(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, 33-year-old Anna M. Crocker covered her face with a 4-page criminal complaint as multiple video and still cameras captured her walking into the hearing room. Crocker also donned a “Covid Mask,” assumingly to hide her face in shame. A Kenosha County Sheriff’s spokesman confirmed that the Kenosha County Jail had no Covid outbreaks.
Today Crocker was charged with 1st Degree Sexual Assault – Sexual Intercourse With a Child Under Age 13, Possession of Child Pornography, and Sexual Exploitation of a Child-Filming. These three charges come with them a maximum prison sentence of 125 years. However, according to Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers, there are likely more charges coming in Racine County and even more in Kenosha County saying, “This is only the tip of the iceberg.” Crocker is an educational assistant at Riverview School in Silver Lake. She was placed on non-paid administrative leave.

(Riverview School)
A relative of one of the victims spoke today and said:
“It’s pure evil. Her words, her tone of voice, she knew exactly what she was doing, purely manipulative. I feel if she is let out, it could possibly happen again. The damage she’s done to the community, all the families, I don’t feel she should see the light of day. So, ten million dollars, or if you take a hundred million dollars, or a billion, whatever you can put down. So, thank you for letting me speak,” said the boy’s relative.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“The state is requesting a bond of $250,000… This investigation is ongoing,” said Smathers. “There will be charges in Racine County related to [another victim], which will also be for sexual assault and various other internet-related crimes. Kenosha Sheriff’s Department is being flooded with tips. We know of a potential third victim that’s also being investigated that was learned of today. Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As the victim’s [family member] accurately stated, the defendant is clearly a predator.
She’s been doing this for a very long time, preying on very young boys who are her own child’s age. Given that, I have concerns about her coming to court and following lawful court orders. Additionally, under Wisconsin’s new bail statute, count 1 is considered a violent offense, so the court can consider protection of the community when setting bond. As a result, I believe a significant cash bond is appropriate and ask that you order it in this case.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II said “The court is very concerned, as counsel stated, with first-degree sexual assault of a child under the age of 13. You’re facing a class B felony, and the court can consider protection of the community. What’s alleged in here is very serious. The court does believe a substantial cash fund is warranted. The court is going to impose a $500,000 cash bond.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The Commissioner also ordered Crocker not to possess or consume alcohol, not to have contact including the residence, electronic or 3rd party with the victims or their family members, any juveniles, Riverview Elementary School, and Central High School. She is also banned from possessing electronic devices capable of accessing the internet and no use of the internet.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
According to the criminal complaint:
Last winter, a 12-year-old friend of Crocker’s son was at a sleepover with other boys in the basement. The victim said that Anna Crocker was “acting crazy every time he was over there because she is a heavy drinker.” He woke up to a naked Anna Crocker who forced him to have sexual intercourse with her. The victim said he told Crocker to stop and and tried to push her off of him. The victim’s friends saw what happened in the basement. Eventually the news made its way to the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department who conducted a quick, but thorough initial investigation. The investigation is still ongoing.
Crocker was also charged with exchanging sexually explicit photos and sexual videos with a second minor victim who is 14. This child said that he was also sexually assaulted by Crocker, but it happened in Burlington, so the Racine County DA’s office could possibly charge Crocker. The one child victim is a student at Riverview School and the other graduated from the school.
During an interview with detectives, Crocker admitted to receiving and sending sexually explicit videos of a minor. She also admitted to sending one sexually explicit video to another student. This was also confirmed via a forensic download of the phone.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Brian Hopkins, President of the school district that oversees Riverview School, scheduled a special meeting, according to the District’s website. It is this coming Monday, October 14 at 6:00pm. There is an item that reads “termination of employee.”
Crocker is due in court on October 17 for a preliminary hearing.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
102 Responses
Keep her locked up for ever. What she did to these victims and her own children is disgusting. She’s literally a monster!
Good !!
This seems ? to be about her own sexual gratification.
How can anyone above the age of, make up your own number here, not know this is wrong.
There are hundreds of ways to fantasize to satisfy oneself alone or even when with someone of age.
If she “needs” a younger male to fulfill her needs she could have found any number of 18 years old just graduated legal high school boys/young men that would jump on that chance.
Pun intended.
And then close her eyes thinking ……….. whatever she wanted. She could do this till she reached old age and died.
Much to the satisfaction of All involved.
But she didn’t !!
And that is where the problem is.
Totally screwed up in her mind.
Not able to have rational thoughts.
And now she’ll go to prison.
Hey ?! She can “transition” and get “herself” transferred to a male prison and get a the D she wants. Just sayin
The transition thing is a great idea and all, but I think those men would be a bit old for her. Juvenile detention centers would be more her speed.
