Racine County DA Blocks Kenosha County Eye From Emailing Her After Embarrassing Trial Loss

Patricia Hanson (D) – Racine County District Attorney

Racine County District Attorney Patricia Hanson told Kenosha County Eye today that she would be permanently blocking her entire staff’s email accounts from receiving any emails from us. This, just after KCE emailed her asking for comment on an embarrassing jury trial loss in Kenosha.

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Kenosha County Eye has had contact with Hanson many times over the last several years since we were founded in 2020 – none of them pleasant. She is arrogant, vindictive and petulant. Over the last four years, she has mostly ignored our emails. Once in a while, however, she has done something so embarrassing, that she tries to talk her way out of it.

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KCE has been critical of her. Here are some Kenosha cases that Hanson has handled that came under scrutiny from “the eye.”

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Kenosha IT Investigation into multiple felony referrals for former Kenosha Administrator Frank Pacetti and IT Director Merrill (Tig) Kerkman (Kerkman Still Works for the City making more than $100k)

Kenosha Firefighter Kerry Poltrock Multiple Sexual Assault of His Children

Kenosha Firefighter Kerry Poltrock Multiple Domestic Violence Charges Against His Wife

Kenosha Police Officer arrested for felony child abuse.

Kenosha Police Officer Kendall West’s Multiple Day Felonious Crime Spree Ending with Attack of ER Doctor In Uniform On Duty

Former County Board Chairman Daniel Esposito Felony Shoplifting
Misdemeanor Charge

Connie Kmiec – Wife of Kenosha Attorney, Former Politician Batters Husband

Trenton Kmiec – Son of Kenosha Attorney, Former Politician Possession of Drugs

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In 2022, when the embattled Pleasant Prairie public works director, John Steinbrink, Jr was charged with multiple felonies, we learned that Hanson treats media outlets differently, even though she wrote in a July 28, 2022 email that “under no circumstances do we favor one [media] organization over another.” KCE disagreed with her assertion because she gave the Kenosha News the criminal complaint for Steinbrink but made KCE purchase a copy for $1.25 per page.

Hanson told KCE that if we promised to be “professional” with her, she would add KCE to a daily email list of all of the criminal complaints. This made us happy and enjoyed the transparency. We asked Kenosha County DA Michael Graveley to implement the same policy, but he said “no” quickly.

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Our relationship came to a head when The Racine DA’s office leaked a search warrant to a criminal before a raid, and the criminal and his friends were able to escape justice because they were tipped off. Hanson didn’t charge the employee. The county, however fired her. We ran a story on October 3, 2023 and asked Hanson why she let her employee commit a serious crime without any legal ramifications. She lied to us and told KCE that without a referral from law enforcement, she couldn’t charge Destiny Fergus.

KCE sent our story to Fox6 and on November 10, 2023, they ran a story about the employee. During this time, Hanson was mortified and embarrassed that Kenosha County Eye broke this story. She was so peeved, in fact, that she ordered her office to remove KCE from the distribution list of the daily criminal complaints.

She behaved like a petulant child. Legally, though what could she do besides be vindictive and block our access to her court documents? We noticed this long after the fact and asked her to reconsider. We then told her that we would be automatically sending her office a public records request every day for the list. We have a program that sends her assistant an email every day asking for the previous day’s email and documents. She ignored the requests for a couple of weeks until we threatened to sue. Now she has an employee at her office that is tasked with accepting our automatic email and forwarding the previous day’s email to us. This could all be resolved by re-adding us to the list. She won’t. She would rather burden her staff member than put us back on this list. This is Patricia Hanson – vindictive at the cost of law enforcement resources.

Racine County Deputy District Attorney Christopher Steenrod (D) of Kenosha County
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

On June 21, 2021, a convicted attempted cop-killer threw a jug of water towards DA Michael Graveley and DDA Carli McNeill moments after the guilty verdicts were read. The jug ended up hitting a police officer who was not in uniform. Graveley asked the Racine DDA, Chris Steenrod to prosecute the case. Weirdly, Steenrod charged the would-be-cop killer with a crime that contains an element that the defendant knew the victim was a police officer. Steenrod should have charged the defendant with reckless endangering safety. He lost this count in a jury trial this week as well as a resisting charge. Plainly put, the defendant wasn’t resisting.

