Fired KUSD Grooming Teacher Has Trial Set For 22 Counts Of Disorderly Conduct

Defense Attorney Nicole Masnica and Christian Enwright, Fired Groomer Teacher In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A fired Kenosha Unified School district teacher, who was fired for grooming a 12-14 year-old student, will face trial on April 21, 2025. He stands accused of 22 counts of disorderly conduct. That is, if the defenses upcoming motions to dismiss are denied.

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Defense Attorneys David Luczak & Nicole Masnica and Christian Enwright In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Defense Attorney David Luczak told the court today that he would be filing a motion to dismiss that will be heard on September 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm. The motion must be submitted by August 9, 2024 and the State must respond by September 6, 2024. Luczak told the court that there are “constitutional issues” in this case, although he didn’t elaborate on which part of the constitution allows an adult teacher to “groom a student for sex” as was alleged by the minor victim’s lawyers.

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Alexandra Smathers – Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers is prosecuting the case. She initially declined to prosecute Enwright until KCE broke the news to the public.

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Luczak also told the court that Smathers has made a plea bargain offer to Enwright that he said “was being considered.” KCE knows that the offer was to dismiss 11 of the 22 counts.

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Leah Enwright – Resigned KUSD Teacher and Wife of Christian Enwright In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

In court today were family members and friends of the victim. Also, in court today was Enwright’s wife, Leah Enwroght, who called the victim and this publication liars. Leah has resigned her position with the school district.

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Leah Enwright’s Resignation Letter
Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Gerad Dougvillo In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Overseeing this case, is Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Gerad Dougvillo who is described by local defense attorneys as fair, but stern. Dougvillo set a trial date today because he has multiple trials between now and next April, one, lasting for three weeks.

SnapChat Photo Between Enwright and his Victim
SnapChat Photos Between Enwright and his Victim
Leah and Christian Enwright in Court Today
(Cell Phone Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)



Civil Suit Against Fired Groomer KUSD Teacher Moved To Federal Court, More Defendants Added

Kenosha, Wis. – Former KTEC West science teacher Christian Enwright is facing a civil lawsuit and criminal charges after allegedly grooming a 13-year-old student, later 14, over an eight-month period from June 2023 to February 2024. The lawsuit, filed on May 20, 2024, in Kenosha County Circuit Court, accuses Enwright of manipulating and emotionally abusing the student to establish a future sexual relationship. The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD), which originally faced the lawsuit in state

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Here Are The Government Employees Who Work In Kenosha County And How Much They Make

In the spirit of transparency, Kenosha County Eye requested salary information from the following government agencies in late 2024: Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD)City of KenoshaCounty of Kenosha Kenosha County District Attorney’s OfficeWisconsin State Public Defender’s Office Village of Paddock LakeVillage of Pleasant PrairieVillage of Twin LakesVillage of Salem LakesVillage of Somers Town of RandallTown of Wheatland Westosha Central High SchoolTrevor-Wilmot School DistrictTwin Lakes School DistrictWilmot Union High SchoolRiverview Salem Silver Lakes Silver Lakes School DistrictUW

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KUSD’s Choral Fest Marred By Referendum Advocacy From Guest Conductor

Kenosha, Wis.– The 58th Annual Choral Festival, a cherished event that showcases the talent of Kenosha’s youth choirs, was overshadowed tonight by a controversial political speech that left many attendees feeling uncomfortable and disappointed. The evening, which was meant to celebrate the hard work and musical accomplishments of local students, took an unexpected turn when Ms. Lynn Swanson, the director of the New South Festival Singers and the Cobb Summer Singers from suburban Atlanta, Georgia, took

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75-Year-Old Bar Owner Sentenced to Four Years for Fatal Hit-and-Run in Kenosha

Kenosha, Wis. – A 75-year-old man was sentenced on Thursday to four years in prison for a fatal hit-and-run that claimed the life of a pedestrian in Kenosha in 2023. William E. Koprovic pleaded guilty to Hit and Run Involving Death, a charge stemming from the June 25, 2023, incident in which he struck and killed 42-year-old Scott Mingilino. He owns Rendezvous Tiki Bar in Kenosha. Kenosha County Judge Anthony Milisauskas handed down the sentence after reviewing

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Runnin’ With the Devil: KCE Q&A With Attorney and Author Michael Cicchini

