Explosive Investigative Report Shows KUSD Knew About Grooming Teacher For Years

Snippet of Kenosha Unified School District “Internal Investigation” Into Christian Enwright

In an almost 200-page report released to KCE by the Kenosha Unified School District, the public is learning more about a groomer teacher named Christian Enwright. Enwright was fired from KTEC and criminally charged for what a group of attorneys call “manipulate[ing], emotionally abus[ing], and communicat[ing] with [his victim] for sexual gratification and attempt[] to groom [her] for sex.” According to the report, Enwright acted inappropriately with “Student A,” “Student B,” “Student C,” and other female students. “Student A” was the student for which Enwright was criminal charged, named “Holly.” KUSD never notified Kenosha Police and refused to cooperate with Kenosha Police for a long period of time. In fact, HR Director Kevin Neir, who authored the report, was fervently trying to put Enwright back into the classroom.

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Christian Enwright
(Kenosha Police)

Several parents of other underage middle-schoolers contacted the district and even Enwright’s co-workers – other teachers sounded the alarm years ago. For example, former Principal Angela Andersson received complaints about Enwright getting too handsy with female students. Instead of escalating the complaints, she told Enwright “You’re an attractive male teacher, stick to high fives and fist bumps.” Enwright told several other teachers about this conversation. Enwright told KUSD that this conversation happened, but ironically complained that by Andersson’s calling him “attractive” was “inappropriate.”

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When Scott Hodges took over as principal, teachers and parents were concerned. He had never been a classroom teacher – he only taught Legos. Now he would be in charge of a large numbers of teachers. Hodges would get at least a half-dozen serious complaints about Enwright. These complaints came from parents of female students, teachers, and even students themselves. Still, he seemed to do nothing. Hodges was mysteriously missing for days at a time and the assistant principal, Joe Kosman, picked up all of the slack. For example, a child brought a BB gun to school and Hodges couldn’t be found to get involved. Kosman also had to handle discipline issues from Washington D.C., while being responsible for the class trip. Hodges thought that an Alaskan cruise was an important thing to do near the end of the year.

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One parent emailed Hodges early in the 2023 school year about Enwright giving a young female student a long hug while in the crosswalk area. Again, Hodges took no action. Hodges instead told KUSD that he relayed to Enwright that “[he was] making sure that we understand, and are aware of, the concern of male teachers hugging middle-school students. I reminded him that regardless of the intent or circumstances, you need to be careful when hugging middle-school-aged students because of the misconceptions that can occur. I told him to try and avoid hugging if [he] can, but I know that sometimes students get you when you aren’t looking. I said the best way to approach these situations is to side hug or fist bump.”

Christian Enwright’s Bulletin Board

Multiple teachers that worked closely with Enwright were interviewed for this investigation. All of their stories matched each other’s. One teacher told KUSD that Mr. Enwright hugged students too long, was alone with female students giving them advice, and had multiple students emailing him while he was on paternity leave. She also told KUSD that Mr. Enwright had a picture of Holly and him together on his bulletin board, alongside pictures with him and his wife and his then-unborn child.

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The KUSD investigator then asked Enwright why so many kids seemed to be in his classroom all the time. Enwright said he wished he knew and that he tries hard to keep them out. He stated that students usually come before class begins or after or during his prep time and that he has tried closing his door and turning off the light but they come through the next-door teacher’s room to his classroom anyway. He said it is unavoidable. The KUSD investigator asked him if ever told students to come in a different way to avoid being seen on camera. He stated he may have said that in a joking way but did not remember.

