**The article was modified on April 19, 2024 @ 11:56am. See end of story for additions.***
On February 20, 2024, we told you about a 7th Grade teacher named Christian Enwright who was placed on administrative leave for an inappropriate relationship with a female student from the age of 12 through 14. The case is now closed and it appears Enwright will face no consequences for his egregious behavior.
According to to a police report recently obtained by KCE:
On February 5, 2024, a Kenosha Police detective was assigned to investigate a report of a 7th grade teacher named Christian Enwright who teaches Science at KTEC West. KUSD Principal Scott Hodges, instead of calling the police, called DCFS. Fortunately for the family and victim, DCFS notified the Kenosha a Police Department three days later.
DCFS told the detective that it had received information that Enwright was sexting a 14-year-old student named “Holly.” Holly is in the 8th grade, but had Enwright as a teacher last year when she was 12 and 13. Holly admitted to being friends on Snapchat with Enwright since June of 2023.

Assistant Principal Jennifer Seveirt called Holly into the office over the intercom during the school day. She asked Holly briefly about the allegations without contacting Holly’s parents. Sievert then let Holly go back to class with her cell phone in tow. Holly then had an opportunity to start deleting communications with Enwright, which she did. Holly’s mother “Tina” was then called after the fact and was very upset. Tina told Seveirt to get Holly’s phone immediately.

KCE asked KTEC Principal Scott Hodges repeatedly why he didn’t call the police or notify someone sooner. Hodges didn’t want to talk about that. Hodges has a history of discipline and misconduct at KUSD.
By the time police were involved, KUSD had placed Enwright on administrative leave. Unbelievably, Seveirt refused to answer questions or cooperate with the Kenosha Police detective assigned to the case. Seveirt thought the behavior was best kept “in house” and not have police involvement.
The Kenosha Police detective met with Tina and asked to do a forensic download of Holly’s phone, to which she quickly agreed. Tina showed a snapchat conversation to the detective that seemingly showed a jealous Enwright being mad because Holly, age 13 at the time, was talking to a boy her own age. This message exchange happened after midnight.

Enwright: wow man…mean
Holly: what…I’m not saying it’s a bad thing…I was making sure you were okay?
Enwright: OK
Holly: omggggggg…are you mad at me
Enwright: kinda
Holly: why????
Enwright: you know why
Holly: I don’t like him. I tell you stuff all the time how would I like him
Enwright: okay
Holly: who do you think that
Tina also showed the detective many handwritten notes from Enwright to Holly, many of the signed “Love, Mr. Enwright.” Holly’s cell phone was forensically analyzed and concerning things were found therein. A police forensic electronic analyst found a photo on the phone of a fully nude buttocks. There were also many photos of Enwright on Holly’s phone. Police found other disturbing things on the 14-year-old’s phone.
Holly told a friend the Enwright has admitted to masturbating to photos of herself. Holly continued to tell her friend that Enwright had told Holly that one pair of shorts she wore were “his favorite.” She then told the friend more about Enwright admitting to “jerking off” while on the phone with Holly. Police found many other sexually explicit conversations that KCE won’t detail. Police found 112 images on Holly’s phone that they found to be “concerning.” Police learned that Holly considered Enwright to be her “man.”

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kevin Neir is the Kenosha Unified School District’s Director of HR. He has consistently sided with teachers and advocated for them to keep their jobs. In this case, he seemingly wanted to get Enwright back into the classroom as soon as possible. However, the detective told Neir that there were “definite concerns regarding the nature of the content which has been recovered thus far, however additional follow-up and evidence collection would still need to be completed.”
In an interview of Holly, she did admit to spending time with Enwright outside of school in a group. Holly said that Enwright admitted to dreaming about her. Holly admitted that it “wasn’t right” that Enwright was jealous about another middle-schooler that Holly liked. Police noted that Holly was very reluctant to open up about the inappropriate conversations. When police confronted her about the evidence, however, she opened up.
After a second interview. Holly was very open with answers to law enforcement questions. She admitted that Enwright would compliment her body features, and say that she looked “cute” or “good.” He would tell Holly that her legs looked “sexy”. She also said that Enwright sent her “weird” photos of himself, with seemingly no pants on or a towel on. Enwright told Holly that “in another universe, we would be together…I think about you all the time… I miss you.” Enwright also told Holly that he had an “inappropriate dream about [Holly], and he liked her “a lot.” Holly said that Enwright implied to her that he didn’t want her to disclose to anyone about their relationship.
Enwright told Holly that he and her were “in the same boat,” because he had sex with his friend’s mother when he was in middle school. Holly said Enwright’s hugs got more intimate, where he would put his hands around her waist. Holly said that Enwright would get very jealous very often if Holly ever said anything about another boy being cute.
At one point the detective noted in his report that there was evidence of 603 messages existing between Enwright and Holly in a 6-day span usually occurring in the later evening and early morning hours.
The Kenosha detective obtained a signed search warrant from Judge Meir for Enwright’s snapchat account. When the warrant was returned with the snapchat data there was a selfie of a man’s penis – possibly Enwright’s. However, due to limitations with snapchat software, detectives couldn’t ascertain is to if it was sent to Holly or not. There was also another photo of a man wearing only underwear with a clear outline of his penis.
Enwright was then interviewed by the detective. He admitted that he was the person in the photos that he sent to Holly. He also admitted that the photos could be concerning. “Christian explained that he feels that things are being portrayed incorrectly. Christian advised he knows that he did not do anything wrong pertaining to the relationship or communications he held with his former student…Christian also described how he in now experiencing high anxiety because of this investigations.” Enwright also advised that he spoke to multiple attorneys. He asked the detective if this police report would be made public for public records requested. The detective said they would be. By this time, Enwright had already read KCE’s story.
