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KTEC Middle School Teacher Christian Enwright Accused Of Grooming 12-Year-Old Student Fired Tonight

Christian Enwright – Former KTEC WEST 7th Grade Science Teacher

A 29-year-old Science teacher in the Kenosha Unified School District has been fired tonight. Christian Enwright was fired from Kenosha School of Enhanced Curriculum (KTEC) by a unanimous vote of the Kenosha Unified School Board. The termination followed a three-and-a-half-hour hearing where Enwright was not in attendance. Enwright chose to have his proceedings held in secret. He was represented by an attorney during the closed door hearing.

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Enwright was accused by the Kenosha Police Department of grooming a 12-year-old girl for about two years at KTEC West. More details below.

KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Before all of the media attention to the incidents with Enwright, KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D) didn’t want to fire Enwright, and, in fact, Weiss’ HR Director, Kevin Neir, called Kenosha Police several times over the two-month investigation inquiring as to when the district can send Enwright back to work. KCE asked Weiss after the meeting why he supports the sexual assault of kids at KUSD, and he refused to tell us why.

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KUSD Director of HR Kevin Neir (D)
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Notably missing from tonight’s meetings was Kevin Neir, KUSD’s director of HR who has faced strong criticism for his handling of this and other cases. He told members of KUSD that he had Covid, even after he received the vaccine and two boosters.

Heavy Machinery Storage Area On West Side Of ESC
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

The board members, Jeff Weiss, and other high ranking KUSD employees used a secret entrance on the West end of the ESC due to “safety issues.” All, except one member – Bob Tierney. “I’m not scared of the parents,” Tierney told a group of moms. Tierney refused to use the “secret” entrance and went in through the main door and left the same way. Out of the 30 people present for tonight’s meeting, most were KUSD mothers. One mom baught pizzas and another, cold sodas. The parents seemed to develop a fellowship of sorts, with a common goal – to get Enwright out of KUSD.

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KUSD Moms and Dads Eating Pizza
(Cell Photo Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Unified School Board Member Bob Tierney Tuesday Night
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Tierney took some questions from the media as the other board members scurried off, almost as if they were ashamed of their decision. “I’m here to represent parents in the community and look out for our children,” said Tierney. “I know it’s not everything you want but hopefully this is a start in the right direction, and hopefully we’ll start moving on the right path to make everybody happy and feel safe in the schools.” The group of parents gave Tierney a round of applause following his brief statement.

District Mom Josie Benson
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

District mom Josie Benson told Tierney, “Thank you for coming out here and coming by us and not hiding. Nobody’s here to cause problems – we want the problem taken care of and it shows that you are a human – a good person who’s part of our community and wants good things to be done.”

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District Mom Karina Luna.
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

“It’s so disrespectful on behalf of Jeff Weiss, especially not coming out and talking to us after a decision like this was made, especially because of the things that we want moving forward, which is the termination of Kevin Nier and Scott Hodges. You know, I think that the fact that you (Bob Tierney) came out shows amazing things about you as a human being, but Jeff Weiss needs to understand that we’re coming back again and until those two are terminated,” said district Mom Karina Luna.

KTEC Student Addi Hugs Her Friend Kailee (Both 8th Graders) Following The News
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Scott Hodges – Lego Teacher Turned Principal, KTEC

Although Enright is now unemployed, this is just the beginning. Enwright is expected to be charged later this week with multiple criminal counts.

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On February 20, 2024, we told you about a 7th Grade teacher named Christian Enwright who was placed on administrative leave for an inappropriate relationship with a female student from the age of 12 through 14. The case is now closed and it appears Enwright will face no consequences for his egregious behavior.

According to a police report recently obtained by KCE:

On February 5, 2024, a Kenosha Police detective was assigned to investigate a report of a 7th grade teacher named Christian Enwright who teaches Science at KTEC West. KUSD Principal Scott Hodges, instead of calling the police, called DCFS. Fortunately for the family and victim, DCFS notified the Kenosha a Police Department three days later.

DCFS told the detective that it had received information that Enwright was sexting a 14-year-old student named “Holly.” Holly is in the 8th grade, but had Enwright as a teacher last year when she was 12 and 13. Holly admitted to being friends on Snapchat with Enwright since June of 2023.

