Do not miss your chance! You have between now and February 18th to VOTE NO on KUSD’s $115 Million property tax increase.
Last week, newly reported national NAEP test scores – also known as the Nation’s Report Card – revealed that 69% of Wisconsin K-12 students cannot READ at grade level. The math scores were nearly just as abysmal. Wisconsin ranks dead last in teaching black students to read, and the opportunity gaps in math are about the same. We rank near the top in the nation for property taxes, so what are you getting for your money? Where is the return on your investment?
KUSD Claims vs. Reality – “It’s YOUR fault!”
Last year, KUSD claimed they had a $15 million deficit. They said that closing 7 schools would save them $7-8 million. So, now they should only have a $7-8 million deficit, right? Why are they asking for $115 million, or $23M per year for five years? And, WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF 5 YEARS? They have no intention of cutting spending over time. They have every intention of coming back for another referendum when this money runs out. And it will be a bigger ask next time.
The truth is, salary increases, new teachers, and increases in health insurance costs are the primary drivers of this referendum. KUSD also irresponsibly used temporary ESSER money on recurring budgetary expenses, and now they are coming to you to pick up in “extra” property taxes because the federal money ended.

KUSD has grossly misled the community with false emotional appeals to get people to vote for this insane tax increase. They have used school safety and literacy as a way to appeal to people’s fears, when, in fact, they have had ample resources to address these things using state grants from the Office of School Safety and federal ESSER funds, but have chosen not to.

They also blame the State for inadequate funding. In this way, they are calling you – the taxpayer – stingy. After all, who is “the State”? It’s YOU! YOU pay taxes to the State, and 40% of the State budget already goes toward Education. You also already pay high property taxes to KUSD, just out of another pocket. Then, out of a third pocket, YOU pay federal taxes that also land back in the school district. When will it be enough? How much do YOU have to sacrifice for a school district that continues to deliver failing results?
The failed economic policies of the Biden Administration drove the U.S. into record inflation, making gas, groceries, health care, and basic expenses unaffordable for many families. Who were the biggest supporters of Joe Biden’s election? The teachers’ unions. The same teachers begging you for a raise through this referendum, claiming costs are high, are the ones who elected the guy who made the prices skyrocket. So, now YOU should pay for Biden’s failures and the incompetence of the liberal leaning school board while teachers get another raise and primo health insurance? They just got a 4% raise last year.
Why so many school referendums?
The biggest fiscal problem that Wisconsin public schools are facing is declining enrollment. School funding is heavily based on the number of students in a school district, or on a “per-pupil” basis. Less students each year means less money coming into the school for operating costs. Theoretically, it should cost less to educate less students, but districts like KUSD have only increased their spending while they are fully aware of how many students they are losing each year. This means that they are intentionally spending more money than they take in. If you did this in your home or business, you would go bankrupt.
They also received $72 million in federal covid money (ESSER), and irresponsibly used this ONE-TIME money on ongoing expenses, like new positions that did not exist before covid… when they had more students. KUSD is asking you to support their fiscal irresponsibility with this referendum.
People are just not having as many children as they used to, and the low birth rate cannot be solved with more money. More families are also choosing alternative options, such as open enrollment, school choice, private education, and home schooling because of the high failure rate of KUSD to equip kids with the necessary skills to survive in the real world. Throwing more money into the district is not going to bring those families back, it only condones bad fiscal decision making and puts a bandaid on a problem that will have ballooned into something even worse at the end of the 5 year referendum term.
There are no state laws that require KUSD to use the referendum dollars on expenditures for which they claim to need the money in their digital propaganda and mailings. They can use them for whatever they want, once they are approved by the voters. Do you trust them?
They also claim that they have cut positions and staff. The $4,236,500 of new annual expenses in added teacher prep time reflects the hiring of more teachers to cover more classes, not eliminating positions.

After receiving over $750 MILLION in federal covid money, voters approved a $252 Million “recurring” referendum for MPS last year, so taxpayers there will have this tax increase in perpetuity! In 2020, Racine Unified voters approved a $1 BILLION school referendum (by 6 votes), and they received over $80 million in ESSER funds. Yet, they have another $190 million referendum on the April ballot again this year! These administratively bloated, failing school districts have clearly proven that money does not solve their problems. It’s time to cut the addicts off. Start with KUSD.
Early in-person voting is happening now. Election day is February 18th. Hold the Kenosha Unified School District accountable. Get out now and vote for Valerie Kretchmer and Andreas Mamalakis for KUSD board, Brittany Kinser for State superintendent, and above all, VOTE NO on this $115 million tax hike!
