7th Grade Science Teacher At KTEC Was Allegedly Grooming 13-Year-Old Student

Christian Enwright (29) – Science Teacher for KUSD
(KTEC Website)

***Editor’s Note: There have been no arrests or charges in this case. The teacher is presumed innocent.***

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Kenosha County Eye today is naming the KUSD teacher that is on leave for allegations of inappropriate communications with a student. KCE was initially going to wait until criminal charges were filed, or KUSD disciplined the teacher. KCE based today’s decision on the lack of communication from KTEC and KUSD to the parents of students at the school. KCE believes that the community should be aware of the allegations, especially because KUSD is very weak on this type of conduct. KUSD has allowed grooming and other sexual conduct to go unpunished, just recently, in fact.

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Christian Enwright, 29, of Kenosha, was placed on leave after school officials learned that a young girl was having a large amount of communications with her science teacher from the previous school year. This reportedly occurred on snapchat, a texting application that deletes messages automatically. This also was occurring while his brand new wife was expecting a baby.

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The allegations started, according to a source, when the girl was just 12 and was in Enwright’s class. Enwright reportedly complimented the girl’s body parts like her legs. He also made comments that he would date her if he was younger. According to KCE’s source, Enright’s communication with the girl was textbook grooming.

According to WebMD, grooming is defined as:

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“[] When a sexual predator builds a relationship with a child or adult to abuse and exploit them. They build trust but use it to control, isolate, and abuse their victims emotionally, physically, and sexually. A groomer often comes across as charming, helpful, and kind at first. It can be easy to trust them and lower your guard. But they often use threats, violence, or other coercion to force you into sexual activity you don’t want. They target underage children, or vulnerable teenagers or adults.”

Scott Hodges – Principal, KTEC

KTEC Principal Scott Hodges learned of the allegations and decided against calling the police, which is the best course of action. Instead, Hodges called DCFS. Hodges then called the girls parents after he had already spoken to the girl. KCE asked Hodges why he waited so long to let authorities know and why he didn’t call the police. Hodges didn’t respond.

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KTEC spokesperson Tanya Ruder confirmed with KCE that Enwright is still on administrative leave. Kenosha Police confirmed only that KPD is currently investigating allegations of inappropriate communications involving a staff member and a student at the KTEC West campus.


Past Conduct – Bar Fight

On April 11, 2021, at about 2:00 am, Enwright was involved in a drunken bar fight at the Factory Bar, located at 5010 7th Ave. The surveillance video from the bar, shown below, depicts Enwright exiting the bathroom and approaching a stranger. The two exchange words and Enwright and the man both signal to nearby friends to approach. Eventually punches are thrown. Things started to die down when Enwright throws a punch at another man. Things die down again and Enwright seemingly escalated the fight again. Enwright was seriously injured and three men were charged and convicted with serious felonies.


Just after midnight on February 9, 2023, Enwright was pulled over after driving recklessly. The Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy smelled alcohol on Enwright’s breath and had him perform field sobriety tests. Enwright gave many excuses why he couldn’t conduct the tests, but tried anyways, and failed. Enwright blew a .11 BAC per Body-Worn-Camera footage. Enwright is scheduled for a jury trial on March 21, 2024.

Enwright later threatened suicide and the Sheriff’s Department called adult crisis to assist Enright by taking him to the hospital for a mental health evaluation.

KCE will report back when more information is known.



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121 Responses

  1. In cases where allegations of abuse or neglect are brought to the attention of school officials, it is important to remember that the reporting process is not about assigning blame or taking sides. It is about ensuring the safety and well-being of the child and providing the necessary supports and resources to address the situation. By choosing to call DCFS in response to allegations, the principal in this scenario demonstrated a commitment to the welfare of the student and took the necessary steps to ensure that the allegations were addressed in a responsible and effective manner. Calling DCFS was indeed the right thing to do.
    Regarding pretty face Enwright, he’ll be dealt accordingly if the investigation warrants it.

    1. The police also should have been contacted. If there was enough cause to contact the social agency, then there was enough to contact the criminal agency.

    2. You are a fucking MORON if you think calling shitty ass incompetent DCFS was the right decision over calling the police. You piece of shit.

    3. okay Scott Hodges. what a lame b.s. excuse. your method seem to PROTECT the teacher and put the child in further peril. DCFS is an incompetent JOKE and of course the PARENTS are the last to know in this scenario. Secure the child, call police and immediately call the parents. police will call DCFS when necessary

  2. SCHOOLS deciding NOT to call police !!
    Who the HELL do they think they are to not let the police investigate an accusation like this ???

