile out of his new district so as not to run against Nedweski in her new district.
They’re all a bunch of carpetbagging crooks. Even if they didn’t move themselves- they backed it. No different than Wirch’s phony apartment in his district. They’re all the same. Two wings- one evil bird.
As a republican , why do I want to add more jobs to the government?
I may be a RINO but I voted for Reagan, Both Bush’s and Paul Ryan. Those were true Republicans.
Our party was united and not divided by people calling us RINO because we did not follow the orange man. The Republicans in office today are so scared to stand up to the orange guy. We never had the crap we have today before he arrived on scene. And now he makes us look like the bad guy instead of the proud American.
Just because you’ve been outed doesn’t mean you weren’t the bad guy, before.
You were. You were the bad guy before— people just weren’t brave enough to call you out about it.
Now, you blame the “orange guy” for division, instead of realizing that Conservatives are just loudly sick of the RINO bullshit.
A truer statement I haven’t heard today !!
That’s because government always covers for government.
Trump is a business man. Bankruptcies and all. Tax returns that take every deduction possible. All deductions that were voted on by both sides. Tax laws that are available to everyone.
Trump is a messenger of what government is supposed to be. Freedom. Less taxes. Accountability. Transparency.
To hate Trump is to hate change. Can anyone argue that government doesn’t need to change ??
Yes the country is divide. That’s because we finally have a standard bearer to bring government back in check. And it’s because government evolved to having no checks. Unelected bureaucrats involved in every decision a person might make.
And the ones that will loose their jobs are fighting like hell to stop him.
“We never had the crap we have today before”
So true !! And I love it. I’m so happy I’ve lived long enough to see it. And I hope I live even longer to see it through.
You are the bad guy, so there’s that.