Tannette Elie (D) resigned suddenly on October 10, 2022, after a nearly 20-year career at UW Parkside, without giving her two-weeks notice. This news comes at the heels of KCE successfully suing Elie and her boss, Chancellor Debbie Ford (D).

Earlier this year, after her promotion to Executive Director of University Relations, Parkside announced: “Elie, who is African American, is the first woman of color to hold such a position at UW-Parkside which she believes reflects the administration’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
Less than nine months later, however, Elie apparently doesn’t feel the same way. In her resignation letter, she says that she was treated unfairly, and disrespectfully, saying “It is also important to promote an environment of mutual respect to avoid an environment becoming toxic.” She seemingly complained of racism stating that she was “one of only two African American women on the cabinet.” She also complained that her job was too difficult and broad, and she didn’t have enough staff.

One of Elie’s responsibilities was to receive and fulfill public records requests. KCE is told that she was asked to resign when she denied a KCE public records request unlawfully, that resulted in us suing her and Ford successfully. We reached out to her on Linkedin to hear her side of the story and she quickly blocked us. Neither Chancellor Ford, the UW Board of Reagents, nor the UW-Systems President, Jay Rothman wanted to comment about the serious allegations levied against Ford. Here is the thing, after Elie denied our requests, we asked Ford to reconsider herself, which she did and defended Elie’s decision.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
We asked State Senator Van Waangard (R) to look into this issue and he ignored our email. With both democrats and republicans sticking up for our woke Universities doing things wrong, it is unlikely that this problem will be fixed anytime soon.
15 Responses
I have no doubt that you will successfully uncover the truth in this muck pit, Kevin.
Van Waangard is a political coward afraid to stand up to the woke establishment. He is a hack!
Van Wanggaard typifies the Racine Republican Party. Old white guy, multiple pensions gained from taxpayers money. Stays in office because the Racine Republican Party fails to bring new younger blood that might appeal and challenge Dem-Libs that appeal more to younger voters.
Greedy and selfish….The Racine Republican Party is simply a good buddy club living in the past and any new faces will only be those from their own families.
Why you talkin about taxes on Juneteenth?
What on God’s green earth are you talking about?
He was quoting recent racist asswipe Mandela Barnes using the Juneteenth race card to avoid a reporters question about his unpaid property taxes.
I will wait until he finds his way back here to elaborate on that. Thank you for extrapolating on facts not yet in evidence though.
Great work Kevin!!
Do you do requests?
I’d like to see Health Director Freiheits records from Milwaukee County and Kenosha County along with all formal complaints please on the toxic work environment surrounding her.
I would like to second this. Freiheit is a crook. She is a hardcore pro-abortion leftist.
She is a black person who obviously got canned because she sucks at her job….AKA she is going to sue for the school being racist. Typical playbook.
Can we agree that there are more white people that are just as guilty of being useless slugs in the workplace, if not more than she is?
Sure…..but most white people don’t then cite race as an issue for their crappy job performance (which, again, I’m sure is Elie’s preamble to a civil suit).
We can agree on that.
Having worked at Parkside in the past, the only people that do actual work on the campus are the custodians, grounds and facilities repair staff. All the others spend the majority of their day on Facebook, Youtube or going on extended coffee breaks while answering an occasional e-mail or phone call. None of them do enough work to justify their cushy salary and state benefits. It’s a glorified adult day care.
I stopped by campus recently to see the level of the cultural rot since I left. Up on the walls in big banners was “JEDI” which stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. There were also smaller flyers with that same message scattered everywhere. For Elie to claim the campus is toxic and racist is laughable.
Why does this campus still exist ?
It bleeds taxpayer money with little benefit to the community.
They have the absolute lowest graduation rate in the entire UW system.
Turn it into a massive, exemplary homeless facility for Southeastern Wisconsin.
Give the residents education, food, clothing shelter, medical care and a path forward.
For the love of God please SHUT DOWN THIS FACILITY !!!!!!