Investigation Into Kenosha Firefighter/EMT’s Sexual Abuse of Daughters To Be Re-Opened: City Administrator

Kenosha Firefighter/EMT Kerry W. Poltrock II (44)

Kenosha’s City Administrator and former Police Chief John Morrissey, told Kenosha County Eye today that he has instructed the City’s HR department to re-open an investigation into allegations that Kenosha Firefighter/EMT Poltrock sexually assaulted his daughters. This is based on the findings of Kenosha Circuit Court Judge Angelina Gabriele after a multi-day court trial for Poltrock’s divorce. Kenosha County Eye received the transcripts from Judge Gabriele’s oral ruling and a court document she signed entitled “Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Judgement of Divorce.” We shared both documents with Kenosha Fire Chief Chris Bigley and Morrissey.

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Poltrock was arrested on June 5, 2020 and booked on domestic battery charges against his then wife. The Kenosha police department decided they had a conflict of interest and asked the Kenosha Sheriff’s Office to investigate. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley (D) also recused himself.

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Racine County DA Patricia Hanson

The Sheriff’s detective who investigated the domestic abuse incident asked progressive Racine County DA, Patricia Hanson to charge Poltrock. She didn’t charge him. On July 6th, Poltrock’s wife asked a Kenosha Court for a restraining order. Poltrock admitted to the violence and it was granted for four years. After KCE published several articles and there was public push-back, Hanson finally charged Poltrock with six counts of domestic abuse on October 1, 2020 – more than four months after the arrest. She and Kenosha’s most liberal Judge, Mary K. Wagner made an agreement to drop all criminal charges against Poltrock next month on July 12. Poltrock also lost his EMT license while out on bail and didn’t tell the Fire Department. He treated patients for many months without a license.

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The Kenosha Sheriff’s Office Detective also asked Hanson to charge Poltrock with the sexual abuse of his two daughters. She declined. To read more about the horrendous accusations, please see our previous publication, A Monster In A Firetruck: Violence and Sexual Assault Allegations Against Kenosha Fireman Detailed In Court Trial. It contains graphic descriptions of alleged sexual assaults.

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Kenosha Fire Chief Chris Bigley
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

KCE obtained the investigative reports of the alleged sexual abuse and forwarded them to the Fire Chief. Chief Bigley disciplined Poltrock. He issued a 5-day suspension for the domestic violence and a 1-day suspension for treating patients illegally.

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Kenosha City Administrator and former Police Chief John Morrissey

City Administrator John Morrissey took some action. We obtained court records about the trial the day they were signed. Morrissey spoke with KCE today by phone and issued a statement:

“I have reviewed the information provided, specifically, the transcript of the judges oral ruling.  I have met with HR and advised them the investigation needed to be reopened based on the findings made by Judge Gabriele, and to consult with the labor attorneys on further actions that needed to be taken.”

Kenosha Judge Angelina Gabriele
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

In Gabriele’s ruling, she awards sole custody and physical placement of the two daughters to their mother.  Poltrock is denied any placement or visitation. Gabriele says in her ruling:

“Sufficient credible evidence has also been presented that respondent has engaged in acts of sexual assault to the two minor children. This includes evidence received through the testimony of one “Julie” Poltrock as to the disclosures made by “Jenna” and “Elizabeth”, including but not limited to Elizabeth describing her father, the respondent’s, pants falling down in her bedroom and then gooey pee coming from the respondent. And that she told her mother that he gave her a peanut butter cup not to tell her mother.

Testimony that Elizabeth told her mother that her father touched her front vaginal area and that many times he would take off her clothes to touch her. And that Jenna told her mother that dad placed his finger in her vaginal area; dad touched her and wanted her to touch him. The touch was where babies came from and that dad hammered her from behind.”

Judge Gabriele, a former prosecutor goes on to detail that DCFS substantiated the allegations of sexual assault to the children and that requires a legal burden known as “preponderance of the evidence.”

Other experts testified and found the allegations credible. Poltrock testified and denied the sexual assault allegations. Judge Gabriele writes that “The Court does not find any of his denials credible.”

In order for Poltrock to gain and placement of the two girls, he must:

Participate in psychosexual evaluation and follow all recommendations.

Participate and successfully complete a court approved sex offender treatment program.

Participate in and successfully complete a certified batterer’s treatment program.

