Kenosha prosecutor James Kraus (D), who has recently been appointed to prosecute the Rittenhouse case along with T. Claire Binger, filed the State’s witness list last week on Friday. There were 175 names on the list, but at least one person was listed twice. A lot of these people won’t testify at trial, but Kenosha prosecutors err on the side of caution after Kraus’s wife, another prosecutor, once refused to file such a list after being ordered to twice. This grave mistake resulted in a woman who was accused of permanently causing brain damage to a baby while shaking him violently to go free with no charges. Among the witnesses:
(43) Kenosha Police Officers
(14) Police Officers from other nearby departments
(6) FBI Special Agents
(3) Employees from the Kenosha Medical Examiner’s Office
(1) Physician from Milwaukee Medical Examiner’s office
(2) ATF Agents
(2) Kenosha Fire Department Employees
(2) State Crime Lab Employees
More than 100 other witnesses are on the below list.
The other Kenosha prosecutor on the Rittenhouse case, T. Clair Binger (D), filed a motion last week asking the judge to prevent a self-defense expert from testifying in the trial. Dr. John R. Black is a use-of-force expert and expert in self-defense. In Binger’s 4-page motion, he tells the Judge that “the jury is perfectly capable of understanding and evaluating the defendant’s self-defense claim without the testimony of Mr. Black.” He refers to Dr. Black as “Mr. Black” in the document. Binger calls self-defense “common sense” and says the jury doesn’t need an expert to tell them what it is. A source close to the Kenosha legal community told us that this is a 1-in-a-million “Hail Mary” move that will likely fail. “Binger doesn’t want an expert to tell the jury about self-defense. He will lose either way, but with this expert it won’t even be close”, he told the KCE. Judge Schroeder hasn’t ruled on many of the motions in this case and he usually waits until trial to do so. Rittenhouse will be in court next week.
6 Responses
The Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office reeks of Injustice and Corruption.
The general public is fairly ignorant ( I don’t mean this insultingly, I also attended public school ) and only operates at a 5th grade reading level. With intricacies of law, yes they do need an expert witness to help clarify things.
i.e. most would think it’s ok to chase someone down and beat him, if a person where to punch you and then run off. Two separate incidents.
Let’s be honest, he is guilty by the media, Kenosha and the jurors won’t want another riot. He’s not going to walk no matter the evidence he can prove. Sad, but that’s the truth
It is sad when someone takes your name and starts posting. Oh well, obviously I don’t own the name and there is nothing I can do. I will just have to pick another name. “Q”, you were a good name who served me well. Good bye.
Prosecuter Claire Bonger wouldn’t understand common sense even if his 5th grade teacher read it to him from the dictionary.
Binger and Kraus are enemies of the Republic.
Presumably Binger is going to argue this was not self-defense, so it really is useful for debating purposes that someone knowledgeable in self-defense legalese is present for the discussions of both sides of that topic. For Binger to ask that this be outright dismissed, imo, reveals a fear from the prosecution, perhaps a weak hand. I say let the cards all play out.