Convicted Pedophile Faced Almost 100 Years In Prison – Released Instead Due To Health

Nathaniel Thomas (49) of Kenosha – Convicted Pedophile
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

Should a convicted pedophile be released from incarceration so that he can die comfortably and in his bed at home? Or should he die in prison like most do? This was a question posed to a Kenosha County Judge and prosecutor Monday.

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Nathaniel Thomas, 49, of Kenosha was convicted of several very serious sex crimes involving his daughter. In the Spring of last year, the little girl’s mother alerted police to the serious crimes. The little girl told police horror stories about being repeatedly sexually assaulted by Thomas since 2021, when she was just 13 years old. The sexual assaults continued for years. She also told police that Thomas took photos of her while she had some clothes off. Kenosha Police served a search warrant on Thomas’ home on April 17, 2023. Police called Thomas on the phone, but he hung up on them. Police then breached the front door with a battering ram. Immediately after, police hear a gunshot. Thomas had armed himself. Hostage negotiators responded to the stand-off and eventually, with the help of Thomas’ mother, he surrendered to police. The gun was located and it was registered as stolen from Milwaukee. Thomas was prohibited from owning or possessing a gun based on a conviction for domestic abuse from 2013. He also has a weapons conviction from 2004 and an unemployment fraud conviction from 2011.

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Police collected electronics throughout the home. They also found a hidden camera in the little girl’s room. Police found many videos on the camera of her fully naked. They also found sexual photos of the little girl on his electronic devices. On April 19, 2023, and later, on May 25, 2023, Thomas was charged with:

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Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child (Max 40 Years)
Incest (Max 40 Years)
Failure to Comply With Officers’ Attempt To Take Person Into Custody (Max 3.5 Years)
Invasion of Privacy – Surveillance Device (Max .75 Years)
(2) Counts of Capturing An Intimate Representation Without Consent (Max 7 Years)
Disorderly Conduct (Max .5 Years)

Monday, March 11, 2024 Thomas appeared in Kenosha County Circuit Court for a plea deal and sentencing hearing. The judges found Thomas guilty of Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Failure to Comply With Officers’ Attempt To Take Person Into Custody, Invasion of Privacy – Surveillance Device and one count of Capturing An Intimate Representation WIthout Consent. The remainder of the charges were dismissed but read in. Thomas gave a full confession. Defense attorney Terry Rose argued for his client to be released due to the severity of his various diseases. Citing the defendant’s diagnosis of stage 4 kidney cancer, the judge ordered Thomas released immediately. Thomas was released that evening at 7:40pm. He is now back at home.

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KCE spoke to the seasoned prosecutor who gave us some of the reasons why she agreed with the judge.

“I can honestly tell you that never in 22 years [as a prosecutor] did I ever form the opinion that someone who was alleged to have done what he did shouldn’t go straight to prison.  However, for the first time in my career, I did form that opinion here.   The question here was ‘Would warehousing him be cruel and unusual punishment?’  Also, the thought about how expensive it would be to our taxpayers to house and treat this defendant in the prison system. “

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The plea deal allowed for the victim to have her request of not having to testify at trial and her mother agreed with the agreement. Even if Thomas miraculously beats the cancer (and other) medical problems, he will have to register as a sex offender until he’s dead.

KCE spoke with several readers about the judge’s decision to release Thomas:

“What a fuc*ing sicko. Lock him up and throw away the key.” – Person 1

“He should go to prison, but at least if he’s not in custody we the taxpayers don’t have to pay for his medical care.” – Person 2

“100% he should die in prison. He should not be afforded the right to die in his comfortable bed at home. In my opinion, he’s getting off easy(death) while his poor daughter has to deal with this for the rest of her life.” – Person 3

“Die in prison for me.” – Person 4

“Should he go to prison? Of course. But if death is imminent, what’s the point of prison? It would be a burden on the taxpayers. This is a tough one. Dying in prison wouldn’t be undeserved. I agree with what the judge did, but I also would have agreed with the judge, should he have. God will deal with it” – Person 5

What do our readers think? Let us know in the comments.