Jennifer Seveirt – KTEC West Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal Jennifer Seveirt called Holly into the office over the intercom during the school day. She asked Holly briefly about the allegations without contacting Holly’s parents. Sievert then let Holly go back to class with her cell phone in tow. Holly then had an opportunity to start deleting communications with Enwright, which she did. Holly’s mother “Tina” was then called after the fact and was very upset. Tina told Seveirt to get Holly’s phone immediately.

Scott Hodges – Principal Scott Hodges (D)

KCE asked KTEC Principal Scott Hodges repeatedly why he didn’t call the police or notify someone sooner. Hodges didn’t want to talk about that. Hodges has a history of discipline and misconduct at KUSD.

By the time police were involved, KUSD had placed Enwright on administrative leave. Unbelievably, Seveirt refused to answer questions or cooperate with the Kenosha Police detective assigned to the case. Seveirt thought the behavior was best kept “in house” and not have police involvement.

The Kenosha Police detective met with Tina and asked to do a forensic download of Holly’s phone, to which she quickly agreed. Tina showed a snapchat conversation to the detective that seemingly showed a jealous Enwright being mad because Holly, age 13 at the time, was talking to a boy her own age. This message exchange happened after midnight.

Snapchat Conversation Between Enwright And Holly After Midnight

Enwright: wow man…mean
Holly: what…I’m not saying it’s a bad thing…I was making sure you were okay?
Enwright: OK
Holly: omggggggg…are you mad at me
Enwright: kinda
Holly: why????
Enwright: you know why
Holly: I don’t like him. I tell you stuff all the time how would I like him
Enwright: okay
Holly: who do you think that

Tina also showed the detective many handwritten notes from Enwright to Holly, many of the signed “Love, Mr. Enwright.” Holly’s cell phone was forensically analyzed and concerning things were found therein. A police forensic electronic analyst found a photo on the phone of a fully nude buttocks. There were also many photos of Enwright on Holly’s phone. Police found other disturbing things on the 14-year-old’s phone.

Holly told a friend the Enwright has admitted to masturbating to photos of herself. Holly continued to tell her friend that Enwright had told Holly that one pair of shorts she wore were “his favorite.” She then told the friend more about Enwright admitting to “jerking off” while on the phone with Holly. Police found many other sexually explicit conversations that KCE won’t detail. Police found 112 images on Holly’s phone that they found to be “concerning.” Police learned that Holly considered Enwright to be her “man.”

Kevin Neir is the Kenosha Unified School District’s Director of HR. He has consistently sided with teachers and advocated for them to keep their jobs. In this case, he seemingly wanted to get Enwright back into the classroom as soon as possible. However, the detective told Neir that there were “definite concerns regarding the nature of the content which has been recovered thus far, however additional follow-up and evidence collection would still need to be completed.”

In an interview of Holly, she did admit to spending time with Enwright outside of school in a group. Holly said that Enwright admitted to dreaming about her. Holly admitted that it “wasn’t right” that Enwright was jealous about another middle-schooler that Holly liked. Police noted that Holly was very reluctant to open up about the inappropriate conversations. When police confronted her about the evidence, however, she opened up.

After a second interview, Holly was very open with answers to law enforcement questions. She admitted that Enwright would compliment her body features, and say that she looked “cute” or “good.” He would tell Holly that her legs looked “sexy”. She also said that Enwright sent her “weird” photos of himself, with seemingly no pants on or a towel on. Enwright told Holly that “in another universe, we would be together…I think about you all the time… I miss you.” Enwright also told Holly that he had an “inappropriate dream” about Holly, and he liked her “a lot.” Holly said that Enwright implied to her that he didn’t want her to disclose to anyone about their relationship.

Enwright told Holly that he and her were “in the same boat,” because he had sex with his friend’s mother when he was in middle school. Holly said Enwright’s hugs got more intimate, where he would put his hands around her waist. Holly said that Enwright would get very jealous very often if Holly ever said anything about another boy being cute.

