Kenosha Parks Committee Refused to Deny Memorial For Anthony Huber, Man Killed By Rittenhouse

Kenosha Aldermen Eric Haugaard (D), Jan Michalski (D), Rollin Pizzala (D), Kelly Mackay (D), and Rocco Lamacchia (D)

In a 4-1 vote, the City of Kenosha Parks Committee voted to “table” a proposal to plant a tree and install a memorial plaque for Anthony Huber, a violent career criminal felon who was killed by Kyle Rittenhouse. This keeps the proposal alive and can be revisited at any time. Alderman Lamacchia was the only member who wanted to deny the request outright. Kelly Mackay, a new Alderman told the room that he didn’t want to vote either way, sparking some confusion. (People run for elected office to make decisions) A room full of tax-payers spoke against the measure including emails read into the record. Not a single person was in favor of the proposal. The speakers made it clear – they wanted the proposal voted down, not delayed.

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Chairman Eric Haugaard and three other members of the committee ostensibly met behind closed doors or spoke on the phone to decide the vote, a violation of Wisconsin’s open meeting’s law. When called out, Haugaard slammed the gavel with great force multiple times. He then tried to clear the room and hold a secret meeting, known as a “closed session.” He relented when called out by a tax-payer and a fellow committee member, Rocco Lamacchia. Haugaard later apologized for his behavior. At least two members chastised this author, who was present and live-streaming the meeting. The majority cited a pending lawsuit against the city as their reason why they postponed the vote.

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Keith Rosenberg (D)

Alderman Of the District

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Keith Rosenberg (D), the Alderman who’s district would house the memorial was not at the meeting. Alderman Michalski however relayed Rosenberg’s strong support for the memorial, saying:

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“Keith Rosenberg is the Alderman where Anderson park is and he expressed his outrage that people would even seek to deny it.” He later repeated himself saying “He’s expressed outrage.”

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This proposal can be brought back up at anytime and of course, you deserve to know when and where. We will let you know.

Discussion begins at 6:25
Parks Chairman Eric Haugaard
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Jan Michaleski
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Rocco Lamacchia
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Rollin Pizzala
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kelly Mackay
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Resident Kathy Woods Speaks Against Memorial
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Resident Speaks Against Proposal
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Aldermen Bogdala and Mau Spectate Parks Meeting



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91 Responses

  1. This is what Kenosha political stupidity looks like.
    Seems the voting public from across Kenosha has made IT’S decision.
    No worries, the voters of Kenosha will make sure this tree wont make it through one growing season and the dog crap from the nearby park will have a home.
    Rosenburg can go f himself too!

      1. If Anthony Huber’s girl fiend wants a tree planted in his memory, all she has to do is make a donation that plants trees in memory of a loved one. Those trees are normally planted in national forests and are good for the environment. That way, she can a tree planted in his memory without stirring up controversy.

    1. I do not think the Kenosha Parks committee should approve of making a memorial for Anthony Huber or Joseph Rosenbaum because the circumstances in which they died is too controversial. Look at all the damage the rioters did to Kenosha. Why would the Kenosha Parks committee even consider honoring anyone involved in the riots, the looting and burning that nearly destroyed the city? It seems that the Kenosha Parks committee has forgotten that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted. The request for the memorial should have been denied.

  2. What a bunch of jackasses. Keith Rosenberg leader of the pack. Turncoat Rocco who is pro abortion now. Can we place a memorial for every murdered baby? How about a memorial for murder victim Michael Bell? Wait… had a senior moment, this committee would be more inclined to give a memorial in a park to Gonzales who murdered him, I forgot this is Kenosha. Anyway, happy to see our new Alderman Mau observing tonight. Hope he has no second thoughts about his decision to run. He has his work cut out for him witnessing this committee. We have to get rid of these democrats. I have to say, they’re insane. Ever get the impression these committee’s comprise of people who are far from being qualified for making intelligent decisions? Just the crumbs the cowardly Mayor assigned to positions having no qualifications or common sense?

  3. Not a single person showed up to support this BS! Should have been denied! Tough spot for alderman Mackay. Cant walk a mile in that mans shoes. Great job Kevin.