KCE emailed Steenrod and Hanson and asked about her embarrassing loss in court. KCE understands that Hanson lives in Racine County and doesn’t care what happens in Kenosha County, but DDA Steenrod lives in Kenosha County. Steenrod also went very easy on Trenton Kmiec, the son of a former politician, and defense attorney. This is his community. He didn’t respond to the tough questions. Instead, KCE received an email from Hanson saying that her staff would be blocking KCE emails from now on.

DA Hanson (D) and ADA Steenrod (D)

KCE is speaking to lawyers to decide how to proceed. It is her right to ignore tough questions, but as a public official, KCE doesn’t think she has a legal right to block people from emailing her. We’ll follow up later.

homegirl distributing murderes to the community #Girlboss
Drawing by ( https://twitter.com/tiniestyam )



Salem Special Ed Teacher On Leave After Caught Under The Influence Of An Illicit Substance While On School Property

A special education teacher at Salem School has been placed on administrative leave, the district announced Monday evening. According to a statement released to KCE and parents, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave since he was discovered “under the influence of an illicit substance” on October 3, 2024. Salem School District superintendent, Dr. Vicki King told parents: “Local law enforcement and the School Resource Officer from Central High School are conducting an ongoing investigation,

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Kenosha Library Holding Event Tonight Called “Being Blue In A Red Environment” – Only Liberals Allowed

Library Director Are you looking for safe and effective ways to communicate your liberal values and beliefs in environments where conservative ideas are assumed to be correct—and where more liberal people may be seen as ignorant, misguided, or even immoral? If so, you’re in luck. The Kenosha Library system is holding a controversial event tonight, Monday October 21, 2024, at 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. called “Being Blue In A Red Environment.” It’s a workshop that is

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Trial Of Man Accused Of Attempted Homicide Delayed Because Prosecutor, DA Candidate Didn’t Turn Over Evidence

A 37-year-old Kenosha Man was supposed to stand trial on September 23, 2024, for the alleged attempted murder of his girlfriend by setting her on fire with lighter fluid as she slept. The trial, unfortunately for the victim and her family, was abruptly canceled. Myron Faith Bowie, 37, of Kenosha was alleged to have poured lighter fluid on his girlfriend as she slept and lit her body on fire. She was very badly injured, but fortunately,

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Waukegan BLM Founder Involved In Kenosha Unrest Gets 40 Day Jail Sentence For Taking Photos In Illinois Courtroom

A Ziom man has been sentenced to 40 days in jail for illegally taking photos in an Illinois courtroom. This is exactly 40 days more in jail than he received from Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell for disorderly conduct related to an alleged attempt to break a police officer’s fingers by kicking a door shut. Just like Wisconsin, in Illinois, you need permission from the presiding judge to photograph court proceedings. Clyde McLemore was sentenced

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“Barbados Barca”: Opinion From Wisconsin GOP

Whether it be Lake Winnebago or Lake Michigan, Wisconsinites love the water. Peter Barca, however, prefers the crystal blue waters of Barbados.  It turns out Barca’s former company Aurora Associates International was among the numerous corporations listed in the infamous “Paradise Papers.” From Politico: “The former company of Peter Barca, a Democratic congressional candidate who is running as a candidate trying to cut taxes for families in Wisconsin, was registered in the offshore tax haven of Barbados,

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Kenosha County Bar Association To Hold Event Supporting Democrat Nominee For DA

Andrew Wier is a life-long democrat, former politician, and has been a lawyer for 15 years. He worked for five years as a prosecutor reporting to democrat District Attorney Patricia Hanson in Racine County. He works now for Habush Habush & Rottier, a personal injury firm. Since 2018, he has been the president of the Kenosha County Bar Association. The Kenosha County Bar Association is so irrelevant and insignificant that it has to entice members to

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Serious Felony Charges Against “Connected” Kenosha Man To Be Dismissed By Neighboring County: Source

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 42, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was paid almost $20,000 to be District Attorney Candidate Carli McNeill’s media campaign expert on June 7, 2024. Just 20 days later, on June 27, 2024, Moore was charged with

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Salem Lakes Village Board To Make Sweeping Changes To Policy In Response To “Rogue” Code Enforcement Officer

Many residents and business owners in Salem Lakes have been very vocal about who they claim is a “rogue” code enforcement officer. John Carrier works for the City of Waukegan, IL and makes $128,000 per year. At the village, he makes about $25,000. Over the last six months, village staff and elected leaders have been inundated with complaints about enforcement notices served on them by the village. The alleged violations include having a storage container, trackers,

