Six Firefighters Promoted, 19 Hired During Today’s Police & Fire Commission Meeting

Kenosha Police and Fire Commission
Helen Schumacher, Geri Cucunato, Richard Gallo, Shebaniah Muhammad, and Pam Drummond
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

During today’s City of Kenosha Police and Fire Commission meeting, six members of The Kenosha Fire Department were promoted and 19 were hired. Four of the new hires were sons and daughters of retired firefighters. The meeting was held at the Kenosha Public museum due to the more-than 100 person turnout.

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***Family and friends of the below personnel can use these photos for any reasons. Please contact me if you wish for me to email you more photos from today. ( ***

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Lieutenant Kristin Kaminski
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

AO Kristin Kaminski to Probationary Fire Lieutenant

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            Apparatus Operator/Paramedic Kristin Kaminski was hired by the Kenosha Fire Department on April 1, 2004.  Kristin earned an Associate Degree in Fire Science from MATC and has completed  multiple certifications and courses, including Firefighter I & II, Driver/Operator Pump and Aerial and Fire Officer. She obtained her Paramedic license in 2007 and has worked as a department paramedic since then. Kristin served six years as a board member for the Kenosha Local 414.  Currently, Kristin is an active member on the KFD’s Diversity Recruitment Committee. She has also served as a panelist for the hiring of new firefighters and as an instructor for Basic Recruit Training.

            Kristin and her wife, Melissa, reside in Oak Creek with their two children, Lloyd and Ariel.

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Lieutenant John Voss
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

AO John Vos to Probationary Fire Lieutenant

            Apparatus Operator/Paramedic John Vos has been a member of Kenosha Fire Department for 14 years. John received an Associate Degree in Fire Science from Gateway Technical College and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Service Management from Southern Illinois University. He completed his Paramedic license in 2009. John was a lead member of the Air Division for over five years and during his tenure made operational changes that left it stronger and better than he found it. He credits his success to the mentorship of his predecessor in the Air Division. John continues to involve himself with training. He holds many certifications including Fire Officer, Fire Instructor, Inspector, Safety Officer and Blue Card Incident Management. He has received several commendations and unit citations during his career, including the Medal of Merit in 2015.

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            John and his wife Ashley have three children, Kate, Ben, and Clara. He and his family run a cattle farm in Burlington that they bought in 2014. The family enjoys caring for the land and animals, in addition to outdoor activities and travel.

Lieutenant James Ludvigsen
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

AO James Ludvigsen to Probationary Fire Lieutenant

Apparatus Operator/EMT James Ludvigsen has been a member of the Kenosha Fire Department since April 1, 2004. James has a Bachelor’s Degree in Science from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and a Master’s Degree in Education from Carthage College. Prior to being hired by the City of Kenosha, he was a science teacher at Washington Park High School in Racine from 1998-2004. James has certifications in Firefighter I & II, Driver/Operator Pump and Aerial, Blue Card Incident Management, COLA, Instructor I & II, and Fire Officer I.

James and his wife, Michele, reside in Somers and have three children: Drake, Sydney and Maggie. When not at work, James enjoys watching his kids sporting events and doing projects around the house.

Apparatus Operator Kyle Dahl
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

FF Kyle Dahl to Probationary Apparatus Operator

            Firefighter/Paramedic Kyle Dahl has been a member of the Kenosha Fire Department for eight years. Kyle has an Associate Degree in Fire Technician Services from Gateway Technical College. Prior to being hired by the KFD, Kyle was a volunteer at Union Grove Fire Department from 2011 to 2014. Kyle also worked at the Boys and Girls Club of Kenosha and still is an active volunteer. He has certifications in Firefighter I & II, Driver/Operator Pump & Aerial, Fire Investigator I, Emergency Services Instructor I and Fire Officer I.

            Kyle and his wife, Emily, reside in Kenosha and have three children; Olivia, Finley, and Scarlett.  Kyle enjoys spending his free time with his family and coaching his kids’ sport teams.

