KCE Opinion
Kenosha’s most soft-on-crime Judge, Mary K Wagner (D) is retiring. That should be good news, but when you see who will be replacing her, it’s clearly not. To all of the conservatives, there is certainly not a conservative choice for you in Branch 6. To all the liberals, you have two solid choices. Gabriele and Cunningham are both democrats. Gabriele is the Deputy District Attorney, the embattled Michael Graveley’s #2. Cunningham is a private practice attorney. Here is the difference: Cunningham will tell you she is a democrat. She ran for congress (briefly) as a democrat and is honest about it. Gabriele, however is trying to trick the conservatives. She has appeared at the Republican Party of Kenosha County “Pints and Politics” twice and in the last 2 months and even showed up the annual party caucus. During one of her speeches, she was asked about signing the Scott Walker Recall Petition. She gave a very wishy-washy answer.

During one of theses events, Gabriele talked about how Kenosha District Attorney Michael Graveley is a man of great integrity and honor. One man told Gabriele that she was in the wrong place to talk about Graveley in such high regard. He told her Graveley makes decisions based on politics. She disagreed and said “Mike doesn’t use politics in his decisions.” She wasn’t able to convince many in attendance. Gabriele once told the TV cameras for “Scorned: Love Kills” that “we are under an ethical obligation to not bring cases forward unless we believe we can prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.” This is exactly what she and Graveley did with the decision to charge Kyle Rittenhouse with premeditated murder. She and Graveley know that they can’t prove this case. Regardless, they marched forward.
Her boss, that she thinks is the staple of integrity and honor, was also caught texting for months with BLM activist Whitney Cabal.
An immediate family member of Gabriele was cited for drinking and driving a boat in 2019 and her office didn’t recuse itself from prosecution per court records. We asked her about this and she didn’t respond.
Angelina isn’t very tough on domestic violence either. In the winter of 2018 police took a report of a domestic abuse restraining order violation. They sent a criminal charge to Gabriel’s office. They refused to criminally charge the man, but had a Deputy Sheriff issue a D/C ticket. He was found guilty. In the summer of 2019, this man was accused of violating the restraining order again, and finally, her office took it seriously and issued a criminal charge. In the winter of 2019 KPD arrested the man for violating a restraining order for the third time. The suspect told the police that his conduct was not a violation because it was approved by his attorney and the prosecutor. Neither prosecutors, nor attorneys can alter restraining orders. Her office made a serious mistake by purporting it had such authority. The criminal charge couldn’t be issued nor could the bail-jumping charge because the DA’s office then had a conflict. Angelina took no action on this mistake. While that case was pending, the defendant allegedly contacted the respondent for a fourth time and a prosecutor from Gabriel’s office refused to charge him. This man’s defense attorney is …….Gabriele’s campaign treasurer. It all makes sense now. If Gabriele win’s she will oversee this case.

In 2010, Gabriele was divorced. She asked the Judge to seal her address from the public. He agreed. She told the Kenosha County Eye it was because her kids were young and she feared for their safety. Yet, her office opposed the sealing of Kyle Rittenhouse’s address because he feared for his safety.
Gabriele used a fictitious address on her nomination papers that she circulated for her campaign. We asked her why she did this. She didn’t give us a direct answer, but then made new papers and decided to use her real address for the papers she turned in to the state. Angelina does indeed have a lot of experience in the criminal courts. That can’t be denied. However, criminal justice is only a small part of a judge’s job. They also oversee probate, civil, small claims, family, and juvenile matters, of which she has no experience. Her claim-to-fame is her prosecution of the Mark Jensen case. Well, anyone who reads the news knows that that conviction was overturned and there will be a new trial. Try again.
Cunningham’s campaign slogan is “Let’s make history”. She wants people to vote for her because she’s black. She also is hinting that she will make race play a role in her sentencing. Both are terrible. Race should play zero role in who we vote for and how many years a violent criminal gets behind bars. Gabriele told the local Republicans that “all of Cunningham’s endorsements are from Democrats.” While that is true, so are Gabriele’s. Gabriele is hoping that the republican’s will help her overtake her big loss in the primary by telling them she is a republican. She isn’t. She has very little integrity and her arrogance is deafening to anybody near her.
There are two bad choices this April, but Gabriele is by far the worse of the two. We hope they both lose.
3 Responses
“Restorative Justice” is a farce and another form of psychological warfare being perpetrated on the
the backbone of this nation. If recent “Supreme Court” (read:annointed robes) decisions are any indication, the rule of law is dead. The illusion of choice is breaking free from the matrix.
Anticipate things to amplify in the coming days. (Floyd trial, Rittenhouse, etc…) Prepare accordingly.
It is omnipresent that no one is coming to save us and “the law” is looking out for .gov and SJW interests. One and same…
KIT ROBERT STILWELL blatantly lied in court about evidence he claimed to have against KUSD to attorney Shana Lewis in the court of Mary K. Wagner, prolonging proceedings for months, and wasn’t held in contempt. Do you know how much money that cost us? For a f…king loser child and woman abuser?
Sorry. Gabriele was involved in this mess. She always takes the easy way out.