    Sure DCFS needs to be called but what authority do they have to investigate and charge a person with whatever crimes pertain to this type of activity ??

    The college campus’s are like this. Thinking they can handle crimes in house trying to protect their own!

    School personnel are charged with teaching. That’s it !
    When there is any hint of criminal activity, repeat after me, CALL THE POLICE !!!!!

    1. What is alleged, even if true, might violate a school policy. But I don’t think any crimes were alleged. The Bird Watcher is going to chill, pending further details from the Eye.

    2. If a third-grade kid kicks a teacher in the ankle, schools call the police.
      A “teacher” grooming kids? “Move-along. Nothing to see here.”
      KUSD? KEEP YOUR kids OUT!

  3. The principal has to follow KUSD policies when it comes to this . I am sure the principal was just following what he was told by upper school officials. One would hope they would tell parents in case of other children being a victim and scared but Mr. Hodges hands are tied in this matter . Thank you for sharing this information to the community. I pray it’s not the truth but nowadays that’s far from the fact .

    1. I’m effing sick of Policies !!

      Stay in your effing lane. Call the police and let them sort it out.

      Kevin said he would have held the story “if” it was taken seriously by the school because by now Enwright would have been charged or cleared.
      But because it “wasn’t” taken seriously it’s now out there unresolved.

      Is Kevin taking a chance on reporting this ? Sure !
      But considering his track record I’m giving Kevin the benefit of the doubt here.

    2. Everyone has to obey the law. If KUSD has a policy that contradicts a law, no one (including KUSD employees) has to abide by that policy. Aren’t teaches part of the group that includes medical professionals who are required by law to report suspected child sexual abuse to law enforcement?

        1. That is not true. I am a mandated reporter and we are instructed to contact police. If a child is in imminent danger

          1. Herein lies the problem: imminent danger is defined by NIOSH as an atmosphere “immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH).” Putting the teacher on leave alleviates any and all danger.

    3. Bullshit! They cover for their own. He’s the principal. Isn’t HE in charge of the school. Why question the victim before contacting the parents. Fuck that! Fire his ass!

      1. My sons did as well. Younger one really looked up to him. Very upsetting for everyone, especially his wife and the victim.

  4. I really hope none of this true. For his wife and baby’s sake. If it is true, WHAT A SICK SON OF A BITCH. GOD HIS POOR WIFE. I WOULDNT EVEN BE ABLE TO CONTINUE WORKING AT THE SAME SCHOOL HE MET THE 13 YEAR OLD.

    1. I mean, he may be innocent, we just need to wait for the news that gives us more important information

      1. As his ex girlfriend. I definitely believe he would do something like this. He at the end of the day I’m sorry but he isn’t a nice guy.

  5. Let’s be honest, this guy has a holier than thou attitude it seems like. He probably didn’t feel that way after he got his ass beat it sounds like.

  6. Figures, a science teacher! He’s probably big on pushing climate & sex changes too, besides for going after 12 year olds! Asshole!

    1. Except that you don’t have enough “common sense” to not make groundless accusations and then comment as if they’re true.

    2. dude shut your ass up, no one wants to hear the opposite of your name, btw it was 13 year olds

  7. Wake up parents! The public school liberal agenda is destroying these children! Trans this, gender that, pronoun this, pedophilia and grooming becoming the every day norm. Just what the hell is going on????

    1. You go. That’s exactly right. The schools, social media, TV, commercials, movies all telling our children everything is just fine under the guise of inclusion.
      It’s sickening.

    2. Pay attention to our school board candidates on the ballot in April. See what they support and if they are pushing for kids to have access to sexually explicit books. Any adult fighting this hard for kids to be exposed for pornography has some serious issues.

    3. People are soft, that’s what’s wrong with this world. “Don’t say anything about anything because you might hurt their feelings” “Don’t discolor your child, you’ll scar them” BS! I disciplined my kids the way we were disciplined in the 60’s and 70’s and they are very respectful, know right from wrong and are very successful, as are my grand children. We have respect for people and know right from wrong. You can’t just let people do what they want without any consequences for 40+ years and expect people to do right. Rules and laws are in place for a reason.

    1. Presumed innocent? All I needed to know was a grown ass man had a 13 yr old girl on his snapchat and talked to her regularly to know he ain’t innocent. In no way should that ever be okay. I went to school with him in elementary and high school. Let’s just say it’s not shocking.

      1. lol. Anyone accused of anything is presumed guilty now? No one on this site knows anything yet except some very troubling accusations were made.

