(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE reported last Friday that the Kenosha Unified School District notified parents of a citizen who requested student directory information. The citizen was provided with thousands of students’ names and addresses. Today, KCE was made aware of the name of the requester – Kevin Hutchinson.
KCE made contact with Hutchinson Monday evening. Hutchinson said that he was indeed the person who requested the names and addresses of KUSD parents. He says, however, the district didn’t sent the parents’ names, but instead, the students’ names and addresses. KCE has seen the public records request and can confirm that Mr. Hutchinson asked for the parents’ names, but KUSD provided the students’ names. “I think they may have messed up there, by sending me student info….. So what was the motivation for this? The motivation is this – I do my best thinking when I’m driving down the street. I thought, ya know, how can you tell parents [what’s going on in the school.] Maybe you write them a letter. So I just shot a request to the school district. And guess what, about two days later, I had 12,000 names. I thought that was pretty good.”

Hutchinson tells KCE that his is considering the possibility of sending out a mass mailer to parents to tell them about some of the graphic books that are available in the schools. Hutchinson, who has grandchildren, says they don’t attend KUSD schools because the schools are mismanaged.
Tanya Ruder, a KUSD spokesperson, told KCE today in part:
“While we receive and process many records requests annually, we wanted to make our families aware in this case due to the grandiose size of the request and nature of the information requested. Each year during online registration, we ask families whether or not they approve of their student’s directory data being released as noted below. If parents do not elect to have directory data withheld from requesters, then directory data is subject to release under state and federal law, if requested. Typically, requests for directory data are from colleges, military recruiters or local businesses wishing to send marketing materials to our families, but this request for student data directory information was slightly different and we wanted to be transparent with our families that directory data was requested and, as required by law, released.“
49 Responses
Hmm….ok, interesting.
I assumed this guy was a dipshit but maybe not (even if his name is Kevin and his nametag in the picture says Kelly).
His legal name is Kevin but he goes by Kelly.
So he is Kevin. We don’t go by what people SAY to call them, only what legal documents tell us to call them.
I don’t understand your beef here. His name is Kevin. His driver’s license and social security card say “Kevin.”
Great, so people can stop calling him Kelly and only call him Kevin.
Surely you have better things to do today rather than complain about someone choosing to be called by their middle name. Sheesh.
Transparent my arse. KuSD is far from it!
So he is a hateful right winger. Where is the outrage now? All of you labeled him as an evil drag queen groomer and were ready to hang him from a light post. I guess it is now OK because he is the right kind of nutcase.
Where is his hatred? Of Pornography in schools? I purchased the books to see for myself the pornographic material and foe those of you who bark but have never actually seen the images. This has NOTHING to do with LGBT and everything to do with porno in schools.
Obviously you didn’t comprehend what you read in the article. It said he requested PARENT names and addresses. KUSD screwed up and gave him STUDENT names and addresses. There are few instances where agencies can obtain that information, but STUDENT names and addresses should NEVER be released to a private individual. Take a good look in the mirror, I’m sure you won’t like what you represent.
They did not send out and nobody received student names.
I’m sorry. You are incorrect.
Wow someone can’t read.
What time did you start drinking today?
You’re right, it is ok. Cope and seethe, lefty.
Hypocrisy, only a groomer would want kids to have access to porn. Only a groomer would want to keep it a secret from parents. Only a groomer would defend porn in the schools. Thank you for exposing yourself.
Exactly and KUSD IS grooming students with their vast amount of sexual content.
Mail out 12,000 excerpts from the KUSD library approved smut and wonder how parents will feel?
Of course might want to put an attorney on retainer.
Did KUSD actually lie to the parents by claiming that it released the first names of the minor students in response to an open records request? If so, that’s very troubling, since according to a previous article, its notification to parents warned “in case [parents] receive materials related to [pornographic books] as they will not be from the district itself.”
This sure sounds like KUSD is trying to whip parents up to oppose a man who’s trying to warn them about all the sexually explicit material KUSD employees are pushing on their minor children. Isn’t it strange that KUSD did everything it could to keep parents in the dark about its efforts to sexualize minors, but when a taxpaying citizen attempts to inform the parents, KUSD decides now is the time to send a district wide notification to parents? Did the KUSD message to parents also inform them that the materials KUSD is distributing to other people’s minor children would get anyone else charged with a Class I felony under Wisconsin law? I bet it didn’t. These KUSD groomers must be stopped.
