The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department (KSD) is now known as the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office (KESO). KCE got a press release recently from Sgt. Coultrip that used the acronym KESO. We replied with an FYI, saying that there was a typo. He ignored us. Another press release followed. The same acronym – KESO. We then learned it wasn’t a typo. People on social media expressed how confusing this was. “It should be KSD or KCSO,” one resident said. Most agreed.
Many joked that it might be pronounced “Queso.” “I’ll bring the chips!” one man said on social media.
KESO isn’t going to be recognized by anyone. It will be confusing for the rest of the agency’s lifetime. It may seem like a small thing, but having an acronym that is very confusing and unrecognizable is going to cause problems over the years. KPD – Kenosha Police Department. Very easy. KESO. Is that a special type of samurai? Nope. It’s a law enforcement agency. The “E” is made up and arbitrary. Why? Not sure.
The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department says it’s internal initials for the computer system has been KECO for decades. According to the Sheriff’s Department, the new name and acronym is “part of our effort to better align with modern standards and expectations while maintaining the same dedication to excellence that defines our team.”
While this weird decision and acronym might seem trivial, it also comes with a small price tag. The change could cost us tax payers up to $10,000 at the most. Instead of ordering new badges, squad decals, and other things right away all at once, they will just replace old items with new, reducing the exposure to the tax payers.
This publication is called Kenosha County Eye. We use KCE as an acronym. If we used KECE, people would think that this was the name of a 30-something character on a soap opera. We wouldn’t do it, as it doesn’t make sense. People would think that I was smoking dope or eating THC gummies with local defense attorney Ted Kmiec.
We hope, before it’s too late that the Sheriff reconsiders the acronym. It’s not the biggest issue we will face in the coming years, but everything that’s worth doing, is worth doing right.
KCE will continue to use KCSO, as to not confuse our readers. It’s a “cheesy” name, pun intended.
22 Responses
The name change is stupid. Leave it be. No right the taxpayer has to foot this bill. Tell the Sheriff to demote Coultrip for not being professional and returning your call. Probably a lefty too.
Sounds like another Sam Kerkman idea. This change is so stupid. I’m sure the Sheriff has much more important things to do.
…. Sam (if this was her doing) trying to get little minutia type stuff through but this idea is just stupid.
Cleaning up backlogs of small changes all you want but this one affects us taxpayers out here more than you employees in there.
Rescind this change !!
There must have been a tremendous amount of group think going on to spring this goofy idea into existence. This is like that time Marquette renamed the Golden Eagles to “Gold.” Fortunately, the alumni were so outraged that MU’s “leadership” had the good sense to rescind the change and it never took effect.
It is being changed because it should have happened a long time ago. It is the Sheriff’s Office, because it is an elected position. Just like the District Attorney’s OFFICE, County Clerk’s OFFICE, County Executive’s OFFICE, etc. it can’t be KCSO because Wisconsin also has Kewaunee County. Kenosha is KESO, because it is alphabetically before Kewaunee. Whenever Kenosha has sent any type of message to other agencies, it has been KESO for decades.
And the “E” isn’t made up or arbitrary, it’s the 2nd letter of KEnosha……
So you would be ok if it was KECOSHOF ? Get outta here with your wileirdness 😉
KESO is for internal use. Using it for external use with the public is why I’m saying it’s a bad idea.
It doesn’t make sense here.
Inter agency communication is just that, inter agency.
This Re-Branding doesn’t make sense HERE !
You’ve ran it both ways since the beginning of computers with No problem. Why change now ?
Kenosha County has plenty of actual issues, but they waste their time on this.
Get out there and keep the roadways and citizens safe, and stop worrying about menial shit.
Just another Republican thinking he knows better, when in reality he doesn’t know squat.
I agree. The name change is not needed. It has been KSD and KPD forever. KESO is the internal code and that is fine. I don’t see the problem with KSD. Nothing confusing about it.
KESO has been the state teletype system mnemonic for 50+ years. KEPD for Kenosha PD.
The Sheriff’s Department occupies a large amount of the county budget. If they want to redesign the letterhead that spits out of a laser printer and doesn’t cost anything more, have at it. But time, talent and money are better spent keeping the streets safe.
