(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Lori Hawkins once ran for State Senate. She lost by a large margin. Even since, she seems to try to stay relevant. She became the executive director of CUSH, an extremist group that was recently condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. She also became the Chair of the Kenosha County Democratic Party. She is also a founding member of the little known extremist group “Forward Kenosha.” All of these groups preach daily about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We know now, that this push was meant only for someone they approve of. Lori and the Democrat Party of Kenosha County have recruited many extremist candidates to run for various offices in Kenosha County.
In Kenosha County Supervisory District #6, recently vacated by longtime board member Ed Kubicki (D), the Democrat Party already had their guy. So when a Native American man named Duane O’Keefe decided to run, Lori and her allies wouldn’t have it. The got to work and decided how they can rig the election for their candidate.
They decided to look over O’Keefe’s nomination papers with a fine-toothed comb and a magnifying glass. They found no errors, but dweled on a small issue that was a non-starter. Hawkins filed an official complaint, asking elections Clerk Regi Waligora to keep O’Keefe off of the ballot. Simply put, Hawkins didn’t have the confidence that her hand-selected candidate could win, so she wanted to subvert democracy and make it a “for sure thing.”
For example O’Keefe wrote on his nomination papers that he was a candidate for “County Supervisor” and wrote in another section “District 6.” Hawkins contended that he should have written “Kenosha County Board Supervisor.” Even though O’Keefe handed in his nomination papers to the Kenosha County election clerk, she purportedly thought that the voters who signed his papers, who also all live in Kenosha County, were confused for which County Board O’Keefe was running for.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In a letter dated January 9, 2024, Waligora told Hawkins in part:
“Dear Ms. Hawkins: I have received and carefully reviewed the complaint that you filed with the County Clerk on January 5, 2024, against Duane O’Keefe… Whereas Mr. O’Keefe had listed his candidate address and voting municipality as “Kenosha” and listed “County Supervisor” and “District 6” on the nomination paper header, this serves to cure any defect or lack or clarity which may exist as a result of the omission of the words “Kenosha” and “Board” on the nomination paper headers (1-16) of Mr. O’Keefe. Accordingly, I find after careful review of the nomination papers, complaint, response, local candidate history, and guidance provided [from previous court cases, and the Wisconsin Election Commission,] Kenosha County Board Supervisor District 6 Candidate Duane O’Keefe has submitted one hundred twenty-six (126) signatures, enough to be placed on the April 2, 2024 Spring Election ballot.”

(Social Media)
If you’ve driven down 52nd St in Kenosha, you’ve seen it. The Auto repair shop with the car on top. This is O’Keefe’s shop. His journey to becoming a business owner wouldn’t come easy. He came to Kenosha broke and homeless. He was given a chance as a mechanic many decades ago. He worked hard and was quickly promoted to oversee other mechanics. He saved enough money and started his own shop.

(Submitted Photo)
O’Keefe is the prime example of the American dream – if you work hard, you can make something of yourself. He is also Native American. Aren’t the days of Natives being persecuted over with? Maybe not here in Kenosha County. It is shameful that Lori Hawkins, the Kenosha County Democrat Party, and CUSH would allow their names to be associated with an attempt to keep an honest and good man off of the ballot. Let District 6 decide who will represent them – not extremist groups. Believe it or not, Hawkins did not respond to our request for comment.
35 Responses
“O’Keefe is the prime example of the American dream”—-Yes he certainly is!
On the other hand Lori Hawkins and liberal Democrats represent the flawed political ideology which seeks to destroy that American dream.
O’Keefe is a good man, and an example of a working man that the Dems AREN’T pretending to support. Thanks for bring this story to light!
Such an evil person! Lori and cush need to go!
Hawkins obviously took a course in, “how do I become as dumb as the libtarded dumocratic Joe Biden and his regime and teach my dumbass libtarded friends to be just as dumb”? 🤪
So nice to have a some politicians that do listen to the people and not talking all the time. Thank you O’keefe and Stocker.
For sure Lori and her group want a guaranteed win. What better way to do it by making sure you’re candidate is the only one on the ballot? Slimy. But not quite racist–she’d do this to anyone, irrespective or race, gender or creed. Thanks, Lori. O’Keefe just got my vote!
Good thing you are keeping us posted. We The People should keep an eye on them. I am voting for O’keefe as well.
The party warning us about threats to democracy is sure working overtime to keep people off ballots.
Great point.
Kevin, you’ve been pretty quiet on the casino. Is this because all of your Republican friends on the board are pushing for this including the county executive? Many of the “radical left “are the ones asking the tough questions and asking for the process to be slow down, so due diligence can be done, I think people need to remember that the last time this casino deal went through, a former county executive went to prison and an envelope of cash was found in his front seat. Kind of makes me wonder if Kerkman is getting something out of this because she’s rushing it so quickly . Kerkman has turned out to be a huge disappointment to true Republicans and Kenosha County if she would actually start doing work instead of posing in front of cameras, maybe we’d be in a better position as a County.
I’ve been quiet on the casino? If you read my website more you would see that I have been very loud and clear about the casino. everybody reading this comment believes that you are very very foolish
Kevin- remember the old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he says “ He don’t know me very well do he?”
Anonymous? Sounds like a keyboard warrior/troll who doesn’t have the “stones” to name himself. Just fanning flames.
On the contrary, the only reason I am up to date on the casino talks is because of reading about it here in the KCE articles by Kevin. Is this your first day reading? 🤔
DUUUUDE! Where have YOU been? Oh! And speaking of being “quiet”…why not put a name to your ANONYMOUS post???? 🙄
Wow look at you go with that J##ish nonsense again.. “Aren’t the days of Natives being persecuted over with?” what the fuck does that actually mean Goy?
Whoa! Where do I sign up for the Edginess class you teach??
Hey is that you trolldel? #protip
They never learn just another black eye for the party, as I see it they just keep shooting themselves in the foot. Definitely a page out of Biden politics 101.
Lori, you ignorant slut…
Yeah, Lori, you stupid whore.
She’s just like Kerkman and Nedwiski
And don’t forget about their gal pal Randy dandy Andy “sgt hard” berg!
Lori Hawkins is clearly an unbalanced nut . I didn’t even recognize Regi . 🐷
100 % !
CUSH, Lori, “Captain” Hard, you name it. They all seem to belong to the political branch of ANTIFA. What a Zoo!
All in bed together…
She’s scum for this.