Rittenhouse Prosecutors Got Angry When Key Witness Didn’t Change His Story

Amateur Photographer Nathan DeBruin (36) Source: Facebook

               An amateur photographer found himself about ten feet away from Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz when they were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse. Nathan DeBruin, a lifelong Kenosha resident, didn’t have a dog in the fight during the Kenosha Riots of 2020. He didn’t “pick a side.” After the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, DeBruin said he thought Kenosha would likely be written about in the history books. He wanted to document what he saw by utilizing the hobby he loves –  photography. He took his Sony A7 III camera and hit the streets after hearing of the shooting. He documented the rioting since August 23, the day Blake was shot for resisting police while armed with a knife. He photographed the multiple arsons on August 24, and on August 25th, he took the below photo of Rittenhouse.

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Kyle Rittenhouse Volunteering with Graffiti Removal

           Later, on that day, he would take many more photos. He captured photos of Joshua Ziminski, “The Man Who Shot First”, Joseph Rosenbaum, convicted pedophile, and other key players. On August 25, 2020, he was about ten feet from Kyle Rittenhouse when he shot and Killed Anthony Huber, a career criminal after Huber hit him (Kyle) with his skateboard in the neck/head area. He watched one man die, and another, seriously injured. A frightened DeBruin left the area. He would later hear gunshots in other areas of the city on his way home. DeBruin witnessed many things that would prove helpful to the defense. He witnessed Rosenbaum say “I just got out of jail and I’m not afraid to go back!” In fact, he saw a lot of the pedophile that night. He saw Rosenbaum get infuriated when someone put out a fire, exclaiming, “You’re supposed to be against the police!” Rosenbaum later lit a porta-poty on fire and a trailer, accompanied by Joshua Ziminski.

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22nd Ave and 63rd St Kenosha

           In the aftermath of the rioting, DeBruin saw on Fox News that the ATF was looking for intelligence for the arsons. He said “I love Kenosha and I wanted to help.” He called the ATF and later met with an agent. He turned over many photographs that would help with the many prosecutions. Shortly after, he got a call from Kenosha Police and gave an interview with a detective on September 11, 2020. He later signed a three-page statement. He was glad to help with whatever he could, even though he didn’t legally have to.

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T. Claire Binger (D)

       Fast forward to last month. Rittenhouse prosecutors sent a subpoena to DeBruin. He later agreed to meet with ADAs T. Clair Binger(D) and Jim Kraus(D). DeBruin said at first, Binger was very polite and friendly. “We want to form a good partnership with you, since you’ll be helping prosecute many cases,” says Binger, a once-failed DA candidate. DeBruins said Binger’s attitude quickly changed to that of an adversarial role when DeBruin refused to change or add to his statement, that he signed over a year prior. “Whose side are you on?” Binger sternly asked. Binger then asked DeBruin to identify people in the many photos he took. He didn’t know who they were at the time, but now knew some of them. Binger asked him to change and add to his statement the identities of some of the people, but he didn’t know who they were at the time, so he refused. He didn’t want to lie. “We have no use for you!” Binger said. “We won’t put you on the stand, so Richards (Kyle’s Lawyer) will be, and he’ll be harder on you than we would!” With this, the meeting ended.

       DeBruin was a little nervous now. He wanted to help, but didn’t want to lie in the statement. He now feels like the Kenosha DA’s office is treating him like he did something wrong. Now subpoenaed by Rittenhouse’s defense team, DeBruin feels comfortable, only with an attorney, because of the “uneasy'” feeling he got from the prosecutors. He has since retained local attorney Terry Rose. If you want to help DeBruin with his legal fees, please email us and we will give you a link to donate. He also has many photos to sell to anyone who is interested.

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        The trial hasn’t even started and Binger is already acting unethically. Let’s hope this is a fair trial.

Here is Nathan’s signed statement:

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59 Responses

  1. Being unethical is standard operating procedure for the Kenosha District Attorney’s Office. It is a common practice for these prosecutors to pressure witnesses to “bend” the truth to make a their presentation stronger. It has been happening for years. This witness had the courage to resist these efforts. Most people, including law enforcement, don’t have this courage. They just go along. If they any regrets, they just have to live with it. If they attempt to set the record straight at a later time, they are criminally charged. This keeps everyone in line.

    The evidence planting case of KPD Officer Kyle Baars is a classic example. He did an absolutely terrible thing and planted evidence in a homicide case. Later, he decided to come clean and straighten out his mess. He was criminal charged. The police supervisors, many of high rank, tried to conceal what Baars did. Of course, nothing happened to the Brass for the crimes they committed in this fiasco. If Baars would have just kept his mouth shut, then it would have all turned out like it should have and almost always does. It is too bad this is happening to this photographer, but it is the Kenosha way.

    1. Is the Kenosha DA on Soros payroll? Hmmmm? I wonder.
      And Nathan, stick by the truth. Integrity is one of the only things we have.
      I don’t know how some of these people lay their heads on the pillow at night….especially when they’re supposed to to the truth. Too many are manipulative criminals.