Apparatus Operator Lars Bonovich
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

FF Lars Bonovich to Probationary Apparatus Operator

            Firefighter/Paramedic Lars Bonovich has been a member of the Kenosha Fire Department for eight years. Lars has an Associate Degree in Fire Science from MATC and obtained his Paramedic license from WCTC. Prior to being hired by the City of Kenosha, he worked for Pewaukee Fire Department from 2012 to 2014. Lars has served the Department as a member of the IT team, has been a Paramedic preceptor and has worked as an Instructor with the Training and EMS Divisions. He has certifications in Firefighter I & II, Driver/Operator Pump and Aerial, Blue Card Incident Management, Fire Officer I and Emergency Services Instructor. Lars has also been awarded several unit citations.

            He and his wife, Lacey, reside in Oak Creek and have two kids, Everett and Charlie, and are expecting their third in June. He and his family enjoy the outdoors, sports and spending time with family and friends.

Apparatus Operator Samuel Spair
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

FF Samuel Spair to Probationary Apparatus Operator

            Firefighter/EMT Sam Spair has been a member of the Kenosha Fire Department for eight years. Sam has an Associate Degree in Fire Science from Milwaukee Area Technical College. Sam has been an active board member with Kenosha Firefighters CARE organization the past seven years.  He has certifications in Firefighter I & II, Driver/Operator Pump & Aerial and Fire Inspector I.

            Sam and his wife, Tiffany, reside in Kenosha and have two beautiful daughters: Evelyn and Sawyer. When not working, Sam enjoys fishing with his daughters, hunting, golfing, and spending time with his family at their cabin in northern Wisconsin.


Here are the new hires:

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Nolan Radke
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Nolan Radke

My name is Nolan Radke and I grew up in Oak Creek, WI. I graduated in 2020 from Martin Luther High School in Greendale. I played baseball my entire childhood and into my high school years. After graduating, I became an EMT-Basic and began working at Bell Ambulance. I learned from experiences with people from all walks of life, while also building a foundation of skills as an EMT. During my time at Bell, I was an intern at the Hales Corners Fire Department. I participated in training and regular ride along shifts while I attended MATC’s Fire Science program. Upon completion of Firefighter I, I left Bell Ambulance and began working as a paid-on-premise firefighter in Hales Corners. I have now been working as a firefighter for a year and a half. I am grateful to have instructors and mentors who helped me develop my career in the fire service, and I strive to provide the best service that I possibly can. I have also gone on to complete my Associates Degree in Fire Protection Technician, as well as Driver Operator-Pumper and Inspector. I am currently enrolled in the paramedic program at MATC.

Outside of work and school I enjoy music and the outdoors. I am honored at the opportunity to serve the citizens of Kenosha.


Nolan Radke

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Alexandra Miller Alexandra Miller
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Alexandra Miller and her Father, A Firefighter of 32 Years
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Alexandra Miller

My name is Alexandra Miller and I grew up in Franklin, Wisconsin. I graduated from Franklin High School in 2018, where I played varsity soccer and ran cross country. I was also involved in the National Honor Society and president of the Multicultural Club. After high school, I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and a minor in Athletic Healthcare. After graduating from UW-Madison, I attended Gateway Technical College where I earned a certification in Firefighter I.

During undergrad, I volunteered for a program called Adapted Fitness where I helped individuals with diverse abilities exercise with equipment and programming adaptable to their needs. This taught me the importance of meeting people where they are at and making sure that they feel valued in every interaction. It also taught me to think on my feet in order to solve problems effectively. These are skills that I will carry with me to the Kenosha Fire Department. While going through school, I worked full-time jobs at Amazon and Lululemon. My undergraduate, volunteer, and work experiences have enabled me to be empathetic toward the unique needs of every individual I meet. I recognize the importance of treating everybody with respect and understand that the best solutions come from collaboration.

I come from a family of firefighters, including my dad, who served the Kenosha Fire Department for the past 32 years. It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve the community of Kenosha as a Firefighter/EMT, and I will do so with pride.


