(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Lori Hawkins (D) has been the chair of the Kenosha County Democrats for at least five years. Lori is a part of the extreme left. She ran for political office in 2018 and lost big. Since her embarrassing loss, she has struggled to remain relevant.
Hawkins recently became the executive director of Congregations United to Serve Humanity (C.U.S.H). Hawkins turned the long-time organization into an extremist group – so extreme, that the Catholic Church denounced the group and ordered its members to disassociate from it. She believes in no-cash-bail, abortion until birth, defunding the police, and all of the other extreme views held by only those on the far left.
Hawkins filed a complaint with the County Clerk’s office to remove a Native-American from the Spring’s ballot. She failed.
Hawkins advocated for charges to be dismissed against a violent Kenosha man who resisted arrest in front of the Kenosha County Board.
She endorsed the embattled Joe Cardinali for office.
The Kenosha County Democrat party has even endorsed Andy Berg AKA “Sergeant Hard” for political office. Andy has taken scrutiny lately for producing homosexual porn in his home while his children were nearby and allegedly embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from his charitable organization called Garden of Eatin.

Perhaps the evidence of how extreme the local Democrat Party has become is in the party’s involvement in the Second County Board District race.

(File Photo of Rose, Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)(Knezz – facebook.com)
Incumbent Terry Rose has served on the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors since 1986. Rose has been an active attorney for 57 years. Rose briefly served as the Kenosha County Executive following the indictment of Allen Kehl. Rose was the chairman of the board from 2006 to 2008. Rose was the chairman of the Kenosha County Democrat party. Rose was the chairman of the 1st Congressional District Democratic Party. He was also the state chairman of the Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union. For 37 years, Rose has been a solid voice for the Democrat party on the board – MOST of the time.
Rose even admits, that in his 37 years on the board, the Democrat Party has shifted further to the left, even becoming extreme at times on some issues. Rose has not shifted along with extremists like Hawkins and the local party want him to. Hawkins and other local extremists with the party have made several “demands” of Rose over the last few years. Rose acted with his district’s best interest in mind, NOT that of the new, leftist movement.
How did the local party reward Rose’s 37 years of liberal leadership? They recruited an extremist to run against him. Meet Stephanie Knezz. KCE doesn’t know everything about this woman. She calls herself “queer” and is a chemistry teacher. We know that she supports no-cash-bail, abortion until birth, defunding of the police, giving puberty blockers to minors, allowing the utilization of pediatric genitalia, and other extremist views. KCE recently read an article authored by Knezz in which she wrote in part: “To make my chemistry classes more welcoming, I start by making students uncomfortable.” She also takes issue with the fact that most scientific discoveries have occurred by white men. Knezz also talks to her students about “systemic racism” and “environmental racism.” She also says “my students see the real-world consequences of science’s homogenous history, and why scientists like me are pushing for diversity in our fields.” Knezz seems to teach about social justice, and not so much about, well, chemistry.
We also learned a lot by just browsing social media to see who she is involved with:
Angela Cassidy – School board candidate and criminal who once ran around neighborhood naked.
Andy Berg – Amature homosexual porn star, alleged embezzler.
Steffany Caputo – Extremist, activist
Sabrina Landry – Extremest liberal and school board candidate, who married a person who admitted to serious sex crimes.
As the local Democrat party gets more and more extreme, the old school Democrats that support labor and other fundamentals, remain reasonable and non-extreme. The voters of Kenosha’s second county board district will gave us a glance of how extreme Kenosha’s Democrat voters has become, if at all.



58 Responses
KPD probably wishes they could get her juice hook up.
#me too 😂🤣🤣💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
I noticed the party’s bizarre shift to the left in 2018, I think it was. (It might have happened sooner, but that’s when I noticed it.) I was supporting Matt Flynn for Governor — he was a lawyer, a military vet, and a classic Dem in the mold of Kennedy and, more recently, Clinton. (Bill, not Hilary.) During the primary, he was viciously attacked by his own party for upholding classic American values — such as, for example, being a lawyer and defending individuals and organizations that had been accused of wrongdoing. I realized then that the Left had changed — it shifted to the party of identity politics at the expense of important, fundamental principles such as the right to a defense, free speech, and many others. That was it for me.
Right on. I think “Joe from Scranton” must struggle with this, too, as the party he grew up with has become so polarizing. I think many of them would view Hillary and Russ Feingold of tilting right.
My party isn’t far off, either. We used to view these extremists as wackadoodles.
It started with Trump Derangement Syndrome 2016, which means they have to do everything diametrically opposite of trump, even if they were policies that Democrats agreed upon just a few years ago. Case in point, the vaccines were bad when Trump had them, the vaccines were good when Biden had them.
Well, you’re right… Trump is deranged.
Another baseless accusation about Trump. Please explain his “derangement “ in detail. Meanwhile you support a senile old prick who even lies about the death of his own son to garner sympathy.
