Top Row:(Steve Richter – Bristol, President) (Cheryl Baysinger – Paddock Lake, Vice President) (Bill Watson – Salem, Clerk)
Bottom Row: (Bonnie Felske – At Large) (Bill Lois – Wheatland) (Jeff Kinzler – Brighton, Treasurer)
(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Many people took the podium at the public comments portion of tonight’s Westosha Central School Board meeting to express their frustration. Frustration that the school is allowing a 16-year-old boy to use the girls’ locker room and bathroom alongside 14-year-old girls. In a usually empty room, a packed group of concerned citizens spoke, one after the other. Jay Nutting was missing from tonight’s meeting.

(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Out of the speakers, only one woman, an LGBT activist spoke in favor of allowing boys in the girls’ spaces. “I support all students, including LGBT. I had one 16 year old in absolute tears say, ‘I didn’t know that I would be an adult as a lesbian.’ Because I thought I would die by the time I was 16,” said the activist Tuesday night.
However, all of the other speakers spoke against the unusual policy.
“The Supreme Court has ruled that you have not been protecting girls in your school, whether you think that you have been or not. There is now time to erase all the changes in policy that directly led to this perverse invasion and assault on the safety of the girls in our community,” said a local mother. “We will hold you accountable, and we won’t settle for less. Please do the right thing and keep the balls out of our girls’ stalls,” she added.
“Any reasonable person who has any level of morality understands that there are two sexes, male and female. Science also validates this very clearly. In a paper from the American College of Pediatricians in March of 2021, it states, in humans, primary sex determination occurs at fertilization and is directed by a complement of sex-determining genes on the X and Y chromosomes,” said another speaker. “This genetic signature is present in every nucleated somatic cell and is not altered by drug or surgical intervention. To pretend anything different is an assault on our intelligence, our morals, and our religious beliefs. By allowing a biological male who identifies as a trans woman to enter in bathrooms and locker rooms where it used to be safe for our girls is unacceptable,” he added.
“I’m an alumni of Central. Two of my four children graduated from Central. I knew there was a problem in 2014 when one of your staff harassed my daughter on social media, but it doesn’t even come close to what I have witnessed with allowing biological men into females’ private spaces. Parents shouldn’t feel the pain of sending their daughters to school. However, this has turned into a nightmare. If my daughter was still here, I would not allow her back into school,” said a mother.

The school district board, principal and administrator have tried to tell the public that this isn’t happening at the school. One email, shared with KCE, proved that they are lying.

Tonight’s meeting was the culmination of KCE’s story that reached all ends of the world last month entitled: Parents Of Female Students Outraged After Boy Parades Around Girls’ Locker Room Naked, Exposing Himself At Westosha Central High School.
Several parents of female students contacted KCE with a very serious concern. According to allegations shared with KCE by multiple sources:
A boy has been using the girls’ locker room to change at Westosha Central High School. He stares at the young girls while they change and that makes them feel very uncomfortable. Some of the girls began to use the stalls to change. When they would exit, the boy would be exposing his penis and rubbing himself with lotion. He claimed to the girls that the lotion was to “prevent chafing.”

The boy changes in the full nude, often exposing his penis and testicles. Many girls, some or most which are freshmen, approached the gym teacher, Miranda Hopkins. Hopkins told the girls that the boy “identifies” as a girl, so they have to let him have access. (Miranda is of no relation to a local school board member and teacher, Brian Hopkins, nor his father, Salem Lakes Trustee Bill Hopkins.)
There is a family locker room in the school that the girls starting using, but Hopkins told the girls they can’t use it and to stop “stirring up drama.” The girls then stopped changing in the locker room and went to gym class without the proper gym clothes on. The school punished them by marking down their grades and handing out “unexcused absences.”
Multiple parents have called the school multiple times and the school leadership finally called seemingly tried to address the issue. The girls were told that the boy is no longer allowed in the female locker room, but they say he isn’t listening to that directive.
One girl was allegedly assaulted by this boy as she told him to “put [his] dick away,” and he pushed the girl. He was suspended for this violence and/or smashing a chromebook in a fit of rage against another student. Some students have told school staff that the boy has threatened to “shoot up the school”, but they say the teachers laughed it off and told the students not to be “dramatic.”
This boy, when he attended Salem was also in constant trouble for violent behavior. One father told KCE “I find it unacceptable that a 14-year-old girl is required to change in front of a 16-year-old boy to complete a required class in school… I don’t feel like the district is taking this seriously.”