The Kenosha Police detective noted in his report:
“There was a substantial amount of content obtained in this investigation which proved to be evidence of communication on social media (Snapchat) between Christian Enwright and his former female student [[Holly] that would be deemed concerning. However, there was no content, images or videos observed that would be deemed sexual in nature. Upon review of this case, the evidence obtained thus far, and my experience working these types of cases, the communications between Christian and [Holly] resemble that of a grooming type relationship. The dialogue in which is observed between Christian Enwright and the juvenile female student does not fully resemble a supportive or mentoring type relationship.”
KCE reached out the teacher licensing agency, the WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for comment, and didn’t immediately hear back.

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley’s soft-on-crime prosecutors refused to charge Enwright with any crimes. Not even disorderly conduct. Nothing. The office gets very creative when it wants to charge someone, especially disorderly conduct. A defense attorney consulted by KCE said that the office could get at least 20 convictions of D/C against Enwright. DA Graveley didn’t respond to KCE when asked about his bizarre decision.

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Weiss has refused to say why KUSD hasn’t fired Enwright. He is expected to return to work soon, next school year at the latest.

Enwright’s wife, Leah, an 8th grade teacher, has called KCE’s report “false” and accused Holly of lying. Leah was Holly’s 8th Grade during the beginning of this investigation. Holly noticed that Leah’s behavior towards her changed and asked school administration to be transferred to a new teacher. The school honored this request. Leah has reportedly told her students and parents of students that this will be her last year at KTEC and she is moving out of state to live with her “rich uncle.”
Holly’s mother Tina agreed to speak with KCE.
“We are just very grateful that someone spoke up and put in the anonymous tip. [Enwright] used his position as a teacher to get close to our daughter and gain her trust. The stuff he said to her was absolutely unacceptable and should be punishable by law. He was grooming our daughter and like I said, we are just so thankful that this was reported and stopped before anything worse could happen. Because that is where this situation was going. We don’t think KTEC or KUSD has handled this situation well at all. We haven’t been contacted by KUSD at all! This teacher should never teach again! Another awful situation that our daughter is now being put through is having to go to school every day and hear from other students that Mrs. Enwright is talking to other students and parents about the situation and calling [Holly] a liar. There have been multiple instances where [Holly] has sent us a text in the middle of the day saying that one of her friends was in Mrs. Enwright’s class and heard her talking to a student at her desk and says that [Holly] is a liar. This has led to some students not speaking to [Holly] and treating her like she is at fault in this whole situation. There is only ONE VICTIM in this situation and it’s our daughter.
I don’t understand how grooming can’t be prosecuted in any manner. In reviewing Wis. Stat. §§ 947.01, disorderly conduct includes ‘indecent’ behavior, which I think is obvious in this case. The fact that Enwright didn’t acknowledge to police that his behavior was inappropriate, is disturbing. There should be harsh laws against grooming, not only within school policy, but also in the criminal justice system.
With all that being said, we could not be prouder of how [Holly] has dealt with this whole situation. She is an amazing young lady and we are so proud of her. She has gone to school almost every single day since this came out and has remained an honor student! She trusted this teacher and now realizes that he was just gaining her trust to try and victimize her.”
Enwright has a questionable history outside of school, including a bar fight, leaving a gun on a changing table in a bathroom at Woodmans, and an OWI. He threatened suicide during his OWI arrest and had to be screened by mental health professionals from crisis intervention.
If you disagree with KUSD’s decision to keep Enwright in your kids’ schools. You can email Jeff Weiss jweiss@kusd.edu.
Update: A mother of students at KTEC started a petition to have this teacher fired.
*** Update as of April 19, 2024 at 11:56am: KCE has made contact with Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley since the publication of this story. Graveley has indicated that the once-closed case is now currently being actively investigated by The Kenosha Police Department and Kenosha County DA’s office. While there has been no formal referral to the DA’s office, the DA’s office is expecting to receive a police referral soon. KCE then spoke to Kenosha Police Chief Pat Patton who said he is aware of this case. “I’m proud of the work the detective bureau did in this case to depict the full picture. Ultimately, no charges resulted, but we stand ready and willing to assist the DA’s office in any possible future prosecution. We feel this was grooming, and I am thankful Kenosha Police got involved when we did before things could escalate. The safety of the children in our community is a top priority for KPD. We are currently in the development in a unit designed specifically for those who seek to pray on the children in our community, “said Patton Friday afternoon.***

300 Responses
lol and you guys still couldn’t beat Landry to get a school board position.
Keep on winning while the left rapes your children.
You said that already.
And I’ll keep saying it. Kenosha is a fucking embarrassment. Her and knezz eating your lunch are examples 1 and 2.
Kenosha sucks! I dislike it so much! To many racist and pedos there! If it were my grandchildren believe me I would have taken it to the media right after I spoke to the cops. Appealed the decision! But this city full of republican courts, police, etc etc! No good!
Hey spoiler alert this behavior is not political
It’s gross of you to think that these are pigs
Sounds like Pedo’s protecting Pedo’s! These people are sick! Leave our kids alone!!!
I hope your follow up story about Holly’s father kicking this guys ass comes out soon.
Gravely and McNeil would definitely charge that!
I am afraid McNeil is going to be Gravely all over, look who her teacher is!!
The follow up story should be about why parents continue to send their kids to schools with known groomers. At some point, the parents become responsible because they are subjecting their daughter to a known grooming atmosphere.
