(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Thomas More Society Attorneys File Suit on Behalf of Duly Elected School Board Member
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, 312.422.1333, tc@tcpr.net
(April 6, 2023– Kenosha, Wisconsin) An election controversy that has embroiled the Kenosha Unified School District since a Wisconsin Elections Commission employee noticed a clerical error has led to a lawsuit against the board, by duly elected school board member Eric Meadows. The petition filed on April 6, 2023, in Kenosha County’s Wisconsin Circuit Court by Thomas More Society attorneys, details how the public school district insisted that Meadows vacate his seat after only a year in office, despite being elected to a three-year term.
On February 1, 2023, the Kenosha Unified School District decided that Meadows would need to vacate his seat. This occurred after it was revealed that the district had improperly listed the position as a three-year term, rather than a one-year term, at the time of the 2022 spring election. There were two three-year terms expiring in 2025 and a one-year term expiring in the spring of 2023.
“However, that was not what the district published, nor was it what the voters cast ballots on,” explained Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal. “Following the public ballot, registered voters in the Kenosha Unified School District elected Eric Meadows to a three-year term on the school board.”
Kaardal sent a February 14, 2023, Cease and Desist letter to the Kenosha Unified School District and school board. The letter informed the board that they had no legal authority to vacate Meadows from the office and appoint a successor to serve from April 2023 until the April 2024 election. However, the board continued proceedings to do so, ignoring the communique.

There have been public accusations that Meadows was targeted for political reasons, though the board has denied that being the case, claiming that it was simply a “procedural matter.”
“Intentional or not, you can’t pull a ‘bait and switch’ on a duly and fairly elected official,” Kaardal stated. “No one is questioning that Eric Meadows was elected by the voters to a three-year term on the Kenosha Unified School District Board. What is of concern here is that the school board cannot keep their own staggered positions straight – it’s basic math and those running public education in Kenosha have flunked. Mr. Meadows cannot be punished for the incompetencies of his peers. With a background that includes finance and insurance, Eric’s skills appear to be desperately needed on this board.”
Read the Petition for a Declaratory Judgment Under Wisconsin Statutes § 806.04 and Injunction, filed April 6, 2023, with the Wisconsin Circuit Court in Kenosha County by Thomas More Society attorneys on behalf Eric Meadows in Eric Meadows, et al. v. Kenosha Unified School District here [ https://thomasmoresociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Summons-Complaint-4-6-23-filed.pdf ].
About Thomas More Society
Thomas More Society is a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, religious liberty, and fair elections. Based in Chicago, Thomas More Society defends and fosters support for these causes by providing high quality pro bono legal services from local trial courts all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.
Thomas More Society believes that the outcome of elections determines the meaning of the American way of life. Through litigation and education, Thomas More Society’s Election Integrity practice is focused on ensuring elections are conducted in accordance with state and federal laws and the constitution. For more information, please visit Thomas More Society’s Election Integrity Initiative at thomasmoresociety.org/our-election-integrity-initiative. .
6 Responses
Is Yolanda going to admit her wrong doing in this too? Or just lie like she did under oath
Wonder if the district will argue that accepting the “appointment” constitutes waiver.
KUSD board believed that the person (Robinson) they appointed to fill Dan Wade’s seat, was a leftist compatriot and they felt she would win and wanted her to serve 3 years instead of 1 1/2 years (remaining time on Wade’s vacated seat. When she was upset the board had a problem and here we are.
Why did they not announce lawsuit before election? It maybe would have people realize how corrupt school board is by backroom dealings and they would have voted for Eric????
Eric continues to be on the school board for now correct?