At one point the detective noted in his report that there was evidence of 603 messages existing between Enwright and Holly in a 6-day span usually occurring in the later evening and early morning hours.

The Kenosha detective obtained a signed search warrant from Judge Meir for Enwright’s snapchat account. When the warrant was returned with the snapchat data there was a selfie of a man’s penis – possibly Enwright’s. However, due to limitations with snapchat software, detectives couldn’t ascertain is to if it was sent to Holly or not. There was also another photo of a man wearing only underwear with a clear outline of his penis.

Enwright was then interviewed by the detective. He admitted that he was the person in the photos that he sent to Holly. He also admitted that the photos could be concerning. “Christian explained that he feels that things are being portrayed incorrectly. Christian advised he knows that he did not do anything wrong pertaining to the relationship or communications he held with his former student…Christian also described how he in now experiencing high anxiety because of this investigations.” Enwright also advised that he spoke to multiple attorneys. He asked the detective if this police report would be made public for public records requested. The detective said they would be. By this time, Enwright had already read KCE’s story.

The Kenosha Police detective noted in his report:

“There was a substantial amount of content obtained in this investigation which proved to be evidence of communication on social media (Snapchat) between Christian Enwright and his former female student [Holly] that would be deemed concerning. However, there was no content, images or videos observed that would be deemed sexual in nature. Upon review of this case, the evidence obtained thus far, and my experience working these types of cases, the communications between Christian and [Holly] resemble that of a grooming type relationship. The dialogue in which is observed between Christian Enwright and the juvenile female student does not fully resemble a supportive or mentoring type relationship.”

KCE reached out the teacher licensing agency, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for comment, and didn’t immediately hear back. Enwright’s teaching license is under investigation.

Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley (D)
(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley’s soft-on-crime prosecutors refused to charge Enwright with any crimes. Not even disorderly conduct. Nothing. The office gets very creative when it wants to charge someone, especially with disorderly conduct. A defense attorney consulted by KCE said that the office could get at least 20 convictions of D/C against Enwright. DA Graveley didn’t immediately respond to KCE when asked about his bizarre decision. He has now hinted that Enright will face criminal charges this week.

Kenosha Unified School District Jeff Weiss (D)
(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Weiss has refused to say why KUSD hadn’t fired Enwright before the story gained traction.

Leah Enwright – KUSD 8th Grade Math Teacher (Christian’s Wife)

Enwright’s wife, Leah, an 8th grade teacher, has called KCE’s report “false” and accused Holly of lying. Leah was Holly’s 8th Grade, during beginning of this investigation. Holly noticed that Leah’s behavior towards her changed and asked school administration to be transferred to a new teacher. The school honored this request. Leah has reportedly told her students and parents of students that this will be her last year at KTEC and she is moving out of state to live with her “rich uncle.”

Holly’s mother Tina agreed to speak with KCE.

“We are just very grateful that someone spoke up and put in the anonymous tip. [Enwright] used his position as a teacher to get close to our daughter and gain her trust. The stuff he said to her was absolutely unacceptable and should be punishable by law. He was grooming our daughter and like I said, we are just so thankful that this was reported and stopped before anything worse could happen. Because that is where this situation was going. We don’t think KTEC or KUSD has handled this situation well at all. We haven’t been contacted by KUSD at all! This teacher should never teach again! Another awful situation that our daughter is now being put through is having to go to school every day and hear from other students that Mrs. Enwright is talking to other students and parents about the situation and calling [Holly] a liar. There have been multiple instances where [Holly] has sent us a text in the middle of the day saying that one of her friends was in Mrs. Enwright’s class and heard her talking to a student at her desk and says that [Holly] is a liar. This has led to some students not speaking to [Holly] and treating her like she is at fault in this whole situation. There is only ONE VICTIM in this situation and it’s our daughter.

I don’t understand how grooming can’t be prosecuted in any manner. In reviewing Wis. Stat. §§ 947.01, disorderly conduct includes ‘indecent’ behavior, which I think is obvious in this case. The fact that Enwright didn’t acknowledge to police that his behavior was inappropriate, is disturbing. There should be harsh laws against grooming, not only within school policy, but also in the criminal justice system.