What’s the definition of an IMPARTIAL JUROR in a criminal case?  You might think it’s a juror who has no financial ties or loyalties to either the defendant or to the prosecutor’s office.  But you’d be wrong!  So says local defense attorney and author Michael Cicchini in his newest law review article, The Devil’s Dictionary of Criminal Procedure.   KCE asked him about the article, how he came up with that title, and what his definition is

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Menominee Tribe Responds to KCE’s Report On Casino Concerns Amid Community Skepticism

Kenosha residents and local officials are raising serious concerns over the proposed Menominee Hard Rock Hotel & Casino project, as promises made by the tribe remain unfulfilled and new doubts emerge about the viability of the venture. After years of assurances that federal approval was imminent, the Menominee Tribe has yet to deliver, leaving many in the community questioning whether this casino will ever materialize—or if it should at all. A History of Missed Deadlines and

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KUSD Cuts Law Enforcement Access to Student Database, Citing Privacy Law

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has reportedly restricted law enforcement access to a critical student database, raising concerns about school safety and investigative efforts. The database, known as Infinite Campus, is widely used by KUSD parents and staff to manage student records. Local law enforcement has historically relied on the system for various investigations, from issuing truancy citations to gathering intelligence on school threats, including potential shootings and other emergencies. A reliable

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Kenosha County Eye to Intensify Focus on Judiciary

Kenosha, Wis. – Kenosha County Eye (KCE) is sharpening its investigative focus on the Kenosha judiciary, a move prompted by growing concerns over judicial accountability and transparency. KCE has, at times, been critical of the Kenosha County Circuit Court judges, who, in a unique rotation system, oversee all areas of law. Currently, Judges Anthony Milisauskas, Angelina Gabriele, Jason Rossell, and Gerad Dougvillo handle criminal cases, while Judges Jodi Meier, Chad Kerkman, David Wilk, and Heather Iverson preside

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Governor Tony Evers Denies Pardon For Kenosha County Serial Arsonist

Silver Lake, Wis. – Governor Tony Evers (D) has denied the pardon application of 48-year-old Allen M. Dunski, Jr., a former firefighter and convicted serial arsonist from Kenosha County’s west side. The rejection, issued on November 15, 2024, came despite Dunski’s claims of rehabilitation and community service. A letter sent to Dunski by the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board stated: “While the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board commends you for the positive strides you have taken since completing

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Kenosha Man Charged with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Held on $1M Bail

Kenosha, Wis. – A 43-year-old Kenosha man was formally charged today with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If convicted, Jesus Alcocer-Bautista faces a maximum sentence of 60 years in prison. During his court appearance, Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis requested a $1,000,000 cash bail, citing the severity of the allegations and the need to protect the community. Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II granted the request and

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10-Year-Old Girl Still Too Terrified To Return To School After Sexual Assault on Bus

**Explicit Content** Kenosha, Wis. — A 10-year-old girl from Nash Elementary School remains too afraid to return to school months after she was allegedly sexually assaulted by two male students on her bus ride home. Despite criminal charges, Title IX investigations, and pleas from the child’s mother, the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has yet to remove one of the accused students from the school, leaving the victim in limbo. KCE first reported on this matter

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Two Twin Lakes Men Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

Twin Lakes, Wis. – Two Twin Lakes men have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of possession of child pornography following separate investigations by the Twin Lakes Police Department (TLPD) and the Wisconsin Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. Arrests and Charges Nathan H. Bollow, 20, and Micah D. Griffiths, 20, were taken into custody in January 2025 after search warrants were executed at their respective residences. Bollow was

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60 Responses

  1. $0.30 problem. Take him behind the shed like the sick dog he is.
    The only way to fix pedophiles.

      1. I’m sure if you make some dumbass comments like him you could get a stalker too. I personally think it’s funny how karma works. He bashed gays now has a gay lover. He claims everyone needs Jesus to prevent you from being a sick fuck like these pedos but denies that anything bad like that has ever happened in the clergy. Like c’mon we all know about the church abuse cover ups. You lose plausibility when you deny facts that don’t align with your views. Don’t even get me started on his skewed 2A views.

        1. They need to be bashed. Keep it in the closet. Nobody cares you love shit dick. It all started with, “just let them get married”, and now they teach pirn to kids and have tranny story hour. Fuckem! You and the stalker should go do what 50% of the lgbtp community is great at….and hang yourselves.
          I’m sure this comment will get deleted. I don’t care.

