City Council President Sexually Harassed Department Head – Mayor Does Nothing And Issues Gag Order

Jan Michalski (D) – Kenosha City Council President and Mayor Dave Bogdala (R)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A long-time Alderman, and current City Council President, Jan Michalski made some allegedly sexually-charged and inappropriate comments during a City Committee meeting last month.

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On or about June 10, 2024, Michalski commented on a female department head’s looks and body when she got up and bent over to turn off the video recording system for the committee meeting. The department head, Katie Elder, was recently appointed to be the director of parks at the City.

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Katie Elder – Director of Parks – City of Kenosha

In the room at the time, present in the room, were Aldermen Michalski, LaMacchia, Jack Rose, and Pizzala.
Staff members in attendance were Katie Elder, Director of Parks; Greg Boldt, Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer, Kenosha Police Deputy Chief Joe Labatore; Kenosha Deputy Fire Chief Scott Krueger and, Gary Roberts, Director of Inspections.

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KCE reached out to each and every Alderman and many staffers at City Hall. Only a couple would speak with us, but only under the condition of anonymity. They were told by Bogdala (R) not to talk to KCE.

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Alderman Rocco LaMacchia and Mayor Bogdala
(File Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)

Alderman Rocco LaMacchia was in the room and heard what was said. He repeated it to dozens of people at taverns and other locations throughout the city. KCE asked LaMacchia if he heard about Michalski sexually harassing Elder. His response was simply “no.” He then asked who we heard it from. We told him “seven or eight people told us.” He said “Damn, I was there an I missed it.” Except…. we didn’t tell him when it occurred. Freudian slip?

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Aldermen Holly (D) Kangas and Brandi Ferree (D)

“#MeToo” democrats and two of the only three women on the council, Holly Kangas and Brandi Ferree aren’t concerned about the sexual harassment. They didn’t respond to repeated inquires from KCE.

Kenosha Fire Chief Dan Tilton (D) and Deputy Fire Chief Scott Krueger (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Perhaps the most alarming duo that turned a blind eye to the harassment are the newly appointed Chief and Deputy Chief of the Kenosha Fire Department, Dan Tilton and Scott Krueger. Krueger was in the room and said nothing. He did tell his boss, the fire Chief, who reiterated that Krueger not talk about what he saw. Seemingly, their high-paying positions aren’t worth having integrity. They did what they were told and kept their mouths shut. The two are apparently taking their lead from the Firefighter’s Union, Local 414, that defended an accused pedophile within their ranks until he finally resigned in lieu of termination.

In the end, Mayor Bogdala is the only person who can censure, start the process of removal from office or any other punitive action against Michalski. He won’t do it, though. In the end, we might not know exactly what disgusting comments were made to the new parks director. What we do know, is the new mayor is behind the gag order.

Jan MichalskiKenosha City Council President
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Last June, Michalski proposed to remove “ogling” from the local harassment ordinance. Ogling is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “to stare at in a lecherous manner. He was ogling her breasts”. Michalski claimed someone might be accused of ogling when in fact they were just accidentally glancing. Thankfully, the proposal was struck down 4-11. Alderpersons LaMacchia, Ferree and Mackay joined Michalski with his Yes vote.

Michalski, of course didn’t have a comment. We caught up with him at a local event and asked him about his grotesque behavior. He didn’t want to talk on camera.



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58 Responses

  1. Maybe I read this wrong on a Friday afternoon but is there actual confirmation from someone who witnessed this? What was said? Was it recorded on the meeting audio track? If true and confirmed, obviously the alderman’s constituents would legitimately be concerned.

    If potential witnesses were told not to talk to a specific media outlet that’s another concern. I can see someone say that they can’t comment on a matter under investigation, for example, but that’s not the same as “I’m not allowed to talk to you.”

    1. It has to be on a recording.
      Committee secretaries typically will record meetings to assist their getting the written minutes correct.
      Sounds like another open records request.

        1. Minutes are open records.

          Heck they are typically approved at the next meeting.

          Why wouldn’t they be open ??

          1. This would likely not be in the minutes but on the audio recording of the meeting if she hadn’t turned it off.

            1. In the recording.

              And that is surly obtainable through open records requests.
              I doubt anyone at that level would risk deleting the recording in whole or in part.

              1. Nothing would surprise me anymore. There is no accountability for what people do for anyone in the Kenosha County Political Circle. Even if it was recorded and this all went through a legal process, Gravely wouldn’t convict him with anything.

  2. This wasn’t some backyard BBQ where a couple of ‘good old boys’ were talking about the latest hire at their jobs !
    This was in public at a governmental meeting about a fellow employee !

    No Class No Couth.

  3. Bring the suit elder…against everyone there fir the statement, fir improper decorum, fir harrassnent abd nane them with titles so when they get fired their names and titles are available to potentially new bosses. Do it and don’t delay, and get a hold on all video and notes by all in the room, including clerk.

    1. SETTLE DOWN COWBOY. This story doesn’t involve pedophilia. We all know you are sensitive because of your deep seated desire to lay with a man. It is ok for you to lay with an adult man. Don’t get confused: you are not a pedophile if you have sex with an adult man. You need to submit to your desire to be with a man. It will take an edge off and you will be able to think clearer. Plus, you know you want to.