I can only imagine a lot of them left
Worse than Penn State
This is absolutely disgusting!!! Shame on the Enwrights, Jeff Weiss, Hodges, and most of all Graveley!! This guy is a sexual predator and he gets off scot-free, with his job around CHILDREN intact! This is what KUSD seems to like in their schools. They must have an ad out somewhere, “Attention all pedophiles, come to KUSD where you have unfettered and protected access to children of all ages.”
Parents wake up. Pull your children out of the Catholic Church where there is a proven history of pedo preists. Private schools aren’t safe.
What does this have to do with a private school?? KTEC is part of KUSD.
The Catholic Church dealt with their shit 25 years ago. Your turn teachers union.
The Catholic Church is full of pedos
If you have evidence, or even directly know of, pedophilia occurring in a Catholic Church, you should definitely contact the police & DCFS.
Unless you’re just blowing smoke to sound cool.
They are deflecting like a typical lib. Instead of acknowledging that this was a horrible thing that happened, they try and distract by saying “look here instead”!
It’s been on going for centuries. Get your head out of the sand. Your part of the cover up.
It’s you’re not your. You must have been educated in the public school system.
Again I say— if you know of something occurring, you should alert the authorities.
Posting on a local news site doesn’t do anything helpful. If you’re acutely aware of pedophilia occurring within the Catholic Church, CONTACT THE AUTHORITIES.
The John Jay report indicated that some 11,000 allegations had been made against 4,392 priests in the USA. This is approximately 4% of the 110,000 priests who had served during the period covered by the survey (1950–2002)
And the majority of the abuse occurred mid 1960’s to mid 1970’s. The abuse that is still being reported has generally happened during that time frame, as well.
Why are you libs deflecting? Stay focused. This KUSD teacher is a pedophile and his KUSD teacher wife is an enabler.
Not libs- not deflecting. Providing information to show that the comparison to Catholic priests is not a valid one.
An admitted mentally unstable man that’s about to be divorced by his pregnant wife because he got caught grooming a kid thats gonna lose his teaching license who’s entire life is on blast. . That also has a gun?
KPD Please do something!
The wife isn’t pregnant !
But they do have a child.
They have a baby. Literally the same summer he started grooming the girl.
Not losing his teaching license. Not being prosecuted. Not even being fired from KTEC/KUSD.
Just like the pedo that’s still currently working at Indian Trail.
So it’s ok because they dealt with it
This is a kenosha unified school not private.
Ironically I hope , I wish Catholics can solve this —- Calabrian Catholics that have mob ties
Yet the Vatican sits on a pile of gold still begging for money every Sunday
Stay on topic
Who are you to tell anyone what to do!
Jesus doesn’t allow them to talk about all the pedophiles…. hence the large amount of pedos preaching to the masses.
Priests and teachers… both allowed to be alone with kids.
Christian dad is a pastor too. Go figure!!
Christian’s dad isn’t being investigated for pedophilia. His KUSD teacher son is. Stay on topic.
Father didn’t do his job
His dad needs to whip him , Spanish Inquisition style
It is not just the catholic schools that have problems. Christian Life School had a a staff member grooming a student. He also kept his job.
This is a problem that exists in nearly all organizations that work with kids
I find it very disturbing that KUSD did not fire this teacher. I hope that DPI revokes his license. What a creep. All decent people know you never engage in this type of behavior. You have to maintain professional boundaries.
The so-called “Catholic” schools in SE WI teach watered-down Catholicism anyway. Homeschooling is the way to go.
It’s all about money, corruption and greed. Btw, the current pope was a bouncer in a bar in his twenties.
Who downvotes this comment? Groomers.
Do you realize that when you call EVERYONE a “groomer” as your go-to insult, you are detracting from the horrific behavior when it actually is happening?
You must be a hairstylist.
Home school
you are one sick f–k
You’re an idiot. KTECH is a public school not Catholic , not private. Moron.
Joel trudell enters the chat…
Regardless of what the DA or police say about enough evidence to charge…KUSD’s burden of proof would be less.
It may be time the public take matters into their own hands and deliver some serious street justice.
Kenoshans don’t care- they had the opportunity for legal “street justice” in the form of voting for the right people for school board, but they screwed that up. Kenoshans are just fine with the fiery disaster that is KUSD.
It’s shameful.
Voting does nothing. Counting votes is where it’s at.
I’m with you there, although, if the ballots eventually get hand counted, (by some miracle), and if you didn’t vote, your vote WOULDN”T count. I think all ballots should be hand counted. I also think Clerks should be voted in, not appointed. It’s funny how clerks have found boxes of absentee ballots they missed and all of a sudden….the results are changed dramatically! I don’t know if it happened in this election, but it’s happened in the past and Clerks work for the the person who appointed them and my opinion is the clerk will do what the person who appointed them wants to do about the votes! I wouldn’t trust any appointed clerk!
Carl Coulson should have won. Missed it by 81 votes! I hope he runs again and many others run against PP in the coming elections! This town is getting out of hand with backdoor corruption! I just found out that someone who owns a farm was told that PP has taken some of the land for a round about as an easement and if the farmer ever wants to develop the land, THE FARMER has to pay for the round about to go in! Carl Coulson couldn’t get a recount because it wasn’t less than 1%. I think that the % of votes for local elections should be higher.
I realize Carl Coulson wasn’t running for school board, he was running against Pleasant Prairie ,Pollocoff, but the voting works the same with the Clerks. Ours here in PP isn’t trust worthy. People say Clerks are mainly just administrative work, but they play a big roll and responsibility in the voting season.