Alexandra Miller

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Justin Long
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Justin Long

My name is Justin Long. I first came to Kenosha to attend Carthage College from 2015-2018, majoring in Marketing. While attending Carthage, I worked for the Somers Fire Department as a part-time member. During this time, I also took weekend courses at Gateway Technical College to obtain my Fire and EMS certifications. When I graduated from Carthage in 2018, I enrolled in the Paramedic program at Gateway Technical College and interned at South Shore Fire Department and North Shore Fire Department until I completed my paramedic certification in June 2019. I was hired by South Shore Fire Department and have been employed with them since October 2019. While at SSFD, I joined the Technical Rescue Team which required the following extra education: Rope Operation & Technician, Trench Operation and Technician, Tower Operation & Technician, Structural Collapse Operation & Technician, Confined Space Operation & Technician, and Hazmat Operation & Technician. I have obtained the following certifications: Firefighter I, Firefighter II, EMT-Basic, EMT-Paramedic, Driver Operator, Fire Officer, and am in the process of scheduling the final test for Fire Instructor I.

I am the oldest of four boys in my family. This taught me how to be a leader and make sure I always led by example. In my free time I enjoy playing sports and guitar.

I am truly honored to be considered for this position and am very excited to further my career with the Kenosha Fire Department. Thank you for your time during this process.


Justin Long

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Dahl
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Dahl

My name is Tyler Dahl. I grew up in Kenosha, WI, where I attended Harborside Academy, graduating in 2021. While in high school, I played for the golf team and started my firefighting education early through Gateway Technical College. I took Firefighter I and that is where my passion for fire service began. I was recruited to play golf for Madison Area Technical College. I was able to play golf and get a high quality education at the same time. I have completed three out of four semesters of my Fire Protection Technician Degree and have finished multiple classes including Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Hazardous Materials Operations, Building Construction, Occupational Safety and Health Emergency Services, and many other general education classes. I also obtained NIMS 100, 200, and 700 certifications.

I am close with my family and have been taught the importance of sharing, teamwork and kindness. During my free time I enjoy being outdoors and hunting, fishing, and golfing. I occasionally play some other sports including basketball and softball.

            I am grateful for the opportunity to work as a Firefighter/EMT for the City of Kenosha and am eager to get to work.


Tyler Dahl

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – John Franckowiak
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – John Franckowiak

            My name is John Franckowiak and I am from Greenfield, WI. From a young age I loved sports – playing soccer, basketball and baseball from age three through high school. I graduated in 2020 and immediately signed up for a Firefighter I course at Waukesha City Technical College. Within the first few days, I knew I had found a new passion in life. Midway through my EMT-Basic course, I joined the Village of Vernon Fire Department. I have completed EMT-Basic and Firefighter II. I am a few months from completing Fire Inspector I. In July of 2021, I began employment with Event Medical Solutions, a private EMS company, providing services to an array of public events throughout the state. My time in athletics, which taught me teamwork, communication, and leadership skills, paired with my education and professional experience prepared me for a successful career with the Kenosha Fire Department. 

            In my free time I enjoy lifting weights, running, hiking and fishing all around the state. 

            I am honored and extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve the City of Kenosha and am eager to begin my career with the KFD.

Best regards,

John Franckowiak.

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Keegan Koprovic
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Keegan Koprovic

            My name is Keegan Koprovic and I grew up in Kenosha, WI. I graduated from Bradford High School where I participated in the “Start College Now” program. I was also involved with the Fire Explorers Post in both Somers and Germantown. During my last two years of high school, I was able to obtain my Firefighter I, Firefighter II and EMT-Basic certifications at Gateway Technical College. After graduating from high school, I joined Somers Fire & Rescue and the Germantown Fire Department. In addition to working part-time at both fire departments, I picked up hours working at my father’s restaurant. I have learned many lifelong skills such as working on a team, problem solving, and how to effectively communicate and interact with the public. I plan to further my education through on the job experience and by earning more certifications so I can better serve the community and Department.

I enjoy spending free time with my family, dogs, and friends. I am one of three children and from a young age, hard work, honesty, and dependability have been instilled in me.

I am blessed and honored to have the opportunity to serve as a Kenosha Firefighter/EMT and eagerly await the start date.


