In a bi-partisan vote just before midnight on Tuesday night, the Kenosha County Board voted 14 to 7 to allow concealed carry in most county-owned buildings. This includes taxpayers and employees. This measure was sponsored by Board Vice-Chair Erin Decker. Supervisor Yuhas proposed an amendment that passed -it directed employees who choose to carry at work to keep the firearm “on their person” and not in a desk drawer, purse, or an otherwise unattended location. Decker previously told KCE that she proposed the change because she feels that visitors to county buildings and county employees should not be denied the right to protect themselves. The “no guns allowed” signs went up in 2011 at the same time that the City of Kenosha government voted to allow guns in most City-owned buildings. Both City and County governments now have similar policies which Decker said will “eliminate confusion.”
Dozens of residents spoke at the citizen comments portion of the meeting that lasted a little over two hours. About half of the speakers opposed the measure and the other half supported the measure. Both groups seemed to agree on one thing: “No guns allowed” signs won’t stop someone from committing a mass shooting. Proponents of this measure said it would give the people inside the building a fighting chance. Supervisors John O’Day and John Franco were absent. Supervisor Berg, who was watching the meeting elsewhere showed up at almost the exact moment the citizens comment portion of the meeting finished and verbally accosted Supervisor Terry Rose before he took his seat. Some of the 7 supervisors that opposed concealed carry made motion after motion to amend, defer and even put the measure on the ballot in the form of a referendum. Supervisor Bashaw called these motions “delay tactics” and didn’t find them genuine. In the end, all of the delays failed and the resolution passed by a 2 to 1 margin.
Minutes after the concealed carry vote, another vote was taken. This was a resolution to declare Kenosha County a Second Amendment Sanctuary County. It proclaimed that the board would oppose any infringement of the constitution. This passed by a slightly larger majority, 16-6.

When contacted after the meeting Vice Chair Erin Decker told KCE “I’m happy that the vast majority of the County Board supports the Second Amendment.” Decker was joined by military veteran John Poole when drafting the Second Amendment Sanctuary County resolution.
Calculated Opposition

Failed Senate Candidate and Chairman Lori Hawkins and Treasurer Amanda Becker
The Democratic Party of Kenosha County started an email campaign where they asked members to send dozens of emails to the board members to oppose these measures. During the meeting, three of the board members were fervently texting others in the room.

Another board member, Rollin Pizzala was also present with his wife. He had blue painters tape on his chest with the words “No Guns” written with a sharpie. He and his wife oddly covered their faces for more than three hours from television and still cameras.
There were seven Kenosha County Sheriff’s deputies at this meeting as the last meeting ended abruptly when Kenosha resident Joel Trudell was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Tonight’s meeting was peaceful and civil. Within six months, the County HR department will finalize the employees handbook and the “no guns allowed” signs will come down.

After the meeting was adjourned near midnight, KCE caught an elevator ride with Kenosha Alderman Anthony Kennedy (D). Kennedy spoke at county board meetings against lifting the concealed carry ban, which would put the county in line with the city’s policy. He himself voted in 2011 to allow concealed carry in City buildings. When pressed about his hypocritical stance in the elevator, he refused to answer this reporter’s questions, instead, he began to bang his head against the wall several times with great force and lifted his shirt to his neck and squeezed his breasts and shook his belly laughing hysterically.
15 Responses
Jodi Muerhoff is a lying pig and should NEVER be trusted in ANY capacity.
If she takes a stand on something, take the other side and you will be better off for it. Guaranteed!
The meeting went well. It’s the first time I have actually attended a Kenosha County Board Meeting. I’m glad I did? The decision to allow the additional people that were standing in line to speak for 11/2 hours was granted after the 90 minute mark was up. I was glad to see the board recognized that what the people have to say is important regardless of what side of the fence you’re on. It was a good meeting and glad I had the opportunity to attend. NOW if we could only get VPP to change their meeting times at 730 like Kenosha, instead of 2:15, 4:15, 4:30, 5:00 our voices would be heard too! As we see though, VPP doesn’t want to hear what the citizens have to say! We need to clean house!
It’s a proud day for Kenosha County ! To long has the socalist had their way in this county ! Everyone has a right to self defense . I hope the left leaning City council is watching .
This is a sad day for Kenosha County. It is time the far right in this County take responsibility for the harm they do everyday. Let’s hope the City of Kenosha and it’s Common Council sees fit to ignore these people. A Socialist is a citizen who cares for his neighbor.
Oh, that’s rich!
Socialism has failed in each and every country that has tried it since the beginning of time. There ar, and have been NO successful Socialist governments in the history of the world…and there never will be because it is a proven failed concept. If you think it is so great, you are welcome to move to one of the current failing Socialist countries and see if your opinion of Socialism changes.
The truth I learned the hard way right here in Kenosha is a Socialist doesn’t really care about his neighbor, he takes advantage of him. It was an extremely sad day when a far left Governor failed to take responsible action to put down riots in Madison and Kenosha which allowed Kenosha to be looted and burn. And the far left Kenosha Common Council was very silent in condemning this lawlessness. Let’s hope the Leftist Socialists see their fantasy government utopia is a delusional disaster.
The city already allows guns in their buildings. Do you have any evidence of this harm it’s done that you speak of?
Congratulations for passing these two items. Keep moving forward and keep vigilant because the left are already plotting to create disharmony. An armed society is a polite society. Many good God loving Kenosha County taxpayers are tired of the onslaught of socialist ideas that are popular. Now, work to reduce taxes. Government always wants to increase taxes and it’s time to reverse that and allow hard working people to keep their money. Government isn’t a charity to hand out money and stuff, it’s long past time to live within one’s means.
Andy berg has posts all over his FB about politically advertising the highland park shooting. Yet no posts for the shootings here in Kenosha. Anyone wonder why? Why Andy?
Listening to the debate one thing that seemed unclear was the county’s liability. The amendment that would prohibit employees from leaving a gun in a purse or desk drawer makes sense. Years ago we had a judge called out for leaving his gun in a waste basket.
Real men remove their hat in a building Tony. Hey Tony: you gonna beat up another employee while banging your head against the wall? You sick fuck!
Anthony Kennedy is inconsistent. He changes his beliefs/votes more than the seasons.