Anything having to do with unpleasant prairie is for the benefit of Steinbrink and Polloncoff rest of us just pay for it,
Any candidate can request a recount, regardless of the vote disparity, but the requesting candidate must pay for the cost of the recount. The “less than 1% disparity provision” means the candidate gets the recount at no cost to him/her if the vote disparity is less than 1%. All of this is defined by state law. If it’s not acceptable to you, get your state assemblyman & senator to change the law.
County Clerks are elected positions, municipal clerks are not. If you want more understanding of & control over how our elections work, I have the answer: Become a poll worker. You will learn so much, be of service to your fellow citizens, & get paid! It’s great.
some municipal clerks ARE elected in WI. Don’t know if any are still elected in Kenosha Co though. It’s up to each municipality
Organize it and let us know. Unless you are full of hot air and empty threats.
Feel bad for his wife, although, appears she isn’t being honest and victim blaming. But are the police really believing this guy? Also, why is the Kenosha Court System so easy on child predators?
She knows what he is…. and puts up with it. She should also be shamed for keeping her mouth shut.
Oh Kevin. Have you ever considered a career in comedy…? You’re quite funny
Like a clown? Do I amuse you?
The two yutes….
Ya, really funny story! SMH
Look, it’s the pedo teacher responding. This should be a popcorn moment.
You think exposing someone for grooming a 13 year old is a funny story???? Give yourself a name anonymous.
Its a pedo lil bro
This is disgusting !! On many levels !
First it’s happening
Second it’s not being charged
Third He’s not being fired
Let’s hope that a google search of this man’s name finds this article, Forever !!
The most egregious thing in those “texts” is the complete lack of capitalization and punctuation. They’re butchering the Queen’s English. Don’t they teach anything at these schools?
Looks like a middle school girl wrote those letters.
That’s part of grooming too. Make no mistake that he wrote those letters like a middle schooler to assimilate and relate. It’s just like pedos who immerses themselves in toys to ply children, etc.
Lotta downvoting pedo fans here
File a complaint with the office for Civil Rights, us dept of education. This violates Title IX and I bet they didn’t follow those procedures.
All the downvotes must be fans of this guy —- well, John Wayne Gacy twas an affable chap , upstanding member of his community——as long as you weren’t a male teen runaway
Just fans of evidence. I’m not seeing anything here that would damn this guy. Maybe he is a bad actor maybe he isn’t. The EVIDENCE presented in this story doesn’t show either way.
Very well actually. You will take it a defense of this guy and someone will say I’m a groomer but what actual evidence is presented. A friend saying she was told something. Pictures on his phone that weren’t shown either way if they went anywhere. If he is guilty burn him to the ground until then show me the evidence.
You just sound like a persnickety jew lawyer
Hopefully you never get accused of anything.
He.is.guilty. —-it’s pretty clear
Saying “we’re in the same boat, I had sex with a friend’s mom in middle school” isn’t evidence of wrongful conduct and grooming in your opinion?
Was that in a text anywhere?
Yes , read the whole article
Sounds more like a sloppy intoxicated drunk talking to a little girl
Still makes him at fault.
He’s creeping on a teenage girl. He’s supposed to be a grown man. He’s supposed to know how very wrong this is to do.
As a teacher, even worse. He cannot be “friends” with his students… They are children. Underage.
Saying there is no evidence is way too late. Covering up or deleting evidence doesn’t change what he did.
He’s a creepy man obsessed with a child. It’s gross… disgusting…. and very wrong. Defending him allows him to continue stalking other little girls. Do you really want to support that?
Sick how many side with kid diddlers.
So you skimmed the article? Didn’t see the Snapchat conversation? The handwritten letters saying he loved her. You’re a moron. And yes probably also like little girls so you are sticking up for him. You’re what is wrong with society.
Did you watch the videos too? See how much he lied to police in the video thinking they’re idiots? How he tried to not take accountability for anything? Name dropping his dad as a deacon in church, etc. alluding to suicide to police and wife for sympathy only to say “he doesn’t want that kind of help” when they act on it. Or, “what’s the point”? The crocodile tears. Character is destiny… this dudes character is going to catch up. Taking all the context from this, he’s guilty as sin. It’s just going to come down to being able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Glad they are now choosing to investigate to some degree.
He’s a sleaze. Teachers can’t talk and act this way around children.
Why are you supporting such illegal activities? Teachers can’t date, sext or even be friends with underage students.
You are absolutely correct. I am a teacher. I don’t work in Kenosha.
My district would be showing this guy the door. KUSD must have a policy that prohibits this excessive and creepy communication over social media. My district only allows digital communications between students and teachers occur over district email. This keep everything transparent.
This teacher harmed this student by engaging in this creepy communication. Yes, the school district can fire him for this. I don’t understand why they are not.
Something stinks here. His actions are indefensible.
Holy shit, dude. You must be a pedo. Christian is a fucking sicko. Telling a 12 year old student he loves her. Really?!? You’re messed up.
So you’d be fine with your daughters teacher texting her after midnight? Regardless of what the texts say, that alone is wrong and used to be grounds for a serious investigation.
This creeper has probably hit up other teens in the past. Anyone targeted by him should come forward. Getting him away from children is the first step.
And why aren’t there any specific policies banning teachers from texting students?
Especially after midnight, WTF???? Fucking perv.
Bro a teacher shouldn’t be talking about a student in ways to where the girl is BULLIED, KUSD is so fucked up and there just gonna let this bitch ass pedo back in. Although with his DUI and gun incident I’m pretty sure he won’t return although his fucking enabler wife still will
he used to sub at middle schools and all the girls LOVED him because the attention he gave. it all makes sense now!
