*Story Updated 4/4/2022 @ 9:59am to add 9-1-1- Call*
We ran a story Monday night about Kenosha school board candidate Samuel Roochnik that was published at 9:32pm. It was titled Cunnilingus, The Communist Manifesto, and Sex Work : Second Social Media Account Of School Board Candidate Discovered. It highlighted posts Roochnik made on an alias account about “eating pussy,” reading and agreeing in part with “The Communist Manifesto,” and Roochnik’s desire to legalize sex work. Although it was written with very little editorializing, it made Roochnik very angry. It also alarmed many taxpayers.
About 24 hours later, Roochnik would call the Sheriff’s department to complain about KCE and people who shared the article. A deputy arrived to Roochnik’s Somers home at about 10:28pm. Roochnik quickly showed the deputy the article and Facebook posts on his phone saying, “I’m reporting it because it might be a sex crime. The article quotes me in the past when I was younger. That’s not the issue. The issue is that he’s putting the word ‘Cunnilingus’ on a photo of fucking kids!” Roochnik is referring to a man who posted a link to our article as a comment on a post that Roochnik made about a youth-led school board candidate forum.

Roochnik argued to the deputy that since the man commented on a post with kids’ photos on it, it was a sex crime. The Deputy didn’t know what cunnilingus was, so Roochnik had to explain it to him. “First off, is it a crime? I don’t want to take up your time. And so I’m so sorry, I’m really emotional. I’ve been dealing with this shit all day. ” said Roochnik to the Deputy. “It’s not,” the deputy responded without hesitation. “It wasn’t an issue until he put words of a pornographic sex act, eating a woman out, on a photo with kids!……I’m OK with the political repercussions of an [internet], troll, but if he’s posting ‘eating out a woman’, ‘licking her vagina’ and eating her fucking pussy, on a fucking photo of kids!” Roochnik then stated. “Again, the hit piece is not the issue here, the issue, the word with the kids. If it had a different headline, I would not be concerned. I would take that political hit.”
The deputy then scrolls through messages between Roochnik and a man. “We all have things in our past – posts and stuff like that ya know, that we’re not proud of,” said the deputy. “It’s a scientific word.”
Roochnik then asks the deputy to call his supervisor, which he does happily. The supervisor ostensibly tells the deputy that there is nothing criminal there. The deputy then informs Roochnik that there is nothing he can do.
We reached out to the man who commented on Roochnik’s Facebook page, but he didn’t want to get involved, stating “that Roochnik is crazy.”
This story doesn’t end here. At about 1am, Roochnik texted the editor of KCE, who was asleep. Roochnik then calls the Sheriff’s Department and asks to talk to the shift commander. The Shift Commander was also unfamiliar with the word ‘cunnilingus’. Roochnik explained the meaning to the Sgt. as well. At the end of the day, the Sheriff’s department came to the obvious conclusion: there is nothing illegal about sharing a news story on social media…..yet.
Body-Cam Video
9-1-1 Audio
15 Responses
There’s something up with this dude.. his mannerisms, spoken language, and body language are all too jittery and all over the place. Seems his reasoning is that kids shouldn’t be reading about “pornographic things” on the internet. A) Is that really his biggest concern? B) He keeps saying “I’ll take the heat” but the act of requesting government censorship on someone else’s Facebook says otherwise! Take the L, sucker.
Yeah, this dude seems weird…….
Samuel Roochnik is a cunning linguist!
Another fine citizen of the community that Mayor Antaramian created.
What a shit hole
kevin- this retard called you a liar on tape. he was whispering as to keep the camera from taping his dumb words- because if he were in the right- he would be loud and proud. what a creep loser.
it is bothersome to me that the responding police officer allowed himself to be wrangled into the realm of the pussy eater guru by drinking his tainted koolaid- TMI- the police officer maybe should have remained arms length- that was a tad weird to me- almost unprofessional. and the policeman wished him luck on election a few too many times- icky.
keep up the good work kevin- you are keeping unfit candidates up at night!
This guy seems all twitchy and jacked up like he’s on pills or something. And he’s sweatin hard about losing his race.
This man-boy-child has no business around kids of any age.
Dude makes Kelly and Josh Shitinski look not creepy.
Do you have nothing better to do than dig up people’s past? Last I checked, we all have a past. We all have shit in our closets. Give it a rest.
On the day this was published? No, not really.
Lol Sabrina. This guy sounds like a major league perv, not the type of person that should be guiding our children. Are you his girlfriend or him?
Is he a teacher or does he have kids in kusd? Enough perverted communist’s already!
Well, if it means anything it looks like this loser came in last in the election. Still, seems like fourteen percent of Kenosha County are foolish enough to vote for perv-boy.
Those 14 percent probably don’t read this website.
Or they can’t see a larger issue here, that this was a candidate who posts questionable stuff online, then when called out on it, attempts to silence those who call him out by make phony police reports. Last I checked, this is America, we have freedom of speech and a free press. It’s our patriotic duty to ask the kinds of questions Kevin asks. It’s also quite alarming that someone who uses dirty underhanded tricks to try to suppress the free flow of knowledge and the press, is someone who would be in a position to teach young people. In broad terms, that is how democracy is destroyed. Suppress free press, free thought.