A fellow teacher seemed to be at wits’ end as she has reported Enwright to the principal many times and hadn’t seen anything change. She wrote in an email to Hodges:

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“I just wanted to let you know that there have been several issues with our eighth-grade female students going to Christian’s room during our classes and during his teaching hours. For instance, today an eighth-grade girl was gone from math class for over 10 minutes. When she return, I had a conversation with the student and she stated that she went to talk to Mr. Enwright about personal issues. When I asked what she did in his class, she said that she sat at his desk because he was teaching. I had a conversation with her about the importance of us knowing where she is for emergencies and that she cannot interrupt other classes. I also stated that she should be going to [the school counselor] to talk about personal issues. This is not the first time we have had this issue with this student and the location she was in. This is also not the only female student that is doing this. Every time there is a sub in the students’ rooms or they were in “specials”, many of them are going to [Enwright’s] classroom. I understand that we as educators, should be creating bonds and relationships with our students but I feel like this is crossing a line. As a parent and as a fellow educator, this is very bothersome. I have reported this to [the assistant principal] and he has assured many staff that he has reported it to you. With this continuing to happen, I want to make you aware that these behaviors are continuing to create a problem during the instructional hours of the day.”

Still, Hodges took no action. Then a parent of one of the other students being treated inappropriately by Enwright sent Enwright messages on Facebook Messenger:

A parent of “Jenna” told Enwright in a Facebook message that “I don’t know how we can create a stronger boundary for her with you, but I want to seek your thoughts and without her knowing.”

To which Enwright responded, “I am 100% on the same page as you I even told her that it makes me uncomfortable that she sometimes literally won’t leave my room when I’m asking her to.”

Jenna’s mom responded, “Great, so I don’t know how to form these boundaries with her. It is simply saying she can only say hi or step in your room once a day or maybe only talk after school, I don’t know what it looks like. Do you feel comfortable telling her this boundary?”

To which and write responded, “100% yes.” Strangely, Enwright asked the parent to start the conversation with Jenna so it’s not coming from him. Enwright then told Jenna’s parent that he has tried setting boundaries but cannot enforce them.

Another teacher told KUSD that she has witnessed Enwright give hugs to his students, mostly female students, beginning in 2022. She also witnessed a time when Enwright took multiple female students into the back room of his classroom and closed both doors to have a private conversation with them. When she entered the classroom, a student loudly shouted, “Mr. Enwright’s got that child riz! He’s back there alone with two girls!” She also told KUSD that throughout the year there have been several situations where female students would be signing out an E-Hall pass to use the restroom or to go the library and then end up stopping in Christian Enwright’s room to receive a hug or stay and talk with him. During these times, Christian Enwright had a class that he was teaching and the female students are supposed to be in an academic class. She said that there are two specific 8th grade females that visited his classroom more frequently than others. She also witnessed Enwright having one-on-one conversations with students multiple times.

Another teacher confirmed that Enwright wasn’t setting proper boundaries and that he told students to go in through a different entrance to his classroom so that the cameras aren’t always showing them visiting his room. Enwright also admitted to allowing female students to wear his clothing.

Christian and Holly

KUSD was able to locate a plethora of photos with Enwright and Holly. He was asked why his face was always so close to hers and he didn’t have an answer.

KUSD Principle Scott Hodges
(Cell Phone Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE has spoken to more than a half dozen teachers, staff, and students at KTEC that say they have lost faith in Principal Scott Hodges. Only a handful of students shook Hodges’ hand during the eighth grade graduation ceremony last week. One teacher told KCE that Hodges was “insufferably tone deaf” by allowing Leah Enwright, the wife of Christian, to hand out the diplomas. Leah had called this author and Holly liars multiple times during the school year. She didn’t show up to the ceremony. He also told parents in his commencement speech, “Don’t trust everything you read on the internet,” seemingly referring to this publication.

Graduation Program

At least 15 teachers and staff aren’t coming to KTEC next year in a mass exodus. Most that have spoken to KCE have said that they can’t work for a Principal like Hodges who doesn’t support teachers or students.

While most teachers, parents, and students universally condemned Enwright’s behavior, some teachers are standing fast in support. One such teacher is a Lakeview Tech Academy named Kristi Koschkee, formerly known as Kristi Lacroix and Kristi Lemerond, who said of KCE’s article, “I hate creepy teachers as much as the next guy. However, after reading the text and notes it is obvious they were not in any relationship. The rhetoric does not match the accusations. Maybe she said things? Maybe, but the physical evidence is pretty benign on this one.” Kristi is the step-daughter of the former police chief and former School Board President Dan Wade. Also, the president of the Kenosha Education Association (KEA), Katherine Andrysiak-Montemurro, has not condemned publically the behavior.