Grooming at its finest!
There are specific policies in teacher student communication. He broke that!!! He should be fired .
I tell ya, some extra-judicial things need to happen here….if only I didn’t have a wife & a good job…..
Where’s the Calabrian Cosa Nostra when you need ‘em
‘Ndrangheta please help 🙏
Them greaseballs are touching little boys
Never heard of a pedo Mafia guy—- pretty sure he would be eliminated
Kusd. The joke of the town. Allows so much of this shit. Disgusting
Stay on topic
Thank u Kev , there ain’t gonna b shit in the Kenosha Fish Wrapper about this 🤬
KUSD loves pedophiles, you just can’t argue that.
The pedo libs will just refer to this creep as being a MAP (Minor Attracted Person). These people are just sick!
Oh stop. Your “choosing a team” politics has nothing to do with this. Democrats don’t think anything of the sort and you’re an ass for saying it.
Try sounding like an adult once.
DemocRATS love pedos.
Look at CA. Prime example! They are sick!
Republicants love them some rapey lying broke ass candidate.
Gravely you are an absolute piece of trash. having you as my professor in COLLEGE really shows me how much of a side you show to pedophiles. Enwright groomed her and you did absolutely nothing. I don’t think I can ever look at him the same and the way he won’t charge him means that he should not be the DA or a professor ever again. Do better kenosha and KUSD.
Hey everyone! email useless cunt jseivert@kusd.edu Tell her how you feel!
Wow! That was eloquent!
Email her and tell her you love pedo teachers
Anybody that supports child molesters deserves the worst —- are you a c*nt too?
Creeps a plenty. Science teacher is a groomer and his wife math teacher is an enabler. Common traits with tag team pedophiles. Monsters!
😂😂 lmao. I want the drugs you’re on
You love pedos
What’s wrong with you? You freak
Bro a teacher shouldn’t be talking about a student in ways to where the girl is BULLIED, KUSD is so fucked up and there just gonna let this bitch ass pedo back in. Although with his DUI and gun incident I’m pretty sure he won’t return although his fucking enabler wife still will
Holly can’t be the first victim here. Kenosha parents, for God’s sakes, if your son or daughter had this pervert as a teacher, ask your child specific questions about his or her dealings with him. Meanwhile, there’s his wife behaving like Hillary Clinton, blaming the victim instead of admitting her husband is an evil predator! Also to all parents, keep tabs on what’s going on inside your kids’ phones. Monitor your kids’ phones!
My child had him as a teacher and all of this is very clearly not true. Sad this reporter feels the need to spread lies
Pull ur head out
That’s the first thing that came to my mind too! SMH!
how about you learn common sense because if you really don’t believe the victim try to put yourself in their shoes you pos.
The reporter quoted from a Kenosha Police Dept. Detective’s report. So you’re saying the detective made up evidence??
What evidence?
can you read?
SMH. I just can’t believe how brainwashed people have become. So much has become “normalized” even when a daughter is being groomed by a teacher, that people like you find its no big deal and there is nothing wrong going on here! Wake up! Does a girl have to get raped until you see what’s happening? You would probably blame the 13 year if that happened or maybe you would just say…”what evidence?”
Texts after midnight.
Again is not evidence enough to murder someone in the street as people are calling for. Lack of judgement 100%.
Should be fired for the texts alone, regardless of what they said.
i was a student at ktec when he first started teaching and i could absolutely see this being the case. just because your *male* son didn’t have an issue does not mean that this isn’t true.
Oh. Your kid said so. Nothing to see here. This anonymous lady said her kid said so. Disregard the screenshots and evidence
So he didn’t text her after midnight? Good, I hope he provides evidence as well. I also hope if he does, Kevin reports that.
The evidence is right there. He showed you copies of letters, the text, etc. It’s absolutely true.
You area useless turd of a human being
So your child wasn’t victimized, so none of this is true? Get your head out of the sand. People like you who choose not to see anything wrong are the very reason things like this happen.
“Oh he SEEMS nice”. Really… do you think he’d just confide in you that he likes to touch little girls?
How very naive you are…
So the fact that he admitted it was his penis is a lie?
Is that what the story says? It’s written in such a way I can’t figure what he actually admitted to.
Be thankful the pedo was not attracted to your child.
Facts don’t lie, quit defending this pathetic teacher and his enabling wife. Sad thing is, they have a child. Makes ya wonder how they would feel if this help to their kid.
Sorry your child was ugly and not of interest to this pedophile
Did you read any of the texts that were actually pulled from her/his phones? How is it not true to you?
Your child must love having nudes of him aswell
A lot of pedos don’t like their future….
Great job Kenosha voters keeping KUSD school board with people that side with pervert teachers and forget about young students that should be protected, Weiss and Gravely are the problem also they make me sick!!!!!!!
We better WAKE UP !!!!
Hodges also needs to go. Do some digging on how he’s handled things. Go back to his KTEC East days. Talk to former students. Current students will clam up to Avoid retaliation.
as a former student (who is now in college), things were terrible even when andersson was principal. i’ve experienced situations that have been handled terribly. wonder how many other things have been brushed under the rug.
KUSD hires anyone! They are so short of staff/ teachers that true background checks are a thing of the past. I personally know of one teacher who has repeatably lost custody of her children, abused them mentally and physically, there are records out there showing this, yet she is employed through KUSD as a teacher teaching other children and lost all her own. This is our school system.
