Kenosha County, Wis.– Former Village of Pleasant Prairie Public Works Director John Steinbrink, Jr., who has been serving time in the Kenosha County Detention Center, will not be receiving an early release, despite repeated attempts to secure electronic monitoring from Sheriff David W. Zoerner. He will remain behind bars until May of this year.
Steinbrink, who was initially charged with seven felony counts related to misconduct in public office, saw his charges significantly reduced after the Racine County District Attorney’s Office dropped all felonies. He ultimately pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of attempted misconduct in public office. While the DA sought probation, Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Anthony Milisauskas delivered a firm sentence of one year in jail.
Steinbrink is the son of John Steinbrink, Sr., the Village of Pleasant Prairie’s President, adding another layer of public scrutiny to the case.
Despite the leniency shown by prosecutors, Steinbrink has made multiple attempts to obtain special treatment. Public records obtained by Kenosha County Eye confirm that Steinbrink personally emailed Sheriff Zoerner on November 22, 2024, and again on February 6, 2025, pleading for electronic ankle monitoring. His emails, citing his “commitment to contributing to the community” and “cooperative” behavior, requested that he be allowed to complete his sentence from home.
Sheriff Zoerner, however, has refused to grant Steinbrink’s requests, ensuring that the former official serves his sentence in full. While many public officials have faced scrutiny for granting special privileges to well-connected individuals, Zoerner has maintained his commitment to equal treatment under the law. His office confirmed that Steinbrink was never released early, despite speculation and rumors to the contrary.
Steinbrink’s legal troubles began in July 2022 when he was charged with felony theft over $10,000 and six counts of felony misconduct in public office. He originally faced more than 30 years behind bars. The criminal complaint detailed a disturbing pattern of abuse, including using public resources and employees for personal gain. Among the allegations:

- Directing public works employees to repair a dump truck and a wood chipper that he later acquired for himself.
- Using village funds for property improvements benefiting his family’s land.
- Ordering village employees to conduct concrete work at his private residence while they were on duty.
- Directing employees to forge official documents to cover up misconduct.
- Improperly handling the abandonment of a village well, leading to environmental concerns.
Numerous public works employees described the work environment under Steinbrink as toxic and fear-driven, with many stating they believed their jobs were at risk if they refused his directives.
While Steinbrink received a major break from the Racine County DA’s Office—on the request of then-DA Michael Graveley, a Democrat—Judge Milisauskas ensured some level of accountability by handing down a jail sentence. Now, Sheriff Zoerner has reinforced that accountability by upholding the court’s ruling and rejecting any attempt at preferential treatment.
Sheriff Zoerner’s stance sends a strong message: public corruption will not be tolerated, and those who violate the trust of their office will serve their time like any other offender. In a time when public faith in government institutions is often questioned, his firm and fair handling of this case stands as an example of integrity in law enforcement.
Sheriff Zoerner did not wish to publicly comment on this matter and said that the records KCE obtained speak for themselves.
70 Responses
thank you Sheriff Zoerner
He still getting paid why he crying. And daddy still being the same way he was before. Sit down, be humble!( in my Kendrick Lamar voice)
Eric Meadows is running for PP President! Let’s get him in!
He’s on Huber still working for Jansens. I see him out and about all the time
Yep seen him myself out and about
Hansens pool not Jansens
Does he drive a Hansen’s vehicle?
no. he doesnt work at Hansens.
He is still so arrogant. I’ve been a good boy in jail why can’t I go home? Don’t you know I’m John Steinbrink Sr.’s son?
you have brought shame be your family . and you should have been in Jail fii ou r more time with no chance of getting out ‘Take the sunglasses off so people will recognize you where you go!!
Jr probably has a cellmate who wants to give him a nice, big sausage during the night so he wants to go home to sleep. Hahaha
Sgt Hard?
Unbelievable, he should have a couple years to go, but I guess we just don’t understand how special he is.
One year is not enough. Great job Sheriff Zorner!!!
Anyone with experience in corrections will tell you that a year in the county jail is like two or three in prison. If he was sent to prison in Wisconsin he’d be at a medium or minimum security institution. He may have even earned an early release. Medium security is more like a college campus. You get your dorm room with a key. Minimum has even less security and inmates can work outside jobs. Some even do work for DOC driving the other inmates to and from their jobs. Even though it’s work release, county jail time is usually harder than DOC time.
Lol! I have heard prison is worse!
7 Felony. Wth only county jail. If he was anyone else it would been 10 years in state prison.
Ten years for a nonviolent property crime as a first offender would be highly, highly unusual in Wisconsin, like it or not. There’s not enough room for violent offenders. And, if he was in a state institution, he would most likely get a preferred job, particularly with his experience. Most inmates are young and have significant criminal records, alcohol and/or drug problems, mental health issues and often not very literate. When I worked in DOC they really didn’t know what to do with these guys because they don’t have “rehabilitative needs” like most of the others (in some institutions, most=almost all). They are square pegs in a round hole. With that said, they will likely get special work assignments, like managing the infirmary (would you trust a violent young addict punk around drugs and sharp objects?), managing a literacy program, etc. The judge knew what he was doing by putting him in jail which is actually a harsher sentence.