  4. First off, did Alderman Jan Michaleski really try to argue that we have never looked into the back round of someone who had been nominated for a memorial?? Does he not understand the uniqueness of the situation? Any lawsuit that would have came out to argue that he has a right to have a memorial would have been shot down by any judge with even a little common sense! The alderman of the district was “outraged” that anyone would have an issue with this going forward?!? That is insane. i cannot believe how spineless these people are. Glorify criminals. Great example to set! what a joke this council is!

  5. 5 pussy coward democrat humans-(they claim to be men- i beg to differ)
    where is this diversity? not one female(by birth)- not one black, asian, indian- just 5 old pussy democrats- oh- yea- the jew leader- rosenburg- a pew pussy- the leader of the pussy pack!
    this is nasty. how did these folks get this position to vote to be able to allow a dead criminal jew to have a tree and plaque placed in public? this is more than absurd , it is incomprehensible.

      1. dear truthteller- i am a tad confused why you wrote my name and then heil hitler.
        because i am a christian and because i have jesus in my heart and because i believe that jesus died on the cross for my sins so that i can have everlasting life in heaven does not equate me glorifying hitler. as a southern baptist in the bible belt- it is my duty to bring the Jews to Jesus so they do not burn in hell like huber. i love being a christian and love for everyone to know i have jesus in my heart. why would jews be ashamed and or offended to be called out on being a jew? and who on this website keeps changing my j letter to a p letter? i have not typed the word pew- only jew. does the 1st amendment apply on this website or is this being censored? if i am not welcome to say what words i want to say- usually calling out two faced yankee liberals who lack jesus in their hearts- then i will leave and refrain from contributing my southern sassy words.

        1. You should leave and take your anti-Semitic hatred with you. Your words are not “sassy”, they are evil. Since you claim to follow Jesus, please ask yourself if Jesus would approve of what you write.

          1. WATCHER- you wont even say your real name. i interpret that as you being too limp to stand erect and own your words.
            so- as a southern baptist- which is a protestant christian religion- my choice of worship. it is our doctrine to believe in the divine inspiration of scripture and believe in the errancy of scripture- 0% of southern baptist preachers deny this doctrine. the bible tells us so about non-believes of jesus christ. when i get to heaven i will ask if my words were wrong in the eyes of jesus- who is the only vote that matters.
            i was class president 4 consecutive years and always voted for myself- i am voting for myself now- so i am not a math scholar but i am counting the vote now as 1-1 for me to stay or go.

          2. You are welcome to stay. However, you should know that your words expose your anti-semitic hatred. I doubt that Jesus would approve of your hatred.

      2. Hey TruthTeller, go fuck yourself. They can fuckin try to plant that tree. I’ll dig the fucker up myself with an excavator and an army of armed patriots with me.

        You got a big mouth, son!

        You have that face that deserved to be punched into pulp. You know that.
        A Veteran

  6. Displayed here are pictures of what demon possession looks like. Calling good, evil and evil, good. Discernment of just vs unjust is non-existent and void of moral compasses.

  7. To the author:

    You have to have your own head so incredibly far up your own ass if you can’t see how much harm and negativity this nasty fucking rag of bastardized journalism is creating.

    Report your “news”, that’s your right. At least have enough decency to not sow division and hatred in our community by policing these comments. Be a benefit, not a detriment.

    1. Seriously, I think your head is stuck in a dark cavity to have the attitude you have. Your world is about to implode and you won’t have a clue as to why or how come. You run from truth and are feasting on lies. The division & hatred you speak of is coming from the left, your corner of our world not from the Author who, like you said, is excercising his Right and does show decency, far different than those that chose to destroy Kenosha. You, and those like you are the detriment.

    2. Who am I to police comments? I was permanently banned from Facebook for my support for the first and second amendments. Censorship is wrong. If you are offended by these comments then stop reading my website

  8. Dear Seriously, Real news comes with controversy – otherwise it’s just propaganda, but I bet that is what you like being a commie democrat. We support Kevin. He is a fearless reporter of the dirty Kenosha politics. He is an amazing asset! Keep up the incredible work Kevin! You gained many more followers with this story!

    1. Nasty, hateful and racist comments by small minded people who hide behind made up names or call themselves anonymous. Doesn’t take much bravery to call out others in hiding.

