(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A 29-year-old fired KUSD teacher named Christian Enwright is headed to trial on 22 counts of Disorderly Conduct for allegedly grooming a 14-year-old student. Judge Gerad Dougvillo today, denied Enwright’s attorneys’ motion to dismiss after extensive briefing and short oral arguments. Enwright is now scheduled to go to trial on April 21, 2025. He faces over four years in jail, if convicted of all counts.
Enwright’s attorneys brought up a recent bill signed into law that made sexual harassment of teachers illegal and took effect in March of 2024. “I mean, certainly the conduct in this case is not tasteful,” said defense attorney Nicole Masnica. “That’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re not excusing, necessarily, the conduct, but what our argument is is just that it does not fit the disorderly conduct charges.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
For the DA’s office, Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers argued that Enright’s conduct corrupted the public morals and outraged the sense of public decency. This is language that is in the jury instructions for the Disorderly Conduct charge.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Enright, a former science teacher, stands accused of sending sexually-charged messages on SnapChat, a social media app that Judge Dougvillo says “does its best to hide its tracks.” Dougvillo mentioned some of the photos including photos of little clothing and snapshots of the crotch area.
“It’s the type of conduct that would provoke a disturbance under the circumstances of a teacher and a 14-year-old student within the confines of hundreds of messages sent over an application that’s designed to hide one’s communications,” said Dougvillo. “I don’t believe that’s conduct that’s generally tolerated by this community at large.” Dougvillo also pointed out that the higher courts in Wisconsin have ruled that the Disorderly conduct statute is not overly broad.

and Jason Luczak In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Request To Modify Bond Conditions
Enwright’s attorneys asked that his bond conditions to be modified in reference to internet usage and contact with minors. “Mr Enwright’s lack of employment since his termination from KUSD has put considerable financial strain on his family, which this new job will help to alleviate… [He] recently accepted a position in outside sales, which will require him to have some access on the company’s tablet in order to access Microsoft Dynamics, develop proposals, and agreements, prepare and execute presentations to clients, among other duties will in the field… Mr. Enwright respectfully moves this court for an order modifying conditions of his bond to allow unsupervised internet access for the purposes of employment.”
“Additionally, Mr. Enwright asks that he be permitted to have supervised contact with children under 18 years old. You would like the ability to attend group family gatherings where children may be present. This limited contact with children would not place the community in harm’s way.”
ADA Smathers opposed the request concerning children saying, in part, “[The state] absolutely object to him having contact with any juveniles under the age of 18, even supervised…”I simply do not trust Mr. Enwright to have access to any type of social media via the internet or have contact with any juveniles whatsoever, given the allegations in this criminal complaint.” Smathers didn’t take a position on the request for internet use for employment.
Judges Dougvillo denied Enwright’s request to have contact with minors saying, in part, “The court shares the same concerns as the state.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Enwright’s wife Leah was in court today to show her support, even with the mountain of evidence that suggests he was grooming a minor in a classroom down the hall. She appeared to hold back tears as the motion to dismiss her husband’s case was denied.
Here is previous coverage of Enwright:
46 Responses
Without reading or hearing the arguments but reading the outcome, IMHO, the judge said he might want to consider whatever deal the State offered. A guilty verdict in light of the other cases surely means all 4 years.
I think Judge Dougvillo made the right call. The conduct seems to fall within the “otherwise disorderly conduct” that has the tendency to cause or provoke a disturbance. If Enwright is convicted I anticipate he will appeal and the appellate courts will have at it. I predict at least a 75% chance that they will affirm the trial judge.
Enwrite is a sick pervert but his conduct definitely does not fall within all of the elements of the disorderly conduct statute. This is a perversion of justice and stretching of the law and unconstitutional wage. Just because you think somebody’s behavior is deplorable doesn’t necessarily mean then it’s illegal.
Deplorable behavior isn’t necessarily illegal. However, at the motion to dismiss stage, all reasonable inferences go to the state in a probable cause assessment which is a lesser burden than at trial. A 25% he’ll prevail on appeal if convicted is pretty good odds.
We could just use street justice and it would probably work much better unless he got a cell mate named Bubba.
It’s a grooming charge.
Throw the book at the perv
String him up by hit nuts and don’t let him fall until they fall off.
Someone downvoted this ? 😂😂😂
Look at that guys computer for kiddie porn, I’m sure you’ll find some (even if it’s his wife downvoting).