Not engage in further acts of domestic violence or sexual assault of any child.

Disclose his address and the names and dates of birth of any individual residing in his home or spending more than one overnight a week at his residence.

Not consume alcohol with prescribed medications.

Get approval from a psychologist that agrees contact with Poltrock would be beneficial to the children.

KCE emailed the entire Kenosha firefighters Union local 414 Executive Board and not one of them wanted to comment on their support for Poltrock.

KCE will stay on this story and let you know the outcome of the investigation as it becomes available.



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Kenosha Man Charged with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Held on $1M Bail

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10-Year-Old Girl Still Too Terrified To Return To School After Sexual Assault on Bus

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17 Responses

    1. It is difficult to interpret what you are trying to say. This monster sexually abused his own children. Even if this monster was actually trying to leave his wife and she was “spurned”, does that somehow minimize what he did?

      Maybe you can explain what you mean.

  1. Our community is so much better because of the KCE. No other media care enough about Kenosha citizens to report on this terrible situation. KCE preformed it’s role as a watchdog very well. I still can’t give the city administration any credit. They were forced to finally do something. They refused to act until KCE confronted them with the evidence. They only “cared” when the KCE forced them to care.

  2. please note that these were not allegations spurned by an angry wife. they were substantiated by DCFS and other credible sources. i applaud KCE to report on these types of sensitive situations when other news sources would not possibly it will make our city more honest and stop protecting those who don’t represent the honorable men and women we do have providing services to our community its time to hold Mr poltrock responsible for his actions as he is not who we want caring for members of our community thank you KCE

  3. it is time that mr poltrock take responsibility for his unspeakable actions against his wife and children

  4. I think it’s pathetic that the Judges from Racine & Kenosha seemed to be willing to bury evidence of Child Sexual Abuse performed on his own daughters. Was it political, the firefighters position or maybe they knew him. In either case they should have recused themselves. Having been a Foster Parent years ago, I would hope & expect the Judges would be protective of Child Sex Abuse victims & not make them victims again by seemingly burying a legit case.
    Thank you to the City Administrator for reopening this case again. Let there be consequences for such horrible crimes.

  5. DCFS in Kenosha is just as sleazy and corrupt as Poltrock is. You don’t want either of these parties involved with children.

  6. Hey, KCE!
    Can you tell us what side of the aile all these folks,the DA’s, fire fighters union 414 and others that sided with Poltrock, ignored evidence or did nothing stand on?

    Yeah……we already know……..pieces of shit!

  7. Weird how there’s no mention of all the stuff the mother has done. If there’s one person that is unfit and needs a mental evaluation, it would be her. brainwashing your children is a pretty pathetic way to go after your ex husband. Also the writer of this article seems pretty focused on this subject, maybe he’s trying to redirect focus away from himself. Hope these media outlets get what is coming to them after all this comes out as lies.

    1. Wow! Your babbling is pathetic. I suppose there has to be some loser who will support an incestuous child rapist. Blaming journalists and victims show that you are a complete scumbag.

      1. Eh….quite honestly, you wonder what kind of woman would be with someone like this? More than likely they both are pieces of work. Feel bad for the kids….

    2. You POS!
      You know who the most honest people in the world are?
      Kids and drunks…….
      Someone needs to slap you upside the head with a Jive Turkey!

    3. Seems like you have an axe to grind… Likely related to this POS. If you are i would be sure to keep an eye on your kids when he is around. It would be a shame if they also became a victim!!

    4. Kudos to the mom if she can brainwash a 5 and 8 year old, DCFS, psychologists, counselors and everyone under the sun that has for over a year all agreed that HE is not to have any visitation. If she is sooo bad, which nothing has been reported of such— let a jury decide!!

  8. i want to say that i appreciate kce for being real journalists and not afraid to report on sensitive issues like other local news sources that base what they print on politics it is disturbing that the DA did not pursue this but again politics play a big part and one must remember that because the DA didnt do their job doesn’t mean that the crimes did not happen. many credible experts agree that crimes were committed

    i hope that there can be some action and that we can all ban together to change the laws when it comes to women of domestic violence and sexual abuse of children because it seems quite clear that there is not justice for these individuals we have to make sure their voices are heard and justice happens for them. this case i am sure is one of many others. again thank u kce

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