He should have been given ALOT more time!
Come on Dave he’s your best friends friend. He did his time. We all know they all been corrupt over there forever. They’re still corrupt in the village. Just ask around. The whole family’s benefited from the village taxpayers. Super corrupt.
Send a tip to the eye if you happen to know someone much. KM will take care of it.
Send a tip to the Sheriff and Mr. Zoerner will take care of it.
Hey Dave you did endorse Donald Trump. He’s a felon. Why’d you do that?
LMAO keep crying about your president, whining troll.
Not MY president
For cheaper eggs?
Funny yall care about egg prices now. Couldn’t give a rip about prices the last 3.5 years
That’s your only argument? Hahahaha
Hey genius. Was there injustice and political lawfare with Stienbrink like there was for Trump? Was Trump ever sentenced to jail? Did Steinbrink run for president and therefore have half the country endorse him because he was the only non-retarded choice?
You gotta tell your shrink to change your meds again. We ALL voted for Trump, not for you Kunt mala. Go play cards with sleepy Joe go
Mr. Steinbrink, jr. should not get special treatment. I’ve said that for a long time and I think most readers here agree.
But tonight that got me wondering what exactly is the Sheriff’s Department policy for which inmates qualify for electronic monitoring? What is the criteria?
No cocaine in the white house no kick backs to the Biden family. Wow not to mention the man was unfit for office. Hence why they created the 25th amendments No preemptive pardons handed out to his entire family. Really John jr should be doing harder time then he got. If I lied to the DNR like he did my hunting rights my land rights all gone. Not to mention sex several times in the work place. John should be happy with his weak sentence and do the time.
WHAT?!? Reading your comment makes me think his sentence should be harsher.
Pleasant Prairie residents remember this when we go to the polls, we need a clean break from Steinbrinks greedy arm that controls the village board, Klimish is part of the board that turned a blind eye to stopping all the evil they did. Polloncoff you are next! VOTE ERIC!!
Ask Eric for some yard signs to post on your car windows! Let’s get the word out!
Eric is corrupt as hell
Please explain why you think he is corrupt. What has he done that makes you think that? Genuine question. I support him, but if there is something we should know, tell us!
I came back ( now March 1st) to see if you gave some proof on Eric being corrupt, I guess you have nothing. I didn’t think so.
Eric Meadows for Pleasant Prairie President April 1st!!!!
Who gives the right to the sheriff to decide this.
Wisconsin statute that was written by our elected representatives.
What is KSD’s criteria for who is eligible?
Or queso…grande queso = big cheese.
Oh poor Jr supporter. Wah wah
Basically our vote more precisely where you read “discretion”. We have a great sheriff, you have a corrupt friend.
So Juinor works for Hanson pools, is that correct? If so, I’ll take my pool business to Doheny pools.
That’s correct.
Let’s make sure we don’t support Hansons pool. They are supporting this piece of shit by letting him work there.
Doheny’s is WAY Better anyway! Better/more polite staff, great owner who looks out for the customer And not over priced!!
He doesn’t work for Hansens, he has is own pool construction business.
Why is getting out on huber? No pool business in winter
I heard they are cross dressers
“Commitment to contributing to the community “. LOL. Loser
Unbelievable! He got a huge break with that plea deal and still isn’t happy! Goes to show how he is use to getting his own way all the time!!! Suck it up buttercup, your time will be up before you know it!!
I hope people refrain from stating businesses unless absolutely positive. Why discredit a small business even if he does work at a place ( I’m sure he is in jail) not earning money.
Hahaha hahaha! Keep up!
Steinbrink stink .
He should be put away for at least a decade!
People are so angry on here.
People are fed up with sleazy politicians people hurting and killing innocent people! YES we are angered by this!!!
Half the country seems just fine with it
Has he paid his fines with Menards rebates?
He got fined 30,000 and a whopping ONE year in jail and misdemeanor charges! Such a joke! I hope he moves FAR away from here along with hos dad! I wish the new DA was in office at the time! That 30,000 probably covered the value of what he stole in Menards certificates…maybe….
With the extremely light sentence Steinbrink JR received to begin with, it seems plausible to believe that he must have been also acting as an Official of the UAW International where light sentences for Criminal Activity against their constituency are a standard sentence.
What a fucking asshole…
Steinbrink family is scamming the entire village pf pp for years, they have made the public works dept there home, do get what they need and want.
He needs to serve all his time in jail! Plus, he needs to make restitution!
Apparently someone seemed to think $30,000 and 1 years in jail was “restitution” enough! And NO felony! Ridiculous!
The Steinbrink family hustle continues. Daddy Steinbrink, as village President, has sold family land to developers. No conflict here. Now, Jr. wants special treatment when he got special treatment for only a year sentence.
Just curious if they ever found out who the three original whistle blowers were. Honestly if it wasn’t for them nothing would’ve changed. As I would personally like to thank them for their efforts to expose the truth as much as K M deserves a huge thank you as well for keeping us informed on this historical event.