(Mugshot Courtesy Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department)
After we published the story, the boy left a bad review on google for this author’s private investigator business, using his real name, thus revealing his identity. KCE never named the boy. Even police point that out.The boy’s mom, Alissa S. O’Neil, called the police twice, asking for them to arrest this author. The police refused because of the first amendment. The first time police responded to O’Neil’s house, O’Neill told police that a “group of 14-year-old girls made up rumors about her ‘daughter’.” A seemingly frustrated deputy responded and told O’Neil again that there is nothing the Sheriff’s Department can do to a journalist for reporting the news.
O’Neil was arrested for domestic abuse, disorderly conduct and drug charges recently and seemingly made a threat to a “protectee” of the U.S. government, likely President Trump. The United States Secret Service responded to her home on September 12, 2024. The result of the federal investigation is unknown. A police report confirmed what we reported earlier about this 16-year-old boy attacking another student on November 14, 2024, with a laptop by throwing it at the student. He also allegedly threatened to harm other students. The laptop missed the boy, but dented the wall. The school refused to sign a non-consent form, so he couldn’t be charged or prosecuted. Parents tell KCE he was suspended for three days. This boy had many contacts with police, we found through police reports.
O’Neil told police she called many lawyers to sue KCE for defamation, but none called her back. She must not know that the last person to unsuccessfully sue KCE for defamation, while telling the truth, had to write a 5-figure check. We don’t think Alissa has that kind of money.
She also admitted to police that she called and harassed KCE Editor Kevin Mathewson after the article was written.
If and when Alissa finds an attorney unethical enough to sue us, we are anxious for discovery – namely, questioning district staff under oath, to get the entire truth and what was covered up and by who. We also won’t hesitate to seek a money judgement from Ms. O’Neil for a frivolous lawsuit, and will ask for a sizeable amount of money. We will then happily garnish her wages until we are paid in full.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty is seeking a student, who can remain confidential, to be the plaintiff in a title IX complaint. They will take the complaint for free. It must be a student that was affected by this boy, or even scared to use the locker room.
KCE is still collecting information and will report back when more is known.
62 Responses
This person damaged a laptop and wall that the citizens paid for with tax dollars-
Maybe all districts should be required by law to pursue a complaint of vandalism/criminal damage on any damage over a certain dollar amount. Propose that to the schoolboard(s) and have them vote before their $100,000,000 referendum.
If you have money to keep replacing laptops, you have “too much” money.
The problem which many residents do to realize is that it is the schools discretion to engage the police. The schools investigate internally then decide whether they want to make a police report. This is the problem. Parents think the schools will take appropriate action and engage the police, but schools don’t do it. They sweep it under the rug. This is why it is so important for parents to file a police report on their own. Never ever assume a school is engaging the police. Parents think the school is reporting activity to the police but they are not. It’s makes the police look bad but the police are kept in the dark. The school administrators want it this way. Police are not allowed into schools without permission of the school. If someone outside the school files a police report the police can then begin an investigation. Never ever assume the school is reporting illegal activity within school property.
“Police are not allowed into schools without permission of the school”. ????????
That’s BullShit. With a Capital Bull !!
The police need as much permission as I do. Parent. A Grandparent. A Taxpayer.
Just go ahead and try to stop me with a deputy at my side. If my child calls and is in harms way during school hours, you can bet I’ll be getting through the front door. Police or not.
We ALL MUST LEARN to not trust any school official to “do the right thing”.
Parents ! Trust your gut !!
Did the board respond at all? Does Richter still work at Zion Brenton?
I am surprised they allowed citizens to speak.
It is not just your right but your duty to speak out against government policies you are against.
People commenting here seem to think the schools are autonomous. That are NOT !!
They try to be. Say they are. Make you believe that you can’t change things. They work for the taxpayers.
In this instance it is all about Biden changing title 9 rules. Trump will change them back.
Next week !
Kudos to those that attended and especially those who spoke out in objection. If we sit idly by, nothing changes.
If this isn’t settled by the next board meeting please Kevin or someone else let us all know in our school district. I’m sure we can fill that new gym we pay for with OUR tax payer dollars to let them hear knock this off or else. This is about safety not feelings.
This is about the feelings we need to nurture and cater to these delusional people.
Well, when you fill that gym, why don’t you invite Tony Evers and the head of Wisconsin DPI to your meeting. Tony signed the law saying they have to allow this. Let that slimy little weasel see first-hand the chaos he has done his best to create and then ask him how he’d feel if his daughter was being exposed to this. It shouldn’t have to be this hard. If I was the mother of that kid, I would tell him/her to use the family locker room and that’s that. She is putting kids and staff in a horrible situation. She’s selfish, thinking only about her kid and not the other kids.