Keegan Koprovic

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Fernando Arreola
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Fernando Arreola

My name is Fernando Arreola, and I was born and raised in Kenosha, WI. My experience in fire service began at age 16 as a Fire Explorer with Somers Fire Department. Throughout high school, I attended meetings and trainings for fire explorers and had the opportunity to experience first-hand what fire service was like. In 2015, I graduated from Harborside Academy, where I volunteered with organizations like the Shalom Center and First Step Services. I enjoyed volunteering because I met people from different cultures and backgrounds, and it taught me valuable skills while giving back to the community. Shortly after graduating, I continued with Somers Fire Department and became a paid-on-call member, gaining practical experience as a firefighter and learning the importance of teamwork and communication. In 2016 I received Firefighter I and Firefighter II certifications from Gateway Technical College. Most recently, I completed the EMT course at Gateway and became nationally registered. I believe my training, professional experience, being bilingual, and growing up in a diverse neighborhood in Kenosha has prepared me for the role of Firefighter/EMT.

I am a father to a five-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. In my free time I enjoy quality time with my family and friends and going on motorcycle rides.

I’m honored at the opportunity to serve the community I was raised in as a Firefighter/EMT with the KFD.


Fernando Arreola

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Michael Yule
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Michael Yule

My name is Michael Yule and I am a lifelong resident and new homeowner in Kenosha County. I graduated from Westosha Central in 2015. I then attended Carthage College after earning the Police and Fire Scholarship. I graduated from Carthage in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree, majoring in Biology and minoring in German.

During college, I worked for the Pleasant Prairie Public Works Department as a seasonal employee. Upon graduation I stayed with the department in a career position. I started working with the utilities crew, doing sewer and water work, and then transitioned to the highway crew. I obtained my commercial driver’s license as well as certifications in trenching, excavating, and hazardous materials. Working for the Village has given me both practical and technical skills as well as a sense of the responsibilities involved in the public sector.

I am honored to be given the opportunity to serve in the City of Kenosha, and look forward to beginning a career with the KFD.

Thank you,

Michael Yule

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Teofanez Lopez
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Teofanez Lopez

            My name is Teofanez Lopez and I grew up in Zion, Illinois. I graduated in 2016 from New Tech High at Zion Benton East, which approaches education from a project based curriculum with emphasis on 21st century skills. During my time there, I was an active member of the Interact Club, which focused on giving back to the community while building leadership skills and personal integrity. After graduation, I devoted my time in growing my father’s landscaping business. I enrolled into a couple of Horticulture classes at the College of Lake County to develop a better understanding of the business. During my time studying Horticulture, I realized that this career path didn’t bring me much fulfillment. I picked up a copy of CLC’s course catalog, where I came across “Introduction to Fire Service.” I enrolled in the course and during the first class the instructor offered me the last opening in the “Fire Basic Ops” program, which is designed to serve the needs of students interested in obtaining the certifications required for an entry level position in the fire service. This program works closely with Grayslake Fire Protection District, offering real world experience through internships. After completion of the program, I was offered employment with GLFPD.

            I am a highly motivated and dedicated individual seeking to expand my skills and knowledge of firefighting and EMS. My intention is to grow in this line of work to my full potential. I am honored at the opportunity to apply my experience and education to serve as a Firefighter/EMT with the Kenosha Fire Department. I eagerly await the start date.


Teofanez Lopez

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Santino Ruffolo
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Santino Ruffolo

My name is Santino Ruffolo, and I was born and raised in Kenosha, WI. I am a graduate of Bradford High School, class of 2015. I was a member of the baseball team for four years, serving as one of the team captains. After high school, I enrolled at the University of Wisconsin- Parkside, where I was also a member of the collegiate baseball team. I graduated from UW-P in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management with a concentration in Finance. Being a student athlete taught me the importance of teamwork and meeting deadlines while balancing a full schedule. I am also a licensed sports official with the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association since 2019.       

In March of 2021, I began my fire service career with Somers Fire and Rescue. I obtained Firefighter I and EMT-Basic at the end of 2021. In the spring/summer of 2022 I also obtained my Driver/Operator Pump and Aerial certification. I was elected to the Somers Fire and Rescue Association board in December of 2021. I also began at the 128th Air Refueling Wing Fire Department in September 2022. I have had valuable experiences at both departments and continue to expand my education.