      1. Josie, I don’t know if the Kenosha DA is “on Soros’ payroll” but would guess no. What I think is far more likely is this: I’m sure by now you’re familiar with terrorists who “self-radicalize.” I think such label also can and should apply elsewhere, i.e. in this situation. This “prosecutor” (quotes because she is not worthy of that esteemed title and the respect it infers) didn’t need to take Soros’ money in order to adopt similar views to Soros and his cadre of “prosecutors” like Kim Foxx (Chicago) and George Gascon (LA). Sometimes people “self-radicalize.” I think the “prosecutor” is the product of radical leftist indoctrination from her schooling, and once in office and faced with a story that captivated the nation she self-radicalized and adopted the same posture as would a Kim Foxx or a George Cascon had one of them been the DA in Kenosha during this tumultuous time.

        1. Amen Brother Amen. All of what we’re seeing is a result of the indoctrination of students by a death cult and then use these willing:converts/volunteers/willing idiots/fellow nihilists and other self destructive personalities into the cult. Once you join a death cult no life matters. You demand to take friends, strangers, loved ones, hated enemies with you. Life does not matter. It’s evidenced everywhere in self destructive behavior and cognitive dissonance. You see it also in obedience and compliance to totalitarian rule and rapid upside down change in society. You got it exactly right with the schools. Run by suicidal, self liathing, haters who are demanding you shut up while they openly play Applegate and Jonestown and take every effing one of us with them.

        2. Watched Tucker Carlson show comments made at the time by those of MSNBC and CNN. One comment was that Kyle Rittenhouse was radicalized by Trumpers, of course meaning President Trump! Just crazy!

    2. If you truly have information about all these ethical and illegal violations by the district attorneys office you really should go public….or at least pass the information on to the appropriate parties. They used to be the FBI and Department of Justice although I’m not positive they can be trusted anymore but I would still report it to them so that their in action can be documented you could also report it to the solicitor General, The presiding judge in Kenosha project veritas tucker Carlson and anybody else that would be likely to do something with the information. I’m guessing you don’t really have any specific information and this is all just your theory because you didn’t mention anything specifically but if I am incorrect ……then please take action….

  2. Great job. In the entire nation, this is the only truthful reporting on the trial. The Keno News just played the race card, if you can believe it. I can’t even get past the headline.

    1. Indeed, the Kenosha News’ coverage had become so relentlessly biased that, after 20+ years as a subscriber, I stopped reading it. Nearly all of their “News” stories are AP-sourced which explains the bias.
      The local radio station barely provides coverage and is nearly as biased as the paper.
      So it’s great to find a source for local events which presents a refreshing take on things.

      BTW, I have served on a jury in Judge Schroeder’s Court and have full confidence that the Rittenhouse trial will be conducted fairly.

  3. Thank You Nathan DeBruin for being a stand up Citizen and volunteering to the authorities your pictures that may be useful evidence in the matters of the Riots last summer. You demonstrate an outstanding display of courageous civic responsibility and duty.
    Cursed be the Kenosha County DA’s Office and Michael Gravely for their ongoing bias and contempt for JUSTICE, the LAW, and the CONSTITUTION. This is precisely why people are leaving Kenosha City & County. You unethical bunch of Traitors are turning this county into a sewer.

  4. They’re just trying to get him to contradict himself with a false statement in order to discredit him as a witness, knowing that his statements put the so called, victims, in a bad light.

      1. Looked fine to me, Fred. Nothing so glaring in any case to warrant a comment on it vs. the substance. Kyle should walk free and a corrupt DA shouldn’t change that. Lets hope jury selection was fair.

        1. I have edited professionally. The story is fine; there might be a missing “t” in “porta-poty” and that’s about it for spelling. Sentence structure could be improved but the news is a timely business so you can’t spend all day rewriting it over & over.

          The KPD report is a little worse, but that’s written by a cop, not a journalist, and having worked also professionally with cops, that’s better than a lot of them write on reports.

          Thank you, KenoshaCountyEye for reporting this.

      2. You’re bring trolled. Pay this troll no mind. Don’t give them the time of day, or a minute of your time. They are best ignored. Once ignored they move on to other targets.

      3. The only possible issue was “porta-potty” having only one ‘t’ but that’s arguable, possibly even a local brand name. Good reporting and grammar.

      4. Having dropped his pearls of wisdom and instructions and orders to the photographer ….. from his seat on top of the blowhard palace …. Fred has left the building before he actually has to do any work

    1. Grammar errors? You’re making things up because you can’t handle the material facts. Pretty sure they aren’t worried what a trigger troglodyte like you takes seriously.

    2. To Fred: How is my grammar thus far? Your OCD is getting in the way of your common sense. Who gives a real s*** about grammar or spelling? This is an extremely important and tragic situation for the defendant, the deceased and injured, and Kenosha and our country as a whole!! Be real and pay attention to the actual content!! Ridiculousness!!

    3. Well, Fred, you pointed out that there were mistakes in the story and he responded back asking you to point out what you were talking about. I guess somewhere along the way someone has managed to pull your man card, because usually when men call someone out for something and then that person responds men usually give a response in return. I’ll understand if you can’t make the time to respond back if you have your yearly gynecological appointment. Guess that irritated vijayjay takes precedence, huh?