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41 Responses

  1. You actually think this will release the taxpayers of the burden to foot his medical treatment? This guy clearly doesn’t carry private medical insurance… He’s an empty bag.

    If he is treated and the cancer goes into remission, he should be sent back. Clearly he hasn’t played by the rules before, registering as a sex offender is a slap on the wrist.

  2. Hate rot say it gang. He will probably be on Medicaid or some other public system, taxpayers paying for it. Public will somehow have to pay!!

    1. Why didn’t you name Judge Milisauskus and ADA Rosa Delgado at the court officials responsible for this? You normally name officials in your articles.


  3. He should be on house arrest, with only the ability to leave to go to medical appointments. (Not that I agree with him not going to prison), all electronics and technology would be removed from his residence. He can die in his bed, but no comfortably

  4. Is he in the home with his daughter or any minor children? He is more than likely on Medicaid so his medical is already our expense, so that’s a moot point. I don’t agree with sending him home. The damage he has done to this poor girl will be a life long demon for her. My feelings, let him die a slow and painful death in prison.

  5. Omg, another racist story picking on a colored folk for his filthy behavior. Truely shameful reporting exposing the truth. Keep up the great work

  6. A crime was done. A punishment must be dealt out. Did his cancer stop him from committing crimes?

    Die scum bag

  7. It would be pennies in comparison to what we lend other countries for war, and what we hand illegals. Airfare, food, housing etc. so fuck em let him rot in a cell on our dime.

  8. The only way I think releasing him would be a good idea, is that at home, he’d get worse medical care vs the care he’d get in prison. If care gets him to hell faster, then let him die SOON at home. Giddy up, Nathaniel, you got a date with THE devil.

  9. This guy needed the firing squad to put him out of his misery. What a slap in the face to his abused daughter and her mother. So, let me get this straight–if you commit felonies and you are sick and black you can get out of prison, but if you are white and sick, you are out of luck. What a great judicial system we have here. Shame on Terry Rose and the idiot judge. there is NO justice anymore.

  10. A horrible crime has been committed and must be severely punished. If the WOKE judge thinks the health of the criminal is a sentence mitigating factor, then the judge should be chained to this criminal until either dies first.

      1. Lol! That’s why I come to your website—I’m looking things up, reading the news. You ARE my source of who, what, where, when. Why would you encourage your readers to leave your website and look up the facts somewhere else?

        1. Wonder if he lost his kindness title from your Feel-Good Friday post back in December.
          “A Kenosha Judge Who Shows Kindness Everyday”

  11. Also, the thought about how expensive it would be to our taxpayers to house and treat this defendant in the prison system.

    So now that this freak is out and back home, is he paying for his treatment or are the tax payers still picking up the bill?

    Cruel and unusual punishment is what the freak did to the child, there should be no concern about him having to experience some of the same, hopefully worse.

  12. Let’s say the judge and prosecutor said “Lock him up, throw away the key.” Then he dies, like he did, and like the judge/prosecutor thought. Either way, tax payers more than likely funded his medical expenses. By not locking him up, it saves the headache of nonsense lawyers who would make up a story about someone in the jail/prison not caring for him properly….then you get all the lawsuits for years costing tax payers more. In the end, this was a win win and more than likely no civil suits to follow. As you should know, God is the true judge of this world and will handle his punishment.

  13. I moved to from K, to a RED state I will not name. Where I live, in prison, this POS would never see daylight again except for one hour on “exercise” day.
    Kenosha Courts, the DA’s Office are liberal, criminal coddling cesspools. (Except for white kids defending their life.)
    So is schitty government. Mayor A. Plus Evers. Vote fraud. I am so happy I moved.
    I am now in a flyover, “Law & Order, 2A state.”

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