Kenosha Man Arrested, Charged For Sexual Exploitation Of A Child, 10 Counts Of Possession Of Child Pornography – $100,000 Bail Set

Ryan St. John (46) of Kenosha, WI In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

*Graphic Depictions of Sexual Crimes Involving Children*

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A Kenosha man is facing a minimum sentence of eight years, and a maximum sentence of 290 years in a Wisconsin Prison if convicted of all sex charges filed against him. Ryan St. John, 46, of Kenosha was charged yesterday with one count of “Sexual Exploitation Of A Child” and 10 Counts Of “Possession of Child Pornography.” The former comes with it a minimum sentence of five years and a maximum of 40. Possession of child pornography has a mandatory minimum of three years, but the Wisconsin Legislature allows judges to run multiple convictions concurrently, instead of consecutively. This means that one could be sentenced to three years of prison total for being convicted of 1,000 counts of “Possession of Child Pornography.” Some see this as a loophole, and many judges utilize it.

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Ryan St. John (46) of Kenosha, WI
(Kenosha County Sheriff)

According to the criminal complaint:

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Detective Deates of the Kenosha Police Department reported that he was contacted by Investigator Anthony LaCombe of the Racine County Sheriff’s Office in relation to an investigation he had conducted on the eDonkey network for offenders sharing child pornography. Investigator LaCombe provided Detective Deates information about his investigation, which led to an IP address.

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Investigator LaCombe noted that while using a computer running P2P software, a direct connection was made to device at with that same IP address, which he refers to as the suspect device. On Monday, March 25, 2024, Investigator LaCombe downloaded a file in whole or in part from the suspect device at the IP address.

Investigator LaCombe reviewed the above-mentioned video. He obtained a partial download of the video, which was 54 seconds long, in color and with sound. The video depicts a fully nude adult male and young child between the ages of 4 and 6 years old. It appeared as the adult was having sexual intercourse with the child.

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Investigator LaCombe obtained a subpoena for the IP address of the suspect device. The return on the subpoena showed the IP address to be assigned to Ryan St. John, the defendant, at 8549 20th Avenue in the City of Kenosha.

Detective Pete Deates – Sensitive Crimes

Due to the target address being located in Kenosha, Investigator LaCombe then provided his investigative materials to Detective Deates, who viewed the video described above and confirmed that it contained child pornography.

Detective Deates reported that based on this information, a search warrant was drafted for 8549 20th Avenue in Kenosha. Officers executed the warrant on May 30, 2024. Two adults and St. John were present at the residence. The two adults spoke with Detective Deates, while St. John stated he did not wish to speak any further with officers. K9 Iris, who is specially trained to detect electronic storage devices, assisted in the search.

KPD K9 Officer Iris (Electronic Detection K9)
(KPD Facebook)

Detective Deates reported that multiple electronic items were collected as part of the warrant. A small marijuana grow operation was located in the basement as well. One computer located was attributed to St. John. Prosecutors spoke with Detective Deates, who stated this computer was accessed by St. John providing the password for the computer. Detective Deates also relayed that one adult told officers that this particular computer was used by St. John.

Officer Sheskey analyzed the hard drive of St. John’s computer. Officer Sheskey informed Detective Deates that he had found approximately 39,000 items of child pornography on the hard drive. He provided Detective Deates with ten files to describe. Officer Sheskey also noted that the username on the computer was “Ryan St John.”

Detective Deates noted that all of the above files legally constitute child pornography. Detective Deates further noted that Officer Sheskey has only examined about 5% of the total data that needs to be examined in this matter. On June 12, 2024, officers arrested the defendant at his residence without incident.

“The Kenosha Police Department would like to thank our partner agencies, the Racine County Sheriff’s Office, Mount Pleasant Police Department, and the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigations, for their assistance with this investigation,” KPD said in a written statement.

Ryan St. John (46) of Kenosha and Criminal Defense Attorney David Berman In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

St. John, in court today with attorney David Berman moved to dismiss some of the counts due to ambiguous language. The commissioner denied this motion.

Assistant District Attorney Emily Gaertner in Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Assistant District Attorney Emily Gaertner asked for a $100,000 cash bail, citing the seriousness of the charges and the possible prison time. Attorney Berman asked for a signature bail.

Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II In Court Today
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II agreed with the prosecution and set St. John’s bail at $100,000 bail. St. John is due back in court on June 20 for a preliminary hearing.



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128 Responses

  1. Lock him up and throw away the key!!! This is to good for him maybe his cell mate will have fun with him!

        1. Hes not, hes my dads best friend and has been in my life my entire life, hes married to a wonderful woman who doesnt deserve any of this. Just because someone is a pedophile doesnt mean they are gay.

          1. He does have a big faggot supporter banner as his cover pic on Facebook, though. So while he may not enjoy sodomy— he does support it.

              1. I’m sure you don’t know what kind of sick fuck all your friends are either

    1. No, hes a sick loser pedo. That’s it. Stop trying to make everything into a statement. He is a horrible person who does horrible things. Point blank period.

        1. I’m sorry you are a bigot who can only see black and white in a very gray world. He is a “normal” person. This is the REAL truth. This could be ANYONE. Not everything horrible has a political or religious agenda like you want it to.

          1. I think I actually agree with your rambling. We are surrounded by these sick people. They work in all professions and are as diverse as all of humanity. The problem is that closed minded zealots tend to vilify groups of people that they hate. Yes, there are drag queens and members of the LGBTQ community who are sick pedos, but there are also plenty of “acceptable people” who are sick pedos. Yes, it could be anyone.

        2. Yes you are right because only those four lines of work are capable of hurting children. There has never been a recorded or documented case that any one other than cops, drag-queens, clergy or teachers hurting children.

          Your intelligence is shining through.

        3. What is the point of comparing him with anyone? How about comparing him with yourself? How would he stack up?

    2. Notice he’s not wearing makeup. He’s one of your “straight white males”.

      It’s funny you never see drag queen performers getting busted for gross crimes like this.

      1. Do some research!!! Preston Kite, was affiliated with a couple drag queens who adopted a child. Which led to images of the child at hotel in Wisconsin Dells. Plenty more..

  2. Gravely won’t do anything to him, next thing he’ll get a job teaching in one of KUSD’s finest indoctrination locations.

    If you want thus to stop, we must end them all. To many pedo backers around now. They should also get the rope.

        1. You’re thinking of Trump… who once said he’d date his daughter. And he likes to grab/rape women. And that Russian tape. Should I continue?

          1. That twas a dumb figure of speech —- yes , continue . Just retarded words , not actions … Creepy Joe has that name for a reason. And if the Russian tape is true , well those bitches were PAID …. Sorry , you lose …. Bad comparison

          2. Why not pick AOC to run for Prez ?? Yes, she is dumber than a box of rocks , but at least she ain’t creepy

          3. lol all the usual MSNBC useless talking points. Do libs even know how to think for themselves or do they just touch kids all day…

          4. Ashley Biden stated in her diary that her dad would shower with her and that inappropriate things may have happened. A diary that she verified was hers.

          5. Russian tape? He likes to rape women? Date his daughter? Wow, life in your liberal, fantasy world must be a pretty confusing place. But just remain in your CNN/MSNBC bubble and all should be well for you. (Not really, I’m just trying to remain positive!)

          6. Right, BYDEN sniffing creep..And his Son HUNTER..The HUNTERS will be HUNTED. Watch the DOMINO’s fall..Epstein Island.P-Diddy it’s all about too get REAL. Better put you’re DEPENDS on..You’re going to need them with what’s about to be EXPOSED!

  4. I’m sure he is part of a large circle of pedos. Hopefully with his electronic equipment, they can take down the whole ring!!

    1. That large circle is the lgbtp sickos. The left advocates for tranny-ism, M.A.P. which is minor attracted person. The left allows this, they encourage this. It all started getting worse when you allowed the queers to get married. The definition of a slippery slope.
      Bring God back. We Need Jesus people!

        1. Pedos gain access to children. A pedo can apply for any position. Your retarded link does nothing for anyone. A pedo will do whatever they can to get to kids. Only Jesus saves. We all get you’re an atheist, and I’ll pray for you. Don’t worry tho….God ALWAYS wins.

            1. The majority of the clergy sex crimes were male/male. Faggotry, as the Holy Father puts it, has no place in the church.

          1. Jesus does save, I’m so comforted that God ALWAYS wins. There is no follow up to that. It is what it is. Have a great day!!

