“Raise your hand if you’ve been a victim of ‘The Eye’ !” someone yelled outside of the County Administration building recently. Several people raised their hands. This gathering was assembled just before a county board meeting was scheduled to start. A local “activist group” led by a failed Aldermanic candidate called Tanya McLean rallied to oppose my nomination to a county commission – that I ultimately declined.
Among the people who claim to be a “victim” of this publication are:
A career violent criminal named Sharmain Harris, who among other felonies, broke into his girlfriend’s home, choked and beat her before he stole her money.
A used-panty-stealing Kenosha mailman named Evan Quirk.
The embattled Village Administrator of Salem Lakes named Michael Murdock.
A former politician and current attorney who had a mistress OD and die in his bed, and his wife who attacked him, named Ted and Connie Kmiec.
A man who has two OWI’s, was arrested for being drunk with a gun, caught two felony charges for beating his kids with a belt buckle, losing all custody and placement for both of them, and I’m suing for defamation, named Ray Roberts.
County Board Supervisor Andy Berg who has OWI and drug convictions and has been involved in a lot of shady stuff in the last few years.
A Kenosha Alderman named Anthony Kennedy who beat his coworker with a chair after a verbal dispute.
A failed candidate for State Assembly Crystal Miller, who hired a food truck owned and operated by a convicted sex offender during her “100 Women Who Care” event.
What do all of theses people have in common? Their bad conduct made them newsworthy, so I published articles about them.

On March 8, 2022 I filed a defamation suit against local criminal and BLM Activist Ray Roberts. He has long criticized me and my political beliefs. No problem there. He took it too far, however, when he started publishing lies on the internet, especially those about my children. Here are just some of the outlandish things he said about me:
I am training my kids to be suicide bombers, to blow up their middle school.
I threatened to kill multiple Veterans in Kenosha
I take money as a Private Investigator to find battered women in confidential domestic violence shelters, so that their abusers can beat them again.
I threaten and harass African-American families including children and women in Kenosha.
Roberts has somehow convinced his followers that he is the plaintiff in this case and he is on a “mission to hold Mathewson accountable.” He secured free representation for his defense from the president of the Wisconsin ACLU. Roberts doesn’t have much money and has had several tax warrants over the years for failed business ventures. My lawsuit has survived a motion to dismiss and summary judgement. It is going to trial in three days. A jury will decide if he is financially liable for his defamation. For me, it’s not about the money, I agreed to drop the suit if he apologized to my family including, my 12 and 14-year-old kids. He declined. He makes frequent videos on Facebook that talk about the status of this lawsuit. They are mostly false. Of course, he is soliciting money online as well, naturally. He never tells his audience exactly what statements I’m suing him for. Today we had a final pre-trial conference and in court today were two of KCE’s “victims.” Mike Murdock and the used panty-sniffing thief mailman Evan Quirk. Once they learned in court today that I was the plaintiff, they left. They were lied to.
Nobody wants to make it on the “Eye” for a negative reason. Here is some advice on how to avoid being featured on The Eye;
- Don’t break the law
- Don’t Do Stupid Crap
- Don’t steal used panties out of mailboxes
For the most part, if you stick to these three simple rules, the rest is cream cheese.
So if you’ve been featured in The Eye, or in any media source for that matter, don’t blame the publication, blame yourself. The age of the “victim” is over.
34 Responses
I’d like to see these compilations of names more often.
Has anybody ever tried to get you to reveal the identities of any of the people that comment on your KCE stories?
I do not have the capability to determine who is posting on this site and if I did I would not give up that information even under the threat of jail.
You are a true professional.
A common trend among the left is jail time and breaking the law. Who woulda known!! And some are in government positions. What a joke
Careful there. Pastor David DeBerge is a known Conservative.
But yet Kevin still wrote an article on him. And the original comment still holds true.
Those are pretty tough guidelines.Could you drop number 3?
It’s always easier to blame someone else for their own actions, instead of looking in the mirror!
Keep up the great work, Kevin! If you didn’t expose the truth, no one would ever know just how corrupt Kenosha County is!!
Great Work Kevin.
If these deviants don’t like the facts that you report about them, then they should repent and turn from their evil ways.
… it sounds as if at least the Perinne guy is doing good and contributing to society and has ‘turned from his evil ways’ or whatever…. so what is your issue?
Someone turns their life around and does as expected, and it isn’t good enough?
Kevin, keep up the great work I’d like to help you with your campaign for mayor of lib city
Hey Brandon. As much as I appreciate the kind words, someone like me is not electable in a city that is a large majority on the left.
We will help you campaign for President in Pleasant Prairie! We need a make-over like Salem!
Keep up the great work. I don’t hear about many of the items you write about. We need to be a well informed community.
Raise your hand if you have been the victim of reverse racism.
Have you been called a racist, white supremist? Have you been the victim of crime where the “minority” was not punished appropriately by the DA’s office?
Please share your experience.
Any time you don’t agree with the BLM rhetoric or someone breaking the law, they label you racist, a trump ist, a boomer. The insulted hurled aren’t really that creative
I would still like to see where all of Berg’s donations go for his “non-profit” because I am pretty sure it is not towards seeds. Sounds like tax fraud.
Maybe KCE should investigate that? ?
Do you believe that there are only “seed” costs in running a Non-profit?
Berg is currently posting some one who disagrees with him. Kinda hypocritical huh? Considering he don’t like it when others have free speech.
So none of these mental midgets have figured out that if they don’t want to be featured in the KCE, then don’t do things that get them featured. Ah, well, criminals love silence I suppose.
They dislike you because most times you are doing a great job, consisting in keeping us well informed. Once you get a tip, you go all the way to bring us readers awareness of what it’s going on.
Keep it up Matt Kevingston and don’t let bs interfere with your good job.
I’m personally a big fan of the Terry Feest write ups.
Love the comments as well.
Steinbrink Jr and Sr also have been victims of The Eye. Fuck them and the Village they represent.
Kevin Matthewson for Village of Pleasant Prairie!!!!
You’re a popular guy on some peoples Facebook
Who’s representing you in the defamation lawsuit Kevin? just curious…
Xavier Solis and Eric Olson
Did I ever tell the story about having a facebook discussion with RR and he was so pissed (raging) he drove to my house in Trevor to confront me. I was glad to have a discussion but he’d have nothing of it until my lovely bride walked out of the house and asked what was going on. Big bad military RR thought he was still in a foreign country kicking in non Americans doors. Harassing them and their family without any repercussions. Anyway… He got in his car and drove away as I waved saying bye Ray, see ya soon. No need for the police because I knew he was 5′ short of as full deck. Hi Ray! Bye Ray!
So should a friend of Teddy’s have been on your jury when the seem to agree with what he has to say about you? She made a point on his page to say she was a juror!
I’d love her name
Don’t forget about Billy Violent. She’s definitely got a thing for you, Kev.
Have you ever ended up losing a source over such disputes?
Can you be more clear?