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Salem Lakes Public Works Superintendent Fired For Alleged Misconduct

After working less than six months for the Village of Salem Lakes as its Public Works Superintendent, Kevin Hajduk has been terminated. Effective October 14, 2024, Hajduk is no longer employed with the village. The Village Administrator confirmed with KCE that Hajduk was no longer employed by the village, but couldn’t give details because she said it was a personnel issue. KCE has requested his personnel file. According to a whistleblower, Hajduk was accused and investigated

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Former County Board Supervisor Andy Berg Fired From Job As Department of Corrections Sergeant

Former County Board Supervisor and amature gay porn “cam boy” Andy Berg has been fired from his long-time job as a Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sergeant. He most recently worked at the Racine Prison, Racine Correctional Institution. According to sources, Berg was fired for using his taxpayer funded DOC computer to “dig up dirt” on Kevin Mathewson, Editor of Kenosha County Eye. KCE spoke with Beth Hardtke, Director of Communications Office of Public Affairs at the

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Kenosha Judge To Sentence 16-Year-Old For Sex Crime He Says He Didn’t Commit – At Least Three Jurors Agree With Him

***Update: a third juror has sent a letter to the judge expressing concern about the verdict.*** On October 28, 2024, a Kenosha Judge will have to sentence a 16-year-old boy for a crime that he says he didn’t commit. At least three jurors believe the former high schooler. One juror told the DA’s office that he or she felt “bullied” to change to a “guilty” verdict. Another juror wrote a letter to the judge saying that

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Accused Child Rapist Makes Court Appearance – Third Victim Identified, More Charges Coming

Accused child rapist and fired elementary teacher’s aid, Anna Marie Crocker, made a court appearance today for a preliminary hearing. The hearing, however, was delayed because of new charges that are imminent. There were two child victims identified by the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, but District Attorney Patricia Hanson has yet to file the sexual assault charges in Racine County. In Kenosha, Crocker is facing three serious felony charges for two victims, age 12 and 13 at

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36 Responses

      1. Her and her stupid flowers she wears in her hair. How about obeying the law. Do as I say not as I do. Sounds like Willke.

    1. One of many times Erin Decker and her cabal tried and failed. Maybe if it one of these false claims involved Deckers daughter writing checks to pay for mommy’s legal fees out of the Kenosha Republican Party bank account. Decker admitted under oath that she lied, had others file false complaints, and she even had at least five different emails to try and hide herself. What a POS.

  1. It’s not always wrong to decline prosecution or reduce a charge but the prosecutor should be able to say why. It’s not wrong to ask.

  2. Racine and Kenosha share a similar ideology and in doing so have become allies in the art of bullshit shit and cover thy ass.
    Tom ‘Star Wars” Binger for example was appointed to sit on the Racine Fire and Police Commission (he lives in Racine?).
    Often times the Mayor of Racine and the Mayor of Kenosha put forward very similar referendum items.

    Hanson is a political hack, that is obvious and is going to to as told or else she will find her very large whale like carcass assigned as a public defender facing many who whe thrrew in prison. A grim future for sure but what is she to do?—Her future as a “only fans” model would be rather limited.

    Anyway—Racines legal system and abuse of open records has a long history…interview Sandy Weidner sometime. Ms. Weidner fought the Racine legal system and beat them.

  3. It seems her and Gravely went to the same Cracker Jack law school and with weak minds fell into the socialist mentality. Clearly along with T bag and Lunch box they have enough talent to start a sitcom. None of the these people have any business in the Law Profession they truly give it a bad name ! Based on that they are elected and or appointed ( T bag twice to the same position.) With that being said, I had a professor in Law School once tell me, “Never estimate the stupidity of people in large numbers !”. You get what you vote for in both cases !

  4. Is there anyone in Kenosha’s court arena that is judicially, ethically, constitutionally upstanding? Any one? Any two?

  5. This woman is a perfect example of why voters need to stop listening to the county & state parties. Racine GOP is going to sell her as a Conservative Republican, just like they do King Vos.

    Stop giving your hard earned money to the political party organizations. Stop voting for who they tell you to. Stop voting for incumbents. Until we stop supporting the current trash, all we’re going to keep getting is the same literal 💩.

  6. Please add a new story to the website Kevin, every morning that I have to wake up and see that ugly mug of “Pat” is a horrible beginning to my day.


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