(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A multiple felon named Dale H. Lassiter of Silver Lake, was arrested Sunday, May 19, 2024 by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department. The 28-year-old’s arrest occurred after a pair of allegedly sexually-related attacks on two separate women – Saturday and Sunday.
Lassiter is behind bars, holding on two separate $1,000 cash bails. He needs to post $2,000 to be released pending trial. He was charged with fourth degree sexual assault, lewd and lascivious behavior, and two counts of disorderly conduct – all misdemeanors. According to the criminal complaint:
On Saturday, May 18, 2024 a 45-year-old woman was jogging down a Silver Lake walking trail when a man starting jogging alongside her. She felt that this was odd and told the man she like jogging alone. He left for a short time, but then he later smacked and grabbed her butt. He then left the area. A Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy arrived to take the report. She gave the deputy a detailed description of the man.
The next day, Sunday May 19, 2024, the same deputy was dispatched to Silver lake for a man who was making inappropriate comments to some people on the beach. The responding deputy didn’t find criminality but did get a photo of the man in question. The deputy showed the victim from the day before the photo and she positively identified the man in the photo as her attacker. She then shared her story on social media and the man was identified as 28-year-old Dale H. Lassiter.
The deputy visited Lassiter at his home and Lassiter made a statement that the government puts chips in people’s heads and controls their movements and their gravitational pulls. Lassiter kept repeating the word “telepathy” when he described his actions. The deputy then asked Lassiter if he went on a walk on May 18, 2024 on the walking path mentioned by the first victim, and the defendant said he did. The deputy asked the defendant if he remembered running with another woman, and he said “oh yeah” and she told him she did not want him to run with her. Lassiter said he ran with her for a few seconds and then showed that he threw his hands up and stated “woah dude, all I did was follow your ass, and telepathy.” The deputy asked the defendant if he touched the woman at all and he stated “yeah, I smacked her butt because I followed the telepathy.” The defendant went on to describe how people’s essences will make them back up or gravitate toward certain people. Later, deputies spoke with the defendant’s mother, who stated the defendant has mental health issues and has smoked a lot of methamphetamine in the past.
Before Lassiter’s arrest, police and prosecutors say he victimized a second woman. This time, a 50-year-old resident who was walking down the path at Silver Lake Park. She had observed a man earlier in the morning and only said good morning to him. When she saw him a second time, he began walking directly opposite her for approximately 30 seconds, making her uncomfortable. He then crossed the road, coming up to her and lifting his shirt, exposing his bare stomach, and he had a visible erection through his pants. She observed the erection at the same time as he exposed his stomach and asked her, “Do you want some?” Lassiter said this in a sexual tone, seemingly referring to the erect penis.

Deputies responded and while the woman was talking with them, Lassiter approached from the east, matching the description she had just given. The deputy told the man that he needed to speak with him. The man responded that it was “telepathy,” and how “telepathy” draws things in motion.
Because defendant had raised his shirt up, exposing his pants, showing the woman his erect penis through his clothing, and asked her if she “wanted some” in a sexual tone, this was done for defendant’s sexual gratification. This was evidenced by his erect penis. The victim found his behavior to be brazen and inappropriate, making her stop and feel unsafe. Another deputy also determined that under the totality of the circumstances, the various women that Lannister followed or approached in a public hiking trail would not expect to be confronted with sexually charged, inappropriate behavior in broad daylight, in public.
Lannister has criminal convictions for:
2012: Felony Burglary of Dwelling – Probation
2013: Felony Possession with Intent – Probation
2022: Misdemeanor Operating While Revoked/ Ignition Interlock Tampering – Fine
2023: Misdemeanor Battery and Disorderly Conduct – Fine / Time Served

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KCE reached out to Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner Tuesday night who had the following to say:
“Due to the sensitive nature of this call for service, several deputies responded to investigate. The deputies were able to quickly identify the suspect, who was later taken into custody on several charges. This was handled with the utmost urgency. The Kenosha County Park System is for families to enjoy, not victimizing the innocent. Our community must know that they will be protected from predators. The Sheriff’s Office will be conducting focused patrols and increasing our presence in the county parks. If you see something suspicious or are victimized please call the Sheriff’s Office at 262-656-1234 to report a crime.”
31 Responses
Can someone please eliminate these people?
We need a Bernard Goetz/Travis Bickle in our community to rid us permanently of these scum
I’m sure a keyboard warrior like yourself or any of your fellow MAGA tough guys are perfect for that job.
If only I didn’t have a good job & a hot wife …..you would be on the list poofta
Where’s Kyle Rittenhouse???
Where’s Kyle?
Long history of drug selling and use.
Lol trailer trash pocos
Not trailer trash, he lives in a $325,000 home with his parents in Silver Lake. Yes he is trash, just not trailer trash.
Mortgaged out lol
Looks like slumlord step daddy don’t wanna bail him out this time
Easy to judge when you don’t have the real facts.
Spoiler alert………probation.
Or hard labor on Sgt Hards farm…
Bail should be a lot higher.
Enough to make someone mortgage their house.
What a slimeball
Mental hospital eval needed and locked up until deemed safe for society.
Why is his bail only $2K? It appears his confrontations with women are only going to get worse and eventually he may rape someone. There are children that are in this area too. Please protect our community against people like this.
Make mental institutions great again
I see future employment at KUSD for this perv. He will fit in well at KUSD
Maybe KUSD will hire him.
Telepathy = rotted teeth meth head
Why do the family members always make excuses after the fact. If they give a damn, wouldn’t they try to get the person help?
He’s just playing crazy to game the system.
Stupid mother needs to leave him in jail
He seems normal.
Thank the Beth’s for forclosing in 2007 that’s why his family was able to move in
Hello Marion,
I noticed you have some really strong opinions about this person, and I would like to share some information with you. I am a close family friend of the people you speak down on.
1. The family was growing and needed a bigger house that wasn’t in its current environment.
2. You say that the mother is stupid and needs to leave the person in jail, but you don’t see the struggle of a mother who is trying to deal with this situation and has tried many, many times to get them help. But I also feel like you need to understand that, at the end of the day, if a person doesn’t want to change, they won’t, no matter how much you try to help them.
3. The person you refer to as the step-daddy has actively stayed out of any relation to the person at hand. He has never once posted his bail but has contributed to help fund programs that would better help this person. But, like I said previously, it’s up to the person if they want to get better.
Before you post not one but four comments about a person and their family, make sure you know some facts beforehand. If this person has done you any wrong in the past, I can’t speak for the family, but I am sorry, and that should have never happened to you. I hope this gave some insights. I hope you have a good day.
Bill gates,breka bio hacking andvoice to skull technology
Bill gates,breka bio hacking andvoice to skull technology. The mother’s not stupid either.