(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The Kenosha County Board met tonight, June 21, 2022 and started out as it normally does. Citizens are allowed to address the Board members to voice their opinions in a section of the meeting titled “Citizen Comments.” Some Kenosha residents are more than upset at the red wave that hit the County Board. The Kenosha County Democratic Party, lead by failed senate candidate Lori Hawkins (D) and Jodi Meurhoff (D) rallied liberals from all over the county to oppose a measure that would end a decade-long prohibition against concealed carry in certain county buildings. They didn’t seem to expect, however, the many speakers that showed up to support the measure. Local activist Joel Trudell is frequently called a “troll” and is commonly seen at board meetings acting “off.” He was especially upset tonight, because the board was expected to end the prohibition on concealed carry. Trudell is married to Kenosha Attorney Kate Trudell of Johnson Bank, who is also a local liberal activist. Trudell was visibly mocking speakers that spoke in favor of the removal of the “no guns signs” at certain county buildings. He was admonished and warned several times during the first 10 or so speakers.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Chairman Nudo at first was very patient with Trudell, warning him and giving him warnings to be respectful of other taxpayers. Eventually it was Trudell’s turn to speak. He went off topic and started verbally attacking members of the board by name, questioning why they accepted campaign contributions, which is normal in elections. Trudell started to get uncivil and disorderly, raising his voice and shouting. He then verbally attacked a resident who passed him while getting in line to speak. He received another warning from Nudo. “I’ll get to you next Nudo!” Trudell shouted. After ignoring the Chairman’s repeated warnings, Nudo ordered Trudell to be removed from the podium. Two Kenosha Deputies politely asked Trudell to back away from the podium. Instead, Trudell refused verbally and clutched the podium saying “I’m not leaving. I am speaking!” Deputies repeatedly gave Trudell verbal commands that he ignored. The struggle ended up on the ground and Trudell continued to fight with the deputies. Three off duty police officers, KPD Officers Tyler Cochran, and Albert “Bryan” Gonzales and KSD Sgt. Dave Zoerner all rushed in to help as Trudell was still physically resisting. The meeting was abruptly adjourned and none of tonight’s business was handled.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Trudell was booked into the Kenosha County Jail at 8:45pm and spent about 12 hours in jail before being bailed out. The Sheriff’s department is asking DA Graveley to charge him with two criminal charges, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. DA Graveley is known to reduce charges to citations instead of criminal charges for liberal activists who he agrees with, like Justin Blake, who is now suing Kenosha County for $1,000,000. Let’s hope Graveley doesn’t play politics and lets the judicial system handle this menace.

Here are three videos and some photos of the encounter:
Submitted Video Used With Permission