I invited ‘Ol Bob Wirch into my house for a beer when he was going around old-school meeting his constituents…. He refused the beer btw … he also poo-poo’d woke bs —- I didn’t even bring it up, he did! He’s got good taste in music , maybe he went to Rockford to hang with Cheap Trick😂—- also the MadTown libtard Dems wanted to kick him out for being pro-industry
“Clowns on the left, jokers on the right…”
Spot on about extremism. Terry has been a valuable county board member.
Here’s an article his opponent wrote: https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2020/10/31/how-listening-to-trans-kids-can-create-real-change-in-the-classroom-and-beyond/
u r cringe
I read the article she wrote. It was well written, although in my opinion , completely off base.
She stated that she teaches at Northwestern in Evanston . Is she also a teacher in Kenosha ?
She is exactly the type of person we don’t need on the County Board . Fortunately , she has no chance against Terry Rose.
That chick has bigger guns than me
U may b “ watching TV “ as we usta say in Chi 😳
Kevin, she/he/it is a “Social Chemistry” teacher, exactly like how we “followed the science” at the direction of Dr. Fuccky.
I am sure she/he/it will be able to prove, via science that “queer” is a gender that has been around since the beginning of time.
November should be interesting all over the country.
That Andy berg guy sure likes to post about you Kevin. And also his page is like a guy trying to be relevant and the last kid to get picked for dodgeball
You mean he’s HARD on Kevin?
The bitterness in some of these women’s lives is really obvious
just in the way they present themselves in public.
They seem to have just given up all hope of ever
being able to function as a happy and normal person in society.
The left and berg are like the special ed
Nothing will change. This is all a circus and the sheeple enjoy it. Shut up and keep paying taxes and credit card bills
These scumbags are the worst of the worst in the City of Kenosha! They are sick, deplorable, filthy and none of them deserves to hold any type of public office–ever
Knezz’s NorthWestern U . faculty profile would not give me confidence that she cares at all about science whatsoever. Any student passionate about chemistry should steer clear of her , especially if you are white
She is a dyke….color me surprised. Why do they all have the prototypical haircut?
My hi-skool chem teacher in the 80’s may have been a dyke— nobody knew , nobody cared . She LOVED chemistry , great teacher — this clown Knezz belongs in a freak show
Why look, Andy and the other Marxists at Franks diner…. Perfect place to plan a Marxist revolution of perversion. a.k.a. Weimar 2.0
God I hope it never comes to hauling a wheelbarrow full of deutchemarks to buy a yummy Garbage Plate!
Did you know you can make them (garbage plates) at home in a large cast iron skillet, without having to contribute to liberal cancer?
Actually yes 😂—- it’s all about (ironically) MURICAN CHEESE
Homo hangout?
Dear Stephanie , you can be as wierd and useless of a teacher as you want at NWU , you will never ever get fired —- one sex-ed teacher had a stripper come in and screw herself with a sawzall-powered dildo . Another tenured prof was a bonafide Nazi . And now you . A chemistry teacher that doesnt focus on chemistry.
The extreme left and the extreme right are mirror images of each other. This country is being destroyed by the wackos on both sides. Yes, this is a gathering page for people on the right, but all of you, like all of them, are same—dangerous!
Classic diversion. When you have no way to weasel out of what the left is doing, you scream that is what the right is doing.
I want nothing to do with the left. I want nothing to do with the right. Both sides are ruining our country. In the most perverse of ways, both sides are the same. Both are anti-American and determined to destroy us. George Washington warned us about what will happen if we choose this route.
The original comment is spot on. They mirror each other and seem proud of it. Neither cares a shit about Americans but only their own special interests.
Quintessential conservatives (Goldwater, Reagan) and liberals (Kennedy) are probably spinning because of these wacky charlatans while Putin is proud.
I saw Andy berg at the gym. Don’t even work out. Takes pics with people like he’s a celebrity and always ensures it’s with POC I. Order to push his fake agenda. Him along with the rest of this bunch are the laughing stock of Kenosha
Really? Which gym? I’d like to see this.
The USA is phucked
Can we dump Trump and retire Biden?
You get what you vote for ! If these are the people you trust to lead your community and they strike a positive note with your moral compass then by all means vote for socialism.
If elected dipshit Knezz will surely try to introduce a REPARATION measure just like E-Town did where she works 😳
When will people get of their a**es and run against them? Everyone is great at armchair quarterbacking, but no one wants to be bothered to get in the race…and looks what we’re stuck with.
If a sane individual tried to run, they would be attacked by both sides. The Kenosha GOP, as much as they will deny is, is a shitshow of RINO nonsense. The Kenosha Dems are a bunch of whacked-out fools. If a normal, sane person tried to run, they would be floundering unsupported, attacked by both sides.
Kenosha GOP isn’t RINO as much as CINO — conservative in name only. True conservatives respect the Constitution for everyone and the rule of law.
Valid point.
They seem to be toeing the party lines- whatever the RINO politicians that they support do, is good. Case in point, local politicians who assured us “Pro-Life no matter what,” turn around, introduce & pass a pro-choice bill, and the parties are gaslighting us into thinking it’s pro-life, whereas state & national pro-life orgs are coming with the facts as to WHY it’s not pro-life.
