Kenosha Creative Director Francisco Loyola was arrested Tuesday morning at around 3 am. The 64-year old was allegedly driving while drunk when he was pulled over by a Sheriff’s Deputy.
Loyola was also charged with operating after revocation, operating a motor vehicle without proof of insurance, deviation from designated lane, and operating left of center.
Aside from being the creative space executive director, Loyola is also a liberal activist in Kenosha.
Loyola didn’t respond to a request for comment.

26 Responses
Thank God another radical ,left wing, shit head downtown looser ,receives what he deserves in my opinion. Please get arrested for several more OWI’s so that you can spend time in prison with all the people you love. It would be a good idea in my opinion for the people to rapidly dismantle everything this loud mouth, arrogant, angry, radical left wing shit head tried to establish in our beautiful downtown and give him a train ticket for the south side of Chicago. Adios muchacho
When will these asswipe liberals understand that the conservatives that love faith, family, God and country are not the problem. They love America, they follow the law, they take care of their homes and neighbors and most importantly they raise their children to do the same. Stop demonizing conservatives. We are not the problem. Go after the media, Hollywood, the University shitheads, Wall Street and the true nation wreckers. Stand together with the conservatives and you will love our country once again.
Be careful who you defend
This is from 3 years ago lol. Try hard what aboutism
They’re not stupid, they know exactly what they are doing, but there is good money to be made destroying communities and the left has proved that over and over again. You can literally attempt to burn down a town and people will look the other way if they agree with your politics in any way. Look how much Jesse Jackson and Al sharpton have raked in over the decades of race baiting, why would we expect any less from local losers?
Thank God he didn’t kill, or cripple anyone driving home drunk.
Berg sure does have friends in low places. It seems all his friends are drunks, drug dealers or? Well, you get the point. Let’s see if Gravely will do any about this drunk. Doubt it but hey, I saw him on court TV, he seems to act like he will enforce the law. Or maybe that’s all made for TV huh?
I agree. Seems like all bergs friends are or have been arrested. Yet he has the nerve to post about others He’s is the definition of hypocrite. Just like all his buddies. It is almost election time for Wisconsin so pay close attention to his tactics trying to defame candidates. Ya know. The left way
And he’s still on his page crying
There are plenty of asswipe conservative republicans out there as well. They talk a good line, but then shit their pants when the hard left comes after them. Not sure if democrat, or republican even matter any more. This is about survival now. America vs China, Russia Etc. Go after the nation wreckers that keep stirring up racial hatred every day. Deport them to the Middle East and let us see how well they do over there. We need to work together better and compromise. Rich, poor, left,right,liberal,conservative………….none of this will matter when the United States collapses. Please pray for America.
“shit their pants when the hard left comes after them.”
How about a bit of advice….
>If you gonna grab something round, long, and black, and pull on it, make sure it’s not the barrel of an AR15….
>never ever take a skateboard to a gunfight….
>if you don’t want part of your arm shot off don’t….be a lefty expecting the guy your going after will not me YOU shit your pants.
There. Hope you learned something.
Nice try at diversion, I don’t see any of the conservatives you’re describing in this story or the pictures.
A well known downtown socalist who has lived off the good graces of other people all of his life . Of course he has to be in the mainstream of liberals but deals because his lively hood depends on their handouts. He reminds of a teenager who never matured. Freeloading and conning people ! No doubt Gravely will give him a pass !
Gravely and the judges like Jodi Meier, and Mary Kay Wagner best friends. We’ll go easy on him. Meier is a RINO. Everybody being illegal area knows.
The probation paperwork is already filled out
That group picture is just one clown short of a circus, where the heck was Bob Wirch? ?
Robert Wirch at 80 years old is still a pup by liberal democrat standards.
My guess is that he doesn’t even need to use viagra yet.
Put him in a burnt orange disco suit as the main attraction for Kenosha Labor Fest.
Why isn’t he organizing labor marches at the former AMC and American Brass sites ?
Robert Wirch has accomplished more than any politician in Kenosha history.
Robert Wirch will be remembered as a selfless, highly skilled leader that gave so much and took so little in return.
Remember he never needed this job. He ran out of selfless devotion to Kenosha.
We hope Robert Wirch will stay in office at least 10-15 more years.
What has Wirch done, except live off of the taxpayers!
Makes me wonder how many of these liberal, social justice warrior types were let go by Deputy Dip Shit, Dave Beth.
We must seriously begin to consider naming our roads, parks and municipal buildings after this amazing, selfless man of the people………Robert Wirch.
Please consider doing this while Robert Wirch is still alive and follow the example of the amazing civic leaders in the Village of Pleasant Prairie aka (King John Steinbrink Sr’s personal fiefdom).
Oh yeah absolutely name some pothole filled streets after these long time useless promisers of all things free. Let’s name a gravel road over screaming baby Barca with his red face and orange fist t-shirt. Or “church festival somebody feed me” Rockford Robert? Better we should name streetcars after our long time Democrat leaders .
Must have been a free pot luck if ole Bob Wirch was there.
Eugene Stoner has some good points.
I hope he understands how many “conservative republicans” exist in name only.
Given the lesser of two evils, however, I will vote republican every time.
They are in my opinion the ONLY thing preventing the left wing psychopaths from a complete take over.
Is that you Boris?
Lets not forget when our hero ran and hid in Rockford to avoid doing his job.