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

27 Responses
The left is so hypocritical. Every comment I read on the social media sites cries freedom of speech. Yet they want to silence everyone that disagrees. Bunch of clowns with no morals
Very true
Joel Trudell seems like a patriot and this Nudo autocrat seems like a totalitarian. His freedom of speech was impinged on because he made a sarcastic remark? We got the first amendment for a reason — and this Nudo guy is the perfect example of that. He’s all bent out of shape for a citizen speaking truth to power. Trudell is lucky to have a lawyer for a wife. I hope this gets litigated and this blatant repression of free speech goes all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope Trudell bankrupts the county because every American deserves the right to speak truth to power. Nudo is worse than those oppressive KUSD snowflakes who ended public comment because they felt a tad bit crowded in a public space.
For the record I voted for Trump, I’ll do it again, and I’m fully in favor of concealed carry in all county offices.
Per Wisconsin open meetings laws, the Board decides the extent they allow public PARTICIPATION in a meeting. If they allow speakers from the public, the speakers must speak about what is on the agenda. CLEARLY the speaker was not covering anything on the meeting agenda so Nudo was well within his power to end the speakers time. When the speaker disobeyed a direct police order, he committed a crime. When he resisted arrest, he committed another crime. We don’t get free speech everywhere and at all times.
I love it when liberals go off the rails when things don’t go their way. Gravely will not charge this guy instead will come up with a excuse why he shouldn’t be charged.
Hey “Patriot”, you forgot the part where Trudell was uncivil, interrupted the meeting many times, mocked other speakers, verbally attacked a random older gentleman, and threatened the chairman. As he was being asked to leave by the police, he aggressively attempted to break into the chambers. None of that is free speech at a board meeting. Imagine what board meetings would be like if everyone acted like Trudell. It’s a non-starter.
County agency’s in these government buildings do the work of saving children. The families may not be happy with their children being removed for their protection. Are you going in there to do this job?, and risk being shot by an abusive unhappy parent? Your not seeing the whole picture here. Liberal? or just sane.
His wife ain’t the sharpest, and he’s a cuck.
What a bitch!
It shows EXACTLY why democrats are retards.
Including that man looking Jodi!
“Joel Trudell, 43, was arrested during his speech by Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department deputies after he refused to stop speaking after County Board Chairman Gabe Nudo told him to stop for allegedly being out of order.”
This statement is from the Kenosha News, which conveniently omitted the real reason why Mr. Nudo had to ask this man to come to order.
Kevin your not a cop step back. Said the old gray haired lady.. What a joke she is. She probably is the one stopping traffic while filming an arrest to shout down the cops.
‘Liberal Acitivist’ or ‘Liberal Antagonist’? Paula should be considered the later.
He must be so proud seeing himself making the news. I bet he is drinking is soy latte beaming with pride.
Man, he don’t drink no soy latte. Dudes fat with man-boobs. No wonder he have anger issues.
Bet his sloot wife is getting ready to make a run for some office.
I would support a local law that would trade jail time for violent leftists for a special “reward.” A taxpayer-supported, one-hundred percent free to them one way ticket to a Communist nation of their choice. We’ll just hold on to their passports for a year or two.
When you “Vote Blue, No Matter Who”, this is the out of control, intolerant liberal left behavior we get. Remember it was Schumer (“… you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions….”) who poured gas to ignite this fire with his comment to embolden the looney left to release a lawless democrat agenda. Schumer’s intentional, irresponsible, and insurrectionist words have inspired a growing level of communist-democrats to use violence everywhere to achieve their lawless & Godless agenda.
Thank Goodness we have new, common sense leadership in Kenosha County government.
Quit calling these Communist AGITATORS and TERRORISTS, “activists!” They are the exact OPPOSITE!
Makes the city look absolutely ridiculous (as usual). This Trudell sounds like a fucking nut and Nudo can’t keep order at his meetings.
Apparently order was restored once the disorderly speaker was removed. It was handled well.
I was at the meeting and Trudell got exactly what he asked for! I bet his parents are real proud of him! ?
This had nothing to do with 1st Amendment rights – anyone who starts crowing about 1st Amendment rights is just another commie trying to cover the tracks of a fellow commie who was violating some law.
Trudell was disrespectful to other citizens who have a right to have their opinions heard without disruption and Trudell decided he was the arbiter of who had that right – not!
Hope he enjoyed his time in the vertical bar hotel! ? DA!
Positive change is slowly happening in Kenosha County. The pendulum has swung left and maybe now will return to center and then right. I predict the left will start to shut up and remain quiet until after the 2022 Midterms to pull moderates to their side (of course many won’t shut up like Trudell) and then spaz out leading up to the 2024 election. We need to replace all these Liberal and “progressive” Democrat representatives around here.
I remember attending the board meeting back when they were voting on streetcar expansion. It was passionate, on both sides, but it was respectful and civil. I was for expansion, and felt the reasons against were flimsy, but I did not mock them for their reasons, nor did they mock me for my reasons for expansion. That’s how things are supposed to work. Come to think of it, I’ve seen a fair number of froot loops like this Trudell guy on Youtube, they go in, distrupt city meetings, all on camera, and cry about what happens to them. They call themselves first amendment auditors, but I call it ‘People who play stupid games and win stupid prizes’.
Good point. The whole charade seemed planned. It seems to be the new tactic, to shut the meetings down and silence everyone else thru disruption, and hope they get alot of attention. Unfortunately he succeeded.
If he doesnt continue to make an ass of himself, I wont let him watch me cheat on him.