Home Schooler, e-mail Kevin this person’s name with some background. Perhaps he will investigate it.
they reallt do hire anyone when they are desperate! i once had a teacher they hired without doing a background check because they needed the spot filled because school started the following week, students started doing research on him and found out he had a record for literally making a “terrorist threat” on a school he attended previously! he had a lot of personal days he took the first few weeks of school for his court dates & the school still didnt do a check on him. he was fired only after the students did the research. kusd does not care about their students.
Everyone that is saying he is innocent. Answer this- for what reason would a teacher need to send 600 plus messages back and forth to a student on text/snapchat especially in a 6 day span?
Exactly. But not a word about that, just downvotes from people who think he’s “nice” or mad we are upset with KUSD.
I have not sent 600 text messages to my wife in the last 10 years 😂
Even ONE email or text is inappropriate! Let alone 600. There’s policies in place in which a teacher and student can communicate . He broke them all!!!
Unrelated to this story but can you point out the policy? Students and teachers email all the time. Not saying his communications are appropriate but if you want to get him policy let’s have it.
“Unrelated to the story”, okay. More like “I like the guy and I like teachers so I’m going to ignore what he did and deflect.”
More like I want to know what the policy says. Never met this guy.
There’s probably not a policy about texting young students after midnight bc no one should be that dumb.
Did you watch or were you present for the school board meeting this past Tuesday? The policies violated were stated and there were Many! I would have lost my corporate job in a HEARTBEAT.
Per the kusd employee handbook. A teacher cannot contact a student by any other means then the school email.
I wish we could come together to fight things like this instead of siding and name calling, “libs” don’t like pedos either just like I don’t label all pedos trumplicans. Stop dividing and start conquering ughhhhh
Let’s sort this out. The criminal case requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt of every element of a crime which is a very high standard. There may not be enough evidence to convict.
But if you believe this information here then, well, it’s less evidence for the school district to cut an employee and make it stick.
I’m shocked at the downvotes on this comment. People don’t care about facts or evidence, they just want their “team” to win- even if it’s cutting their nose off to spite their face.
There may not be enough sexual criminal eveidence however there is evidence of grooming and breaking KUSD policy. That by itself is grounds to be fired . So he may not be prosecuted in the courts but that doesn’t mean he can’t be fired ! And all parents should be asking their child if they had him as a teacher and find out if this behavior has been going on long before this incident. More ammunition for the case. Speak up. I am sure it has been an issue in the past.
That’s the point I was trying to make — far less evidence needed to terminate.
Why is he preying on kids anyways? Aside from the crazy liberal eyes, his wife isn’t bad looking. Clearly there’s some deviancy going on here.
For sure. He likes little girls. He loves them, as he himself admits in the letters he sent a 12 year old. The content tof the communication was clearly inappropriate and if that was my daughter, this guy wouldn’t be able to walk well for a while.
Whoever wrote this article is a bitch for putting the girls name in here.
Odd adjective of choice, also the teachers behavior is acceptable to you?
Obviously you are too stupid to read —- he used a made-up name , dummy
How much of a bitch do you feel like when you realize it’s not a real name? Lol fucken idiot
They used a fictitious name in the report . However Mrs. Enwright is letting the whole school and the students, along with parents, know who it is. She is an enabler and an accomplice to this horrific situation. She is trying to make a stance in the school against this poor child, the victim!
It’s not her name. It’s a pseudonym.
When can we expect KUSD to hire Gildenstern?
What a fucking sorry excuse of a man. I should’ve whooped his ass when I had the chance back in high school. What an absolute scumbag. I always knew he was a slimy little weasel. I hope the family opens a civil suit.
I see all these comments and dozens of thumbs up and thumbs down.
It’s actually hard to phantom what people are thinking when they approve or disapprove each comment.
So let’s clear this up.
Thumbs up if you think he’s guilty of crimes against humanity and children.
Thumbs down if you think he’s just a “nice” guy who is miss understood.
How about a third option where there isn’t enough info available.
Texts late at night isn’t proof of an issue?
I hope you’re never on a jury. You’re just too clueless to keep up.
Brilliant! Thanks for giving me a chance to vote thumbs up !
I was his student last year and there was no one named holly this is. Probably a lie this article is
they hide her name to not release her identity. she’s a minor so it is illegal
It’s a fake name to protect the child.
lol. Your a idiot for this comment
Good lord you are an idiot
Obviously your school did not teach reading comprehension. Re-read the article, slowly.
The Kenosha Eye is not a news source. It is set up to look independent but it is a gossip rag. The police and KUSD both found no evidence to charge him. Yet Kevin Mathewson keeps after him. At this point this is libel. If I were Cristian Enwright I would being filing a lawsuit. He is not allowed to say anything in response to this. That’s why you are seeing one side of this story.
…yet it’s okay to text a young girl after midnight. Okay.
Ummmm, I dont think you understand how the law works. KUSD can never charge anyone with anything, they are a school district. The police dont charge anyone either, they investigate and turn over their findings to the DA. The district attorney is the only one who can charge because, get this, this is what they do. They charge people with breaking the law.
Glad I could clear that up for you.
I cant believe I just had to do that. I hope you are just making hamburgers at Wendy’s.
Damn, you’re dumb. Let’s clear this up for you
1. Gossip is based on falsehood. Kevin brought the goods. He posted the letters, some texts, and info from the mother and police report. That, my friend, is what we call evidence.
2. Libel is when someone says false things and only deals with facts, never opinions. If what Kevin says is substantially true, which it is because it’s reporting on what others, authorities and the parent in this case, said.