  8. As a parent of a child who I gave birth to, this is unexpletaible, HE NEEDS TO GET KIECKED OT NEW!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Scott Hodges is an attention-seeking dbag. He’ll actually get on the stage during a STUDENT performance and do the worm to try to steal attention away from the kids back onto himself. He had staff make pictures of his face and hid them all over school like, “Oh what fun Hodges needs attention again.” It’s so cringy. He’s clearly a narcissist.

  10. I was a student of his and I loved him and learning this makes me actually hate this scum of the earth he was so kind but learning this it sickens me to my stomach

  11. I think we all should watch this movie because it’s one of the best movies ever made, the animation is great, the storyline is great, and the 2 MAIN villians either made me laugh, or scared the crap out of me. I think this would be a good movie!

  12. I am a former student of Mr. Enwrite he was one of my favorite teachers and was there to help me when I was at my worst. When I first heard of the allegations I was sick to my stomach, I saw him almost every day for a year, he saw me at my best and my worst. He’s not someone who gave me the feeling that hes a creep. And until there is hard proof evidence I refuse to believe he actually did commit this crime.

  13. This is total bs, all the kids at KTEC are talking about this and know about this, and thanks to this article, may not want him as a teacher anymore, even if he is innocent. You also seem to be seeing the bad in him, he was a pretty good teacher when I had him, and never acted like this to anybody. I doubt this even happened in the first place; I know a few people who still go to KTEC that don’t like him that probably just made it up. If he is guilty of this, then fuck him, but I am a strong believer of innocent until proven guilty and to only show info important to THAT case, since the wrong info released could ruin someone’s life.

    1. I had him too, I’m currently a freshman, and the entire time I had him he had been great, he really helped me open up, and make friends after transferring to the school, and I refuse to believe he would do something like this.

        1. If you really knew the girl you would not be saying this. you are actually stupid and you prob are one of his minions

        2. You clearly don’t actually know what he said because in no context would it be okay what he was saying. He is just a little pussy and idk how you would want to defend him.

        3. The bigger problem is that he does not have boundaries with his students. He hugs girls all day long and cracks ‘jokes’ that clearly are not taken the same way as intended. It is behavior like this that is getting him in trouble. If he is innocent (which I think he is), he is guilty of having ZERO boundaries with students, which needs to change if he is to remain an educator.

    2. Guys, this is KUSD. You have to do something pretty damning to be put on leave here….so enough said.

      He is married and has a kid on the way, what facts would ever make it OK for him to be telling a 12 or 13 year old that he would date them if they were older……AND HE IS A TEACHER FFS!

      I mean, seriously, WTF?

      His life may not have been over when he got his DUI, but it sure sounds like it is now. I hope his wife leaves him.

      1. Not even a kid on the way. I was his student last year and have his wife as a teacher this year and they already had the kid this summer.

  14. Libs will refer to this POS as a MAP (Minor Attracted Person), that’s their new thing. According to libs, love is love, no matter what. These are truly sick people!

  15. ktec was such a bad school it was so bad the teachers actually expected work from you unlike my last school

  16. The bigger problem is that he does not have boundaries with his students. He hugs girls all day long and cracks ‘jokes’ that clearly are not taken the same way as intended. It is behavior like this that is getting him in trouble. If he is innocent (which I think he is), he is guilty of having ZERO boundaries with students, which needs to change if he is to remain an educator.

  17. Any girl could lie and get anyone in trouble. Then its just a she said he said situation. Her word against his, which is honestly fucking stupid. Its happened to me where a girl said something and got me in trouble. When i tried to retaliate that i had to switch schools from ita and everything. Girls shouldn’t have this power and should be held with accountability if thet lie and make stuff up that could ruin someones career. She could’ve done this out of spite or attention and for what to ruin someones career as a teacher? Didn’t surprise me that that teacher wanted to unalive himself because of what hat girl did, she should be looked into.

  18. Sure, that’s alarming. But, doesn’t anyone remember what happened with the Principal, Mr Hodges, recently? Of course he did nothing. He’s a groomer too! That school is teaming with pedos and just all around bad people. They do nothing about severe bullying either. And if you think it stops at the principal?… no, it goes all the way to the very top at the district.

  19. i am a student in this distrect and I find it just so great how schools don’t call the police for anything like that.. the fact that he wasn’t fired until parents were PROTESTING that he should be, the schools literally call the cops sometimes if a student is being “aggressive” by talking back its crazy there’s a security guard who still works in one of the schools after he made many disgusting comments about young girls and posted it on snapchat where he’s friends with students.. like hello?? and the fact the school didn’t call the cops first. how dare you, disgusting behavior on the groomer, and the staff who let this happen.

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