That’s 1 less Democrat voting. (Hopefully) Kevin can people in country jail vote?
The Dems allow criminals (including illegal aliens) to vote.
Vote early and vote often
Early voting g is unconstitutional. Meaning illegal. But you clowns feed into the corrupt system.
RPKC supports it as well. Two wings of the same bird.
Exactly. It’s all corrupt. Vote same day, like it’s written.
Vote Early and Vote Often.
I love that saying.
Worked with this woman she’s super Republican and voted for Trump and would never shut up about it. Hindsight some of the laws she wanted changed lines up with her actions
She said her and her family came here from Australia 3 years ago.
That is a lie. She’s went to Bradford.
She is a Kamala supporter but really interested in that pervert Walz
Wrong. She’s a Dem supporter.
You know most of these KUSD employees getting caught are Republicans minus the Russel guy right? It’s across all lines and it’s vile . They need to be shot .
Doesn’t matter what party affiliation a criminal has. A crime is a crime. No need to bring politics into it..
False as fucking hell. Funny tho
I agree!!!!
why bring something like Democrats into this sick thing and btw….the person running for President on the GOP was charged with rape so I dont know what your talking about.
they’ve charged Trump with everything, trying to make something stick .
Really??? All these years and ZERO charges until he tries to take down powerful people in office and now he’s a criminal. RIGGGHHHTTTT….
He was never charged with rape. You’re either extremely stupid or a liar.
Trump was never charged with rape. Is that who you’re talking about?
I did not know this was a political arrest!!!!
Wow…hang that sick bitch! I dont get it? What would make an adult at her age find attractive attributes in children? Sick.sick.sick!
Really? That does not make her a bitch in any shape or form. It may make her a disgusting person, but not a bitch. You’re sick for telling someone that they should hang their self. Your sick.sick.sick!
You obviously did not read my comment.I did not say that she should hang herself.It was a figure of speech as far as her punishment. The legal system should punish her to the fullest extent. AND. She is a bitch! She is a selfish bitch. now Her child has to experience such ridicule because of what his selfish mother did!
Kind of reminds me of Donald Trumps behavior back in the day.
that was calumnious
You spelled Joe Biden wrong. He is the child sniffer.
Your delusion is strong .
No we are talking about the pedo teacher now who is facing major time for raping little boys.
Come on with this Trump and Democrat stuff. Have we forgotten that we’re talking about a woman molesting children? In this case nothing can realistically bbe blamed on politics. She is evil no matter what side of the fence she’s on. The Republicans had Ted Bundy and the Democrats had John Wayne Gacy (spelling? ). Evil is evil.
She’s a disgusting pedo bitch.
Then just go hang yourself lol
Exactly better yet she should just put a bullet in her head! She won’t make it in prison! She’ll either get her ass raped or they’ll just beat her up so sad this will affect these families for the rest of there lives. Iam a survivor of sexual abuse with a family member and other awful shit people do like date rape! Putting crap in my drink ! Too close for comfort for me so sorry this happened! She definitely needs to be stopped her sick desires are out of her control now! BAD BAD GIRL!!!!
Wow you must be a chomo lover to try and defend a woman that has done this to a child no matter what age they were. This bitch is a sick fuck and should be held accountable for her actions. She should be tortured and burned at the fucking stake along with all the other pedos in this world! Might be harsh, but someone with some sense had to say it!
Why couldn’t this happen to me when I was in school. She forced the boys to have intercourse? How so?
I agree with you, them 2 boys were more than capable of stopping her they set her up by both coming with fake ass story’s to gang up on her so that they wouldn’t be charged at all.
SHE is the adult!
It’s all there faults tho
They are not all at fault. She is the adult and it was her responsibility to protect those children. Not victimize them. She is a sick fuck and thats all there is to say about it.
This wins the dumbest comment of the day award. 👆🏻
you are defending her?
Fake ass story? Really? Also, what should the boys be charged with? This is a 33 year old woman who took advantage of a 12 year old boy. Your comment is disgusting! No child should endure this.
I hope you are joking. This woman RAPED little boys! WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you????
How is a minor responsible for the actions of an adult?
They aren’t. Those making these comments aid and abet groomers.
Shut the fuck up libturd!
you belong in prison
Yes I agree dumb and obviously supports child predators.
You obviously didn’t read the article. It clearly states that the boy tried to push her off and told her to stop. Shame on you for questioning what happened and for making it sound like she did nothing wrong.
And if I read correctly she admitted to I some of this. Didn’t she?
The school district seems to be taking transparent and decisive action.
Ahem, KUSD.
Those boys had the time of there life.. could be worse, Berg could have been the teacher
No, they were raped and will now have to deal with a lifetime of trauma. What a scumbag you are for that comment.