I am one of three siblings and on my off time, I enjoy golfing and being outdoors. I am excited and eager to serve my community as a City of Kenosha Firefighter/EMT.


Santino Ruffolo

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Huckstorf
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Huckstorf

            My name is Tyler Huckstorf and I grew up in the City of Muskego, WI. In high school, I was on the football, wrestling and rugby teams. I worked part-time for the City of Muskego Department of Public Works before heading off to Western Technical College in La Crosse, WI. I was enrolled in the Fire Protection Technician program where I took general education courses as well as many firefighting courses, including Firefighter I, Hazmat Operations, Firefighter II, EMT-Basic, Technical Ropes Rescue I & II, and have successfully passed the state practical for Driver Operator/Pumper. In the near future, I plan on enrolling in an EMT-Paramedic course to further my education and create more opportunities within the fire service. Currently, I am working for the Village of Waukesha Fire Department as a part-time Firefighter/EMT.

            In my free time, I enjoy staying physically fit and golfing. I also love to coach my favorite sport, which is wrestling. Being able to share my knowledge of the sport with student athletes and teach life lessons at the same time is very rewarding.

I am ecstatic to start working as a Kenosha Firefighter/EMT. I look forward to bringing my life experiences and work ethic into the Department and serving the citizens of Kenosha in a positive manner. 


Tyler Huckstorf

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – David Strouf
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – David Strouf

            My name is David Strouf and I grew up in Kenosha, WI. I attended Tremper High School, where I was captain of the football team. After high school, I attended UW-Oshkosh and continued my football career. I worked throughout high school and college as a head lifeguard and trained other lifeguards and members of the community in basic first aid and CPR. I graduated from UW-Oshkosh with a degree in Secondary Education Social Science. I studied education because I wanted to make a difference in my hometown community. After college, I began employment at Reuther, where I have spent the last 10 years working with underprivileged youths. I served as our building’s Athletic Director, head girls’ basketball coach, and as a mentor to new teachers.

            In my professional career, I have gained many valuable skills. I know how to communicate effectively, how to problem solve, and how to manage my time efficiently. Adaptability and flexibility when things go wrong are two things I have become quite skilled at, with many uncertainties in education. Working at a school with a large at-risk population has equipped me with the ability to handle various stressful scenarios.  I believe my education and experiences have prepared me to succeed as a Firefighter/EMT.

My dream job has always been to be a member of the Kenosha Fire Department. As a child, I was surrounded by positive role models who were firefighters. I am grateful for the opportunity and consideration, and eagerly await the start date.


David James Strouf

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Cannon
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tyler Cannon

            My name is Tyler Cannon and I grew up in Mequon, WI. I graduated from Homestead High School in 2008 where I was on the swimming team. I moved to the Madison area about 10 years ago in pursuit of furthering my education. Along the way I married my loving wife, Meghan. We have two daughters, seven-year-old Serena, and two-year-old Rylie. Currently I work at the Roundy’s Distribution Center in Mazomanie, WI and have been there for six years. It is an extremely fast paced, rapidly changing environment which requires quick decision-making skills and analytical thinking. Becoming a firefighter is something I’ve been enamored with since a young age, and it has become a reality since a little over a year ago.

            I joined the Cross Plains Volunteer Fire Department in September of 2021. Since joining, I have become a lot more involved in my community, attended a continuous amount of training sessions, and have enrolled in several courses, all of which have furthered my interest in fire service. In the past year I’ve completed Fire 1, Fire II, Hazardous Materials Operations, and Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator. I’ve taken the CEVO course for driving ambulances, am CPR/AED certified, and am eagerly awaiting an Ice Rescue Technician class I’m signed up for this February. I am excited to start learning the EMS side of the job in the near future.

            Words cannot express how excited I am for the opportunity to join the Kenosha Fire Department. Thank you for your time.


Tyler Cannon

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Brian Flitcroft
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Brian Flitcroft

            My name is Brian Flitcroft and I grew up in Cape May, NJ. I graduated high school in 2008 and enlisted in the United States Navy. I served from 2009-2013 as an Interior Communications Electrician where I had the opportunity to not only serve my country, but to gain worldly experience at a young age and pay for college. After my 4-year enlistment, I was honorably discharged in 2013 and moved to Kenosha, WI. Kenosha has been my home for the past decade.

