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Man Who Allegedly Distributed Anti-Semitic Fliers Has All Littering Citations Dismissed

Jeffrey A. Kidder (57) of Kenosha In Kenosha Municipal Court on September 9, 2022
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Jeffrey A. Kidder had all littering citations written against him dismissed last week in Kenosha Municipal Court. Months before that, similar citations written in Somers were also dismissed.

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The Kenosha man, with ties to California and Indiana, was arrested after a months-long investigation into anti-Semitic flyers being distributed around the Kenosha area. The reports began in December of 2021. The flyers attacked Jewish people and were distributed in baggies with pebbles in them, on windshields, driveways, and walkways. The Kenosha Police Department consulted with the Kenosha District Attorney’s office and it was decided that the flyers themselves, although disturbing, are protected under the first amendment.

Instead, Kidder was cited under Kenosha’s non-criminal ordinance 11.02U which states:

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Littering. Throw, place or deposit any paper, glass, bottle, cans, containers, grass clippings, rubbish, waste, filth or other debris upon private property without consent of the owner or occupant, or upon the streets, alleys, highways, sidewalks, parks, or beaches, or into any pond, stream, river or lake.

KCE spoke to a criminal defense attorney who told us that although Kidder’s alleged actions may have violated the letter of the law, involved attorneys agreed that this case couldn’t be prosecuted due to free speech and selective enforcement issues. For example, politicians, lawn-care companies, weed services, and a plethora of other people are constantly distributing flyers on mailboxes, doors, and windshields in the City of Kenosha.

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Kidder appears to have a past criminal history out of California and according to Sheriff’s department records, may be a convicted felon. He was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2016, but the charge was later dropped.

Bidder received 23 citations in total and faced more than $4,300 in fines.

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Jeffrey A. Kidder (57) of Kenosha Mugshot
(Kenosha Sheriff)

Kidder appeared in Kenosha Municipal Court with Judge Michael Easton presiding on September 9, 2022. For the City, prosecutor Attorney Bryan Charbogian appeared. Kidder had filed a motion to dismiss stating that the ordinance, as applied to him, was unconstitutional and violated his free speech. He brought with him some fliers that appeared on his door, from politicians and other advertisers. Judge Easton entered a not guilty plea on Kidder’s behalf.  Kidder, interviewed after court by KCE and another news agency said he planned to take this case to trial and even said he would be appealing the case “all the way up.” Although Kidder wouldn’t admit to distributing the fliers, he all but told us he did.

Criminal Defense Attorney Terry Rose (Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kidder hired criminal defense Attorney Terry W. Rose shortly after the first hearing. Rose was pleased with the citations being dismissed and said he fought for his client’s rights under the First Amendment, even though he disagreed with the message.

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KCE contacted the City of Kenosha for comment and City Administrator John Morrissey, a former Kenosha Police chief told us “Like most cases, I believe we allow the court system to play out and in this case it was decided that dismissal was the appropriate outcome.”

Kidder is no longer facing any citations or criminal charges in reference to the fliers.

City prosecutor Attorney Bryan Charbogian in Court on September 9, 2022
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Municipal Judge Michael Easton
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)



Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

A state-wide manhunt is underway for 25-year-old Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr. for the double murder that occurred yesterday afternoon at about 4:28 p.m. Franklin allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend and unborn child. Unfortunately, according to federal law, this is tallied as only one victim, but KCE and most reasonable people consider it a double-homicide. According to the sister of the murdered woman, Franklin pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the head, leading

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in

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Neighbor “From Hell” In Legal Trouble For Cutting Down Neighbors Trees

A 65-year-old Somers man named Michael Boozer shares a property line with seven neighbors in Somers. KCE is told that none of them speak with him. Some call him the neighbor “from hell.” The neighbors have had it with Boozer to the point where two of them are suing him. Today, Boozer didn’t show up to court and Judge Heather Iverson entered an injunction against Boozer prohibiting future conduct. Boozer didn’t like that so he quickly

