The Kenosha County Eye was tipped off by several sources that Kenosha’s most liberal and soft-on-crime Judge is hanging up her robe. Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Mary K. Wagner, 71, is up for re-election in August of 2021 and has decided not to run again. She was first elected in 1991 according to Wikipedia. She is known for her soft-on-crime approach and light sentences. While most people in the community can sympathize with second chances, they question the 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances she is known for giving.
Deputy DA First In Line To Run
Angelina Gabriele indicated that she was running for Wagner’s seat in an email to the Kenosha County Eye. Gabriele is the current Deputy District Attorney here in Kenosha County under embattled DA Michael Graveley. She is a favorite among the political elite. Many in the community are calling for a conservative to run. The spring election is April 6th. If more than 2 candidates run, there will be a primary on February 16th.

Source: Facebook
One Response
Perhaps Mary Kay Wagner was “liberal” with those who came before her? However, my son was sentenced by another judge (Bastianelli) and she was clearly cruel to my son. I would not call this liberal or conservative, but incredibly cruel. I was always taught that judges INTERPRET the law, but they are NEVER to make or change the law. Yet, on April 6, 2017, Wagner ordered that my son suffer with her verdict that “the deft needs medication and treatment and orders that medication can be administered to the deft w/out his consent during the period of commitment.” This is in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code in MULTIPLE ways. The Nuremberg Code was obviously set up to avoid Nazi behavior. Yet, I hear that Wagner identifies herself as a Democrat. Maybe I heard wrong? Christmas 2023, my son was suffering severely due to being given meds that were ALREADY determined to be highly dangerous for him, while his doctor took “a vacation.” I feel someone was trying to get my son to commit suicide and so does the rest of his family. However, it still doesn’t answer why Wagner, an ex “liberal” judge, chose to use this cruel, unjust form of punishment 17 years after my son’s kangaroo sentence where he was tried and given 45 years and 9 months without being able to attend his own Initial Hearing; never meeting his first attorney (to this day;) the police reports were totally ignored for sentencing (especially the VICTIM’S own words;) the Criminal Complaint being used as the MAIN source of evidence when it had multiple errors and omissions, he was tried without a jury, and the fact that there was NO RAPE TEST TAKEN because (despite the 45 years and 9 months sentencing for a sex assault) the woman was never raped, killed, seduced, molested, etc. just knocked off her bicycle and sat on for a couple of minutes! So, back to Wagner. Why did Wagner go against the Nuremberg Code with my son?