          1. Wow! You are one angry dude. All of us know that it is difficult to deal with your sexual frustration related to your deep-seated and long-standing desire to lay with a man. You just need to submit to that stirring in your loins. Your life would be much better if you did. You would be calmer, much like you are after you have a smoke. You would be happier since you would no longer be living a lie. Just do it already and chill. You know you want to.


              1. Thou protest too much…

                Everyone needs love. Just get the truth out. You’ll feel so much better.

              2. Here are some links to a study conducted measuring brain stimuli to determine attraction.

                “Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.”



                Weird. The more overtly you are homophobic, the more likely it is that you actually will be stimulated by homosexual acts. It’s easy to think about. You were taught your whole life those feelings were bad so in order to repress them in yourself you angrily reject them and try to prevent anyone else expressing those feelings because it would force you to consider them valid as well. It’s okay, Straight White Male. There are those of us out here who will still help you and are willing to accept you for who you are.

              3. The comment from evidence over everything is one of the best comments I have ever read on this platform. It confirms all of our common sense opinions of Straight White Male’s true sexual identity and his aggressive denial of it.

                I also hope he eventually frees himself from the cage in which he has imprisoned himself.


            1. Hey Joel. Back again eh? No luck last night? Did you try a Dem party meetup? Maybe Union Park Tavern or Frank’s? I’m sure you will find a willing party at one of these commie hot spots.

      2. lol I was thinking the same thing. “Here comes the basement-dwelling troll to post his YouTube vid” (that no one watches)

        1. These sicko dems posting are the same ones advocating for porn books in our schools. They are pedos/and or pedo sympathizers which is why they feel compelled to comment in any article that exposes pedos.

    1. I wonder who the stalker is. But I know, and so does everyone else who reads his comments, that Straight White Male is tormented by his deep seated and long standing desire to lay with a man. His torment and self-loathing will end when he finally accepts who he really is. Everyone wants the best for him. He should not repress his true sexual orientation. He needs to just be himself. He knows he wants to.

      1. It’s hilarious how mad at yourself you are, if you repent for your gay lifestyle- you too can be forgiven.
        It’s ok

        1. It is ok. I am not mad at myself or anyone else. Who would want to live life in a constant state of torment like Straight White Male.

          1. Christ makes my life great! Nuclear family, that you’ll never have. Thank God. Like I said, jump on board with the almost 50% if the lgbtp fags and end your life. Make everyone happy. You are an abomination.

            1. Hey Brother, just keep on trying to believe that. However, you are tormented. Everyone knows you are repressing your deep desire to lay with a man. Your comments show this is so. Read the comment from Evidence is Everything. You are a textbook example, as evidenced by your many comments, of a tough guy who fights his true sexual orientation. YOU HAVE BEEN OUTED! No amount of bargaining will change that.

              Just be who you really are. You know you want to.


              1. Hey. Was that textbook in the KUSD library? Like the porn books you pedos push on our kids?

              2. I don’t know who is trying to pretend to be me, the ACTUAL Evidence Over Everything but it’s a pretty pathetic attempt. I have to ask, why would someone try to impersonate me and propagate ideas using my name? Are they that threatened by what I said? Must have really hit home with my original comment.

              3. I don’t support this comment. While I do support a healthy daily dose of Sgt. Hard’s library of work I don’t believe straightwhitemale is closeted.

              4. You’ve stated you don’t believe Straight While Male is closeted. With your numerous invites to participate in homosexual activities in other comments, are you willing to admit that you are closeted, (fake) Evidence is Everything? Or are you out and in the open with your sexuality?

    2. You’re going to take him to the shed? Every answer of yours sounds more gay than the next one. C’mon, step out of the closet already.

        1. Here are some links to a study conducted measuring brain stimuli to determine attraction.

          “Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.”

          Weird. The more overtly you are homophobic, the more likely it is that you actually will be stimulated by homosexual acts. It’s easy to think about. You were taught your whole life those feelings were bad so in order to repress them in yourself you angrily reject them and try to prevent anyone else expressing those feelings because it would force you to consider them valid as well. It’s okay, Straight White Male. There are those of us out here who will still help you and are willing to accept you for who you are.

          1. This comment should be posted every single time Straight White Male ejaculates his hatred towards gays and himself. He is the only one who does not see who he really is. Maybe he can be saved from his own personally created Hell.

            1. Oh wow an impersonator?! I don’t actually support over sexualizing our kids or sicko pedo books in KUSD. I’m not sure who the othe poster is but they should stop using this forum to troll and pick up dudes. WTF.

