(Photo Taken By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Dominick Black is the Kenosha resident who bought the rifle that Kyle Rittenhouse would later use lawfully to shoot and kill two men and wound a third during the Kenosha riots of 2020. He was charged with two felonies for supplying the weapon to Kyle. He miraculously escaped with only a citation, both felonies were dropped.
Since then, he has a son and allegedly picked up a dangerous drug habit. On May 13th, Dominick allegedly ran from police on a motorcycle and caught a felony charge of fleeing and eluding police, that carries a maximum prison sentence of 3.5 years. He had cocaine in his blood. He was given a bail of $5,000 by Court Commissioner Dick Ginkowski.
On July 7th, Black was alleged to have violated his bond by riding his motorcycle without a motorcycle license and a suspended driver’s license. The group he was with fled from police. Black lied to police and said he wasn’t riding his motorcycle, even after admitting he was. His girlfriend told police the truth. On July 8, 2022 Court Commissioner Loren Keating gave Black a $2,000 bail. He was charged with Felony Bail Jumping which includes a maximum prison sentence of 6 years.
Today , July 11, 2022 Black was charged with his third felony case, fourth if you include the Rittenhouse gun issue. He was charged with another count of Felony Bail Jumping for allegedly possessing a controlled substance in defiance of his bond. According to the criminal complaint, on July 2, 2022 (Before 2nd Motorcycle Arrest) police were called to Dominick’s home for a drug overdose. Black allegedly took Fentanyl and cocaine. According to Dominick’s friend who called the police, he witnessed Black snort cocaine at about 2-3pm. He later heard a thump and realized Black was about to pass out. Black pleaded with his friend not to call police and get rid of the drugs. His friend, thankfully ignored Black’s request and called for help. When police arrived, Black was near death and breathing agonaly. He was given two doses of Narcan and still didn’t wake up. It wasn’t until Kenosha Fire Department personnel administered Narcan through an IV, did Black wake up. Since taking illegal drugs is a violation of bond, Black was charged again.
In court today, Kenosha Assistant District Attorney Brenda Valdes asked for a $1,000 cash bond, saying, “We believe these are serious allegations…. $1000 cash bail is appropriate.” Black’s attorney argued for a signature bond. Court Commissioner Loren Keating however agreed that a cash bond was necessary ordering a $1,000 bail for this case. If Black was to be released, he would need to post $3,000 cash. Black has told the court through his attorneys that he is poor but is working on hiring a private attorney. He has yet to hire an attorney. Black faces a possible maximum prison sentence of 15 and 1/2 years.
13 Responses
I feel terrible for this kid. Something has taken control of his mind and he needs professional help. I like Dominick… a lot! Great kid. But he has a serious Achilles Heel and he can’t overcome it alone. I wish there was some way I could help him.
Me thinks watching his very good friend be assaulted by a band of marxists — including a psychotic pedo and a DMT-slinging domestic abuser — was what hijacked his amygdala and drove him to substance abuse. Kid needs counseling not to sit in the slammer.
I think he needs to start identifying as female and black. Maybe then he’ll get some sympathy.
Got to be tough. If your going to be stupid
Serious offenses deserve serious charges. But nowadays in Kenosha County, that only holds true if you’re white and conservative. We have seen clearly how the Law is often skewed along racial lines thanks to officials like Communist DA Mike Graveley.
I don’t know a lot about his background, but I feel sympathetic imagining what he’s been through. That whole Rittenhouse ordeal had to be pretty hard on him. The DA is going hard on him because he is white. If he were a black kid that nobody heard of, they would let the drug OD go uncharged. If it were up to me I’d let him sit in the cooler for a few weeks before bonding him out. Then see if something could be worked out to avoid a felony conviction, maybe drug court.
This is the human cost of selective justice, which is no justice at all.
If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it sounds like the kid picked up a drug habit after that mess with Rittenhouse and the gun. The kid turned to illegal substances to escape the dismal reality he was facing, which, for lots of young people, happens. This is the human cost of scumbags like Gravely, who has an obvious pattern to who gets the book thrown at them and who gets a slap on the wrist. This kid, if Gravely had not chose to try to make an example out of him, of what Gavely and his Marxist buddies thinks of straight white males, might be holding a job, contributing to the economy, contribuiting to society. Instead, this is what we get.
Eh…..you guys are doing a lot of assuming. Either way, if he has a substance issue or not….it doesn’t explain the fact he likes to ride fast on his motorcycle and hang by the lake when he doesn’t have a license…..and then run from the cops (and then do it over and over head). Let’s keep things separate here. He needs to stop being a shithead. End of story.
Over again*
Honestly, just from his testimony and the police video, I can tell Dominic’s a good person who really didn’t want anything bad to happen to Kyle. He had the chance to get the charges totally dropped if he’d just say he saw Kyle point guns at people that night and he said no, he didn’t.
Him ODing like that is very serious, though. I know fentanyl is mixed in a lot of drugs these days and so sometimes, people injest it unintentionally. But for him to OD, that’s not good.
Arrested again today for fleeing again