(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The City of Kenosha Police and Fire Commission today announced that Captain Patrick Patton will be the City’s new Police Chief starting January 1, 2023. Patton was hired about 16 years ago and has held all common ranks within the department since his hire on January 3, 2006. Patton was one of three internal candidates that made it to the final interview. The other two applicants considered today were Captain James Beller and Lieutenant Arron Dilhoff.
“I am very excited to be given the opportunity to lead the Kenosha Police Department. I am humbled to have been considered with other highly qualified leaders like Captain Beller and Lieutenant Dillhoff. I think it speaks to the quality of leadership and direction within the KPD. I look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Kenosha with compassion, dedication, and integrity within my new role,” said Patton to KCE Monday evening.
Law Enforcement Community Reacts To The News

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“I’m excited,” said retiring Police Chief Eric Larsen, “I’m happy that the three final candidates were all current members. I’m confident he will be a great leader for the department. It is a young agency with a lot of community engagement and new technology. Patton will bring his leadership skills to KPD.”

President – Kenosha Professional Police Association
Kenosha Professional Police Association President, and KPD Detective Pete Deates, had the following to say about Patton’s promotion:
“The PFC picked a very respected member of the department. Capt. Patton has served in the United States Marine Corp and is a combat veteran. He has worked his way up through the ranks and his leadership skills have not gone unnoticed. Obviously the PFC recognized his character and leadership abilities as they chose him over two other very qualified internal applicants.”

Sergeant David Zorrner
KCE reached out to both candidates for Sheriff, asking for their thoughts of the commission’s pick. Sergeant Zoerner was happy with the commission’s decision saying:
“Pat Patton is a consistent performer and an exceptional example to his department. I recently had the opportunity to attend an FBI training with Captain Patton and I got to know him quite well. I am enthusiastic at the prospect of working with Captain Patton as the new Chief of the Kenosha Police Department. I believe his selection to Chief will be a very good thing for Kenosha. As a fellow Marine, I know that he has been instilled with some of the same values I have.”

Neighboring Police Chief, Dave Smetana of the Pleasant Prairie Police Chief also had kind words for Patton:
“I know Captain Patton as a proven leader who is well respected not only by the officers he serves but by the community as well.
I look forward to continuing the great working relationship that has been established between the Pleasant Prairie Police Department and the Kenosha Police Department.”
KCE spoke to many Kenosha Police officers privately who all said the same thing before the final choice was made – any of the three would make a great chief. If you want to congratulate Pat, send him an email to ppatton@kenosha.org.
11 Responses
Clear choice.
The article does not provide any specific information about Captain Patton’s educational credentials. I assume he has a college degree. I would also expect that if Patton has a college degree, it is a legitimate college degree, unlike the fraudulent college degree that former Chief and current City Administrator John Morrissey claimed.
Link to KCE article about Morrissey’s fake degree follows.
Link to KCE article about Morrissey’s fake degree:
It is really amazing that Kenosha has a city administrator who was also the Cheif of police who does not have a real degree and the mayor and city councle are ok with it.
I’ve never put too much stock into a college degree. Especially in law enforcement or the transportation industries. Two fields, where there is a ton of book knowledge out there, but in the field, that book knowledge is darn near worthless. A sense of decency, a strong sense of right or wrong, uncomprimising values, the ability to lead and inspire subordinates to do their very best, those are things you can’t teach a policeman or really anyone else. I’ve worked in the transportation industry, and there are situations almost every day that “The book” does not cover, where you have to think on your feet, and make your own judgement calls. Probably the same for the cops too. Having said that, lying about degrees and other qualifications was and is a huge red flag.
I am glad that you wrote that lying about your education is a huge red flag. Morrissey lied about his degree. He was chief and then city administrator. The Mayor and alderman don’t do anything! How can that be? How many honest cops did Morrissey screw over as he used this fake degree to get promoted. Morrissey should be fired for his disgraceful deception. The leaders who don’t care also need to be shown the door.
The other question that should be asked, is how many more lies did he tell that we do not know about yet? I was raised with the idea that a lie is never singular, one lie always leads to two lies, and so on. I also agree that it is sheer negligence that the mayor and aldermen turn a blind eye. I say vote ’em all out.
Captain Patton is an educated, compassionate and demonstrated leader. The PFC has made a clear decision wanting younger leadership and change. As a younger Chief, Patton has many years remaining with the department and will be committed to implementing change and seeing it through. Unlike the last two “Chiefs” who filled a position waiting to retire—both scared or not intelligent enough to make any type of change. I hope to see significant change for our city with Patton in charge. Finally REAL LEADERSHIP this department needs. Send Larsen and his team of amoebas packing early!
Congrats Chief Patton, Change are city. Hold the bad cops accountable, Reward the good ones. We stand with you!! Stick to your morals and What you sworn to do as a
marine and as a police chief. We NEED CHANGE …… WE need LEDERSHIP !!!!
Police back in the street talking with residents get back to the days when the Neiborhood officer was known, I see some of these officers at the gas station getting their coffee, you say good Morning to them and they act like you are a pesant , others are super awesome. They forget that they are doing a job and not above anyone. a few bad ones ruin it for all the good ones!!
let’s get back to that, let’s get back to good police community involvement, Let’s get back to good police and resident join together and take back are city. We are the voice you are the hand. we can do this we just need a good leader; I think we have that in the new chief ……. like trump says ” let’s make this Great again “
Kenosha pigs are more subhuman than most. Pure trash.