(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has reportedly restricted law enforcement access to a critical student database, raising concerns about school safety and investigative efforts.
The database, known as Infinite Campus, is widely used by KUSD parents and staff to manage student records. Local law enforcement has historically relied on the system for various investigations, from issuing truancy citations to gathering intelligence on school threats, including potential shootings and other emergencies.
A reliable source familiar with KUSD and law enforcement operations informed Kenosha County Eye (KCE) that the decision to block access was made abruptly by Kris Keckler, KUSD’s Chief Communications Officer. Keckler reportedly cited the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as the reason for the shutdown.
However, FERPA does provide provisions allowing law enforcement access to student records under specific circumstances, particularly in matters related to public safety and criminal investigations.
KCE reached out to both the Kenosha Police Department and KUSD late Friday for comment. A spokesperson for the Kenosha Unified School District said, in part:
“We are actively working on a solution to ensure that all staff, including contracted personnel, have the appropriate access they need. Our goal is to have this completed by the end of next week.”
We will continue to follow this story and provide updates as more information becomes available.

28 Responses
Do we need any more reason that we need to vote NO!!
Kris Keckler thanks for leading the cover up, what are you scared of voters learning? Pleasant Prairie voters are use to being left in the dark as Keckler is on Village Board and use to back room dealing.We need change, Vote for Eric!!!!!
Likely related to illegal immigrant operations
Very likely. Gateway is working on doing the same thing. The care more about protecting criminal legal aliens then the safety of students and the vulnerable.
Vote no.
Never ever vote to increase taxes on yourself
Or give teacher’s a pay raise. Everyone of them will be voting on that alone.
We have the lowest scores of any other country in the world, we pay more per student than any other country in the world and our students are not being taught math and history. Most of the students in the last 25 years don’t know basic US history or Government. The teachers have brought this all on themselves because they indoctrinate and teach this woke ideology and what they believe that History was or should have been. Teachers make more money than most Police officers that are on the street putting their lives on the line. I support Trump sending the education back to the states. These so called teachers brought this on themselves.
Where is Gov. Walker when you need him. Obolish the teacher’s union in WI.
most likely to hinder staff investigations. we know kusd has a track record of employing perverts, drunk drivers, covering up rape “curtus”, ect
or kpd cops are looking for dates
I doubt KPD had unfettered access to Infinite Campus. If they did, the school district would have been violating federal law. It would have been a terrible mistake if the school district would have allowed such access and most sane people would have been livid. It would be on the same level of a medical clinic or doctor allowing the police to page through their medical records. That being said, Kenosha is so provincial maybe the district actually let the police use it.
If you want something to be private don’t put it out on something electronic. Anyone who doesn’t want this information out there shouldn’t be supplying it. At the least, things like this is why they have that stupid referendum coming up. Vote no.
I beleive ALL medical records are electronic. Same thing.
students and their families don’t put their personal information onto this digital platform, the school district does. These families—your family—has no control over it.
When you see your doctor about erectile dysfunction or smelly vaginal discharge you have no control when the doctor enters this information into your medical records. So you are ok with the police and any other Tom, Dick, or Harry reading your medical records? IT IS THE SAME THING!
Calling Musk and DOGE to look into KUSD. Probably way worse than the government.
Some liberal judge would block it. Lol
Doge and musk need to look into the city of Kenosha too!
Can you imagine what Musk would do with Village of Pleasant Prairie?? Clean the swamp.
We all know how corrupt Unpleasant Prairie is NOW get out and VOTE THEM OUT!!!!
Oh! My! Goodness! That would be a dream come true!!!! Vote for Eric Meadows!
And Salem Lakes!
So what is going on in the schools that they feel they need to cover it up and hide from police? Nevermind-that was rhetorical
There are many things the schools wants to keep confidential, or in your words, “hide from the police” and the public.
Some of these things are that your grandson eats his boogers and poops his pants; that your 8th grade granddaughter reads at a first grade level and has an IQ of 72.
Yes sir, the police really need this information.
If the school district was actually allowing the police to access this type of information, all of which is in the Infinite Campus platform, that is outrageous. I wish we had that information. That is the actual scandal.
Keckler is not employed as a lawyer by KUSD. His statement is a kick in the ass to parents, taxpayers, and law enforcement. Why do we need a “communications officer”?
Communications with public media like KCE and Kenosha News, could easily be handled by the Superintendent. KUSD jobbed out the referendum mails and publicity. How many individual inquiries come in each day to 52nd Street. Financial questions could be handled by the money department. Questions about a particular school should be handled by that school’s principal, and most schools have assistant principals and deans of students, et. al.
Keckler should apologize for his stupid statemen, and if this is now KUSD policy, Keckler and the superintendent should fall on their sword and resign..
We don’t have a high paying job like they do we work for our money they suck it from taxpayers.
Yet KUSD still sells all your students info, age, and address to companies for marketing
Good! Why should LE have access to a database designed for education? They shouldn’t have had access in the first place.
And if they in fact did have access, I smell a lawsuit coming.
Why would we give any info to law enforcement without a warrant?
To find the illegal aliens and their free-loading families.
Without a warrant they have no right to any info. Might as well go on all kinds of fishing expeditions.
KUSD sells all the students names and information to jostens for class rings, drivers ed companies, and whoever else wants to buy it. Maybe if kpd just paid the stipend?
We need to drain the swamp on 52nd St. VOTE NO!!!!