With all that being said, we could not be prouder of how [Holly] has dealt with this whole situation. She is an amazing young lady and we are so proud of her. She has gone to school almost every single day since this came out and has remained an honor student! She trusted this teacher and now realizes that he was just gaining her trust to try and victimize her.”

Enwright has a questionable history outside of school, including a bar fight, leaving a gun on a changing table in a bathroom at Woodmans, and an OWI. He threatened suicide during his OWI arrest and had to be screened by mental health professionals from crisis intervention.



Kenosha Career Criminal Faces 40 Years For Near Deadly Hit-And-Run

A 30-year old Kenosha man is facing 40 years in the Wisconsin Prison system of convicted of two serious felonies. Logan D. Kramer was charged last week with Hit and Run – Great Bodily Harm and First Degree Reckless Injury. He was given a $50,000 cash bail. According to the criminal complain: On June 30, 2024, at approximately 11:36 p.m., Officers of the Kenosha Police Department were dispatched to the area of 52nd Street and Sheridan

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Trevor Man Has Serious Sexual Assault Charges Dropped After DNA Results Come Back

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Kenosha Prosecutor, DA Candidate, Recommends Probation For Child Porn Case

*Explicit Material* A Mt. Pleasant man will avoid any jail time after pleading guilty to four counts of “Possession of Child Pornography.” Earlier this month, Carter P. Johnson, 18, of Mt. Pleasant plead guilty to the four counts, as charged. The crimes occurred in Racine County, but Racine County DA Patricia Hanson sent the case to Kenosha County prosecutor Carli McNeill, who is running to be Kenosha County’s next DA. Hanson wouldn’t tell us why she

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Village President Agrees Not To Extend Harassment Restraining Order, Cites First Amendment Rights

Rita Bucur, the Village President of Salem Lakes agreed in court today not to extend a harassment restraining order against village resident Dee Grubb. The harassment restraining order was signed on July 10, 2024. Today’s hearing was set to extend the order by four years. The gallery was filled with nearly a dozen of Bucur’s supporters. Grubb, a 51-year-old Salem Lakes resident who was furious with the village board after they refused to take action on a

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Seven Applicants Apply For Vacant Kenosha County Board Seat, 5th District

Seven residents applied for appointment to the vacant 5th District Kenosha County Board seat, County Board Chairman Monica M. Yuhas announced today. The close of business on Monday, July 22, was the deadline for interested individuals to apply for the appointment. The seven applicants, in alphabetical order, are: David Arrington (D) – Special Educational Teacher, IL – Former County Board Member, Lost By a Large Margin just three months ago James Kendall – 29-Year Retired Kenosha

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Drug-Using Counselor Out On Bail For Allegedly Operating A Firearm While Drunk, Sends KCE 18 Bizarre Emails Starting at 1:00 A.M.

A former foster mom is not happy that KCE wrote an article about her recent arrest and criminal case. So upset, in fact, that she began emailing KCE at 12:57 am on Saturday, July 20, 2024. Jacqueline Covelli-Niccolai, 37, of Kenosha, sent KCE Editor Kevin Mathewson 14 emails in a 3-hour period containing bizarre, questionable, concerning, and explicit emails. Niccolai went on about how a Kenosha nail bar “fucked up” her finger nails and they look

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Lainey Wilson Headlines County Thunder Wisconsin On Friday: Photos

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Apple Holler Kicks Off Early Apple Picking Season Amid “Tropical Wisconsin Weather”

Sturtevant, WI, July 19, 2024 – Apple Holler, the beloved orchard and family farm, announces an exceptionally early start to its apple picking season, thanks to unprecedented “tropical Wisconsin weather conditions”, a mild winter, and a warmer spring than usual. This year, visitors can begin their apple-picking adventures almost two weeks earlier than normal. The season commenced with the harvesting of the crisp Lodi apple. In the coming weeks, apple enthusiasts can look forward to picking

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Fired KUSD Grooming Teacher Has Trial Set For 22 Counts Of Disorderly Conduct