In 2013, I enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and graduated cum laude with business honors. From 2013 to 2021 I worked full-time in sales; however, in late 2020, I made the decision to pursue a career in Firefighting and EMS. Since then, I have earned my EMT license, Firefighter I, and Hazmat Operations certifications from Gateway Technical College. I’ve worked as a paid-on-call Firefighter/EMT with the Somers Fire Department. Recently, I’ve been working part-time with the Pleasant Prairie Fire Department.

I have been happily married for 12 years. My wife and I have an 18-month-old son and two dogs. I enjoy traveling and hiking. I believe my education and experience have prepared me with knowledge and skills for a future career with the KFD. I am honored for the opportunity to serve as a Firefighter/EMT for the City of Kenosha.


Brian Flitcroft

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tommy Matoska
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Tommy Matoska‘s Father, A Retired Kenosha Firefighter
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Tommy Matoska

            My name is Tommy Matoska, and I was born and raised in Kenosha, WI. I graduated from Tremper High School in 2017 where I was a three-year varsity athlete and team captain for the football team and track and field team. After graduating high school, I earned the opportunity to be a student athlete at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where I was on the football team and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology. Being a student athlete taught me discipline, accountability, teamwork, responsibility, and overcoming adversity, which shaped me into the man I am today. During college I was employed as an assembly worker at Generac Power Systems and at Lavelle Corporations. These two jobs taught me the importance of attention to detail. After graduating college, I sought employment in the fire service. I enrolled at Gateway Technical college to obtain my Emergency Medical Technician certification.

The Kenosha Fire Department has a rich history in my family. My grandfather and father served the City of Kenosha as firemen for a combined 61 years. Having the chance to serve this community as a third generation Firefighter/EMT would be nothing short of honorable. Thank you for this opportunity.


Tommy Matoska

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Dominick Wojciechowski
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Dominick Wojciechowski

Hello, my name is Dominick Wojciechowski. I grew up in Franklin, WI and graduated from Franklin High School in 2018. I’m the oldest of three and have a large extended family that is very close, making family incredibly important to me. In my free time I am an avid hunter and fisherman. 

While at Franklin, I played four years of football and enjoyed two years on the track team. I excelled in classes involving autos, woodworking, and construction. My high school job was working for my dad’s landscaping company and working the grounds crew at Tuckaway Country Club.

Work and sports have taught me about responsibility, accountability, and the importance of being a team player. In 2019, I enrolled at Milwaukee Area Technical College where I began my education in the Fire Protection Technician program. I’ve had an interest in joining the fire service since I was a kid – it was something I always found interesting and honorable. While at MATC, I was always excited to attend class and took my schooling very seriously. I obtained my Fire I, Fire II, EMT, and Fire Inspector certifications. In 2021, I began a part time position with the Hales Corners Fire Department which allowed me to develop skills, as well as gain knowledge and experience over the last year. I believe that my knowledge, experiences, and values will help me develop a successful career with the Kenosha Fire Department.

I am incredibly excited to have the opportunity to be a part of the KFD and to start a long and worthwhile career in the city.


Dominick Wojciechowski

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Paul Haas
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Paul Haas

My name is Paul Haas and I grew up in Racine, WI but moved to Silver Lake, WI in 2018. I work at Quad Graphics where I run a printing press. Quad has taught me skills such as time management and organization. I’m also the Burlington plant safety leader. In 2021, my wife had a medical emergency that sparked my interest in the Fire and EMS field. A few months later, I began volunteering at Salem Lakes Fire Rescue. Once I was CPR certified, I was able to go on 911 calls. Despite the chaos on scenes, I’ve learned to remain calm and work as a team. In Spring of 2022, I obtained my Firefighter I and HazMat certification from Gateway Technical College. I also recently passed EMT-B and am currently waiting to take the National Registry.