61 Responses
Yeah, big NO. KUSD knows the referendum will fail. KUSD will scale the referendum down money-wise and attempt another vote. This, too, will fail. However, the third time is a charm. Scaled down more, and KUSD will cry poor and act like they are doing the citizens a favor by requesting less currency. Taxes are going up in Millsville.
I don’t know…I’ve seen a couple referendums pass these.past few years that really surprised me! It’s crazy what people are thinking, but on the other hand, IF it DOES pass, I think there is only a small window of.time.to challenge the votes. Just a thought to keep in mind for anyone who would be interestd…
Democrat is a person who loves to waste other people’s money.
Came across bergs post somehow, not even friends. But he has a post about this, his normal crew of idiots are on there giving opinions, and funny, most of them are voting yes, but then say “I’m renting so the increase won’t affect me” grown ass adults still renting not working enough, are voting yes because it don’t affect them. Ladies and gentlemen, the democratic way of thinking
True idiots. I’m renting so it won’t affect me.
The taxes will go up on their rental. The landlord will just pay it no rent increase.
The landlord will raise your rent to account for the tax increase.
And they’ll be the loudest complainers when their rent is increased.
Do these renters not understand that their rent is based on costs incurred by their landlords, including the property tax paid by the landlord on their rented home?
Probably state assisted so what do the renters care
You mean Sgt. Hard ? Whatever happened to the boner boy ?
Landlord’s taxes will increase and believe me they will pass it on to the tenants.
Race to the bottom. How long can you go
Jack Flemming very nice writing skills!!!
I believe the average ACT score for KUSD is 17, so leaving our kids in the district is setting them up for failure in life.
Why give them more money
When ITA spends $300000 on a new scoreboard when the one they had worked fine.
This is a well written article! I’m a no vote. Money is not the solution for KUSD. Common sense leadership across the board is needed before positive change can occur. KUSD has failed to protect our kids from pedophile teachers and staff.
Dr. Weiss, if you’re reading this, step down and resign. Your services are no longer needed nor appreciated in our community.
Let Weiss go. There just cut 1/4 million dollars off budget with just his salary.
Not including his Cadillac benefits.
That took 1 minute
Catalina….BTW the article was very good .. thank you ..Keep up the good work..
Does a man whose voice is in a state of perpetual pu arty pretending to be a woman online count as transgender identity? Asking for a friend….or the “author” of this piece.
Troy you just can’t stay away. can you? Maybe getting a job? Ergh liberals would rather be taken care of than work which is why they don’t understand the concept of $.
Ya get a job. Quit acting as if you are your wife’s secretary begging for this ref to pass. Landry is one on bergs post that states, I only rent so the increase won’t affect me. Get a job ya bum
Apparently they just approved a salary extension with out most of the board even reading the new contract. Sounds like Biden administration. Remove all incumbants.
At the Reuther town hall they said a family health insurance plan costs $35,000 those that have that pay $3500. In the private sector the employee pays 40% and the employer pays 60% (or some variation of that). IF KUSD has 1600 on family plan (they did not say but that is half the employees give or take) and IF KUSD charged them 40% of cost they could raise $17 million dollars. It is the Maserati of insurance plans. Problem solved.
It’s a beautifully written article! Thank you for summing this up so well. KUSD is extremely irresponsible in its budgeting and has not proven itself to be a quality educator. Kenosha taxpayers should receive a refund and an apology for the poor fiscal responsibility, bloated administrative costs, and the number of predatory teachers and staff grooming children in their schools. Teachers used to educate better in one-room schoolhouses than they do today with all of the state-of-the-art equipment. Cut the bloat, fire Weiss, get rid of the pornography in the schools, the woke ideology, planned parenthood, and all of the other harmful trash that does nothing to increase the cognitive ability of the students. VOTE NO!
The questions we should all have is what is Kenosha unified doing to save money.
The second question should be what is the state of Wisconsin doing with our four and a half billion dollars.
And why I representatives like Amanda won’t tell us why they’re keeping our money.
Send back our money.
Evers vetoed three huge tax cuts in the last two years, dumbass. Republicans are trying to give you your money back but the Dem gov is hoarding it to expand welfare and to pay crazy high wages when the crooked court overturns Act 10. Get ready to bend over and take it if schimmel loses.
KUSD/KEA are the biggest scammers to the taxpayer ..They use us as there credit card to fund all of there liberal BS..You can’t be a former KEA officer and now your on the KUSD board that’s a convict if interest .. your just padding the KEA pockets … VOTE NO …
What I would like to see is a list of all employees of KUSD top to bottom with salaries included … it’s very simple solution too many administrators too many overlapping positions with their high salaries, and their Cadillac benefits administrators through teachers…
KCE posted this not too long ago. There is a website that has all that information though. Have to do a little research.