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Kenosha Dumb Criminal – Man Breaks Into City Hall To Charge Cell Phone

A Pleasant Prairie man is accused of doing something very dumb. Police and prosecutors say that 27-year-old Damarroe La-Von Roy broke into City Hall on August 29, 2024 to charge his cell phone. It was during the popular Peanut Butter and Jam concert, so there were many witnesses. He was charged the next day with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. Many people, including KCE thought that some type of felony would apply, but Assistant

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KUSD Places Bradford Teacher On Leave In Response To Allegations Of Grooming At Previous District

A newly-hired Math teacher has been placed on administrative leave from Kenosha Bradford High School, the district has confirmed. KCE isn’t releasing his name, as we are not in possession of any records at this time that document wrongdoing. Many KCE readers tipped us off to the following TikTok video: A man named Ken, with the TikTok handle KENSCONSIN posted a video five days ago and had the following to say, in part: “My very own

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Disgraced Former Politician Due Back In Court – Allegedly Stiffs Lawyer For $10,000

Andrew “Andy” Berg (D) is a former County Board member, Wisconsin Corrections Sergeant, and amature porn content creator. He is also under criminal investigation for embezzling thousands of dollars from his now-defunct charity, Garden of Eatin. Yesterday, September 4, 2024, Berg was slapped with a $10,000 lawsuit by the law firm that represented him in his recent divorce. According to documents filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court, Berg has an outstanding balance of $9,603.11 with the

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Union Pacific Employee, Killed By Train Near 13th Avenue And 69th Street

A Union Pacific employee was stuck and killed by a Metra/UP train at about 12:15 p.m. today in a freak accident. A 34-year-old Burlington, WI man named Austin Scott Raysby was reported to be the victim. “We are saddened by the loss of a Union Pacific family member in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and extend our deepest sympathies to his family and the employees who worked alongside him…Our emergency response team is on-site investigating the incident. No one else

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Kenosha County District Attorney Deciding Whether Or Not To Retry Hung Jury Marijuana Trial

On May 30, 2023, a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled over a car with three young adults occupants in Bristol. The trio drove about four hours to the state of Michigan to buy some marijuana. There was a Memorial Day sale and they wanted to stock up. It seemed like the three were casual marijuana smokers and THC users. Law enforcement agencies throughout the county have told KCE that street marijuana is often laced with Fentanyl,

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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

On July 13, 2024, Kenosha Police asked for the public’s help in identifying a man who they say robbed two banks at gunpoint in a three-month period. KPD released the following photos: The first robbery occurred on April 13, 2024 @ 9:54 a.m. and the second, on July 13, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. They both occurred at US Bank at 1800 22nd Ave on the north-east side of Kenosha County. Unfortunately, one of the tellers was

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

Tomorrow Monday September 2, 2024, Labor Fest will take place after a one-year hiatus. This year, however, for the first time in many years, it will be held at a City Park – Penoyer Park. Nothing unusual there. What is unusual, is that the City of Kenosha payers will foot a big chunk of the bill. The group, AFL-CIO is a democrat political action committee and many people believe that the City footing much of the

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23 Responses

  1. He has proven his point with the material he was passing around. Look how these scum “leaders” treated him. I’m surprised they didn’t lock his ass away in solitary confinement. These constitutional scholars could only write him numerous tickets in an attempt to intimidate him. Scum motherfuckers!

  2. No- the point is every political flyer, lawn treatment, or any of that trash left on our doors or our cars needs to have a prosecution tied to it. If I wanted to watch your political ads I’d watch live tv………

  3. So how about charging him with trespassing for every property he stepped foot on and distributed that crap too? What bullshit!!!

  4. Kenosha butterfly feelings were hurt with words on a paper.. Oh my gosh no!!!! You Italians always were pussies!

  5. How does one get charges dropped for “felon in possession of a firearm”? Did it turn out it wasn’t a firearm? It wasn’t a felon? It was a felon but the felon didn’t have a firearm after all? Or was it just another George Soros prosecutor?

