Picture of Kevin Mathewson

Kevin Mathewson

Kevin Mathewson is a disciple of Christ, husband and a father to two wonderful children. Mathewson was born and raised in Lake County, IL and worked as a police & fire dispatcher from 2005 to 2010 in Round Lake Beach, IL. Mathewson moved to Kenosha County in 2006, later being elected to the position of Alderman of the 8th District in 2012 and 2016. Mathewson is a private investigator, security contractor, journalist, and photographer. He enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, camping and boating. His favorite amendment is the second, followed closely by the first. He loves his country and community.

Kenosha County Primary Election: County Executive

The Kenosha County Executive is a non-partisan position elected by county residents every four years at the spring general election. The county executive is responsible for most administrative and management

Kenosha Primary Election: Alderman District 6

If you live in Kenosha’s 6th district, you have two chances to vote – February 15, 2022 and April 5th. After the primary, only two candidates will face each other

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