I witnessed him and his wife down in Waukegan one day meeting a friend and the smugness on his face almost made me open my door on his face as he walked by my vehicle. I actually feel horrible for that little toddler of theirs that was attached to her hip. That poor baby has nothing to do with and will suffer repercussions for it’s father and mothers actions. Those two are worse than pond scum.
Pond scum is actually preferable to this charlatan
I totally agree with you, i seen this guy out in public, he thinks he is above the law and needs mental help. lock him up in Winnebago mental health 10 years get him the help he needs
Golfing and laughing it all up !
I think he’s getting off…literally and figuratively.
I thought she was going to live with a rich uncle out of state and get a job there…. More lies?
All these republiCON weirdos all around us!
Closet homo you are
Clearly he is. He has been exposed as a closeted homosexual. He may be the only person who does not know that he is gay
What the eff are you talking about , Mr. Berg ?
you are sick
Troll on, troll. PS, we know you’re not “straight white male”. You’re the homo who has a thing for him 😉
Dudes a complete faggot. He’s obsessed. Hopefully he ends ot soon, and becomes part of that lgbtp 50%….
Straight White Male;
I am secure with my sexual identity. You are not. You will continue to struggle with your long-standing and deep-seated desire to lay with a man. For you, that will never end. You can only end your torment by submitting to who you really are. You should stop fighting it. You will find relief deep in your loins once you do,
I thought she was moving out of state to go live with her rich uncle. Is that another lie? Does she have a job?
The disorderly conduct charges were given as a favor from Gravely to Enwright’s dad , who is a lawyer, Democrat, and personal friend of the DA.
Enwright’s dad is not a lawyer. He is a Full Time Deacon at St. Mary’s Church
Deacon not a full time job. He had another one. Not sure about lawyer.
Enwright needs to hang with his dad then, maybe he’ll learn about millstones.
God, you are a fucking retard. His dad isn’t a lawyer.
Do you need a hug?
Thank you KCE for working tirelessly to expose this creep. If not for KCE he would still be working at KUSD. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This is ridiculous, a teacher there are no excuse or fine lines. He should have not done any of it, it’s wrong and he needs to accountable for it all.
The evidence is more than enough in this case, we have sent many people to prison on a lot less. He needs to pay for what he done to are society and are children
as a teacher we trust you to make the right choices when they are at school learning and getting an education. Not to be a victim to your sick mind.
I think the problem is trying to get his conduct to fit within the criminal code. There’s a division of opinion on that.
Why do that make the trial date so far in advance? That’s just BS!! Let’s put this creep behind bars and get it over with, so that the poor girl can have some peace of mind and can start to move forward with counseling and whatever else she may need.
As far as his wife goes, it’s obvious she is desperate and knows that no other guy would want her, as she is just as fugly as he is!!
Another reason we need someone other than that Carla in office ! To many creeps sticking together and paying each other off!
So he’s not using a phone, computer anything? Sure……
Wonder how he got that job? Pretty hard to find work now without a computer too.
April 21st, a couple days for trial. April 25th is a Friday night bar night. Let me put this in my calendar; moped ride.
I sure Hope are justice system puts this guy away!
I’ve seen this guy in bars prior to all this he really thinks he is something and that mind set which you can plainly see is very dangerous to are community.
His wife she needs to step back and take a good long look at all this, she can’t be this Nieve, unless she is in on his sick twisted mind of trying to sleep with
underage girls,
Enwright and the 13-yr-old student sent over 600 texts back and forth in one weekend. Keep that in mind when I say:
1. Parents, wake the fuck up and pay attention to your children’s phone usage. KNOW WHO YOUR CHILD COMMUNICATES WITH.
And, no, I am not blaming the victim with that statement. The victim is a child obviously caught up in the excitement of this
weirdo’s attention.
2. Any adult obsessively texting a child this much does not have good intentions. It is common sense.
Yes. And children are to be protected. They aren’t old enough to be making adult decisions. Say it louder for the pedo sympathizers in the back!!!!
Smugness is not a good trait
That little dbag thought this would just go away. Wait till he finds out how groomers and pedos are treated in prison.
4 years in jail? Yeah right. 1 year of probation with no jail time, and will be working for another mismanaged school district shortly after.
Unfortunately you are most likely correct.
KCE can you please follow the story on Curtiss Tolefree?