Two days after telling KCE that his office has “no conflicts” and will be making the charging decision in regards to the disorderly conduct and resisting arrest from Liberal Activist Joel Trudell, Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D) has punted the decision to neighboring DA Zeke Wiedenfeld (R) of Walworth County. Graveley commonly punts cases out of county to either Racine CO or Walworth CO when he wants the defendent to get good results. The neighboring persecutors are then not responsible to the Kenosha County taxpayers because they are elected by their respective counties. Here are some examples:

Racine County DA Patricia Hanson
Kenosha IT Investigation into multiple felony referrals for former Kenosha Administrator Frank Pacetti and IT Director Merrill (Tig) Kerkman (Kerkman Still Works for the City making more than $100k)
Kenosha Firefighter Kerry Poltrock Multiple Sexual Assault of His Children
Kenosha Firefighter Kerry Poltrock Multiple Domestic Violence Charges Against His Wife
Kenosha Police Officer arrested for felony child abuse.

Pleasant Prairie Corruption Scandal – Sheriff Has Sent Felony Recommendations to DA
NO CHARGES YET – Hanson won’t comment
Kenosha Police Officer Kendall West’s Multiple Day Felonious Crime Spree Ending with Attack of ER Doctor In Uniform On Duty
Former County Board Chairman Daniel Esposito Felony Shoplifting
Misdemeanor Charge

Walworth County DA Zeke Wiedenfeld
Extremist group blocking Public Safety building – Joe Cardinali, Justin Blake, and Jonathan Barker. Justin Blake is now getting ready to sue Kenosha County for $1,000,000.
Former Somers Municipal Court Clerk Francine (Fran) Dibble Allegations of Felony Forgery
Jacob Blake’s sexual assault of his ex-girlfriend
KCE spoke with Wiedenfeld today. Unlike DA Graveley, DA Wiedenfeld promised to not listen to outside pressure saying:
“As a prosecutor and special prosecutor, my duties and ethical obligations are described in Wis. Stat. 978.05 and Supreme Court Rule 20:3.8. Like all prosecutors, I have a duty to seek justice and treat defendants fairly, regardless of outside pressures.“
This will be re-assuring for many Kenosha residents that think people who fight police should be charged with and convicted with a crime. KCE will of course, keep a tight “eye” on this case.
You’ve heard by now that Roe v Wade was struck down today. That means, abortion is a felony in Kenosha. DA’s all over the state are opining. Milwaukee and Dane County DA’s already promised not to enforce the felony crime. We spoke to pro-abortion Mike Graveley today and he had “no comment.”

10 Responses
Is this the way to not take fault for not charging a criminal for “justice” this is the political way around to allow the left to be the left How embarrassing
So can anyone answer why we even have a DA if all he does is hand off the tough cases, like Rittenhouse and punts the political ones to neighboring DAs?
We need someone with a brain, a conscience, a backbone, morals and who isnt a coward to fill the DA spot in Kenosha.
Remember all these actions Kenosha voters!
Because Gravely is a elected official this position comes with a public trust to serve the people of Kenosha county without bias .
To turn a blind eye to doing his duty this out him in the same class with the socalist DAs of Chicago, LA , Philadelphia and the recalled Da of San Francisco.
His actions and neglect of duties is a strong statement of how strong the socalist left have control of his office and endanger the public everyday he and his associates remain in office . His track record speaks volumes of the contempt he has for the law and the oath he took to defend it .
Does that surprise anyone?
How is it that this is happening. so many people/families are affected so wrongly by the injustice in our city/county. it would appear there is some cleaning up to do. Gravely is not for the people who voted for him but he is serving a political agenda. by doing so he is not serving any of the community members. justice is not served under him not the Racine DA. quite convenient for letting people off who should NOT be. we need a change to he sure justice is served.
It is unconscionable to me that NOTHING is being done about these government officials who break the law! Any of us “regular” folk would be locked up and the key tossed in a sewer somewhere
Couldn’t he just put luchbox on the case. We all know he advocated for ball kicking while being pursued by a pedophile wanting to kill you.