  5. Thank you, Nathan. Your instinct to resist bending the truth will keep you safe. I think you are right that this riot will be seen as a watershed moment in the history of America’s comeback.

  6. God bless Kyle! He took out three career criminals that night, one being a pedophile. A feat which will be forever known as the Kenosha Hat Trick! This kid is an American hero and my spitting animal

  7. Sadly having worked in this field for over 30 years, it is common for prosecutors not to seek justice or truth, but to seek conviction…its like billionaires seeking wealth by any means…..

    1. Just saw this man in the trial and was impressed with how he held up under the intensity. I too would have been super anxious and nervous. I’d love to see more of his photos and to support him in some way. Thanks for doing this article.

  8. To force the public to see the perpetrators as “victims” instead of violent rioters is nothing more than language rape. The dead got what was coming to them.

  9. Hi, in the article it’s mention to “email us” if we want to donate to Nathan’s legal fund. I’m not sure who “us” is and I’m assuming this is where you want us to request the link.
    You may want to specify since a lot of people wanting to contribute may not want to figure this out. Thanks P.S. I’m glad you posted this story. We have to fight against tyranny wherever and whatever it is… for too long we kept quiet. Remember….there are more of us than them. And we are fighting for freedom and democracy. And against communism and fascism

    Hi, I just wrote a second comment asking for the link where I can donate to Nathan’s legal expenses.
    . It was a pretty long comment and you guys just assumed it was a repeat of my first one AND DELETED IT! I don’t have time to repeat.
    You may want to be more specific who “us” is when you say “email us”. And stop assuming a second comment is the Sam as the first. .

    1. I just thought of something. The prosecution fervently wanted their star witness to be Nathan Debruin. But he couldn’t be bought — so they had to settle for Gaige Grosskreutz!

  11. As someone else pointed out, the Kenosha News and even Fox6/Milwaukee seem to “borrow” alot of their stories from the AP. They will capitalize the word Black, yet leave white in small case. I know that’s trivial, but it’s just a small showing of their leftist bias.

  12. It looks like Nathan DeBruin has got his story out at Trial. The prosecutors are true slime, they thought DeBruin was stupid and tried to buffalo him. They only hurt themselves more and more.

    Hopefully a trial like this won’t happen again, and this persecutors are fired.

  13. Corrupt politicians think that they can use their position to bend or break the law in whichever way they like and they will never answer for their crimes. They must be Godless fedora wearers who spend too much time on Reddit, because the Almighty thinks otherwise of their illegal and immoral acts which do harm to the innocent and let evil run free. I’m happy that people who still believe in the truth exist, and Mr. DeBruin appears to be one of them. God Bless him and the good people of his hometown who were affected by this needless violence, and I hope he reaches all of his goals for the future in photojournalism, he’s already made history!

  14. I’m here to check what wasn’t false because the DAs said you were “mostly false”, which is quite an admission that they are crooked.

  15. I don’t understand the criminal mind. Prosecutors nationwide often completely ignore terribly egregious cases of wrongdoing when they’re perpetrated by police, public officials, or other influential people and then turn around and use every unethical trick and/or duress imaginable to gain a conviction against someone who likely or obviously isn’t guilty. Then, when it becomes apparent that serious ethics violations have occurred, the entities charged with oversight of their profession often ignore it and do nothing.

    The justice system is the most unethical and criminal part of most governments in my opinion. What is wrong with our system that such grossly unethical and criminal conduct goes unchallenged when perpetrated by prosecutors and police but when an ordinary citizen is accused of a minor law infraction, they pursue ‘justice’ to the ‘fullest extent of the law’. The public officials that perpetrate these crimes and frauds represent the absolute worst members of society when the damage to their victims and the community at large is taken into consideration. Their failure to discharge their duties ethically creates a cloud of anxiety and fear over the communities they’re obliged to serve. Victims of their crimes often suffer disproportionately compared to those who are victimized by other crimes because the post traumatic stress disorder that often occurs as a result of their malignant disregard for truth can last an entire lifetime. I know because I’ve been the victim of false arrest and prosecution and have never fully recovered my faith or trust in the justice system as a result, even when I was eventually acquitted of the charges. Something needs to be done when these crimes occur because the damage they cause is often devastating to their victims and creates lasting serious negative effects in their lives .

    I don’t live in Kenosha and have no experience with it’s public officials. This is not an accusation of wrongdoing by anyone in the Kenosha justice system and should not be construed as same. I comment only because this case seems eerily representative of similar situations I’ve become aware of during the course of my life where gross injustices have occurred and thus evokes a moral compulsion to express my opinion. Still, It is my opinion only and should not be interpreted as implying that that anyone associated with this particular case has committed any illegal or unethical act.

  16. With the attitude of the person that is requesting the donations, I personally would suggest donating it to him directly. I intend to do just that I will not send my money to the snotty person who’s requesting it. The attorney representing the witness should be a little more gratuitous!!

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