How out of touch with reality could she be to even think
that could be of any benefit to her?
She was stupid, got caught and will hopefully serve her time.
Alcohol makes dumb people even more stupid, and make really stupid choices.
Yeah…blame it on the alcohol! (Eye roll) yes, people do dumb things when there’s alcohol involved. But obviously this is a pattern of multiple mistakes. Adults learn from their mistakes, at least they are supposed to. Even after she had sobered up, Surely she had to know this was very wrong.
Alcohol just enhances your existing tendencies. Doesn’t give you new ones
Yes of course it was the alcohol, that makes perfect sense smh
Has alcohol caused you to rape a minor?!
She will be sentenced to prison, the boy will be sentenced to a lifetime of high fives from his friends.
Or a lifetime if therapy considering he was RAPED!
Racine Cases will be tried in Kenosha Co. and Kenosha Co. cases in Racine? We’ll see how that plays out. We have seen so much of this lately. Who is responsible for hiring these teachers?
One of the incidents/victim happened in Burlington therefore Racine county has jurisdiction.
Good luck with the Racine DA she’s so liberal, she’ll probably decline to prosecute.
Or perhaps go for a dismissal.
All of saying good for the boys and it was the boys fault, shame on you! Read the article! It clearly states that the boy tried to push her off and told her to stop. She took advantage of these boys! ANYBODY (man or woman) that does this to a child deserves to be put away for life. Better yet I wish we had the death penalty because that’s really what pedophiles deserve!
A stiff dick has no conscience
Troll, you prob don’t know what a stiffy is like anymore LMAO
When does berg get charged
Wouldn’t be surprised if Don Taylor bails her out 😂
HAHAHAHA this comment wins
Thank you for writing an article devoid of initials and identifying information. There’s a lot of healing needed for all involved and the victims don’t need added healing heaped on because the press is making it impossible for them to be private.
Lots of luck with that one! It is Unfortunate, but is reality and unavoidable.
How is she 33? Bitch looks 53.
Too many nights of fingering herself
This stiry has sickened me from the first. Not only are the children victims, regardless of some of the comments, let’s not forget the other victims, this woman’s children! This is their mother! It is overwhelming to think of all the pain and destruction her actions have brought. For once, maybe the comments could focus on some compassion and here’s a thought, some prayers for the victims, their families and her own children. I am heartbroken for all of them. This woman is a sick individual and one comment mentioned her eyes and they definitely look wrong. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. This woman is seriously, mentally ill or evil.
Finally someone understands it’s a left a lot of victims- her own children and the children involved. Where is the compassion? And why are we calling people names and placing blame on kids? The healing will take a lifetime and have effects beyond what we can think about. The parents of the kids… the kids future relationships… the kids future children… how about we just say we will pray for healing and leave it at that.
Is this women married?where’s the father of her kids? how many kids does she have? Must have had her kids at young age to have teenage son.
she’s hot!
He divorced her at the beginning of the year.
Hey Assistant Teacher, leave that boy alone. As 12-13 year old, I would have loved to deposit my love snot in her butthole.
What is Kenosha county eye ball posting about?
And when is berg being charged
Porn is such a wonderful thing, NOT! Where do you suppose all people like her get their ideas from? PORN! Liberalism ruined the world!!!
Covering your face won’t help Lolita
I couldn’t even boner up when I was 12
This is why we need to keep Republicans away from the kids. They are voting to set the age of consent and marriage lower to do these things. It’s insane! She Australian and entered legally so can’t blame dems. And this has Republicans MO all over it.
Yeah we know…..tampons in the boys room and all that.
Good go get one, it’s red like the republicans
Republicans want to lower age of consent? LMAO that’s rich. Go look at some of the laws liberal CA has tried and has passed, look at Nambla, look at the sex books liberals want in our schools. A bunch of sick pedos!!!
Where were the school administrator?
Teaching gender studies
They will cut her balls off
Sadly this crap is normalized in schools with toxic porn, programs like AMAZE, and disgusting curriculum. They start blasting kids with it at a very early age. Seems innocent until a predator comes along and acts like the characters in the books at school.
Sadly it can “normalize” a very sick and disgusting effort by someone the kids should trust and respect. I’m glad this predator has been removed from society and my heart hurts for all the victims, unknown victims, and her own kids. She just robbed her own kids of a normal future because she’s such a morally corrupt and careless animal.
This is so sad, and as parents let this be a teachable opportunity to educate your kids about predatory activity such as this. Encourage your kids to conmunicate with you, stay involved and have a good line of open communication.
It’s mind blowing this stayed a secret since last winter. I really appreciate the prompt response by law enforcement and the school.
Please pray for all those harmed by this despicable human😟.