Another reason to step away from the county parties, stop giving them $$$, and start supporting sane candidates who the parties don’t want to see. It’s really the only way to return normalcy & sanity to our county, state, and nation.
From Northwestern’s student newspaper:
April 9, 2023
Whenever chemistry Prof. Stephanie Knezz notices a chemical reaction is named after a white man, she usually makes a joke out of it in class.
“These guys were just doing the bare minimum and then naming things after themselves,” Knezz said.
Knezz said she aims to make a difference in her organic chemistry classes by talking about identity in her lectures. Science has a history of privileging white men, she said, which has caused structural problems in fields ranging from medicine to engineering.
Being open about her identity as a queer woman is one way Knezz encourages students who are underrepresented in science to continue pursuing STEM. Although she said that her visibility helps a little, Knezz acknowledged that there was more work to be done within these fields.
“The fact that you have an identity that’s not well represented actually means that it’s even more important that you continue in whatever field you are pursuing,” Knezz said. “We need the demographics of these fields to change in order to progress past a lot of the problems that we have.”
In the classroom, Knezz said, learners from marginalized backgrounds can feel isolated.
“Stereotype threat” — when people conform to preconceptions about their identities — and “impostor phenomenon” dissuade those from historically oppressed backgrounds from pursuing STEM, Knezz said. She added that if she had known about these terms in graduate school, she would have felt more validated in her learning struggles.
“I saw why a lot of people are scared by science classes, because I did have some experiences in classes where I was very scared and I did think that I was not going to pass them,” Knezz said.
Because of her experiences, Knezz said she strives to make classes joyful rather than competitive. She hopes to lessen the fear students can feel when taking organic chemistry, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds.
Weinberg freshman Preena Shroff said Knezz exudes confidence, yet remains understanding and empathetic toward students. Shroff added that during her experience in organic chemistry with Knezz, Knezz was relatable in a way other STEM professors were not.
“Dr. Knezz has opened up the gates for people who struggle to express themselves freely in male- or white-dominated fields,” Shroff said. “She’s opened that gate for them to feel more comfortable learning and growing.”
Bienen and Weinberg freshman Eddie Zhou agreed that Knezz’s organic chemistry classes felt more welcoming. Because of Knezz’s focus on inclusivity, he noticed people were more actively engaged in her lectures as opposed to the lectures he experienced during his first quarter of organic chemistry.
“(Knezz’s class) does feel like an environment where people are encouraged to participate and contribute,” Zhou said. “Nobody’s really left out and it is open for anyone to be a part of.”
Weinberg sophomore Julie Paska said she was initially daunted by organic chemistry, because she heard it caused students to drop out of the pre-med track and leave STEM altogether.
Paska added that she knew her identity as a low-income queer woman would put her at a disadvantage in STEM. However, she said her opinion about her ability to succeed changed because of the support she received from her organic chemistry professors, especially Knezz.
Paska said Knezz hosted frequent office hours and offered one-on-one sessions with students after class. That encouragement helped students like her feel more confident, she said.
Paska added it was a “blessing” to have been taught by Knezz, but also a “curse” because she will likely not have Knezz as a professor again.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a professor who’s as human and as relatable as Prof. Knezz,” Paska said.
Wow . Maybe if dipshit Steve Knezz was smart enough to work in the real world it could have told them the scientific world is well represented by people of all backgrounds. Most of Abbvie/Abbott scientists are women .
There’s no crying in chemistry. You have to have a passion for it . If you don’t , get the fuck out . The world does not need shitty , uninspired scientists who need hugs & drugs . Stick with the barrista gigs .
Northwestern is a joke . I’ve worked with NW Chemical Engineer grads—- every one of them was dumber than a box of rocks —- everyone at NW gets a participation trophy because of morons like Steve or Steph ( whatever it’s name is)
The hatred you are spreading is saddening; I hope you find peace in this life.
I don’t think that person was spreading hatred, I think they were exposing it to daylight, and I mean it as a pronoun.
Spreading you say?? Mmmm …. Being a FIB I LOVE y’all’s house-made cheez-spread you all have pretty much at every restaurant here 🩷❤️💛💛💚🩵💜🖤
Am guessing the crazy ladies arm pits look like Terry Rose’s hairdo?
Have you seen Rose’s scalp lately? His scalp looks like he is trying to be Transblack.
He’s got to be 80’ish. As people age, their skin changes. As long as he is mentally sound— which he definitely appears to be- why does a physical change make a difference?
There are nutjobs and morons on both sides in local politics. None of them are worth voting for… they are all about themselves and whomever is funding them.
A politician is supposed to honor the wishes of their constituents and vote accordingly. The area Democrats are all over the place with strange ideas and casino dreams. The Republicans are all obsessed with their crazy orange dementia uncle and his rantings. NO ONE gives a crap about us.
But first the elected official must respect the law and the Constitution. We have trouble getting some to do that.
Speaking of nutjob politicians, is Kerkman still on Vos’ payroll for his various businesses?
I’m so happy I moved from K to a fully RED state. Yes, some of these nuts are here, but they do not dominate the politics. Or schools.