The Kenosha Riots of 2020 cost the taxpayers a lot of money. Thanks to finance committee chairman Terry Rose, we have a better idea of just how much. Rose, a board member for 34 years and attorney for 54 years, wanted to know what the cost was to the taxpayers, so he directed staff to compile the data. The figures he was provided and released to the KCE today show the price tag at just under $1Million. This is only for the Kenosha County government. The City likely had a similar price tag. This is also not including the approximately $50Million in destruction to private property caused by BLM, Antifa, and other hate groups.
According to Kenosha County finance director Patricia Merrill, the county spent about $360,000 in overtime for Deputies, $290,000 in supplies for the Sheriff’s department and about $150,000 in other costs including damage to Sheriff’s vehicles. Insurance will cover some of this cost and the County did receive $400,000 from the federal government, thanks to President Trump.

As an added bonus to this article, please click here to read some letters sent to Kenosha Mayor Antaramian from some students at UW-Parkside related to the shooting of Jacob Blake and aftermath. One or two letters are good, but you might think to yourself, “What is UW-Parkside teaching our youth??!!”
5 Responses
I agree with this article’s assessment that BLM & Antifa are indeed hate groups. So taking this one step further to more accurately describe District Attorney M Gravely, a BLM sympathizer, as a domestic terrorist sympathizer. After this past summer’s events in Kenosha, who in their right mind would vote for this depraved mind reprobate.
JimBob…It always amazes me that folks who need written instructions to tie their own shoes can so readily jump to such conclusions. BLM is not a ‘hate group’ but a group of people who are kind of tired of the obvious systemic imbalance of rights and justice proffered to the African-American citizens in this country. I’m going to side with and agree with a man who held his job-THIS job for 34 years and is a lawyer for 54 rather than the rankled, pig-ignorant opinion of some racist crank..named JIMBOB.
Not sure why this is surprising…..Parkside might have the highest minority rate of college students in the state.