            1. Nothing compared to the school system, in which kicked God out of the schools so your people can rape kids. Have you ever prayed? Probably not. Kill all pedos. But you have a fascination with the church….Tell us….where did your preacher touch you?! I’d be mad too. But are you going to blame all men for your rape as a child? No. It’s the sicko who snuck in to fuck kids.

              1. You didn’t tell us what Jesus does to stop his clergy from sexually assaulting children.

                Is it because he does nothing?

              2. What institution is literally responsible for hundreds of thousands of cases of sexual abuse of children? LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ( The church!

                A report in the US estimates that 216,000 children were abused by Catholic priests between 1950 and 2020, and that the total number increases to around 330,000 when accounting for abuse by other Catholic church employees. Around 80% of the victims were boys.

                Where are the proposals to reform the church and protect our children? LITERALLY THE NUMBER ONE PREDATOR OF CHILDREN IS THE CHURCH.

            1. ….. because other “media sources” are imbecilic enough to pay them for their trash.
              The main reason why most papers are “failing” – they’re too lazy to do their own reporting.

          1. Holy fuck now you even think the AP is a liberal rag and Reuters too right? It’s one of the few places these days that actually report the news without an opinion. But of course you probably get your news off “sources”

      1. You are hilarious. Your over exaggerated projection makes me wonder what YOU are guilty of….

        Especially the name you hide behind. Kind of doubting that too…. with all your finger pointing and babbling.

    2. I was thinking the same. He’s friends with the local liberal crew who pushes for sex books in school and defends pedos.

      1. So he’s a demoncrat. Figured as much. The left advocates for child mutilation and child sex. Hollow points for all.

            1. You argue like a spoiled brat off their ADHD meds. Do you have both fingers in your ears so you can’t hear the text, too?

          1. Face the facts – liberals advocate for FGM in this country so that Muslims don’t have to go all the way to Canada to get the job done

    1. Who would downvote that?? Libs will cut off their own noses to spite their face, just like they don’t mind sacrificing their kids.

  5. He’s super Liberal scum. All about drag queens reading to kids, and even had the gay flag for a background on his fb. All about his social justice trash. I went to grade school with him. Hang him.

    1. It’s no wonder the pedo website referred to in this article is eDonkey.
      No coincidence that the donkey is democrats’ symbol.

      Democrats support genital mutilation of minors, minors keeping secrets from their parents about transitioning and abortion, and they support books about anal sex and blowjobs in our grade school and high school libraries. It makes sense that a pedo website would use the democrats’ symbol. Gross!

      1. You’ve been tricked by the republiCONS! What institution is literally responsible for hundreds of thousands of cases of sexual abuse of children? LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ( The church!

        A report in the US estimates that 216,000 children were abused by Catholic priests between 1950 and 2020, and that the total number increases to around 330,000 when accounting for abuse by other Catholic church employees. Around 80% of the victims were boys.

        Where are the proposals to reform the church and protect our children? LITERALLY THE NUMBER ONE PREDATOR OF CHILDREN IS THE CHURCH.

          1. God always saves. There is eternal life through Jesus, that doesn’t mean there aren’t trials here on Earth.

          2. Evil is in your churches, and you’re in denial. You’ll probably happily leave your child alone with a creepy old guy in priest robes.

            1. Nope, I’m not Catholic but I do leave my kids at youth church while I worship God.
              I’m bringing them up in the way they should go. We’ll pray for you.

      2. Both parties are absolute trash. Don’t vote for people supported by the parties, vote grassroots. Stop watching labels. If they’re being pushed by a party, they’re bad

        Defund both political party organizations, stop giving them your support, and throw your time, money, and energy towards the grassroots candidates— that’s where the positive changes will happen.

        1. The perfect example of this is the support for Hovde. There are TONS of reasons not to vote for him, he’s just another rich white guy who is only going to get richer while in office.

          Vote for Rejani Raveendran, and ask yourself WHY the Republican Party isn’t supporting this woman, who is clearly the more conservative, constituent-focused, candidate.

  6. Jesus will do nothing for YOU. Because you refuse his existence. I’m fine with you burning for eternity, but your liberalism is getting kids raped.

    1. Ok. But you still do not/can not explain what Jesus does to stop his clergy from sexually assaulting children.

      Why not?

    2. I’m really excited for when Jesus tells YOU that because of how hateful you are, even he can’t forgive you and that you will spend eternity learning humility and empathy by way of the flame.