First, it’s not “unified”. Thirty years ago Kenosha, Somers and Pleasant Prairie voters converted KUSD into a Common school district, with a yearly public meeting to ratify school proposals and finances.
I don’t think $115 mil will change much for our schools.I wouldn’t consider our insurance “Cadillac”.And don’t blame the teachers because black kids can’t read.Blame the parent or parents.
It’s never the fault of teachers, right? Their one responsibility is to TEACH our children. Instead of teaching a man can become a woman or climate change is a thing, how about TEACHING reading, writing and arithmetic?
Or is that too racist?
The insurance is better than many companies have, and the teachers have to take some responsibility for the poor reading.
You are mostly correct that it’s not the fault of the schools, but the teachers. Someday maybe you will realize that’s a major reason for people like me not approving this referendum. It doesn’t make any difference how much money we throw at the schools and the teachers, it isn’t going to change the parents and it just helps the teachers retire early. Vote No.
How can 95% of districts be “meeting, exceeding, or significantly exceeding expectations,” while less than a third of Wisconsin students are proficient — not operating at grade level — in ELA or math?
Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Education, called out State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jill Underly for misleading the public. “Superintendent Underly is creating a mirage with the data. This action seeks to hide from parents the impact of the poor decisions made in schools across Wisconsin.”
Say what mofo? Leve ma mama outa it. Ant gots no dadi. So chil mofo.
Yeah, cut the fat. Quit feeding the beast. I’m tired of payin’.
Like pigs at a trough, it will never be enough, Put the pigs on a much needed diet and vote no. Really wish we had some type of organized opposition, to run a counter campaign against their propaganda.
I’d love to see a list of all the staff that aren’t teachers, custodial, or food service workers, or facilities workers. What do they make, and what specifically do they provide for the students.
How much do the taxpayers pay for staff assigned to “English language learners” annually. Every school has many employees designated to sit with non English speaking students who never learn to read/write in English or Spanish. They do
Their tests for them, so on paper these students “are a success” and learn. I see it firsthand, and admin pushes for the false results. Cut this first!
How many of the students live in Illinois and get dropped off in Kenosha? Sure are a lot of Illinois plates in the waiting lines. Seems like Kenosha tax payers are paying for Illinois students. Schools turn a blind eye because they need the enrollments. I guess if your friend/family member is a resident of Kenosha, it’s easy to get them to agree to let you use their address on the enrollment form.
Where can I find information regarding the candidates who are running for a school board?
Two of the five running are against this tax hike. They are also parents and Kenosha business people invested in our schools. Vote Feb 18 so they get past primary. They both have campaign FB pages: Valerie Kretchmer and Andreas Mamalakis.
On a ballot.
Too many fat cats on 52nd St. None of them do any teaching , and I believe at least 37 of these chair cowgirls make over a hundred grand a year .
Fire 80% of them , and the fiscal problem is solved. Vote no on Feb 18th.
I just want to say… I love this new reporter!!!
Also say NO to Salem School Districts April 1st Referendum
With all the masters degrees and doctorates in KUSD- you’d think they’d be able to figure out why the achievement gap exists. Can only be one of a few reasons-
1- Teachers refuse to properly teach kids in poverty or minorities.
2 defective building or equipment, such as inferior computers.
3- something in the home or ingrained in their own lives and culture.
In the last 10 years, KUSD student enrollment has declined by 17%. Instead of reducing the number of Teachers, Administration, and ESC Staff by 17% over the past 10 years, KUSD has increased Teacher staffing by 2%, Administration staffing by 25%, and ESC staff by 34%.
A 17% reduction in total staffing from 2014 would have amounted to about 470 fewer positions in 2025. If you take an average total package compensation of $80,000 per position ( I would wager it is higher than that. ), you would have an annual savings of $37,600,000.
I am certain that Teachers would love to have fewer students, more prep time, and better benefits. Who wouldn’t? However, what have they and KUSD done to EARN it?
Show us the Test Scores or other verifiable and objective improvements in student outcomes over the last 10-20 years that prove KUSD staff has earned $37,600,000 per year in compensation versus 2014.
KUSD Administration and the School Board has grossly mismanaged staffing, Covid/Esser funds, and educational priorities for the last 10-20 years as enrollment and state funding declined. Instead of managing costs through attrition and thoughtful planning, KUSD has allowed a crisis to occur. They expect the Taxpayers of Kenosha to bail them out instead of doing what is their duty and the right thing. That being, the very painful and difficult task of reducing staffing to levels that represent the current student enrollment. It would not have been needed had it occurred gradually over the last ten years, but the reality is where it is.
