Pleasant Prairie Man Charged with Bigamy Following Court Revelations

Thomas R. Angeloff, Sr (62) of Pleasant Prairie

Pleasant Prairie, Wis. – A 62-year-old Pleasant Prairie man is facing a felony charge of bigamy after authorities discovered he was allegedly married to multiple women at the same time.

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Thomas R. Angeloff, Sr. was officially charged with bigamy on March 3, 2025. In Wisconsin, bigamy is classified as a felony, carrying a maximum penalty of three and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine, or both. A warrant was issued for Angeloff’s arrest with a bond set at $2,000, which he has since posted. His first court appearance is scheduled for tomorrow at 1 p.m.

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According to a criminal complaint, the case was set in motion in November 2024 when Angeloff’s most recent spouse approached authorities. She reported that she had married Angeloff in February 2013 in Lake County, Illinois, and later filed for divorce in December 2023. During the divorce proceedings, court documents filed by Angeloff himself revealed that he had entered multiple marriages, three of which were still legally intact.

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In a legal response submitted in May 2024, Angeloff acknowledged having been married five times and admitted that three of those marriages had never been legally dissolved. Further scrutiny of marriage records revealed that Angeloff married one woman in Las Vegas in 2002, another in Kenosha in 2005, and later married again in 2013—without legally ending his previous unions.

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During a court hearing in July 2024, Angeloff allegedly presented marriage certificates but failed to provide proof of divorces. The judge ultimately deemed his most recent marriage void, citing fraud. In open court, Angeloff reportedly attempted to argue that two of his former spouses were actually the same person under different names, a claim the judge rejected.

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The case took another turn when it was discovered that Angeloff had recently proposed to yet another woman in late 2024, announcing plans for another marriage in 2025. The complainant, who initially brought the case forward, expressed concerns that Angeloff may continue engaging in fraudulent marriages, potentially harming more individuals.

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Additionally, court records indicate that Angeloff has a prior criminal history, including convictions for second-degree sexual assault of a child and kidnapping.

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With his initial court hearing set for tomorrow, Angeloff now faces serious legal consequences. If convicted, he could face significant prison time, fines, or both.

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46 Responses

  1. Really ????? Five Times ?????

    These gals need to tell us just what they saw in this guy !!!!!
    Money ????? Personality ?????
    Something else ?????

    Kevin, if you are looking for a story that might be fun to do, try to interview these gals and ask, ….. I don’t know, ….. Maybe, ….. Where they thought he was when he wasn’t with them ?????
    I’m sure once started they will say a lot more.

    I guess he followed the old adage,
    It’s Cheaper to Keep Her !!!!!
    But Dude !?!?! Really ?????

  2. Even though the ad about the Wilmot referendum shows all the reasons people SHOULDN’T vote for it, the big yellow checkmark next to the YES VOTE can cause someone to vote yes at a quick glance. Granted, everyone SHOULD read what it says, but not everyone WILL read it and just vote yes because that’s what stands out in the ad…

  3. Glad the marriage was thwarted. The woman he was most recently engaged to had a small daughter. Thomas R. Angeloff Sr. is a registered sex offender. He was convicted of kidnapping and 2nd degree sexual assault of a child in 1989. He was married in 1989 to a woman who had a young daughter.

  4. Nicole Rizzo, his attorney, provided the documents to the court that have now resulted in his criminal prosecution.
    Interestingly, his “criminal” attorney is Steve Clubb – one of her coworkers. Clubb rarely handles criminal cases so that choice doesn’t even make sense. So he paid his divorce lawyer $$ and she got his divorce case dismissed but then he gets criminal charges and pays her law firm even more money to hire an attorney who doesnt specialize in criminal law.

    Oh, I forget to mention that although the divorce was dismissed, the “wife” in that case filed a paternity case since they had a child and guess who he hired in that case? Rizzo!

    What a racket.

    If Clubb’s name sounds familiar, it’s because he got in trouble with the ethics commission for bad behavior. Sounds like a perfect match for this guy and perfect coworker for Rizzo.

  5. what???? Most of us can’t handle one wife let alone 5 lol. In all seriousness, how is this even possible in todays day. Being that this is an actual law that this is the first time I am actually reading about someone be charged with the crime, why aren’t there checks and balances in the process of getting married to detect this in the first place? Its like saying my license was revoked but I was able to just walk into the DMV and get a new valid one without any questions.

    1. I read this article purely out of curiosity. It doesn’t say anything about him trying to live with more than one at a time, whether in one household or multiple, like they do in many parts of the world. Not defending him, it does sound like he doesn’t have what it takes to make a relationship last. And I’m wondering, though not enough to research it, whether it isn’t the job of the respective states to check for divorce records. I’ll bet this happens more than we know.

  6. Our mischievous polygamist friend has shown himself to be completely inept at selecting a competent attorney. Nicole and her team are utterly clueless when it comes to criminal law. In a way, his own attorney contributed to the predicament he’s in.

    1. Nicole is probably the worst family attorney in Wisconsin, she is unprofessional and gives two shits about her clients and confidentiality.

      Heard she recently went through a divorce herself, hope the ex walked away with 50% of her money.

  7. How does this impact the taxpayer? So the dude likes to have several wives… Who cares??? We have bigger issues in Kenosha like voting “NO” to the Wilmot Referendum

    1. Who cares about the referendum? We have bigger issues in Kenosha like when are we going to air “Real Housewives of Kenosha”

      totally sarcastic but seriously wtf, just because you don’t care about something doesn’t meant no one else does.

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