Im sure the police are just lining up at Barnes and noble to arrest the cashiers.
A book store is a private business. The schools are not. Children are required to be in school. They are not required to be at a book store, and parents can supervise in a book store. But you knew that. You just have political derangement syndrome and must oppose the other side regardless of what disgusting things you’re espousing.
lol. Missed the point. Not a single person will be charged with a crime…materials of this nature have been in school libraries forever.
You are 100% wrong on this. We aren’t talking Catcher in the Rye, this is straight up pornography; pictures and instructions on how to perform sex acts!
Many people have entirely different concepts and ideas as to what constitutes pornography. Nothing is read so far has lead me in that direction.
I’m not sure where you would actually draw the line then. Unless you don’t have a line…
Just because you can’t get it up doesn’t mean it’s not porn
You are uninformed. Excerpts from several of the questionable books were read into the records at the last school board meeting. Consider attending one. Conveniently available on YouTube
I’m sorry, I think I’m late to the party. What books are you talking about?
One side is straight up lying. Kevin any chance you made progress on seeing what was actually released? If he has kids names the outrage should be the same no matter what side of the fence this guys barks on.
I haven’t heard back yet from the district but I will be going in person to review what was released
I know Kelly. He is a very good guy and father, his intentions are pure. He is disgusted by the garbage that school children are being exposed to and wants other parents to be aware. That’s all. Not a nutter.
Hypocrisy on display.
His name is Kevin.
I’m generally curious as to if you go around and tell people what names they should go by. Do you walk up to Greg and say “your name is Gregory stop lying!” Do you go after the child that goes by their middle name to differentiate themselves between parents with the same name? This article touches on an issue relevant to our community. Everyone’s thoughts on the books matter, the privacy of students matter, but you’re stuck on Kelly vs. Kevin. I imagine i have very different views than the bulk of commenters, but hell I’m open to discussion and deliberation. You are stuck on Kevin vs. Kelly.
While I appreciate his motives, it doesn’t look good to request that info. Of course I keep getting Liberal BS newsletters to my house so if they can request I suppose “we” can too.
Smut doesn’t belong in schools.
Men cannot be women nor can woman become men.
He requested parents names and addresses, KUSD released the children’s names instead. Clearly members of the administration have the same reading skills as KUSD students.
He needs to STOP! It may be legal to obtain names but it’s also legal to piss people off & cause problems!
Cue Forward Kenosha and Kenosha County Dems. They will do there best to get ahead of this and warn people “don’t read your mail”, just trust us, these books are fine. Baaahhh…
Yeah this story depends on what actually was released. Did he get students names or parents? If you zoom in on the pic in the article of his speaking, the back of his sheet he is holding says parents names not students. Thus, I believe he requested parents names more than likely.
The question is what happens if the district accidentally revealed students names? Would they liable for this if they let the wrong names out?
Be liable*
He got the students names
Has anyone asked for KUSD’s response on them screwing up the names?
Great point. How many times do KUSD employees get to massively screw up before they get any blowback?
Can’t wait for the next school board meeting. 11/14 @ 7pm. Unfortunately, comments are never responded to.
KUSD releasing student names when parent names were requested is only their latest catastrophic mistake, certainly not their first. Will they acknowledge it? Or was it a purposeful deception to rile up parents and turn conservatives against each other? Why would they not email parents en masse when they were shown the vast amount of porn in their schools?
America is the greatest ?
I reported my x wife 2021 logging into kids kusd classroom account to view me and kids movements then again in 2023…..our kids safety is more important the KPD Security and Escort Services and devices.
They remove the find my device but didnt restrict devices from being added to their school account!!!!
Please keep your politics out of the school. It is pathetic we have a person who has no children or grandchildren in KUSD but he is allowed to impose his own unwanted political beliefs on the families and students. As the great philopsher Pluto said “Don’t force your children into your ways, for they were created for a different time.”
Excuse me, but taxpayers have a right to voice their opinion on how taxes are allocated. Certainly the schools should not be imposing their unwanted political beliefs on families and students. Where is your outrage there?