Candidate for Attorney General
“Given what I’ve seen of the case and the trial, I would not have charged Rittenhouse,” Eric Toney, candidate for Attorney General told a fired up group of conservatives last night during their “Pints and Politics” meeting. He was also critical of Kenosha’s top prosecutor Michael Graveley (D). Eric Toney is the elected DA in Fond Du Lac county, a county of about 100,000 residents. “I saw him (Graveley) at the annual District Attorney’s conference (in Wisconsin Dells) and thought, what is he doing here? He should be prosecuting a case this big, or at the very least be assisting in some way. Then I thought to myself, ‘I bet he’s getting the prosecutor of the year award’.” Graveley indeed received this award. He was selected to receive the award by retired Kenosha Judge Mary Wagner (D), perhaps the most progressive liberal judge ever to sit on a Wisconsin bench. She is responsible for letting hundreds of violent criminals to re-offend over and over with little to no punishment. Toney then assured the group that even though he is president-elect of the District Attorney’s Association, he played no role in deciding on who got this award and pointed out that it was for 2020, not 2021. “He won the award for his roll in not charging Jacob Blake, not for the Rittenhouse case. I was was elected to try cases and that’s what I do. It almost seemed to me, watching the closing statements, like the prosecution was trying to tank the case.”
A quick on the record interview after his speech, Toney told the KCE that he will promise to hold governmental agencies accountable for denying public requests when appropriate. He told us in Fond Do Lac, he often helps enforce the public records laws.
Three republican candidates for Sheriff – Zoerner, Gonzalez, and Cochran and one democratic candidate – Ray Rowe were present for this event. There were some attendees confused by Rowe’s attendance. He is a life-long democrat, but places a (R) in front of his name at the advice of the current Sheriff, David Beth. Beth is also a life-long Democrat, but changed parties after an unsuccessful run. Rowe signed the Walker recall petition in 2011:

Rowe is the DARE officer and hasn’t enforced the law in his more-than-20 -year career, but wants the county’s top cop position. The other three candidates have been in law enforcement for many years. When DA Toney asked the crowd who agreed with the Rittenhouse Jury Verdict, dozens of hands went up, that is, save one, many people in the room said, Ray Rowe – candidate for Sheriff. He didn’t want to talk about why he thinks the jury got it wrong, but it’s safe to say he won’t be running a “law and order” campaign, when we need it the most.

Kevin E. Mathewson
3 Responses
Thank You for the insight.
Michael Gravely is Kenosha countie’s
John Chisholm. Both leftist social warriors.
please folks- do your homework- do not vote for this ray rowe- he is not what kenosha needs. ray rowe is not a force for righteousness if he does not agree with the kyle rittenhouse verdict.