  7. He is very good friends with Joel Trudell.

    Kate Trudell would say her and Ryan were like peas and carrots, lol.

  8. He’s a major liberal. Had his profile picture as a distressed flag during Trumps term.

    Always shooting his mouth off, he’s always right, you’re scum if you’re not liberal.

    Going to prison now/

    1. I’m not surprised in the least. Dems have no problem sacrificing kids so they won’t be upset about this at all. His victims will be their next followers (they hope).

  9. There’s only one cure for an adult who is sexually attracted to children and it involves a 15 foot rope and a 30 foot bridge.

    1. Some sick F-ers downvote this. It’s easy enough to trace your IP address and likely find the same depraved items on your computers.

      1. 30’ bridge, 33’ rope, upside down, so they feel terror and then slowly drown while hanging upside down.

  10. He lived across the street from me for years! I moved away a year ago. He was always a little strange & definitely not talkative. His wife was though, she would chat. He never made eye contact & barely said Hi…I wonder how she feels being married to this sick f*cker all these years!! Also, he never, ever left the house(she did – by herself)!!! Now we know why!! Sick POS!!!!🤬🤬

  11. WI needs the death penalty.

    Hopefully we can count on Bubba in Waupun to cure the world of this child-abusing trash heap of a sub-human.

  12. The people who downvote and support this are some sick af individuals. They’ll support any pedo if he’s on “their team”. Dems are bizarre!!!!!

  13. Why are there so many Liberals in the comment section? Seems like every time one of their own gets busted they come out of the cracks to downvote and talk shit in the comments. Kinda starting to feel like Reddit.

    1. They must be getting nervous. This hits too close to home. Look at this guy’s friends and you will see what I mean. Birds of a feather…

    2. He’s not a pedophile because he’s a liberal. I cannot fucking believe that there are people making this political. This man was like family to me, and I loved him so much. I am disgusted with him and if he ever tries to contact me or my family again, I will personally put him six feet under. I don’t care if he’s democratic or republican it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a sick fuck who tricked my family for 32 years. I am a minor I have known him my entire life, meaning the entire time I’ve known him I’ve been a minor. He lived with me at one point when I was 3 years old before my family moved out of Kenosha. I called him my Uncle Ryan; I know his wife and his parents. I know he had a cat named Bucky who died when I was four years old, and I also know he’s progressive for living in Kenosha. But none of that will ever change the fact that his behavior is unacceptable and sickening. When my dad told me what he was charged with, I got physically ill. Just because I’m a liberal and he’s a liberal does NOT mean I will ever think what he did is ok. Its fucking disgusting and I hope he rots in fucking hell.

      1. The fact that you’re a liberal means you support plenty of depraved things, though, yourself. Homosexual behaviors, abortion, and things of the like.

  14. what a filthy pig! He needs his private parts electrocuted and then he needs to be shot in front of the courthouse.

  15. Stfu about politics for Christ sake…ugh! 39,000 items of child pornography deserves minimum 25 years!!! Sick bastard 🤬

    1. It’s derives from the left pushing child porn in schools, child mutilation, trannys, and it’s the same freaks that came up with MAP (Minor Attracted People). PURGE ALL DEGENERACY!

  16. This is terrible, how ever justice is Justice, and the man is not guilty in the court of law until proven guilty, you all on this site blast things and claim for unfair and unjust.
    before you all talk about hanging and guilty let the man have his due process, we all know that it looks bad, but we also are aware how the media plays out their part of the story and so do the police, let all the facts in the case be presented then form your opinion, not a doubt that he is not guilty,

    1. There’s videos of him and a 4 year old, 39,000 + images on his phone/computer. Case solved. Hang em high. What say you, groomer?

      1. uh no theres videos of another man and a 4-6 year old. He has zero charges against him about creation of CSAM as far as they know and me and my family know he never touched a kid only watched people touch kids which is no better but also an entirely different thing. Get your facts right before you comment about someone’s family.

        1. There really is no way to make this sound better or make him less of a sick pedo. If he had the opportunity I’m sure he’d love to be the one touching a 4 year old.

  17. Too many faggot cuck pedos in here, and on this earth. All you libtwats love this shit, teach it in schools, and butcher your children. Can’t wait for you to be judged….

    1. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
      (Matthew 7:1-3)

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