A YES Vote rewards incompetence.
“In the last 10 years, KUSD student enrollment has declined by 17%. Instead of reducing the number of Teachers, Administration, and ESC Staff by 17% over the past 10 years, KUSD has increased Teacher staffing by 2%, Administration staffing by 25%, and ESC staff by 34%.”
Where do these numbers come from?
KUSD Website
The information is accurate.
2013/2014 – 22,602 Students 1638 Teachers 134 Admin 238 ESC
2023/2024 – 18,711 Students 1674 Teachers 166 Admin 320 ESC
State Aid is based upon enrollment. With 4,000 fewer students in KUSD in 2024 vs 2014 (17%), of course State Aid has been reduced. KUSD should have reduced Teacher positions alone by 278 (17%) in that time. Instead, they were increased by 36. That’s effectively 314 more Teachers currently on payroll in 2024 than were employed in 2014.
Multiply that 314 by what I would estimate to be a $100,000 average total compensation package per Teacher ( Salary, Health Insurance, Payroll Taxes, Unemployment Insurance, etc…), and that is $31,400,000 per year we are paying for excess Teaching Staff alone.
Are you OK with that?
How many ESC positions are woke/DEI/social justice/or Critical race?
Given the makeup of the School Board and the politics of the Superintendents over the past 10-20 years, I have no doubt that a vast majority of ESC staff in positions of authority have infused DEI/Social Justice/CRT, etc….into every corner of KUSD, Andreas.
I recall, even in the days prior the current bloated staffing, dealing with ESC staff who viewed themselves as “Think Tanks”. There were jamming Inclusion, Multiculturalism, Whole Language Reading, and Math instruction that omitted basic facts and calculation methods down on the District. These ESC people were almost never in classrooms working with students, but they sure loved going to Conferences out of town and then doing Power Points telling those of us who actually worked with kids how smart their new ideas were. The problem always was that their new Educational theories never came evidence that would assure better Student Outcomes and have since proven disastrous….particularly for low income and minority students….but, I digress.
The point of my Comment is that by simply reducing Teacher/Student ratios down to 2013/2014 levels, KUSD would easily balance the budget TODAY. Reduce Administration and ESC staff to 2013/2014 levels as well….minus 17%….and the District would be awash in money. Funding would be readily available for improved maintenance, improved programs….or God forbid….a reduction in taxes.
These are facts that never show up in Kenosha News articles, KUSD Town Halls, the KUSD website headlines, or Letters to the Editor. This referendum is largely funded by the KEA and the education establishment. I have intentionally tried not to get too personal or name names in my comments….but rest assured….this referendum has virtually nothing to do with improving Student Outcomes.
On the average home how much is this going to cost? $23 million is a big number for sure but this doesn’t equate to my pocket book. The ‘No’ group should have e this number out front and center. ITS THE POCKETBOOK STUPID!!
I’m voting NO!
There is a reason why KUSD picked a Primary Date for this Vote. Primaries Usually have a Very Low Turnout and they are Hoping that is the case in this Vote. They want a Low Turnout so this will Pass. I HOPE that the NO VOTERS IN THIS ELECTION SHOW UP IN DROVES.
Be sure to vote NO on Feb 18 so this doesn’t pass. Early voting is open now at the municipal building.
Even in East Germany and other Communist countries behind the Iron Curtain had better and more efficient state run education systems.
Last year while in Curtis Strange I saw 6 large touch screen interactive monitors in their boxes. I was curious and checked pricing, around $10,000 each. So $60,000 on touch screens for an elementary school. Wasteful spending.
Be careless with little money, you will be careless with LOTS of money.
I’ll vote NO thank you to this referendum.
Why don’t KUSD make students and family pay there fees. There are many that don’t pay at all. The students are still allowed to be on sports, band and walk across the stage at graduation owing hundreds it not thousands of dollars in fees. Are they not supposed to teach then teach finance and collect the money owed.
Vote Tuesday Feb. 18
Mamalakis and Valerie Kretchmer
Vote No
Vote Britney at state level . . .
It seems that the first and highest priority is to balance the budget WITHOUT additional funds and then to go further and cut out all waste.
Right up there has to be to reverse the structural abuses by the current board. They are entrenched and have set up barricades to prevent and obstruct necessary common sense reforms. This is fraud and must stop. The superintendent must cooperate, work with the entire board, or resign.
I’m voting YES, what is wrong with you people, this is for our school district and you have no idea where the money went. And no, I don’t have any kids at KUSD, but it is the right thing to do. Shame on the person who wrote this article, unbelievably stupid