A fired Kenosha Unified School district teacher, who was fired for grooming a 12-14 year-old student, will face trial on April 21, 2025. He stands accused of 22 counts of disorderly conduct. That is, if the defenses upcoming motions to dismiss are denied. Defense Attorney David Luczak told the court today that he would be filing a motion to dismiss that will be heard on September 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm. The motion must be submitted

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Indian Trail High School Employee Allowed To Resign During Sexual Assault Allegations, Later Charged With Very Serious Sex Crimes At Another School

Jamill E. Sanders, 36, of Racine, was allowed to resign from the Kenosha Unified School District on May 13, 2022 as an “Educational Support Professional.” While he resigned, he was under investigation from the Kenosha Unified School District for alleged sexual misconduct. He was allowed to resign by KUSD’s HR Director Kevin Neir and William Haithcock, Chief of School Leadership. The district didn’t designate the resignation as “resignation during investigation” or “resignation in lieu of termination”

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Fired Teacher and Accused Pedophile Calls Police Many Times On Neighbors Who Call Him “Pedophile” And “Perv”: Videos

A Kenosha teacher who was recently fired and charged with 22 criminal counts for allegedly grooming a 12-14 year-old child for sex, has called Kenosha Police three times lately for what he calls “harassment.” Christian Enwright is also being sued by his victim’s parents for “grooming [Holly] for sex.” Enwright called police on May 18, 2024, June 9, 2024 and again on June 10, 2024 to report neighbors and passerby’s driving by and calling him a

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Kenosha Area Leaders React To Trump Assassination Attempt

Yesterday, July 13, 2024, was an historic day in the United States. A 20-year-old gunman named Thomas Matthew Crooks shot and killed one person and injured the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, who is also a candidate to be the 47th president. The shots took place during an event in Butler, PA. President Trump released the following statement Saturday evening: “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of

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59 Responses

  1. Now fire his victim blaming wife and the principle and vice principle that tried to cover it all up. Rot in sh¡t pedo scum

  2. Now fire everyone in the Kenosha school system that tried covering up for a groomer!

    Without Kenosha County Eye this community wouldn’t be aware of any of this and the pedo would still be harming kids. KCE is Kenosha’s watchdog now, Kenosha News is the democrats’ LAPDOG. Cancel your subscriptions to that trash.

  3. Too all those lefties who doubted this little girl, SHAME ON YOU! I guess #MeToo only matters when it’s politically beneficial.

    1. I don’t think I saw a single defense of this guy. People asking for details and finalization of the investigation. Don’t think that occurred here. Was the mob right this time, probably. Will it be correct next time? Who knows, that’s why we have a justice system.

        1. I’ll always stand by letting the process play out before we get the pitch forks out. Mob rule is dangerous and a downward spiral. Dude should have been fired and charges pressed if he did anything illegal. This so called grooming law needs to be well defined as well.

              1. This right here is why the “grooming” law people are talking about needs to be very specifically defined. You suggest the guy should be fired but state the mob mentality is not the best avenue and you get called a groomer. There is no defense of this person but any deviation from the rabble of the group is “grooming”. You guys wonder why you don’t get taken seriously….

    2. I don’t think anyone blamed the girl. However, at the same time, the parents of this girl aren’t doing their job either. This went on for 2 years and they didn’t know about it? You don’t check your kid’s phones. Make no mistake, bad parenting is part of this equation, too.

      1. They did, I saw numerous comments about girl fabricating story or forging letters. So much so I took screenshots… It was pretty appalling considering some of these folks are the first ones to want to start a riot when police arrest a person of color even before knowing any details. It’s pretty horrible they don’t fight as hard for kids.

  4. Great Job kusd !!! so next you need to fire the principle, the wife that is that math teacher, and anyone else involved.

  5. I can’t even h=imagine, how many stories that ratty assed K-Town Blab refused
    to go with over the years, that were similar to this.

    1. The Kenosha News is one of the reasons why Kenosha is so corrupt. Their refusal to print anything that shines the light on government wrong doing allows the government to keep on doing it.

      Kudos to KCE! You made our community better and demonstrated the power of the media to make positive change. Some self-serving people claim that the media is the “enemy of the state.” You proved them wrong. Investigative journalism keeps us free.