  6. If white people and Christians only realized how bad the Jews hate them this country would be turned around in an instant.

    Waking the “Lost Sheep of Israel” (whites) must be avoided so anybody that tries will have the book thrown at them and will be labeled an anti-Semite.

    They use our legal system against us to slowly destroy our country. The current state of affairs is very similar to the Bolsheviks in Russia and destruction of German culture prior to WW2.

    How many lawmakers have dual citizenship with Israel? Or their spouses? Brian Steil? Our country has been invaded and the masses kept stupid so they don’t realize what’s going on.

  7. If white people and Christians only realized how bad the Jooz hate them this country would be turned around in an instant.

    Waking the “Lost Sheep of Israel” (whites) must be avoided so anybody that tries will have the book thrown at them and will be labeled an anti-Semite.

    They use our legal system against us to slowly destroy our country. The current state of affairs is very similar to the Bolsheviks in Russia and destruction of German culture prior to WW2.

    How many lawmakers have dual citizenship with Israel? Or their spouses? Brian Steil? Our country has been invaded and the masses kept stupid so they don’t realize what’s going on.

    Sad, I had to misspell Joo for my get past the algorithm for my comment to post. The truth is so dangerous that you can’t talk about it.

  8. Harry S Truman wrote in his diary unfortunately:

    “The Jews, I find are very, very selfish. They care not how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered or mistreated as D[isplaced] P[ersons] as long as the Jews get special treatment. Yet when they have power, physical, financial or political neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog. Put an underdog on top and it makes no difference whether his name is Russian, Jewish, Negro, Management, Labor, Mormon, Baptist he goes haywire. I’ve found very, very few who remember their past condition when prosperity comes.”

    History has been very painful for the Jewish people. Christian, Muslim, Nazi… many groups have desperately tried and failed to eliminate them. They are the worlds most hated people yet in spite of it all, they have survived and thrived.

    Today in America, Jews are attacked by both the hard left and the hard right.
    We have to protect them. They are Gods chosen people of the book and have given so much to humanity. America has give. them the best place on earth to call home.

    Let us please all find a way for us to rise above our foolishness and move forward.

    God Bless America

    1. History has been hard on the Jews?!?! There is a reason they have been kicked out of 109 countries. They are liars and deceivers just like you are doing here. You are either a Jew or have been deceived by them.

      Jews are descendants of Abraham but they do NOT carry the birth right, only Jacob’s descendants do! Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Israel is a people (white people) and the shit hole country called Israel is the home of Jews (The Synagogue of Satan) not the true Israelites that spread about the world and became Kings and Great Nations! The same nations that now have open borders that are destroying these nations (done by the Jews). Does Israel have open borders?
      Jesus talking to Jews:
      John 8:44
      “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
      ‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭44‬ ‭NIV‬‬

      Again, Jews are NOT Gods chosen people. The Israelites are God’s chosen people (the descendants of Jacob). Jews are the descendants Esau and Canaan.

      Let’s see what happens to them:
      ““The day of the Lord is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been. But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance. Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble, and they will set him on fire and destroy him. There will be no survivors from Esau.” The Lord has spoken.”
      ‭‭Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

      I hope I’m around to see Obadiahs vision come true.

      Jews hate the true Israelites because they know the truth and that is they are not Gods chosen. The Lost Sheep of Israel is who most of you readers are that don’t know your roots (tree if life). But now you do and should no longer be deceived.

      Jews are responsible for:
      Killing Jesus, Communism, Marxism, Zionism, Holohoax, WW2 and 82million dead, usury banking, Holodomor (the real Holocaust), Bolshevik Revolution, endless wars, African slave trade, feminism, open borders, mass migration, white genocide, gun control, 9/11, us liberty attack, Covid-19, the clot shot, transgenderism, pedophilia and it’s protection, child trafficking, porn industry, BLM/Antifa, federal reserve banking system (debt enslavement), big tech censorship.