This is all public info , idiot
Thank you VERY much for reading my “not a news source.” Every time someone like you clicks onto my website, I get paid. Every time you write a stupid comments, people click on to KCE to read your stupid comment. Each time…. cha ching! I invest most of that money into holding people like Enwright accountable. Thank again for reading!
Question for KISD HR-
If a male teacher said/sent these same messages to a female teacher and she complained, would there be punishment for sexual harassment??
Probably not. They are both adults. It’s not weird if he texts another adult after midnight. It is weird to send anyone 600 texts in a short period of time – but not wrong if they are both adults.
Jackie Slana why are you defending a pedophile? WTF is wrong with you?
600 emails ,snaps, sext talking …not enough???? Conversations at after midnight?
This isn’t an opinion piece, their are literally screenshots and letters for you to look at. I’ve never been so flabbergasted before. How can people defend this behavior???? If this wasn’t caught who knows what this sicko would have done.
Oh, there’s evidence.
And you obviously don’t know the definition of libel.
In hindsight, protecting a predator of children will be a mark against every naive irresponsible person who declares “He’s innocent!”.
I guess he’s pretty good at what he does… he fooled all of you into believing him.
You are a complete idiot. Re read the article SLOWLY……
Jackie Slana ~Did you not read those letters before your eyes? So- you are cool with a male teacher talking that way to your child? What could he ever say to justify the way he wrote to this girl? The part about wondering to himself about where on the floor she was laying? Read those letters again lady. He was grooming her for sure. Stop defending pervs-you are part of the problem. Thankful to Kevin from Kenosha County Eye for exposing this guy and protecting our children! Thankful for the detectives on the case.
The text messages are right there. Way to support pedophila you sick bitch.
So idiots like Landry that were elected, what you gonna do? What does this pointless KUSD board do? I’m curious what Landry has to
Say. Should ask her Kevin
Better yet, ask her sexual abuser husband. I. sure he’d take the teacher’s side.
First, it’s not wrong to ask the DA to explain a charging decision. You don’t have to agree with it but at least an explanation is in order.
Second, parents and taxpayers should be able to demand some answers from KUSD. Yes, they will hide behind the “no comment on personnel matters” mantra but in the broader sense we should know what is their policy and procedure for complaints. People should also be able to petition the school board.
What !!! why !!!! how !!!!! are you for real ? this is crazy !!!!
Any dude who draws a heart at the ends of his notes is half a queer. I am going to give Enwrite the benefit of the doubt and think he may have wanted a new girlfriend to gossip with.
He certainly can’t fight.
From the picture the dude spends a lot of time in the morning with his comb and hair gel.
I think Leah needs to go up a size the next time she straps up.
Yes, his writing style, the emotions he expresses, the heart he draws…all like a 13-year-old girl, very UNlike an almost 30-year-old male. Part of the grooming process is communicating in a way a victim can relate to, to gain their trust. Keep this creep away from young boys and girls.
Ok I’ve seen enough… So when is the hanging? We’re all in agreement here I am assuming? Except Joel Trudell and sgt Hard who probably jerked off to the thought of this guy jerking off.
Just let parents have vouchers so they can send their children to the school of their choice.
What’s worse here? His wife that blames a child and believes her husband? Or her and other idiots seeing he had over 600 messages, pictures and snaps and still don’t see anything wrong with that. You leftist are some real scum man. Sickening for sure. This pedo deserves jail time!
Maybe the wife is into it as well. Easier for the guy to groom a crushing girl than another girl. Then when it progresses they’re both there to do the Pedo stuff together
Maybe the wife is into it as well. Easier for the guy to groom a crushing girl than another girl. Then when it progresses they’re both there to do the Pedo stuff together
Known to many, that their behavior as a couple and working together as teachers in the same building have been of concern to other teachers and they have been reported to Joe kosman and the principal in the past . What was done then??? Nothing.
The left——. WE WANT EVIDENCE!!!!
well here’s pictures, screen shots and messages. Oh and he admitted to being in the photos
That’s not evidence!!!!
Fucken idiots
Imagine being in the party that protests and held crybaby petitions at the school board meetings during Covid, crying for safety of kids but not giving a shit or protesting this. Buncha fucken clowns
thanks for taking the heat of me
KUSD Pedophiles Kevin has exposed so far. Thanks for caring Kevin. Pedophilia is welcomed by liberals and needs to be called out at all times.
Montenia “Monte” C. Nelson
Michael Russel
Nathan Gardner
Christian Enwright
David E. DeBerge
Melvin Tart
Joseph Pitts (Added by KM on 4/20/24 @ 8:16am)
Missing anyone?
MRS. Enwright !!!
Shawnell gross murder supporter and jury tampering
Josh barker murder supporter
You missed Joseph Pitts. https://kenoshacountyeye.com/2023/04/02/details-released-in-lakeview-high-school-counselor-on-unpaid-leave-for-misconduct/
I added it to your comment, if you don’t mind
David Fluery
. . . “We are currently in the development in a unit designed specifically for those who seek to pray on the children in our community,” said Patton Friday afternoon.*** . . .
A good investigatory start for that new KPD child praying unit might be that Kenosha bar fight, the firearm retrieved from the changing table inside the Woodman’s bathroom, the love letters written to the grooming victim, and that OWI.
Report Kenosha county da and kusd to DOJ …department of Justice their phone number is 6082661221 The more of us that report the more serious they take it….police departments in Kenosha County should have to do better they have no problem, charging minors left and right from the schools issuing tickets and not even looking into it before they make parents go to court and fight, but won’t charge a fucking pedophile that’s teaching kids
The top brass at KUSD should be terminated immediately as well as do the DO NOTHING DA.
If this was my child, they would all be up on charges!