      1. Left-leaning media IS the enemy of the people. These media organizations, large and small, cover up democrats’ corruption and publish Democrats’
        propaganda 24/7. The Russia Collusion Hoax and Hunter Biden’s laptop = two prime examples. Kenosha News does the same, on a smaller scale. Enemy of the people, all of them.

      2. The Kenosha News’ owners, Lee Enterprises, gutted the newspaper’s staff when it took over from the Brown family.

        WLIP once had four full-time news people. Now they cobble together a “K-town Report” from Gurnee.

        WGTD has one news person to cover three counties.

        1. For the most part, they needed to be gutted because they were nothing more than a second edition of the labor paper and an extension of the DNC. People emulate their bosses and the bosses absolutely so nothing but solid blue in every single story, real or ignored.

  6. If u r new to kce, please also do a search and find earlier posts on this, and comments.. oh yes, and the comments!

    Charge your phone and start reading all about keno. It’s like a chapter book on everything the Knews waits to report on. Get a comfy place and have a date reading kce! THE PLACE WITH THE true Investigative reporting!

  7. 2 different people wrote the letters. Look at the signatures.
    Not saying she is lying. But they are definitely different people writing them.

  8. Nobody should ever wonder why KUSD enrollment is dropping. The do not protect the kids they claim to care about. Disgusting. And hopefully this sick f*uck goes to prison and gets his!

  9. “Although Enright is not unemployed, this is just the beginning.”

    I think you meant “now unemployed.”

    Moving on to the possible criminal charges, I see a dilemma for the DA’s office that nobody appears to have picked up on. Disorderly conduct is a low-grade misdemeanor (maximum $1,000 fine and/or up to 90 days jail). It seems like there should be something more serious and sometimes there are gaps in the law. If that’s the case, this should have been an opportunity for DA Gravely to go to the legislature and try to fix the law. It would be a great opportunity to show some leadership.

    1. He’ll have to do a stint at Parkside and then Carthage, before he has to commute to Racine. 🤣

  10. Glad to see this finally taken seriously, but sad to see what it took to get there.

    This should have been dealt with months ago. Hopefully this will trigger a deep investigation into KTEC, but I doubt it will.

    Couldn’t believe this was on the Kenosha News site right away last night!

  11. People must be in shock something actually happened

    I guess the comments will blow up after he gets charged by Gravely.

    Don’t hold your breath

  12. Perhaps Kenosha’s representatives to the Wisconsin State Legislature might be inclined to review laws regarding reporting requirements for public schools involving the type of issues reported by KCE.

    Representative Tip McGuire
    Assembly District 64 (D – Kenosha)
    608-237-9164 / 888-534-0064
    Email Representative McGuire

    Representative Tod Ohnstad
    Assembly District 65 (D – Kenosha)
    608-237-9165 / 888-534-0065
    Email Representative Ohnstad

    1. They’re all there already !!!

      A previous post in one of these recent stories has all the people and scenarios that require reporting !

      KUSD has violated these reporting requirements many times including a couple just in this single student teacher grooming.

      Like gun laws, we don’t need more reporting laws, we just need existing laws enforced. Here it’s the reporting that is not happening when it should. From the first person to be told, these people just call “their” superior and it then dies or gets slow walked up and up. Then nothing happens, at least that we see.

      It’s the up people that need to be fired. From assistant principals all the way up through the school board. If you are found to have knowledge of any of this and you didn’t report it, regardless of internal reporting, you need to be fired.
      Reporting directly to law enforcement and beyond is direct from that person.
      Fuck your chain of command policies, report on your own. If you get fired or suspended because of your direct reporting, call the mama bears and they’ll have your back.

      I personally wouldn’t mind having on my resume that I was fired for protecting the children.

      1. There is currently no “grooming” law in Wisconsin. Disorderly Conduct is the only one that vaguely covers it…

        Law enforcement can’t do anything when the school district hides evidence and shelters the guilty. There ARE laws regarding school staff’s responsibility to report crimes against children. But KUSD feels they are exempt from those. Charging all the KUSD members who covered this or lied would be a great push in the right direction.