      Jews sure have made great contributions haven’t they? We must protect those that want us dead and that have destroyed my white ancestors through lies, want me dead z as no my children dead? No, fuck you and your lies. If you have been deceived, get your head out of your ass.

        1. The truth doesn’t go away, telling the truth isn’t a hate crime as much as you would like it to be. Knowing Gods revenge is inevitable is satisfying enough for me.

          Roman Salute.

  9. Jew Pilled please calm down with all the anger and hatred. A VERY small percentage of the Jewish people are in the hard core raging radical left. This tiny group is powerful, however, with a disproportionate amount of money and influence If it ever came down to a civil war this group would simply shit their pants and flee the country with their money.

    The overwhelming majority of American Jews, just like everyone else are decent, family, hard working law abiding citizens.

    Please do not be consumed by all of the hard core right wing crazies that are sometimes full of nothing but hate.

    1. I’m calm, I’m not angry, or hateful and neither left or right. However, I am based AF. Knowing who the real haters are, what their agenda is, knowing their lies and knowing truth makes me angry and hateful? Interesting…Imagine if people recognized this small group for what they are and held them accountable instead lashing out at those who are sharing the truth. Too busy with sports, fake news and other things to pay any attention. Like the frog slowly introduced to boiling water. Never knew it was in danger until it was already dead. You are being cooked.

      This group is wanting this country to have a civil war by dividing the left and right who are actually 2 heads of the same beast. They want to make order from chaos. They will use civil war as a reason to confiscate guns. Shooting up white schools hasn’t been enough to get the guns. Amazing that the Synagogues or Jewish schools are never the targets of mass shootings isn’t it?

      I am only consumed with truth and sharing it. Right wing crazies are those that still support Trump after knowing he is a Zionist as of 2017, he is the father of the clot shot that is killing predominantly white people and that led patriots to their arrest on January 6th. Now he wants the right to protest when he gets arrested (political theatre) to bait more. These right wingers are a special kind of crazy.

      Truth sets you free and the truth is threatening to those that are liars and deceivers. Research anything I wrote and you will see it’s all true. Maybe you’ll learn something new.

  10. Jew Pilled how would you feel if everyone in your family were exterminated and you were the only one that survived ? How would you feel if %50 of your ethnicity were wiped out in your city/country because of their race, religion or financial success ? How would you feel if people came along and confiscated all of your money, businesses and bank accounts because they thought you were too wealthy and successful ? Is it ok for people to find a way to become successful as opposed to shoveling shit in some backward village in the middle of nowhere ? Is it ok for people to read, write, learn and educated themselves on how to become more successful ?
    I am sorry if you think all Jews are scheming, money grabbing, disloyal, communist America haters. The fact is that no country on earth has been better than America for the Jewish people. Trust me when I say that if/when we are at war, every Jew around the world will fight financially and militarily to save this country. 1.5M Jews served in WW II along with 550,000 American Jews. Can you even begin to imagine how they felt when they liberated the concentration camps.

    I am asking you to please go visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC.

    I will pay for your plane ticket.

    When you are finished with that tour then I will ask you to please tell me how you feel.

    1. It didn’t happen. If you look at the census of Jews before and after WW2 the population didn’t even change. Not even 6 million jews existed in the area at the time. The “gas chambers” were steam rooms used often for delousing clothes. They had wooden doors and windows (would not make for a good gas chamber). Even modern day cremation devices take hours just to cremate one body. There wouldn’t be enough time for 6 million deaths. They had only a few outdated furnaces at each camp. Also, no massive amount of corpses were recovered. Also many popular figures wrote books on the current events during those times and never mentioned a holocaust. I think Winston Churchill was one. Those that died at the camps died of starvation towards the end of the war. It’s estimated to be 200,000-300,000 . An higher amount of non-jews died. Starvation was an indirect effect of the war. In the camps there were sports, theaters, etc … all kinds of entertainment. They were waiting out the war and treated well for the most part. A lot of jews gave birth to children while in the camps! Why would so Nazis allow that if they hated them so much.

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