              1. If you were the actual Evidence Over Everything, your statements would be backed up by actual evidence, as I provide when I comment. I’m not sure why you would immediately consider any comment I’ve made as an attempt to “pick up dudes”, but it does reveal your own thought process. It seems you are overwhelmed with thinking of homosexual attraction and preoccupied with sexualising things not sexual in any manner.

            2. Would you like to lay with me and discuss his ejaculation over some wine and cheese? Perhaps Netflix?

              1. It’s amusing how willing you are to express your true feeling under the anonymity of the internet, (fake) Evidence Over Everything. You must really be bothered by the “evidence” I posted in my original comment to focus so intently on me, (the real) Evidence Over Everything.

          2. Actually, just kidding. That’s just reverse psychology nonsense. Why are these losers on this forum obsessed with hooking up with SWM? Like get back on Grindr ya jackasses. Or im sure Andy can help you set up a Jerkmate account.

            1. I don’t know who is trying to pretend to be me, the ACTUAL Evidence Over Everything but it’s a pretty pathetic attempt. I have to ask, why would someone try to impersonate me and propagate ideas using my name? Are they that threatened by what I said? Must have really hit home with my original comment.

              1. Just stop now whomever you are. I don’t advocate for porn books in school or picking up dudes on a media site. Please find another platform and stop trying to impersonate me. It’s pathetic and creepy.

              2. I think it’s pretty obvious, to anyone with any sort of intelligence, who the REAL Evidence Over Everything is here lol. Your choice of words and fixation on “dudes” and “porn” easily distinguishes you as someone of lower intellect. My suspicion is that Straight White Male had his feelings hurt by my original comment and is now trying to discredit me in a vain attempt to distract from his own thoughts. It’s okay bro, I’m not mad at you. I understand.

            1. Finally, the truth from Straight White Male (who is pretending to be me, Evidence Over Everything).

              1. Feeling sad, lonely, and denying your true identity can lead to you lashing out. I’m sorry your life is a tumultuous storm of contradicting ideas, where you find yourself in constant conflict with your desires and true nature. I wish for you to actually embrace what you want, and go out in public, and seek real companionship. Why you would think anyone in these comments is trying to “hook up” or “make a pass at you” is strange. As I previously mentioned, it seems you are fixated on homosexuality. What other explanation is there other than that is what you think about most?

  2. Will be interesting to see what constitutional arguments the lawyer makes. Surprised he didn’t move for change of venue.

    1. They probably wouldn’t need to move for a change in venue until they start having trouble with empaneling a jury, which may or may not happen. It shouldn’t be that hard necessarily to find 12 people who haven’t heard about this.

      As for the constitutional issues, I would hazard a guess that it has something to do with the disorderly conduct charges. The law on disorderly conduct in Wisconsin is pretty broad, and its constitutionality has been challenged in the past. Frankly it’s a bit of a creative way to charge this situation because there’s no laws that specifically address “grooming” as such, and that is going to be an obstacle for the prosecution.

  3. Sooo….. the world’s leading pedo researcher , Dr. James Cantor : “ Pedophilia is something unchangeable & people are most likely born with it” …. Unfortunately, Christian Enwright has mated

  4. I’m glad someone as stupid as his wife has resigned from teaching our kids. Text messages and social media messages don’t lie. Maybe they should just leave town.

  5. April?! Ridiculous. Maybe the judge could work on Tuesdays a few times before then and he would get more trials done. He only starts trials on Mondays- if those cases settle, NOTHING happens that week. He REFUSES to schedule more trials… look at other counties – this is pure laziness. He got elected and now he barely works. But you LOVE him so you will never report about this.

    Or… do we not talk about how he and Angelena don’t work on Tuesdays if their Monday trials don’t go?

    Nothing like wasted tax payer dollars. Just ask Jody – she is the only one who brings this up but nobody listens to her becuase she is always complaining and fighting with everyone. But you LOVE ♥️Jody so we never hear about this either. Or does she have dirt on you?!?!?!? Why are you afraid of Jody? She had A huge reprimand from the appeals.court and you never reported it. They literally read her for filth – so where is your article about that?

    Some people think she or her minion Sarah is your source for stories so you never report about her…

  6. It saddens me to see that Leah is still backing her husband. It is one thing to stand by your man when there are accusations and heresy, but quite another when the red flags are flying. Holly is not the only one….it will all come out and karma will come full circle. I hope for open eyes and clarity for Leah sooner than later…and a peaceful life for her and that adorable baby.

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