Pull your kids out of KUSD!
The Kenosha democrat DA’s office will never do anything to perverts. Let’s not forget the Crystal Kizer situation
Those that voted for the same again, shame on you!
Agreed . I would also support lopping this guy’s nuts off. But that’s just me.
You are an immature person. I hope you are never a victim of any kind. The person who is at fault is the adult teacher, period. I don’t care how you feel personally about the victim who is a juvenile.
Perhaps apply yourself to your studies and concentrate on spelling.
Add itzdalia_panda on Snapchat if you want to join in a protest of this child molester
When did it become uncool to actually protect our kids and punish those who hurt them? WTH
When tools like Joel Trudell, Landry, berg and others became a leftist hypocrite trio
I have had several odd encounters with the leader ship at KTEC West especially after voicing my opinion on their pandemic policies in 2020. Every time I’ve questioned anything my child would end up with a “ referral” or a “ panther pause” for silly stuff. I started noticing a pattern. and when I asked to see proof of these ” referrals” or the video tape of my child earning a “referral” the Dean would gaslit me. She claimed I wasn’t allowed to see referrals or video tape of anything inside the school/of my child.I really doubted myself and felt powerless but there is just something off about that school.
And I also think the teachers are afraid to speak up too.
Take a look at the video of him in the police station with his wife sitting next to him while he cops out to mental illness practically begging for psychiatric help
Then take a look at his DUI video while he cops out to having gastrointestinal issues but blows a. 11
He sounds like a child making excuses literally crying when he gets caught.
I hope KPD makes a statement soon because this is very frightening to every parent that has a student there
The higher ups got the tip and called DCFS
DCFS. Usually protects children from,,, parents? Home troubles?
They got the tip and went after the parents,,,was step 1? 🫣
Maybe a desperate attempt to scare the parents into not calling the police? 🫢
Exactly my thoughts too. Seems there is a pedo high up the chain that’s protecting this guy. Maybe it’s the d.a, maybe the principle or even both. Bc both of them should have done things differently. The principle should be charged too imo. He definitely tried to hide it. And the d.a is a scumbag too. Doesn’t re open the case until this story got put out there. Something is fishy
I heard this guy’s mother works for KUSD as well.
Mari Enwright , Nash Elementary—- his dad is a deacon at St. Mary’s
St Mary’s, that’s all that needs to be said…
a typical kusd perv. his wife looked good too, not a fat ass like a seasoned teacher. lucky teacher’s always getting all action both young and old.
U r a typical cheezhead—- she fat , always has been — A Milwaukee 6 , Chicago 3
Now, his brother married a true hotty—- his other brother looks as queer as a 3$ bill
Christian obviously can’t fight , but he is in fact strong— he picked up his fat wife in their wedding fotos—- unless there was a hidden fork truck behind them
Have you reached out to the clown of school boards to see what idiots like Landry are doing? Or supporting it
What clowns thumb down someone asking Kevin for questioning the board? Fucken losers
The Catholic Church is the biggest pedo racket. It’s been going on forever and still is.
The baby killing pedo loving libs always trying to deflect.
Because that’s all they can do, short of coming out in support of this pedo.
Well, his pop is a deacon at St. Mary’s
There needs to be public executions to stop these pedophiles and anyone who aids them such as the DA, KUSD superintendent should be executed as well.
So happy to no longer be living in Kenosha. Familiar names here unfortunately from time when kids were in school at KUSD. Don’t get all the political undertones here and “groomer” comments. This is an inappropriate relationship and should be handled accordingly. Kenosha looks like a mess these days.
Christian is a textbook “groomer”. Nothing political about that.
Every teacher that has their students snap chat should be fired immediately. Bring the nurses in they’ll fix that shit in 1 month- go all the way back home. So disgusted by this, just done.
This pervert has been given access to children at Nash elementary school as well. His mother is a teacher at Nash and has allowed her son in her classroom, unsupervised, without parental consent, in multiple occasions. He has been in her classroom recently, AFTER his suspension from his teaching job. Can we hold her accountable as well? Why are there people wandering around Nash school allowed unsupervised access to the children?
Mari Enwright—- menwright@kusd.edu
Patrice that’s so crazy that you have all this insight. Do tell me are you some kind of fortune teller? Most have an 8 ball in your ass
Wowh, that wife is in complete and total DENIAL. I mean, wow!
Chances berg is friends with him or endorsed him?
Here is another red flag about KTECH…. I asked my child if they have heard anything going on about this husband and wife teacher couple at school. I also asked him if he had any classes with the wife because she is still there.
The response was…
” They told us we arent supposed to talk to our parents about this stuff”
WTF!! I’d be contacting the administration about that. Kevin should do a follow-up.
Somebody go get the police report
I tried requesting but can’t find the case number. You need the case number to request.
I guess because there is no case number we can’t see it…because kenosha protects child preditors.
He does have a trial coming up in March. For his DUI. Since he’s so special he took a OWI charge to trial.
What a bitch
Amazing scum bags still have a job but innocent people get screwed! KUSD shame on you!
He needs fired and locked up
Can anyone clarify what he’s been doing in the classroom at Nash Elementary? He’s not a teacher there? Are the Nash parents just cool with this or?
His mommy is a teacher there— probably casing his next victims 😳
Why isn’t there any other outlets covering this story?
Will be on TMJ4 tonight.
This guy’s anus will be loved in the joint.
Matthewson deletes comments he doesn’t like. I’ll bet this one is gone soon!
Are you a pro pedo lefty?
bro this is actually so sad then when i ask the deans at KTEC west they try to cover it up bro its so terrible.