    2. Yup like the asshole that was on stage paid with our tax moneys defending pedophiles, asking for weed legalization and repeating the word fuck over and over despite children being present. This during the Pride celebrations. I was two blocks away and I still could hear it.
      Way to go Bogdala!

  4. Kevin, did you ask Katie Elder is the comment was unwelcome? If it was unwelcome, then she may have a basis for complaint.

    According to the EEOC:

    Sexual Harassment
    It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

    Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.

    Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.

    Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).

    The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.

  5. The next time I see Bogdala, that fake asshole, in public, I’m going to question him on this AND IM GOING TO BE LOUD ABOUT IT. And yeah, I’m willing to get arrested for it.
    YOU ARE GOING TO HEAR FROM ME ASSWIPE! And I’m going embarrass you in front of everyone! Your wife, your kids and anyone else from the public that can hear it.
    Ill be going to a lot of Kenosha events looking for you!

      1. Bro, I’ve own a white van with unicorns and rainbow magnets on it.
        And your mom seemed to like my house, especially when I took her to the basement.

      2. Oh I see, you gotta be Bogdala’s boyfriend. Are you defending your sweet gay heart?
        You rainbow warriors you.

  6. Keep up the good work Kevin and keep on exposing the corruption buddy. God bless u and keep fighting the fight for us citizens

    1. KCE: ” In the end, we might not know exactly what disgusting comments were made to the new parks director. What we do know, is the new mayor is behind the gag order.”

      KCE: “On or about June 10, 2024, Michalski commented on a female department head’s looks and body when she got up and bent over to turn off the video recording system for the committee meeting.”

      According to the above, the alderman allegedly said something about a female city employee’s appearance but what was actually said is not known. Also, was it said about the employee or to her? That also is unclear. The devil, of course, is likely to be found in the details and details are missing. Part of them might be on the recording if it had not been turned off before they were made.

      But if someone is going to want to sanction the alderman it’s only fair that we all know exactly what was said, to whom it was said and what evidence exists.

  7. Remember folks, Bogdala twas middle-management at Gaybott/Gaybbvie , so he’s not the brightest crayon in the box . Still, I’ll probably vote again for him

  8. this reminds me: HOLY MACKEREL LOOK AT THE ASS ON THAT TOMATOE! anybody got that vintage pictogram sign in their basement bar? I’ll buy it

  9. He should be relieved of his position and other should face discipline,
    Are courts and public officials have charged and convicted others of the same.
    they are no different than anyone else.
    these guys are not above the law and its time we start showing that.
    Kevin keep up the great work, I wish you would run for mayor of Kenosha.
    We need you. If anyone disagrees with that is because they fear, you and have something to hide.

  10. These aldermen are worthless never saw my aldermen ever, He does nothing for are district.
    I thought as aldermen you are supposed to be out in you district hearing the voice of the people. what a joke you all are

    1. I agree, aldermen ARE worthless, aside from being a face for the public to complain to. The administration and staff run the city and make all the decisions. Many are there for decades, yet aldermen come and go every 2 years, especially when they see their job is to be a puppet. The ones that don’t mind being a puppet will stick around and be Yes Men for the admin and mayor. Or brown nose until you become what you hated years ago, like Bogdala has.

      1. I’ve long argued that the city needs to go to a council-manager form of government and cut the size of the council. Yes, this would have staff and management doing a lot but hopefully the council would be hiring the best and brightest available instead of somebody’s cousin.

  11. What a disgusting pig. Bogdala is no better. We all knew he was going to be a terrible Mayor, snd he is proving our assumptions every single day. The councilman needs to be fired and so does the mayor.

  12. It’s not the first time he’s done this. I used to serve on a commission with him. There is zero filter between his brain and mouth. He’s said a number of inappropriate comments. I think he might be autistic to be honest.

  13. I need to know what was said to be outraged or not care.

    She has a nice figure?


    Normally I am a vegetarian, but i want to eat that camel toe!

  14. Where the eyes are is where the mind is.
    I wonder how many times Jan Michalski undressed Ms Elder in his perverted imagination. Only the slip of his tongue will tell.
    Perhaps Mayor Bogdala has had similar thoughts as well.


    1. Can you fire an Alderman ?

      I don’t think so.

      Am I wrong ?

      Though there must be a process to censure

  16. Ferree voted to allow ogling? Sounds like she wanted in on what Michalski was giving the parks director.

  17. Democrats at work . It’s been said , but not confirmed that old Jan likes to wear those funny hats when he’s having sex.

  18. Mayor Bogdala and HR should require every Alderperson to attend an Anti-Harassment & Discrimination class. I am a retired City employee and we were all required to attend one. SHAME on the Mayor, every other Alderperson and those willing to keep quiet?
    When it’s wrong….speak up!!
    How would you feel if this was your daughter? Where is the respect that every employee and citizen you serve deserves?

  19. Wonder how Dave would feel if someone said the same thing to his wife or daughter. I used to respect the man. He just as bad as Andy Berg.

  20. More typical run of the mill corrupt officials. Kenosha needs to be investigated by every agency out there with all the rules broke. Judges that impede on 5th amendment rights, officials who still have the good ole boys club, and police that are famous for do as I say not as I do. I’ve never seen such distrust, rule breaking and corruption in a town as bad as Kenosha or Kenowhere.

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