Being a volunteer firefighter has allowed me to show my personality and my passion for the fire service. I’m married and a proud father of two beautiful daughters. In my spare time, I enjoy coaching my daughter’s soccer team, running half marathon races, and family vacations. I’m honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve the city of Kenosha and be a member of the KFD.


Paul Haas

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Jacob Davellis
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Jacob Davellis

My name is Jacob Davellis and I grew up in Trevor, WI. I graduated from Wilmot Union High School in 2021, where I was an active member in business and shop classes. During my senior year I took a weekend job at a body shop. The job taught me patience when considering problems, that little details matter and that things must run together for a smooth operation. I began taking classes at Gateway Technical College during my senior year of high school, earning dual credit. I became Fire I certified in 2021 and in December of 2022, I became a certified EMT-Basic. I have been a part-time member of Salem Lakes Fire and Rescue, where I am able to practice my skills. I donate my time to community events and participate at the Sharing Center located in Salem Lakes. My experience and knowledge obtained over the past two years have provided me with the right education, commitment, and attitude for a future with the Kenosha Fire Department.

I am the youngest of three siblings and learned at an early age the importance of selflessness. In my free time, I enjoy riding my motorcycle, spending time with family, and being outdoors. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to serve as a Firefighter/EMT with the City of Kenosha and I intently await the start date.

With appreciation, 

Jacob Davellis 

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Jacob Young
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Probationary Firefighter/EMT Candidate – Jacob Young

My name is Jacob Young and my passion for the fire service began at an early age as I grew up in and around a fire house. With my dad being a career firefighter, and mom being a dispatcher, it was clear what line of work I was destined for. I attended high school in the city of Franklin, where I was actively involved with sports, clubs and volunteering. These activities taught me valuable life skills that will benefit me in my professional career.

I attended Hales Corners Fire Department’s Intern Academy. Through this internship, I was taught to become the confident and capable firefighter I am today. I obtained my Firefighter I, EMT-Basic, and Driver Operator certifications. It is my goal to continue my education and someday obtain my Paramedic license and a Bachelor’s Degree in Emergency Management. I pride myself on being goal oriented and my willingness to learn, adapt, and overcome.

I enjoy spending my free time with my family, friends, pets and riding my motorcycle. It is my dream to become a career firefighter, and I am grateful to see it come to fruition in the City of Kenosha.


Jacob Young



Salem Special Ed Teacher On Leave After Caught Under The Influence Of An Illicit Substance While On School Property

A special education teacher at Salem School has been placed on administrative leave, the district announced Monday evening. According to a statement released to KCE and parents, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave since he was discovered “under the influence of an illicit substance” on October 3, 2024. Salem School District superintendent, Dr. Vicki King told parents: “Local law enforcement and the School Resource Officer from Central High School are conducting an ongoing investigation,

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Kenosha Library Holding Event Tonight Called “Being Blue In A Red Environment” – Only Liberals Allowed

Library Director Are you looking for safe and effective ways to communicate your liberal values and beliefs in environments where conservative ideas are assumed to be correct—and where more liberal people may be seen as ignorant, misguided, or even immoral? If so, you’re in luck. The Kenosha Library system is holding a controversial event tonight, Monday October 21, 2024, at 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. called “Being Blue In A Red Environment.” It’s a workshop that is

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Trial Of Man Accused Of Attempted Homicide Delayed Because Prosecutor, DA Candidate Didn’t Turn Over Evidence

A 37-year-old Kenosha Man was supposed to stand trial on September 23, 2024, for the alleged attempted murder of his girlfriend by setting her on fire with lighter fluid as she slept. The trial, unfortunately for the victim and her family, was abruptly canceled. Myron Faith Bowie, 37, of Kenosha was alleged to have poured lighter fluid on his girlfriend as she slept and lit her body on fire. She was very badly injured, but fortunately,

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Waukegan BLM Founder Involved In Kenosha Unrest Gets 40 Day Jail Sentence For Taking Photos In Illinois Courtroom

A Ziom man has been sentenced to 40 days in jail for illegally taking photos in an Illinois courtroom. This is exactly 40 days more in jail than he received from Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell for disorderly conduct related to an alleged attempt to break a police officer’s fingers by kicking a door shut. Just like Wisconsin, in Illinois, you need permission from the presiding judge to photograph court proceedings. Clyde McLemore was sentenced

