Silver Lake resident Cris Dryer noticed that two neighborhood swans were stuck in the ice today at about 12:00 noon. He spoke to a neighbor, who told him they had been there, stuck on Silver Lake for hours. Dryer said in the past, larger birds and coyotes have killed geese and swans stuck in the ice.
Dryer didn’t want to wait for these beautiful animals to perish, so he started making calls to various agencies. The three agencies that he thought to call, couldn’t help. His forth call, was to the Salem Lakes Fire Department. Dryer threw rocks near the swans, hoping to spook them into freeing themselves with no luck.
Much to Dryer’s surprise, Salem Lakes Fire Chief responded to the area to assist, even off duty and on a Sunday. However, Chief Carr hadn’t quite rounded the corner to the scene, when Dryer saw the pair of swans take flight. “They are such beautiful creatures when they take flight,” said Dryer. “They have massive wing spans,” he added.
“While it brings me joy to hear of today’s event, it is unsurprising. Chief Carr embodies the very definition of public service and selfless dedication to our community,” said Village President Rita Bucur. “The Village of Salem Lakes is lucky to have a role model leading its fire department,” Bucur added.
“Although Chief Carr didn’t need to physically help the Swans today before they freed themselves, his response to my neighborhood on a cold winter day speaks volumes about his character. Sundays are for family and rest, but apparently saving a couple of Swans was a priority for him,” said a neighbor. “I really think It’s a Christmas miracle.”

28 Responses
Great job being there Chief Carr!!!
He was well trained and a good person is what I hear. I believe he used to be a great firefighter at the city of Kenosha fire department.
IS a great firefighter!, different role now, making those course corrections to steer the ship… no thrills, get the job done, that’s what he did for KFD for many many years. He’s a firefighter’s firefighter. Now has the challenge in a new role…
When you’re the fire chief, you’re always on duty. Part of the job.
Nice job.A cat in the tree or a heroin junkie in a Honda,always on duty.
There should be more action taken towards animals. Especially those that are hit on the road, whatever type of animal they may be it doesn’t matter. If they appear to be somewhat alive or slightly injured, they should be checked out, and if they’re alive, they should somehow be rehabilitated.
Because lately, which is so typical every time i’ve called for an injured animal.They always tell me, sorry, we don’t go out for calls like that! Or this type of animal has priority over that type of animal! 😒
True humanity
Good job. But everyone who lives near a lake should know how to do a safe ice rescue. In the case of someone falling through thin ice, the safest way is to get a couple of people with a flat bottomed boat (johnboat or paddleboat) kneeling in the boat with one foot out, one person on each side, to push the boat along the ice to the victim. There are other ways to save others and yourself, most of which involve using your body or other tools, like boards, to spread the weight over as large a surface as possible. Get some training, or read up on it. And yes, call the local fire department.
Thanks Kevin,
Salem Lakes is on the right path to healing from the previous board. The top notch people that have been hired, will and are making a difference. I hear many from the previous board want to infect the Village again. I’m sorry, that would be too many step backwards and only being done out of spite, they need to move on, the train left the station years ago. The current Board has solved so many issues. Their work isn’t done, time to support this board that support Al, Cassandra, Sara, Amanda,Kristen, Tia and many others in the other departments. Many have left, but for their reasons, sometimes leftovers can’t be saved. Al Carr is a top notch leader and the Village should be Thankful he decided to serve. Thanks Al and Chris for your humanity, that is what joins us. Merry Christmas
invasive shitbird non-native mute swans would ‘ve made tasty snack for BALD EAGLES DUHHHHHHHHH
🤷♂️ must be a relative of the swan
How can anyone, scientist or not, classify a species that by definition flys from place to place, non-native or invasive ??
It’s not like someone brought in a penguin from the North Pole to walk on shore and swim around eating all the fish in the lake !
If you don’t want to call one swan or another “protected” so be it but, they came here from somewhere, are having offspring and are growing in numbers. So what ?
If they are doing harm , extensive harm, then give them a hunting season to control their population. No different than why we hunt Bambi.
If it changes the natural ecosystem, it is invasive. This has nothing in common with deer hunting. By your logic we should let invasive species roam wherever. I don’t think you understand the impact this has on other creatures.
Al is a genuine guy. He always has a smile and greets everyone while showing compassion for his role. Great dude!!
I would like to thank Chris for being the one who did everything to save these birds.
I don’t understand why everyone is praising the guy that showed up when Chris was there the whole time and took it upon himself to rescue them when no one else was responding
That’s like 2 people pulling over when you have a flat tire. One changes it and the other watches. The one who watched is getting praised, while not
recognizing the one who did all of the work.
I’m not bashing the fire chief, I appreciate that he came out. But come on folks – let’s give credit where credit is due. Chris isn’t on the payroll, he’s a concerned resident. Who was also on his day off.
Chris is a wonderful neighbor and is always looking out for everyone, no matter if they have 2 legs, 4 legs or wings.
As I said, I appreciate the support of the chief, I would like people to realize who the article should be about.
Merry Christmas 🎅
How about we name the three agencies who didn’t help instead?
why waste tax dollars responding to an invasive species rescue?
….and nature is nature.
Risking a human life on an animal life is rarely a good value judgment.
Besides, was anyone looking for a proper boat and or rescue float ?? How was anyone going to do more than what was done ?
Maybe each of these small lakes can individually purchase or build a correct ice rescue boat. Then learn how to use it. All shore line residents chip in for one well thought out built flat boat. Then store it at a common, safe, strategic location that anyone can access it an emergency situation. Keep it covered from snow and other debris and have it checked on once a week so that it doesn’t get covered over or frozen in place rendering it unusable.
Divide by all your shoreline residents by whatever cost it is and no matter if it’s a bird, deer, family dog or human being, there will always be a safe way for the rescuers to save what is worth saving.
Many years ago Camp Lake took a couple of local boys in an ice rescue attempt that went bad.
A little forethought. A few thousand dollars and a well thought out plan in place will be a benefit to man and beast in their time of need.
Live by a lake ? Take responsibility for those that are on the lake. Winter or summer. Have a plan.
yup – great idea … they call it the Fire Department, They train on countless disciplines including ice rescue/open water.
… for two birds frozen in ice.
Three agencies. So the story says.
Even Salem though the chief did show to look.
Don’t know if he would have called out the troops.
Probably won’t come for a dog.
We see news reports in other places where they do.
Just saying
Racine county. 10 days ago. Watch.
There has to be a better way to go on the ice than 6 guys walking all next to each other holding a rubber ring.
I do not want to waste tax money on 3 boats. I’d rather waste it on one guy
It’s 2024 how can you still believe in birds?
If that ever happens, there is a local company that has saved hawks and owls hit by bullets, vehicles, and other dangers. They also save animals from lakes, rivers, entanglements, and sewer drains.
24/7 365 days
Thank you Chief Carr for your commitment to our community. You took a department that was mismanaged by the last two Fire Chiefs and are cleaning up thier mess. Thank you Chris for your commitment to our community. You are on the right tract even though the previous board and some on our present board tried to derail your efforts. Thank you to both of you.