      1. Lady, i know you are not talking about me- this is my real name- it is just as cute as i am!
        LaDy- you are so correct – it is probably a SHIM wearing a rainbow thong speedo with fuzzy star wars slippers on.

          1. mark- maybe i did not type it right- but i will say it more simple- southern baptists believe there are zero mistakes in the bible- the red letter edition king james version- every word is correct and god, jesus, the holy spirit is one and the same and the true word of the bible is that there is a very real heaven and hell and you die and go to either one or the other- if you ask for forgiveness of your sins and ask jesus into your heart and acknowledge him publicly(why we are dunked under water) as your lord and savior and believe that jesus died on the cross so you will have everlasting life in heaven- but if you deny jesus you burn in hell for eternity. it is so very simple- not complicated. so- either you have jesus in your heart or you do not. either heaven or hell. either christian or not christian.

          2. If you claim to be all of that, including a CHRISTIAN, ACT LIKE ONE! You’re HATRED is contradictory to the teaching of Jesus Christ. Your NASTY comments are completely ass backwards from the commandment of LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Have you ever engaged in sexual relations outside of the sacred act of Marriage? Have you engaged in the act of sexual relations without the purpose of creating human life? Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Do you support a capitalist society where you keep your own riches despite the detriment of others? Your holier than thou act is complete and utter bullshit. I like calling a spade a spade, so YOU, JOGIE, like many other on here are Racist, Misogynistic, Homophobic, BIGOTS who use the COVER of religion to demean and belittle people YOU don’t like (IF YOU AIN’T WHITE, YOU AIN’T RIGHT type shit).

          3. And what is so funny, you’d think as a minority you might have a LITTLE compassion for other minorities…but here you are…a BIGOT!

    1. Re: Kenosha can rot – Pretty sure you’re the fat, pink-haired trans-man calling others fat. Go shave your pits, commie.

    1. Thank goodness Kevin revealed what a clusterf*** the demented Left leaning committee. ? How can they even consider honoring a f***head such as Huber. And IA old man is a POS too.

    1. Jogue, you aren’t the one and only Claire Binger are you? Lol, I’m kidding though you do sound as though you’d like to date him.

  9. Once again Kenosha leadership proving they are backward thinking and utterly useless. Seeing they want the “memorial” to this ilk, one should be provided for each of the committees yea voters front lawns, starting with the Mayors house.
    I see Fox has picked up on this story and has gone global.
    As always nice reporting KCE.

  10. Kenosha is -and always has been – fucked. Small minded bigots afraid of the world having opinions. Glad I got the f out of there along with my friends. Glorifying hatred.

  11. By all means, construct the memorial. Have a statue of Huber standing over a supine statue to Rittenhouse (with his AR) with his skateboard raised as he tried to kill Kyle. A simple placard at the base reading “FAAFO”.

  12. Hannah you’ve got a lot of nerve. You are just as shady as Huber was. You’ve capitalized off his death, ripped people off, and so have others you’re associated with.

    You’re just another lying lefty kook, playing for sympathy. You weren’t even with dude that long and you weren’t in love.

    GTFO with your lengthy attempts at looking above the fray. You’re not, at all.

    Anyone can search your name and see the shit you’ve pulled.

    Piss off. Why are you all so dang SHADY? Your buddy Josh Z and his slut wife…also career criminals…heck I’ll bet you have a criminal background too.

    Interesting to note that somehow EVERY SINGLE ONE of Kyle’s attackers has extensive criminal histories, and even their women are shady as heck.

    This broad is full of shit.

  13. Why not plant the tree and make it a tourist attraction? Five bucks to piss on the tree/plaque, five more for a dump. All proceedings should obviously go to the people who’s property the violent and fascistic commie criminals like Huber destroyed.

  14. Pingback: USAdroit
  15. ((Rosenberg)), expressed outrage that you goyem cattle would have the audacity to deny this proposal that would memorialize another innocent semite ((Huber)). They always play the victim card, but like the rest of them, Huber was no innocent victim and got exactly what he deserved.

  16. Hey TruthTeller, go fuck yourself. They can fuckin try to plant that tree. I’ll dig the fucker up myself with an excavator and an army of armed patriots with me.

    You got a big mouth, son!

    You have that face that deserved to be punched into pulp. You know that.
    A Veteran

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