Can’t wait for Bristol someday.
2 Bristol Wisconsins
Sgt. Coultrip says this new acronym brings together the abbreviation with the computer system that has been in place for decades.
“The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department says it’s internal initials for the computer system has been KECO for decades. According to the Sheriff’s Department, the new name and acronym is “part of our effort to better align with modern standards and expectations while maintaining the same dedication to excellence that defines our team.” “
What problem for the more than 300 sheriffs department employees does this solve ??
Does disclosing this acronym give computer hackers knowledge of the system that they were not aware of before now ?? Time are changing.
Who made this decision ??
Sheriff Zoerner ?? Executive Kerkman ? Some unelected Someone inside the IT department for the sheriff office or county office ??
Does this save money by changing ??
If so, how and how much ??
Right now it’s reported to cost at least 10K though I understand the savings by only charging over time.
How does this change affect communications with neighboring sheriffs departments ??
Racine is still RCSO.
Lake County Illinois is still LCSO
Walworth is still WCSO
Washington, Winnebago and Walton Counties use WCSO too !!
So why isn’t Kenosha now KESO ??
And What does the “E” stand for ????
Go ahead and Google KESO and you get anything from Swedish cheese to world class lock cylinders.
Not to mention a Spanish Christian Radio Station out of Texas.
Mr Sheriff Zoerner. Why this Change ??
Inquiring minds want to know !?!?
Great idea.And I like boys.
The 10 grand going to cover the cost of all the decals on the vehicles and equipment too?
Why is this a Good Idea ? I’m not seeing it.
What is Gained by this ? Anything ?
Is this how “Working for the Taxpayers is Done ?”
By Confusing Them ?
Again, how does this improve ANYTHING !
It’s not too late to rescind this decision.
Is the Sheriff dept.hanging out with KUSD to learn how to waste our money$$$$$
Actually, Walworth is WWSO, and Racine is RASO. And for those complaining about the cost, if you read the article, the plan is to switch to it over time, replacing KSD “stuff” as it wears out. They have a budget every year, and instead of buying new stuff that says Kenosha Sheriff’s Department, it will say Kenosha Sheriff’s Office.
I looked at both Racine and Walworth counties sheriff department websites and this is what I found.
Walworth does use WCSO but I couldn’t find WWSO anywhere.
(Text taken from their website)
“Units assigned to the CP operating within Unified Command (UC) with the LTPD will be Linn EMS, Linn Fire Department, Walworth County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) and a representative from FTD”
Racine used RCSO and RASO.
But the only reference to RASO is from 2013
(Text taken from their website)
“2013 RASO Annual Report
A Tradition Since 1836 Racine County Sheriff’s Office 2013 Annual Report 2 Table of Contents Message from the Sheriff”
(while RCSO is more current)
Amount Of $49,920.00 In Cooperation With Kenosha County, And Authorizing The Transfer Of Funds Within The Racine County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) 2015 Grant Budget And Transfer Of $7,480.00 From The RCSO2015 Budget To The RCSO 2015 Grant Budget Racine County Board September 22, 2015 Page 3
I try to check my information before I blab it on here
Just Saying …
My understanding of using a fake name is, as long as No Fraud is intended, anyone can use any name they want. (Legal documents and signatures aside)
As a side note, isn’t that what a part of Transgenderism is about ?
As for the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department.
You can as well as I can, call them whatever we want !! If I want to call them any derogatory name, I can. Free speech. Not that I would.
In your reporting on the KSD or KCSD or the KCSO.
It all gets you to the same place.
So if they send you a press release, print it verbatim. As you should. But when referencing them in a story, go ahead and use whatever 3 or 4 letters you want. Most of your readers are highly intelligent and will completely understand and follow along in the story without getting lost.
And as mentioned above, as long as no fraud is intended, no harm no foul.
Let the county led by a questionable Republican go ahead and change anything she wants. I mean, even the logo change last year was no big deal if you don’t mind a few bucks being wasted here or there.
But lets just kick this minutia to the curb and bask in the glory of the days ahead as we finally take back our government one agency and employee at a time.
Long live Conservatism !