Because our public schools have a policy that they investigate all issues internally and determine if they want to engage police. Parents assume schools are reporting issues to the police when they are not. Police are not allowed on school property unless permission is granted by the school.
Parents must always file police reports regardless of what the school tells them, issues and then hope the school allows them the police to investigate.
What a dumb pedantic answer. The school is culpable, plain and simple. They can call the cops too.
They can if they choose too. Are you seeing any proof of police reports initiated by the school for any of these events ?
Nothing dumb, or to use your big word, pedantic. They CAN, and we all seem to agree that they SHOULD, but clearly, they are NOT calling the police. The article and the comment you responded to both say that. Clearly, the attitude of the school is that this boy’s behavior is acceptable and none of the girls matter. Those people who went to the board meeting “get” it.
They have a cop in the building. He should be reporting to his higher-ups.
They can tell the higher ups but cannot legally take action in a school for a minor incident without permission from the school.
Any police activity in a school must be upon the schools request – https://www.doj.state.wi.us/sites/default/files/school-safety/2020_School_Legal_Resource_Manual.pdf
The below paragraph is in the statute referenced above. My read is that because the school has already authorized a SRO in the school it already has given its consent by implication.
Therefore any police entering the school does not have to stop and talk to any school administrator or other school employee
They already have given consent.
“Officers may not enter property under the possession and control of third parties to arrest an individual without a search warrant authorizing entry to make the arrest or consent of the person in possession and control. Thus, when an officer enters school property to effectuate an arrest, the officer should not enter areas closed to the general public without a warrant or the school’s consent.”
Why did the school send out a letter basically lying and telling taxpayers nothing happened, when there clearly is email evidence the administration was made aware of the situation? I am normally not one for involving lawyers, however, I hope these young girls who had to go through the traumatic experience find a good lawyer and make Central pay .
Denying that “any of this is happening” is the go to response of every person I’ve encountered in person or on social media who is in favor of LGBTQ rights. I find it hard to believe that they are unaware, which leaves one choice – they are in favor of it and think the rest of us are stupid enough to believe them instead of our own eyes and ears.
WILL said they would take on any girl that comes forward with a Title 9 complaint!!! Let’s get the ball rolling. We must stand against this and protect our girls.
The best comment all night at the school board meeting was this one:
““Any reasonable person who has any level of morality understands that there are two sexes, male and female. Science also validates this very clearly. In a paper from the American College of Pediatricians in March of 2021, it states, in humans, primary sex determination occurs at fertilization and is directed by a complement of sex-determining genes on the X and Y chromosomes,” said another speaker. “This genetic signature is present in every nucleated somatic cell and is not altered by drug or surgical intervention. To pretend anything different is an assault on our intelligence, our morals, and our religious beliefs. By allowing a biological male who identifies as a trans woman to enter in bathrooms and locker rooms where it used to be safe for our girls is unacceptable,” he added.”
you cannot argue with facts and all those nuts who think you can change biology need to go back to school.
Also, Miranda Hopkins should be fired for NOT protecting the children in her classes.
Alissa O’Neil is a huge part of the problem for allowing her SON to think he can change biology. She is probably pumping him with hormones which are causing all of these angry outbursts. Both belong in jail.
So much here . #1 We have idiots in charge.
#2 This boy and his mother are both crazy. I assume there is no father . #3 This doesn’t end well. #4 Thank you Kevin.
Yes! The boy thinks he’s a girl and his mom thinks she is Batman.
As a citizen who attended and listened to each person speak and observed the board listening, I do feel that all comments were received well with an open mind and open ears. Reading the body language of the listeners of the board, there was no sign of being defensive, no eye rolls, just calm and attentive. I commend them for giving the public their undivided attention and I am hopeful that it will be dealt with appropriately.
I would encourage more people to attend these monthly board meetings, held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5 pm. I am hopeful that the board will be transparent to both sides of this argument and that more than anything, our students can feel and will be safe in this school.
