Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Jason Rossell passes judgement daily on folks accused of breaking the law, no matter how minor. What happens when he is alleged to have broken the law? That’s just what may have happened. According to posts he shared on the Social Media/Money app Venmo, Rossell was paid for “1st” and made several payments to a man named Tim (Last Name Withheld) for “Buy Ins”, “Poker” and “Entry Fee”. This suggests that the Judge was participating in underground gambling activity. When a few Kenosha residents shared these images on Facebook, he took took the posts down. Was this consciousness of guilt? We think so. The Kenosha County Eye reached out to Judge Rossell for comment, but he did not immediately respond. If and when he does, we will update this article.
New District Attorney Has Busy First Day
Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis had a busy first day today. He went to several court hearings, met with victims, staff, and defense attorneys. He graciously granted KCE a short interview. Solis, a graduate of Parkside, went to law school at John Marshall Law School in Chicago. (It is now known as University of Illinois in Chicago.) He was admitted into the Wisconsin BAR in 2013 and worked for another attorney for a year. Since
One Response
Rossell is a complete crook and ignored the law and defendants rights in a daily basis. We need to make sure he is NEVER re-elected again. He’s a clown and a complete joke.
Innocent until proven guilty is supposed to mean something yet he tramples on that every day. GET HIM OUT IF OFFICE! Vote for whoever is running against him next election