(Tolton Photo Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye) (James’ Mugshot, Kenosha Sheriff)
A violent criminal was promoted yesterday to the rank of Kenosha Fire Lieutenant. Fire Chief Dan Tilton, however, isn’t willing to talk about it.
According to a Kenosha Police report and court documents:
On August 18, 2018, a Kenosha firefighter named James “JD” Adams brutally attacked another firefighter. He was playing a softball game with other members of the Kenosha Fire Department at Poerio Park in Kenosha. James and another firefighter, were reportedly having sex with the same woman. KCE was told the woman was married. James became irate with this other firefighter and threatened to “break his neck.”
Another firefighter then intervened to break up the altercation. The firefighter who intervened said that JD “snapped” and grabbed his neck with both hands and started to squeeze, causing the man not to be able to breath. JD lifted him off the ground by his neck. He estimated he went without oxygen for six to eight seconds. JD then picked him up and tackled him into a nearby gate. JD then punched the victim in the face. Other firefighters then broke up the fight.
At least seven firefighters witnessed this attack and corroborated the story. A Kenosha Police Detective investigated and spoke to all of the witnesses. The detective conducted a thorough investigation and asked then-Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley (D) to charge JD with Felony Strangulation and Suffocation, Battery, and Disorderly conduct.
Normally an assistant district attorney would make the decision to charge the case. In this instance, Graveley personally charged JD with only two counts of disorderly conduct. He protected the firefighter by using his office’s power.
Adams was found guilty and the activist liberal judge Mary Wagner gave JD a small fine. He was suspended for 20 days, which is about the equivalent of about two months for non-firefighters.
Notwithstanding the violence, criminal convictions, and previous discipline, Fire Chief Dan Tilton proudly promoted Adams to the high rank yesterday. The promotion was rubber-stamped by all members of the Police and Fire commission.
- Geri R. Cucunato – 2025
- Helen Schumacher – 2026
- Pam Drummond- 2027
- Felix Ramirez – 2028
- Giacomino Ruffolo-2029
“JD couldn’t be with us today,” said Chief Tilton. “Congratulations.”
Another firefighter, Cullen Osmond, was suspended yesterday for one day following an OWI arrest and conviction from December 4, 2024.
37 Responses
So who knows which wife was banging two other dudes while married??? 😯
Good mugshot.
Wait- so another fireman got a “one day suspension” for being convicted of drunk driving??
Years back a fireman in Kenosha was driving the ambulance drunk. They went out on a call and couldn’t find him and the. Sirens didn’t wake him up. He was passed out drunk on a gurney in the garage at the Roosevelt station.
As of today- the Kenosha fire department is
The only Kenosha department that doesn’t have to do “random” drug screenings. Go figger
Another hero
Give him an opportunity to show violent he is, by letting him stomp on floors in burning houses.
Maybe if he shot some protesters you’d write a puff piece about him. Seems like he might be fit for a spot in trumps cabinet.
Most firefighters vote all democrat.
Not as many as before.
There has been a big shift.
Prob bc they realize how shitty the union actually is.
Bet the fire victims neighbors wish he “choked out” the flames that damaged their homes.
This is what happens when you have (had) a D.A. that was a worthless POS lib.
What is it with all these f**kin’ (D)’s?
(D)’s are all pedo enablers.
White boys will be White boys
Helen Schumacher has been on the commission for way too long. She is a close buddy with city administrator and ex police chief Morrissey. She answers to him and him alone. She is a major enabler of the corruption in Kenosha city government. She needs to be investigated and watched by citizens who are concerned about Kenosha.
Moral of the story is, don’t be a hoe.
Pussy is a powerful thing…just saying
Sure is.
…… only to weak dipshits.
If you aren’t a strong male, sure is.
Mayor Bogdala what are you doing about this. I know the city administrator runs the show. You promised that you would be the man in charge. You’re not. Is this the kind of people we want to leave in our fire department. You know the other company is personal been fired. He’s probably the nice guy but his actions are unacceptable.
The commissioners you turn a blind eye to this. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You don’t work for the mayor Bogdala. You take an oath for the citizens of Kenosha.
Nope. They all cover each other. Corruption and greed. Bring the old west laws. Hang them all
What’s the hoes name?
fire clowns and yes most are Dems. and they expect to be respected.
Not good to be of the Pedo Party.
Not good to be of the Pedo Party.
Rumor has it this story doesn’t have the facts right 🙁
I posted the full police report in the criminal complaint. Can you tell me which facts I got wrong? You don’t sound too smart
Keeran wasn’t punched in the face. He was hit with two body shots. Nobody was having sex with the same woman, married or unmarried. It happened because Keeran and Cage couldn’t shut their mouths and talked too much crap. There is a reason nobody feels bad for Keeran getting his ass beat.
Tilton is also a registered Republican.
Read the reports. You are wrong
professionals should not being fighting bottom line, at my job if i would attack or strike another person for any reason i would be fired zero tolerance for fighting
But in a fire dept and police dept they seem to get a pass . Why ?
A Kenosha fire department being a drunk and/or uncontrollable thug? “Shocked”. It’s almost as surprising as the sun rising from the East.
LOSING hope that the new people we elected would change but so far not feeling very good about it all .
Another Democrat shit hole cesspool, including the old DA who was a walk homosexual and had so much shit go by Kenosha KUSD same shit.. Oh, and by the way, Vote no for any tax increase for KEA..
KFD is nothing but trash who protect their own for the sake of brotherhood.
So in “old school” days, some firefighters fighting should be something settled in house. The crew should have blanket partied both JD and the wimpy guy and set them straight. That didn’t happen. Nowdays it’s call the cops or sue people. I don’t know the wimp but I hear he’s private ambulance material only. As for JD…his anger issue embarrasses his mom to….He’s gonna turn out like the father he never knew! Sounds like both guys need to be fired!