With all of this evidence showing that KUSD has known about Enwright’s creepy, inappropriate, and criminal behavior for many years and did nothing, the lawsuit by Holly’s family is almost certainly going to be successful.



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45 Responses

  1. My God, this story gets more appalling with every sentence in this article. Did any of the KUSD employees who complained about Enwright & then witnessed KUSD administration doing nothing, even consider personally reporting this entire debacle to law enforcement? If not, why not? Aren’t these people mandatory reporters? Are any of them even functional adults? What in the hell is wrong with these people?

  2. Kristi is also the same educator who suspended me due to other people’s actions and condoned her ex-husband cheating on her. She favored her male students and is notorious for victim-shaming. She claimed a female student who was assaulted “had it coming”.
    Her comment is not surprising in the slightest. Boo.

    1. A person married as many times as her, just confirms her lack of judgement!! She’s probably good friends with Enright!! This scumbag needs to be put behind bars, as does his pathetic wife on charges for harassing the victim and calling her a liar!! I feel sorry for that child born to these disgusting Enright scum!!

    2. I don’t know you, but this is absolute garbage.
      Anyone who ACTUALLY knows me knows this is garbage.
      Don’t like me? That’s fine, but lying is disgusting!

  3. There are mandatory reporting laws !!

    If the teachers don’t know them then they should be suspended until they do.

    Teacher training 101 !!

  4. Isn’t Kristi also known as Kristi Wade, former KUSD board member Dan Wades daughter. Isn’t he former KPD?

      1. We have to consider the possibility that this Enwright pedo/grooming group consists of conservatives who are not members of the teachers union. In other words, they are not Godless libs.

        How can that be? Do they still deserve to be publicly executed. I thought that only libs could be groomers.

        1. Yes. Pedo of any creed or political affiliation should be punished to the fullest extent. Hopefully you can agree on that.

  5. Pedos and pedo supporters have infiltrated our school system. Sorry co-workers of Enright, you ALL dropped the ball and let down your students. When you realized that the admin was useless in stopping this madness, you should’ve made an anon call to the cops. It’s common sense!

    1. Aiding and abetting. Look it up, teachers. Shame on you for not getting police involved.
      If you’re not a part of stopping this crap then you are a part of allowing it to happen. Period.

  6. Above education, the number #1 priority of KUSD is to protect all students. Scott Hodges should be fired for blatantly ignoring the reports on Enwright. The KUSD HR director should also be fired for trying to sweep the evidence under the rug. Let’s hope the school board revises the handbook policy about teacher/student relations and that KUSD adheres to new the policies.
    Note to KUSD admin- If you’re not protecting the students, you’re doing your job!

  7. the entire KUSD system needs to be reevaluated from the Superintendent to the School board to the principals and faculty. This whole system seems to be a breeding ground for pedophiles and it needs to stop. I would NEVER put my kids in KUSD, not for a million dollars

    1. I’m an RN with an MSN-MPH, I gave up a career that paid in the mid-6 figures, to stay home and raise my children during the “pandemic.” Although we have had to make many sacrifices, homeschooling our children has been the best decision we ever made. It is not without its own struggles, and it’s not always easy- but it is the best thing for them.

  8. the entire KUSD system needs to be reevaluated from the Superintendent to the School board to the principals and faculty. This whole system seems to be a breeding ground for pedophiles and it needs to stop. I would NEVER put my kids in KUSD, not for a million dollars

  9. Do individual members of the KUSD Board of Education as well as Administrators have any legal liability over this?

    No doubt lawsuits will result as more and more details come forward.

  10. To the teachers who saw something and said nothing AND to the teachers who saw something, said something to admin who did nothing, yet did not bother to call the police: If you are a teacher you are a Mandated Reporter which means that you have not only a moral obligation to protect the children in your care, but you also have a legal obligation to protect them. Do better, Kenosha teachers! This is infuriating.

  11. I’m reading a lot of excited comments here and, frankly, I began reading this with the same feelings. But then “hot mad” doesn’t accomplish much good. “Cold mad” is different.

