Criminal Probe Into Alleged Corruption At Kenosha Joint Services Ongoing

Pat Sepanski, Fleet Maintenance Manager and Sebastian Kawka, ID/Evidence Supervisor

Tuesday night, the Kenosha Joint Services board decided to close its doors to the public and meet in secret about the criminal investigation into corruption and misconduct allegations within the organization. According to Kenosha City Administrator John Morrissey, the board was being briefed on the investigation into the two men on administrative leave. Although Morrissey didn’t name the men or the law enforcement agency involved, KCE has received confirmation. Pat Sepanski, Fleet Maintenance Manager and Sebastian Kawca, ID/Evidence Supervisor, are the two that are currently on leave. The law enforcement agency investigating is the Walworth County Sheriff’s Department.

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Joint Services Director Josh Nielsen, Assistant Director Stephanie Lorenzo and Chairman Monica Yuhas
(Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

When KCE was contacted by an employee whistle-blower about the allegations of corruption, we sent the information to the organization without naming the whistle-blower. Joint services Director Josh Nielsen, his assistant, Stephanie Lorenzo, and board Chairman, Monica Yuhas didn’t want law enforcement involved in the investigation and seemingly wanted to cover the allegations up. Nielsen, Lorenzo, and Yuhas have ignored countless emails and phone calls. Last night, we caught up with Nielsen and asked him several questions. He got very nervous, and his hands started to shake. Here is the encounter below:

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Captain Josh Staggs, Walworth County Sheriff

KCE was asked by employees of Joint Services who they could call to give statements to. Neither Nielsen nor Lorenzo would tell us. They didn’t want the employees to know who to contact to give statments. County Executive Kerkman told us the Racine County Sheriff was investigating. We learned that wasn’t true. KCE had to contact at least eight law enforcement agencies until we found the correct one – The Walworth County Sheriff’s Office.

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Captain Staggs was kind enough to give us a comment on November 17, 2022, saying in part:

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“On or about October 19th, 2022, the Walworth County Sheriff’s Office was requested by the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office to review and investigate potential criminal violations based on information they provided, along with Kenosha County Joint Services.  The nature of this information will not be released at this time as it is an ongoing investigation.  However, the scope of the investigation was for any criminal violations that arose from their request and our subsequent investigation.”

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Kenosha County Board Chairman Gabe Nudo, who seemed interested in gaining more information about the probe was also in attendance Tuesday night. The county ordinances allow the Chairman to attend closed session meetings, even of boards he is not a member of. Yuhas, however ordered Nudo out of the room. “I think it’s the wrong decision [to order me out of the room],” said Chairman Nudo to Yuhas, “but you’re the chairman….for now,” he continued.

Evidence/ID Manager Joshua Randandt
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

One of the men on leave, Sebastian Kawka’s immediate supervisor, Joshua Randandt spoke during the citizen’s comment portion of the meeting. While he didn’t defend his subordinate, who is on leave, he praised the director, seemingly trying to negate the large about of negative attention Nielsen is getting.

When the investigation is over, KCE will obtain all of the investigative reports and finally be able to report what is going on. Until then, the bosses at Joint Services want to keep the tax-payers in the dark.



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13 Responses

  1. City Administrator, and former chief of police, John Morrissey has little to no credibility. He should be under investigation. The bachelor’s degree that he claims to have was fraudulently obtained from a mail order school in Florida. Despite that, the Mayor and city council let him continue to serve as the city administrator. No wonder why corruption is part of the fabric of Kenosha’s local governments.

    A link to the KCE about Morrissey’s fake degree follows in the next comment.

  2. I agree Yuhas should not have ordered Nudo out of the closed session. I believe the Chair should try to be as transparent as possible otherwise it looks like a cover up. The Eye is the only one that is acting in the citizens best interest trying to find the law enforcement body that is investigating this incident. Providing false info as to who is investigating is another example of cover up. As far as I am concerned Monica Yuhas needs to go. Remember she started her political career in Pleasant Prairie and what a disaster that Village has become with regards to the Steinbrink investigation which has some similarities to the Fleet manager investigation. Yuhas needs to go back to the corrupt Village from which she learned and came from.

  3. Monica Yuhas must’ve been shaking also to order County Board Chairman Gabe Nudo out from attending this closed meeting. There must some more incriminating information she wants to stay hidden; so she circles the wagons as these Civil Masters are all on the same political side.

  4. Sounds like Joint Services was conducting an internal investigation before they wanted to waste law enforcement’s time on something that sounds like a disgruntled employee who has it out for his boss or ex-boss. In the video, Nielsen seemed to answer all questions appropriately as it is clear things are still under investigation! This all seems like a BS witch hunt wasting tax payer money and time when there are real issues to look into. This is just my opinion… Lets wait and see what happens before we jump to any false allegations that may have been made!! In the USA I thought you are innocent until PROVEN guilty! Smear tactics and allegations without merit against people is WRONG!! Looking forward to see the outcome. An apology from all accouserors would be appropriate if this turns out to be all BS! Let’s wait and see…

  5. I hope all involved get charges, But the da probably will not.
    We have seen this for many years in Kenosha, until someone has to stand up and answer for all this, it will not change. Kenosha still hasn’t answered for the bell case,
    The multiple excessive force cases against the police, the behavior of are police.
    The riots, /cover ups /false accused / The closed-door meeting that take place daily,
    the sheriff behavior at county thunder, the list goes so deep, the general public should be informed what is going on with are city, At least the Mafia has structure.
    are city is a free for all, for anyone with power.

  6. How would I report major corruption in Kenosha that is going on now? When Kenosha County Sheriff’s office will not allow any newspapers to publish the truth that they are covering up.

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