        1. Avatar photoAnonymous says:
          May 4, 2024 at 9:28 AM
          Wisconsin law (48.981(2)) requires that any mandated reporter who has reasonable cause to suspect that a child seen by the person in the course of professional duties has been abused or neglected, or who has reason to believe that a child seen by the person in the course of professional duties has been threatened with abuse or neglect and that abuse or neglect of the child will occur, make a report to county CPS or law enforcement.

          In addition, Wisconsin law (175.32) requires that any mandated reporter who believes in good faith, based on a threat made by an individual seen in the course of professional duties regarding violence in or targeted at a school, that there is a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of a student or school employee or the public, make a report to law enforcement.

          The professionals named as mandated reporters in the Wisconsin Statutes 48.981 (2) are as follows:

          Medical examiners
          A medical or mental health professional not otherwise specified in this list
          Social workers
          Marriage & family therapists
          Professional counselors
          Public assistance workers, including a financial and employment planner, as defined in s49.141(1) (d), Statutes
          School teachers
          School administrators
          School counselors
          School employees not otherwise specified in this list
          Mediators under s.767.405, Statutes
          Child-care workers in a child care center, group home, or residential care center for children and youth
          Child care providers
          Alcohol or other drug abuse counselors
          Members of the treatment staff employed by or working under contract with a county department under s. 46.23, 51.42, or 51.437, Statutes, or a residential care center for children and youth
          Physical therapists
          Physical therapist assistants
          Occupational therapists
          Speech-language pathologists
          Emergency medical technicians
          First responders
          Police or law enforcement officers
          Court-appointed special advocates (CASA) (except as provided in sub s. 48.981(2m) and (2r))
          Clergy (specific requirements and exceptions found under s.48.981(2)(bm)1-3)
          Juvenile correctional officers
          In addition, the professionals named as mandated reporters in the Governor’s Executive Order #54 are as follows:

          University of Wisconsin System (UWS) Professors
          UWS Administrators
          UWS Coaches
          All other UWS Employees

          Reports of suspected child abuse and neglect can be made to the county where the child resides or to the law enforcement of where the possible abuse and/or neglect occurred. Reports of suspected school violence must be made to law enforcement.

          Persons making reports in good faith are immune from criminal or civil liability.
          A person who is mandated to report suspected child abuse or neglect will be informed by the county what action, if any, was taken to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the child who is the subject of the report.
          Penalty: Persons required to report, who intentionally fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect or threats of school violence may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both. (s. 48.981(6))

          There seems to be a lot to process above but not really. School personnel are mandatory child abuse and school safety reporters. The hard question for KUSD is what is being done to ensure that all school staff, including administrators, comply with the law. (In the process don’t forget the school safety part.)

  13. You should ask yourself why did they cover this up and not expose this? If there “hiding” this; what ELSE are they hiding, what else are they not informing parents. Parents please talk to your kids! But parents we need to fight this locally and statewide

    1. KUSD sweeping things under the carpet seems similar to the Milwaukee Archdiocese playbook years ago.

  14. Shameful how much prodding it took for the district to do the right thing.
    Thank you for giving a voice to the concerned parents!

    1. KUSD Administration and the School Board (besides Bob Tierney) are all ashamed that they had to terminate this pedo. These are truly sick people!

  15. THIS IS 100% CREDIT TO KEVIN & KENOSHA MAMA BEARS 🧡💛❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  16. He will run away to another state without facing any consequences for his actions. Just like they did for Jimmy P from Wilmot…. Democrats don’t convict other democrats.. Only Maga supporters get charged by these communist!

  17. Congrats to the moms for being active and caring for their children to hold these people responsible. Shame on you fathers for not being there to stand up for your children and let your wives do your job. Too caught up in sports or whatever to be man enough to fight those preying on your children. Pussies!

  18. Several things . There is a Lego class ? Hey , let’s make that dude the Principal. Maybe Leah got a little too chubby for Christian . He prefers skinny little 12 year olds. 4 drunk driving arrests ? This pervert is a hot mess. KUSD is a hot mess .
    The Democrats are in charge of this shit show.
    This situation is not fixable .

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