Usually love your reporting but you got part of this story wrong as your reporting on Ms. Hopkins is inaccurate. If you would have dug a little deeper, you would have found that she just recently started working as a teacher so she is young and just following the rules set by her school/administration. She graduated with honors and was the vice president of a REPUBLICAN club at UW-Whitewater and comes from a CONSERVATIVE family yet your reporting and you personally in an interview paint the picture that the teacher is left leaning. When this story went viral, thousands of people attacked Ms. Hopkins character for doing nothing wrong. I agree, boys in the girls locker room is asinine and should never be happening, and she probably feels the same, but can only work within the rules of the state/school. If you go back farther on your records request (Dec 11th +/-) you should see that Ms Hopkins reported the incident immediately to the principal/superintendent and was told by them that she cannot say anything and that they are dealing with it with the boys family. When these freshmen girls then complained to Ms Hopkins, she told them specifically it was being handled by the administration and if they wanted more information to have their parents to call the school and report it as well. Never once did she say the “stirring up drama” comment that you have claimed. As a new young teacher, she was just doing what she was told to do by her administration. So yea, while the safety of our kids is important, someone needs to stick up for her too because she’s a good kid and comes from a good family and just trying to start her professional career but she is being drug through this mess like it’s her fault. Breaks my heart for her and her family on what they are going through now because you drug her name into it.
I’m not reporting on the truth, I’m reporting on allegations. If you or Miss Hopkins want to provide me with a statement, that should have been done. I reached out to Miranda personally and she chose to not give me any statement on or off the record. I believe the girls but it seems like you do not.
Hmmm … As a teacher I’m told that I have to follow laws and allow the boy in. Common sense as a teacher I would have said, yes you are allowed to utilize the girls locker room but you have to wait until the girls are done. Is this violating the law? Also the law does not allow indecent exposure. I also do not understand why the girls received failing grades.
Your theory is correct, of course, but in practice, the school admin is siding with the LGBTQ agenda and goals and taking advantage of what they consider to be areas of the law they can stretch. Critical thinking will give you the answers to your questions. In 2016, a girl who identified as a boy at Tremper was told to use the teachers’ restroom, sued and WON the “right” to use the boy’s room. Her MOTHER, a teacher, defended and instigated this. Follow the bread crumbs.
Does the school system not have whistleblower laws to protect teachers? What about the teachers union? Yes she was put in a very difficult situation as a young adult new teacher and I’m sure it crossed her mind she might loose her job. I don’t know … I think I would be screaming from the roof tips if I knew the school was allowing indecent exposure.
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and anything else child/minor related.
And YES ! Teachers are REQUIRED to report anything they see to Law enforcement.
The teachers union and Tony Evers are thick as thieves. What’s happening is completely at the directive of the Teachers’ Union, through their mouthpiece, Evers.
What a cope comment. The gym teacher didn’t help, didn’t do shit. Boohoo she’s new, so what? Stand up for what’s right or your going to get yelled at by parents, it’s pretty simple. It’s also pretty simple to reply to the media, but she chose not to, like most guilty people that Kevin writes about.
Was she at the meeting standing up for the girls? Doubt it
I’m sure she’s afraid to. She’s in the middle, and in the end may be the one with the info to stop it, though she’ll probably lose her job in the process.
THIS kind of crap was beginning to take root in schools over 30 YEARS ago …….. and 90% of “conservatives” did NOTHING in all this time.
Hang your heads in shame.
What in the heck are you talking about? Please elaborate? I do not recall thirty years ago about boys sharing the same locker room as girls?
Ha, yeah ….. I said that KIND of crap, not EXACTLY that, just that KIND ….. as in similar.
Try again??
Correct. We didn’t see it coming. Achem’s razor.
Um no dipshit. This stuff wasn’t even beginning 30 years old, either. I was in school then. This boy would have likely gotten beat up. Hell, suicide was a pretty foreign thing to children 30 years ago.
Sounds like you borrowed Biden’s speech writers. Stop trying to blame it on Republicans and look at the current situation.
Great job, Mr. Editor! Thanks for using frivolous legal threats from criminals against them. Profile in Courage.
Wow…is all I have
Why did she order the girls not to change in the family locker room, and why did she lower their grade for not dressing? It seems as though even a new teacher would have availed options. A teachers first responsibility is to keep their students safe, she failed this. I think she owes the students and the parents an explanation. Should she be removed from her position? That remains to be seen, but there are many people in Central on that list. I was just following orders isn’t always an acceptable answer.
She’d be fired by now, since the admin are clearly in favor of this. What do you think the new gym teacher would do? She’s a pawn, unless she can be the whistleblower.
Today,jan.15,per news I heard all democrats except 2 voted against allowing males in girlssport,etc
That was last month, at KUSD, and yes, you are correct. One of those 2 conservatives is not running for re -election. The liberal majority, along with Weiss, is brutal.