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“Barbados Barca”: Opinion From Wisconsin GOP

Whether it be Lake Winnebago or Lake Michigan, Wisconsinites love the water. Peter Barca, however, prefers the crystal blue waters of Barbados.  It turns out Barca’s former company Aurora Associates International was among the numerous corporations listed in the infamous “Paradise Papers.” From Politico: “The former company of Peter Barca, a Democratic congressional candidate who is running as a candidate trying to cut taxes for families in Wisconsin, was registered in the offshore tax haven of Barbados,

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Kenosha County Bar Association To Hold Event Supporting Democrat Nominee For DA

Andrew Wier is a life-long democrat, former politician, and has been a lawyer for 15 years. He worked for five years as a prosecutor reporting to democrat District Attorney Patricia Hanson in Racine County. He works now for Habush Habush & Rottier, a personal injury firm. Since 2018, he has been the president of the Kenosha County Bar Association. The Kenosha County Bar Association is so irrelevant and insignificant that it has to entice members to

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Serious Felony Charges Against “Connected” Kenosha Man To Be Dismissed By Neighboring County: Source

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 42, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was paid almost $20,000 to be District Attorney Candidate Carli McNeill’s media campaign expert on June 7, 2024. Just 20 days later, on June 27, 2024, Moore was charged with

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Salem Lakes Village Board To Make Sweeping Changes To Policy In Response To “Rogue” Code Enforcement Officer

Many residents and business owners in Salem Lakes have been very vocal about who they claim is a “rogue” code enforcement officer. John Carrier works for the City of Waukegan, IL and makes $128,000 per year. At the village, he makes about $25,000. Over the last six months, village staff and elected leaders have been inundated with complaints about enforcement notices served on them by the village. The alleged violations include having a storage container, trackers,

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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

After working less than six months for the Village of Salem Lakes as its Public Works Superintendent, Kevin Hajduk has been terminated. Effective October 14, 2024, Hajduk is no longer employed with the village. The Village Administrator confirmed with KCE that Hajduk was no longer employed by the village, but couldn’t give details because she said it was a personnel issue. KCE has requested his personnel file. According to a whistleblower, Hajduk was accused and investigated

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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

Former County Board Supervisor and amature gay porn “cam boy” Andy Berg has been fired from his long-time job as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sergeant. He most recently worked at the Racine Prison, Racine Correctional Institution. According to sources, Berg was fired for using his taxpayer funded DOC computer to “dig up dirt” on Kevin Mathewson, Editor of Kenosha County Eye. KCE spoke with Beth Hardtke, Director of Communications Office of Public Affairs at the

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Kenosha Judge To Sentence 16-Year-Old For Sex Crime He Says He Didn’t Commit – At Least Three Jurors Agree With Him

***Update: a third juror has sent a letter to the judge expressing concern about the verdict.*** On October 28, 2024, a Kenosha Judge will have to sentence a 16-year-old boy for a crime that he says he didn’t commit. At least three jurors believe the former high schooler. One juror told the DA’s office that he or she felt “bullied” to change to a “guilty” verdict. Another juror wrote a letter to the judge saying that

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

Accused child rapist and fired elementary teacher’s aid, Anna Marie Crocker, made a court appearance today for a preliminary hearing. The hearing, however, was delayed because of new charges that are imminent. There were two child victims identified by the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, but District Attorney Patricia Hanson has yet to file the sexual assault charges in Racine County. In Kenosha, Crocker is facing three serious felony charges for two victims, age 12 and 13 at

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7 Responses

  1. Small sample…but based on the info seems promotion and NOT living in Kenosha seems to be part of KFD’s leadership team.

    Can’t say I blame them

  2. Coongratulations to all. Thank you for entering Fire Science and EMS. Thank you too for showing respect and dressing for the occassion. Be safe candidates and may you all have long careers.

  3. Great that the city hired firefighters but 19?, how about hiring in waves? Next week city will announce they need new fire station! Your city tax dollar 17% goes towards debt hang on to your wallet taxes are going up more!

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