    There’s a lot of bad news in this document — worse than most of us thought. There’s also some good given that there were teachers who did raise some red flags that, unfortunately, were ignored. The question, folks, is what to do with this information.

    According to the Kenosha News, the school board is already working on policy changes. (Just what KUSD needs: more policies.). While perhaps not a bad idea they wouldn’t be necessary if the people running the show did their jobs. These policies are aimed more at classroom teachers but here it seems that the principal and the HR people were the ones who really dropped the ball. Or worse.

    A policy change isn’t enough. There needs to be a top-down reform. And now KUSD wants to go the voters for more money? No chance.

  12. So now we are getting even more info on KUSD shenanigans that are harmful to students, parents, and the majority of district employees who are trying to do the right thing and actually TEACH !!

    But this gets better – after the numerous personnel scandals – and the closing of several schools due to budget issues – the district has the audacity to consider a referendum to exceed the state mandated maximum tax levy to further close the budget deficit. The Board has voted 6 to 1 to consider moving forward to get the referendum on the November 2024 ballot.

    I mean REALLY ???? Takes balls.

    When the school closings were announced I anticipated something like this tone deaf move would be next. Now, coupled with the endless employee scandals, it is unbelievable such an insult to the taxpayers would even be considered.

    I say “NOT ONE MORE TAX DOLLAR TO KUSD” until changes are made internally – and the current Board wakes up or – better yet – is replaced.

  13. Skipping right to the current situation, am I the only one that believes somebody in the district attorney’s office needs to move, and move now to pursue everybody and I mean everybody, who failed on this. Enough is enough, and if the city and school officials don’t want Kenoshans taking up torches and pitchforks to enforce their own social justice, then those we entrust and pay to prosecute wrongdoers better decide pretty damn quick whose side they are on. It seems less and less that conservatives have any voice in our Washington Representatives but there’s no part of this community that is so small that evil can hide if actively pursued.

  14. Demorats are ALL pedos. Of course they are all in on it and did everything to protect the sexual predator. This is hardly a new revelation.

  15. I agree that KUSD has a major problem AND bringing Kristi Koschkee‘s name into this article is uncalled for and inconsequential to this story.

    I do not understand why people who are building up our community are consistently thrown under the bus in stories on KCE.

    In this story, it is Kristi Koschkee and in many other articles, it has been Sharmain Harris.

    In this case, Kristi made a public comment of someone she knew as an acquaintance and had no idea of the evidence at the time when her comments were made. It is inconsequential to the story, which is a problem that exists at a higher level in KUSD.

    We need more stories about people like them who are uplifting to our community – not tearing them down.

    Mrs Koschkee is an
    outstanding educator. If you ever read ”The Student of the Week” listings in the Kenosha News, Lakeview students often mention her as a key figure who has helped them through their academic journey. Lakeview’s Skills USA program is the gold standard model for the state, and has received national acclaim. Every year she raises tens of thousands of dollars to take the team to state and national competitions. We have a child going to Lakeview next year and when I ask other parents about their experience, Kristi’s name is mentioned as a key person to connect with and to have your child as their teacher. We need more educators like her.

    Sharmain Harris is another Kenoshan doing hard work in our community, but yet has been featured negatively in KCE. His story is of redemption and his personal and professional
    accomplishments outshine his past. Sharmain has paid his debt to society. He re-entered by working full-time as a community educator, and put himself through school to completion of a masters degree. He has worked leading programs that support fathers in being emotionally and financially supportive in their children’s lives. This has resulted in families becoming emotionally resilient and more financially self-sufficient. His work has been celebrated on a national level and has been replicated in other communities. He’s a national speaker and a guest lecturer/adjunct professor.

    We all want the best education for our kids, strong families and reentry of those formally incarcerated to grow to have meaningful lives that contribute to our society.

    These are values that Kristi and Sharmain work towards and I know we all have these values in common with them.

    I know I am not alone when I say that I would I love to see more stories celebrating individuals like them, who have a passion in strengthening our community for a better Kenosha.

  16. Can you publish the 200 page report in its entirety so that the public can see all of these complaints and allegations? Thank you for being the only local news outlet reporting the truth, we would love to see it all laid bare.

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