This trans shit will destroy America as we know it. Sick sob’s
Yes, you people don’t even know the half of it. in our prison system there are violent sex offenders that have had vaginal plasties 2 that i know of and others awaiting approval.They get regular labs. They get regular mammograms because they are on hormonal therapy to grow breasts and ALL of us pay for it…and these gender dysphoria doctors get paid big bucks! All on the taxpayer’s dime.
It takes a brave person to come out as a conservative teacher these days.Guessing she will pay the price for that.
The school never told us about this incident. The reason I know about this is because of you. The school sent out a newsletter about an investigation they did but never said what they were investigating. This is so infuriating. The school needs to tell us parents what’s going on in school with our kids. Thanks for reporting this.
Did anyone at the board meeting get to the bottom of the school district’s policy concerning transgendered students in locker rooms? Is there an all gender or gender neutral locker/restroom to create a “reasonable accommodation” for the student? What does the Wisconsin state law say about the issue?
District policy, if ambiguous or nonexistent, failed everyone in this situation; students, parents and teachers. If the teachers are instructed to refer the students and parents to the administration for all unclear matters, what does that solve?
Public schools must abide by state laws and provide reasonable accommodations for students. In the old days students who failed to abide by the “code of conduct” for which everyone knew and understood, be it dress code, behavior or otherwise, received immediate referral to school administration (primarily the Dean). The Dean and/or other administrators looked at the totality of the circumstances and rendered decisions BASED on district POLICY. Administrators created, modified or removed policies as necessary. Administrators acted swiftly to correct student behavior based on established practice, discipline matrix’s, etc.
In large organizations, including school districts, communication is difficult and oftentimes a barrier to successful implementation of policies and best practices. Staff development days and new teacher orientation seminars served as a platform to address these matters. One previous comment made me chuckle (in a good way) when they mentioned at the board meeting, “get the balls out of the stalls”. I would like to piggy back on that comment and say real administrators need “the biggest balls of them all” (credit AC/DC).
Clear and concise rules and regulations for all students, parents and teachers to understand in an easy to read handbook is probably a good old school practice to resurrect. It is hard to fault any teacher or student when they are simply told “if you have issues contact school administration”.
It appears the inflated salaries of school administrators who are “paid the big bucks to make the big decisions” failed the entire community they are supposed to safeguard! I hate to see any teacher take the fall for any lack of administrative backbone and/or policy failure!
Westosha Central High School is run by a person and people who have their own agenda. They will publicly say how they are so humbled and honored to work for the community but, behind closed doors, they couldn’t care less about the community. They have made that very clear over the years. The current Superintendent is an ego-maniac who is more concerned about the power he has over people in the building than doing what is right. He, along with every other administrator in the building should be removed for how this has been handled.
Imagine the learning going on in this environment.
All these resources wasted for 1 boy… I’ll bet this boy has list of meds he is on, driving this cuckoo behavior. Mother should be held finanically responsible for all the costs incurred for her stupid call to the police.
First off the mother should have her head checked out! She gave birth to a boy who has a penis he is not a girl! Sad thing is these kids learn this behavior this isn’t how they are born. The mother should be ashamed of herself! Kevin Mathewson keep up the good work keeping the public on top of everything. As far as this boy he has ZERO business being in a girls locker room! You are either a boy or a girl at birth if u decide to change later that shouldn’t be able to happen until mature adult age if at all. LGBT is just nonsense to allow in schools! All these kids confusions are from the parents lack of parenting or cares. NO WHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY CHANGE GENDERS IF YOU DONT WANNA BE WHAT YOU ARE!! Time to wake up and protect our children. These school boards don’t give two craps about our children at all. Nor do the show any morals! Absolute disgrace!!!! My husband graduated from Central my children were going to be going there but no way in hell now!!! And Miranda Hopkins you are a true joke as well!
I call Bull Hockey on these Ts, Exhibitionists and Voyeurs. If you play your game with my girls, you & I will have the father-son talk you Never received.
It won’t be friendly.
As Eric Cartman would say, “Kick’em in the Nuts!”
As a survivor of SA and domestic abuse i’m worried sick for these young girls. All of the signs are there. I’m all for inclusivity but not at the expense of women and children, the LGBT community is falling. Their rights can not be about denying the rights of others. Sad to see people defending the “teacher”, I would gladly get fired if it meant saving children. People can agree to disagree but I will die on that hill. No sympathy, empathy, or understanding. We cannot have adults telling young women to be silent when they are made uncomfortable by men. This is what they’re teaching? Be silent to accommodate the man, be nice to accommodate the man, don’t be too emotional or “dramatic” because it makes the man uncomfortable. Straight out of 1984- do not question, do not complain! These adults are failing these students and it makes me sick.